Class TAbstractNode
type TAbstractNode = class(TX3DNode)
Base X3D node that can have some metadata.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TX3DFileItem
- TX3DNode
- TAbstractNode
procedure InternalInsertMetadata(const M: TAbstractMetadataNode); |
function FindMetadata(const Key: String): TAbstractMetadataNode; |
procedure CreateNode; override; |
class function ClassX3DType: string; override; |
property MetadataBoolean[constKey:String]: Boolean read GetMetadataBoolean write SetMetadataBoolean; |
property MetadataBooleanArray[constKey:String;constIndex:Cardinal]: Boolean read GetMetadataBooleanArray write SetMetadataBooleanArray; |
property MetadataString[constKey:String]: String read GetMetadataString write SetMetadataString; |
property MetadataStringArray[constKey:String;constIndex:Cardinal]: String read GetMetadataStringArray write SetMetadataStringArray; |
property MetadataInteger[constKey:String]: Integer read GetMetadataInteger write SetMetadataInteger; |
property MetadataIntegerArray[constKey:String;constIndex:Cardinal]: Integer read GetMetadataIntegerArray write SetMetadataIntegerArray; |
property MetadataDouble[constKey:String]: Double read GetMetadataDouble write SetMetadataDouble; |
property MetadataDoubleArray[constKey:String;constIndex:Cardinal]: Double read GetMetadataDoubleArray write SetMetadataDoubleArray; |
property FdMetadata: TSFNode read FFdMetadata; |
property Metadata: TAbstractMetadataNode read GetMetadata write SetMetadata; |
procedure InternalInsertMetadata(const M: TAbstractMetadataNode); |
function FindMetadata(const Key: String): TAbstractMetadataNode; |
Find a "metadata" information within this node with given key. Returns This seeks for a TAbstractMetadataNode instance within the X3D "metadata" field of this node. Looks for TAbstractMetadataNode with TAbstractMetadataNode.NameField matching the parameter It ignores TMetadataSet when searching, as TMetadataSet doesn't contain any simple data, it serves only as container for other metadata nodes. |
procedure CreateNode; override; |
class function ClassX3DType: string; override; |
property MetadataBoolean[constKey:String]: Boolean read GetMetadataBoolean write SetMetadataBoolean; |
Get/set metadata, identified by a given Key, as a Boolean. "Metadata" is any value you want to save with this node, it has no effect on the rendering/behavior. This property hides various complexities of the X3D metadata nodes. This property looks for a TMetadataBooleanNode node inside the "metadata" of this node using FindMetadata. If found, it allows to operate TMetadataBooleanNode.FdValue array. The MetadataBooleanArray allows to get/set appropriate items of this array. The If such metadata node is not found, or it's TMetadataBooleanNode.FdValue array is too short, this returns false. When setting, it adds such metadata node if necessary, and increases the TMetadataBooleanNode.FdValue array length if necessary. |
property MetadataBooleanArray[constKey:String;constIndex:Cardinal]: Boolean read GetMetadataBooleanArray write SetMetadataBooleanArray; |
property MetadataString[constKey:String]: String read GetMetadataString write SetMetadataString; |
Get/set metadata, identified by a given Key, as a String. "Metadata" is any value you want to save with this node, it has no effect on the rendering/behavior. This property hides various complexities of the X3D metadata nodes. This property looks for a TMetadataStringNode node inside the "metadata" of this node using FindMetadata. If found, it allows to operate TMetadataStringNode.FdValue array. The MetadataStringArray allows to get/set appropriate items of this array. The If such metadata node is not found, or it's TMetadataStringNode.FdValue array is too short, this returns ''. When setting, it adds such metadata node if necessary, and increases the TMetadataStringNode.FdValue array length if necessary. |
property MetadataStringArray[constKey:String;constIndex:Cardinal]: String read GetMetadataStringArray write SetMetadataStringArray; |
property MetadataInteger[constKey:String]: Integer read GetMetadataInteger write SetMetadataInteger; |
Get/set metadata, identified by a given Key, as a Integer. "Metadata" is any value you want to save with this node, it has no effect on the rendering/behavior. This property hides various complexities of the X3D metadata nodes. This property looks for a TMetadataIntegerNode node inside the "metadata" of this node using FindMetadata. If found, it allows to operate TMetadataIntegerNode.FdValue array. The MetadataIntegerArray allows to get/set appropriate items of this array. The If such metadata node is not found, or it's TMetadataIntegerNode.FdValue array is too short, this returns 0. When setting, it adds such metadata node if necessary, and increases the TMetadataIntegerNode.FdValue array length if necessary. |
property MetadataIntegerArray[constKey:String;constIndex:Cardinal]: Integer read GetMetadataIntegerArray write SetMetadataIntegerArray; |
property MetadataDouble[constKey:String]: Double read GetMetadataDouble write SetMetadataDouble; |
Get/set metadata, identified by a given Key, as a Double. "Metadata" is any value you want to save with this node, it has no effect on the rendering/behavior. This property hides various complexities of the X3D metadata nodes. This property looks for a TMetadataDoubleNode or TMetadataFloatNode node inside the "metadata" of this node using FindMetadata. If found, it allows to operate TMetadataDoubleNode.FdValue array or TMetadataFloatNode.FdValue array. The MetadataDoubleArray allows to get/set appropriate items of this array. The If such metadata node is not found, or it's TMetadataDoubleNode.FdValue array is too short, this returns 0.0. When setting, it adds such metadata node if necessary, and increases the TMetadataDoubleNode.FdValue array length if necessary. |
property MetadataDoubleArray[constKey:String;constIndex:Cardinal]: Double read GetMetadataDoubleArray write SetMetadataDoubleArray; |
property FdMetadata: TSFNode read FFdMetadata; |
Internal wrapper for property Metadata. This wrapper API may change, we advise to access simpler Metadata instead. |
property Metadata: TAbstractMetadataNode read GetMetadata write SetMetadata; |
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