Unit CastleTextureImages


Handling of images for textures. This unit is not OpenGL-specific, it should be suitable for all 3D libraries. See CastleGLImage for OpenGL-specific handling of textures and other images.

Texture is any TEncodedImage instance. This includes not only a traditional 2D/3D matrix of pixels represented as TCastleImage, but also a texture compressed for GPU (TGPUCompressedImage). Moreover, a texture may have mipmaps defined — they are stored inside TCompositeImage instance (that contains a list of TEncodedImage).

Since not everything can really deal with such flexible definition of a texture, we decided to separate some routines specifically for textures. For example, you have LoadTextureImage to load full texture information — contrast this with LoadImage routine in CastleImages unit, that only returns TCastleImage (a "normal" way to deal with image data).



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TTexturesVideosCache A cache of loaded images for textures.

Functions and Procedures

function LoadTextureImage(const URL: string; out Composite: TCompositeImage; const LoadOptions: TLoadImageOptions = []): TEncodedImage; overload;
function LoadTextureImage(const URL: string; const LoadOptions: TLoadImageOptions = []): TEncodedImage; overload;


TextureImageClasses: array [0..3] of TEncodedImageClass = ( TRGBImage, TRGBAlphaImage, TGrayscaleImage, TGrayscaleAlphaImage);
TextureImageClassesAll: array [0..5] of TEncodedImageClass = ( TRGBImage, TRGBAlphaImage, TGrayscaleImage, TGrayscaleAlphaImage, TGPUCompressedImage, TRGBFloatImage);
minNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minNearest;
minLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minLinear;
minNearestMipmapNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minNearestMipmapNearest;
minNearestMipmapLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minNearestMipmapLinear;
minLinearMipmapNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minLinearMipmapNearest;
minLinearMipmapLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minLinearMipmapLinear;
minDefault = CastleRenderOptions.minDefault;
minFastest = CastleRenderOptions.minFastest;
minNicest = CastleRenderOptions.minNicest;
magNearest = CastleRenderOptions.magNearest;
magLinear = CastleRenderOptions.magLinear;
magDefault = CastleRenderOptions.magDefault;
magFastest = CastleRenderOptions.magFastest;
magNicest = CastleRenderOptions.magNicest;
DefaultSpriteSheetFramesPerSecond = 8.0;


LogTextureCache: boolean = false;
TextureCache: TTexturesVideosCache;


Functions and Procedures

function LoadTextureImage(const URL: string; out Composite: TCompositeImage; const LoadOptions: TLoadImageOptions = []): TEncodedImage; overload;

Load image suitable for a texture. This will load image to memory formats supported by common 3D libraries (like OpenGL), for example it will never return TRGBFloatImage (although OpenGL may support it, but we cannot be sure at this point). It may return texture compressed using one of the GPU compression algorithms (see TTextureCompression).

If the image comes from a TCompositeImage file (DDS, KTX...), it will also return it (if not, Composite returned will be Nil). This allows you to e.g. use texture mipmaps recorded there. Note that Composite.OwnsFirstImage is set to False, so you can always safely free everything by simple FreeAndNil(Image); FreeAndNil(Composite);.

Overloaded version without Composite parameter assumes you're not interested in this information (still it handles Composite files of course, it just doesn't return Composite object instance).

function LoadTextureImage(const URL: string; const LoadOptions: TLoadImageOptions = []): TEncodedImage; overload;


TextureImageClasses: array [0..3] of TEncodedImageClass = ( TRGBImage, TRGBAlphaImage, TGrayscaleImage, TGrayscaleAlphaImage);

Image classes that are handled by absolutely all OpenGL versions.

TextureImageClassesAll: array [0..5] of TEncodedImageClass = ( TRGBImage, TRGBAlphaImage, TGrayscaleImage, TGrayscaleAlphaImage, TGPUCompressedImage, TRGBFloatImage);

All image classes that may be handled by OpenGL. Some of them may require specific OpenGL extensions or versions (like GPU-compressed or float textures).

minNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minNearest;

We recommend using CastleRenderOptions unit to get these constants. But for backward compatibility, they are also available here.

minLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minLinear;
minNearestMipmapNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minNearestMipmapNearest;
minNearestMipmapLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minNearestMipmapLinear;
minLinearMipmapNearest = CastleRenderOptions.minLinearMipmapNearest;
minLinearMipmapLinear = CastleRenderOptions.minLinearMipmapLinear;
minDefault = CastleRenderOptions.minDefault;
minFastest = CastleRenderOptions.minFastest;
minNicest = CastleRenderOptions.minNicest;
magNearest = CastleRenderOptions.magNearest;
magLinear = CastleRenderOptions.magLinear;
magDefault = CastleRenderOptions.magDefault;
magFastest = CastleRenderOptions.magFastest;
magNicest = CastleRenderOptions.magNicest;
DefaultSpriteSheetFramesPerSecond = 8.0;

Default frame per second for Sprite Sheet animations like Starling and Cocos2d.


LogTextureCache: boolean = false;

Log texture cache events. Allows to see how the cache performs, and also how alpha channel is detected. A lot of log messages.

Meaningful only if you initialized log (see CastleLog unit) by InitializeLog first.

TextureCache: TTexturesVideosCache;

Cache of texture images, equal to X3DCache and automatically initialized / finalized if you use X3DNodes unit.

Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.