Class TMenuEntryWithCaption



type TMenuEntryWithCaption = class(TMenuEntry)


No description available, ancestor TMenuEntry description follows

A basic class representing basic menu building block. This can be a separator, clickable menu item or something that expands to submenu.




Public constructor Create(const ACaption: String);


Public property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption;
Public property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default true;



Public constructor Create(const ACaption: String);


Public property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption;

Caption of this menu entry. Will be shown to user.

To indicate that some letter of a caption is a mnemonic for this menu item put '_' (underscore) char before this letter. Depending on CastleWindow-backend-dependent, mnemonics should allow user to easier activate this menu item with keyboard (e.g. Alt+mnemonic to dropdown item in MainMenu).

You can put two consecutive underscore chars in Caption to indicate that here Caption should display literally one underscore character.

(Convention to mark mnemonics with '_' is just copied from gtk, from gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic. So no, I didn't invent another new convention here.)

It is undefined what will happen if you put underscore chars before *two* or more letters in Caption. I.e. you can't define multiple mnemonics for one menu item. I.e. this will not crash your program, but results may be CastleWindow-backend-dependent.

Just like in GTK toolkit gtk_label_new_with_mnemonic and gtk_menu_item_new_with_mnemonic.

Public property Enabled: boolean read FEnabled write SetEnabled default true;

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