Class TMenuItemChecked



type TMenuItemChecked = class(TMenuItem)


TMenuItem that should visualize Checked state somehow to the user.




Protected procedure SetChecked(Value: boolean); virtual;
Protected procedure DoAutoCheckedToggle; virtual;
Public function DoClick: boolean; override;
Public constructor Create(const ACaption: String; AIntData: Integer; AChecked, AAutoCheckedToggle: boolean); overload;
Public constructor Create(const ACaption: String; AIntData: Integer; const AKeyString: String; AChecked, AAutoCheckedToggle: boolean); overload;
Public constructor Create(const ACaption: String; AIntData: Integer; AKey: TKey; AChecked, AAutoCheckedToggle: boolean); overload;


Public property Checked: boolean read FChecked write SetChecked;
Public property AutoCheckedToggle: boolean read FAutoCheckedToggle write FAutoCheckedToggle;



Protected procedure SetChecked(Value: boolean); virtual;

Called when Checked property is assigned.

Protected procedure DoAutoCheckedToggle; virtual;

Called from DoClick when AutoCheckedToggle is True. It's supposed to actually implement the AutoCheckedToggle behavior.

Note that this is overriden ina a "dirty" way (i.e. not calling "inherited") in TMenuItemRadio descendant.

Public function DoClick: boolean; override;

Overriden to handle AutoCheckedToggle. In this class, DoClick still returns false (like in ancestor class).

Public constructor Create(const ACaption: String; AIntData: Integer; AChecked, AAutoCheckedToggle: boolean); overload;
Public constructor Create(const ACaption: String; AIntData: Integer; const AKeyString: String; AChecked, AAutoCheckedToggle: boolean); overload;
Public constructor Create(const ACaption: String; AIntData: Integer; AKey: TKey; AChecked, AAutoCheckedToggle: boolean); overload;


Public property Checked: boolean read FChecked write SetChecked;
Public property AutoCheckedToggle: boolean read FAutoCheckedToggle write FAutoCheckedToggle;

If True then each time user chooses this menu item, Checked is changed to not Checked.

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