Class TSFRotation
type TSFRotation = class(TX3DSingleField)
X3D field representing a 3D rotation around an arbitrary axis.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TX3DFileItem
- TX3DFieldOrEvent
- TX3DField
- TX3DSingleField
- TSFRotation
Axis: TVector3; |
RotationRad: Single; |
constructor Create(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AExposed: boolean; const AName: string; const AnAxis: TVector3; const ARotationRad: Single); overload; |
constructor Create(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AExposed: boolean; const AName: string; const AValue: TVector4); overload; |
procedure ParseValue(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReader); override; |
function RotatedPoint(const pt: TVector3): TVector3; |
function Equals(SecondValue: TX3DField): boolean; override; |
function EqualsDefaultValue: boolean; override; |
function FastEqualsValue(SecondValue: TX3DField): boolean; override; |
procedure AssignLerp(const A: Double; Value1, Value2: TX3DField); override; |
function CanAssignLerp: boolean; override; |
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; |
procedure AssignValue(Source: TX3DField); override; |
procedure AssignDefaultValueFromValue; override; |
procedure UnassignDefaultValue; override; |
class function X3DType: string; override; |
class function CreateEvent(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AName: string; const AInEvent: boolean): TX3DEvent; override; |
procedure Send(const AValue: TVector4); overload; |
property Value: TVector4 read GetValue write SetValue; |
property ValueDeg: TVector4 read GetValueDeg write SetValueDeg; |
Axis: TVector3; |
RotationRad: Single; |
constructor Create(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AExposed: boolean; const AName: string; const AnAxis: TVector3; const ARotationRad: Single); overload; |
constructor Create(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AExposed: boolean; const AName: string; const AValue: TVector4); overload; |
procedure ParseValue(Lexer: TX3DLexer; Reader: TX3DReader); override; |
function RotatedPoint(const pt: TVector3): TVector3; |
Rotate point Pt around Self. |
function Equals(SecondValue: TX3DField): boolean; override; |
function EqualsDefaultValue: boolean; override; |
function FastEqualsValue(SecondValue: TX3DField): boolean; override; |
procedure AssignLerp(const A: Double; Value1, Value2: TX3DField); override; |
function CanAssignLerp: boolean; override; |
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; |
procedure AssignValue(Source: TX3DField); override; |
procedure AssignDefaultValueFromValue; override; |
procedure UnassignDefaultValue; override; |
class function X3DType: string; override; |
class function CreateEvent(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AName: string; const AInEvent: boolean): TX3DEvent; override; |
procedure Send(const AValue: TVector4); overload; |
property Value: TVector4 read GetValue write SetValue; |
Current rotation value, with last component expressing rotation in radians. This internally gets / sets values from Axis, RotationRad, it only presents them to you differently. |
property ValueDeg: TVector4 read GetValueDeg write SetValueDeg; |
Current rotation value, with last component expressing rotation in degrees. So this is just like Value, but last component is in degrees. This internally gets / sets values from Axis, RotationRad, it only presents them to you differently. |
Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.