Class TMFLong



type TMFLong = class(specialize TX3DSimpleMultField<LongInt,TSFLong,TLongIntList>)


No description available, ancestor TX3DSimpleMultField description follows

X3D field with a list of values. This is an ancestor of most multiple-value X3D fields.




Public class function X3DType: string; override;
Public class function CreateEvent(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AName: string; const AInEvent: boolean): TX3DEvent; override;
Public procedure WritelnWarning_WrongVertexIndex( const GeometryX3DType: string; const VertexNum: Integer; const CoordCount: Integer);


Public property SaveToStreamLineUptoNegative: boolean read FSaveToStreamLineUptoNegative write FSaveToStreamLineUptoNegative default false;



Public class function X3DType: string; override;
Public class function CreateEvent(const AParentNode: TX3DFileItem; const AName: string; const AInEvent: boolean): TX3DEvent; override;
Public procedure WritelnWarning_WrongVertexIndex( const GeometryX3DType: string; const VertexNum: Integer; const CoordCount: Integer);

Call WritelnWarning reporting that an invalid vertex index is caused from this field. This simply calls WritelnWarning formatting appropriate message.

Additionally this guards us against producing too many warnings from the same field. When a given threshold will be reached, further WritelnWarning_WrongVertexIndex calls for this field instance will be simply ignored. This is a good thing, as some invalid models have really an incredible amount of invalid indexes, and the very amount of lines printed on console makes viewing these invalid files (at least, the valid parts of them) impossible.

Example test cases: content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/AllenStandShootRifleM24.x3d and content/examples/Basic/HumanoidAnimation/NancyDiving.x3dv from example models.


Public property SaveToStreamLineUptoNegative: boolean read FSaveToStreamLineUptoNegative write FSaveToStreamLineUptoNegative default false;

When saving to VRML/X3D classic encoding, make newline after each negative value on the list. This makes a nice output for fields like IndexedFaceSet.coordIndex.

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