Unit CastleScene
Rendering of scenes (TCastleScene).
- SysUtils
- Classes
- Generics.Collections
- GL
- GLExt
- CastleVectors
- CastleBoxes
- X3DNodes
- CastleClassUtils
- CastleFonts
- CastleUtils
- CastleSceneCore
- CastleInternalRenderer
- CastleInternalBackgroundRenderer
- CastleGLUtils
- CastleInternalShapeOctree
- CastleInternalGLShadowVolumes
- X3DFields
- CastleTriangles
- CastleShapes
- CastleFrustum
- CastleTransform
- CastleGLShaders
- CastleRectangles
- CastleCameras
- CastleRendererInternalShader
- CastleColors
- CastleSceneInternalShape
- CastleSceneInternalOcclusion
- CastleSceneInternalBlending
- CastleInternalBatchShapes
- CastleRenderOptions
- CastleTimeUtils
- CastleImages
- CastleBehaviors
Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records
Name | Description |
Class TCastleScene |
Complete loading, processing and rendering of a scene. |
Class TCastleSceneList |
Class TCastleRootTransform |
Root of transformations and scenes (tree of TCastleTransform and TCastleScene). |
Class TCastleAbstractPrimitive |
Base class to express primitives that can be easily added and adjusted inside TCastleViewport. |
Class TCastleText |
Text that is displayed and transformed as TCastleTransform, inside TCastleViewport, and can be manipulated in 3D. |
Class TCastleBox |
Box with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastleSphere |
Sphere with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastlePlane |
Plane with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastleCone |
Cone with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastleCylinder |
Cylinder with configurable size, position and material. |
Class TCastleImageTransform |
Image (that you can place within TCastleViewport) with configurable size and repeat. |
Class TCastleBackground |
Background, a skybox with a color gradient to represent sky and ground behind. |
Class TCastleFog |
Control fog in 3D world. |
Class TCastleAbstractLight |
Base class to express lights that can be easily added and adjusted inside TCastleViewport. |
Class TCastlePointLight |
Point light is a point in 3D space that shines uniformly in all directions. |
Class TCastleDirectionalLight |
Directional light shines along a direction in 3D space, simulating a light source far away (like a sun). |
Class TCastleSpotLight |
Spot light shines a cone of light, from a given location, along a direction (-Z in local coordinates). |
TBeforeShapeRenderProc = procedure (Shape: TShape) of object; |
TRenderingAttributesEvent = TCastleRenderOptionsEvent deprecated 'use TCastleRenderOptionsEvent'; |
TSceneRenderingAttributes = TCastleRenderOptions deprecated 'use TCastleRenderOptions'; |
TPrepareResourcesOption = CastleTransform.TPrepareResourcesOption; |
TPrepareResourcesOptions = CastleTransform.TPrepareResourcesOptions; |
TFrustumCulling = (...); |
TCastleSceneClass = class of TCastleScene; |
TTriangle4List = specialize TStructList<TTriangle4>; |
TUseHeadlight = (...); |
TPrimitiveMaterial = (...); |
GLContextCache: TGLRendererContextCache; |
InternalEnableRendering: Boolean = true; |
DynamicBatching: Boolean = false; |
TBeforeShapeRenderProc = procedure (Shape: TShape) of object; |
TRenderingAttributesEvent = TCastleRenderOptionsEvent deprecated 'use TCastleRenderOptionsEvent'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleRenderOptionsEvent |
TSceneRenderingAttributes = TCastleRenderOptions deprecated 'use TCastleRenderOptions'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use TCastleRenderOptions |
TPrepareResourcesOption = CastleTransform.TPrepareResourcesOption; |
TPrepareResourcesOptions = CastleTransform.TPrepareResourcesOptions; |
TFrustumCulling = (...); |
Possible checks done while frustum culling. This is used by TCastleScene.FrustumCulling (what checks should be done when shapes octree is not available) and TCastleScene.OctreeFrustumCulling (what checks should be done when shapes octree is available). In the second case, checks done by Generally, more checks mean that more shapes may be eliminated but also that we waste more time on checks themselves. What is optimal depends on given 3D model, and how you expect the player to view it (e.g. if player usually sees the whole model, then Values
TCastleSceneClass = class of TCastleScene; |
TTriangle4List = specialize TStructList<TTriangle4>; |
TUseHeadlight = (...); |
Possible value of TCastleRootTransform.UseHeadlight. Values
TPrimitiveMaterial = (...); |
Primitive material type, used by TCastleAbstractPrimitive.Material. Values
prRenderSelf = CastleTransform.prRenderSelf; |
prRenderClones = CastleTransform.prRenderClones; |
prBackground = CastleTransform.prBackground; |
prBoundingBox = CastleTransform.prBoundingBox; |
prShadowVolume = CastleTransform.prShadowVolume; |
bsNone = CastleRenderOptions.bsNone; |
We recommend using CastleRenderOptions unit to get these types. But for backward compatibility, they are also available here. |
bs2D = CastleRenderOptions.bs2D; |
bs3D = CastleRenderOptions.bs3D; |
weNormal = CastleRenderOptions.weNormal; |
weWireframeOnly = CastleRenderOptions.weWireframeOnly; |
weSolidWireframe = CastleRenderOptions.weSolidWireframe; |
weSilhouette = CastleRenderOptions.weSilhouette; |
paDefault = CastleSceneCore.paDefault; |
paForceLooping = CastleSceneCore.paForceLooping; |
paForceNotLooping = CastleSceneCore.paForceNotLooping; |
paLooping = CastleSceneCore.paLooping; |
paNotLooping = CastleSceneCore.paNotLooping; |
ssRendering = CastleSceneCore.ssRendering; |
ssDynamicCollisions = CastleSceneCore.ssDynamicCollisions; |
ssVisibleTriangles = CastleSceneCore.ssVisibleTriangles; |
ssStaticCollisions = CastleSceneCore.ssStaticCollisions; |
GLContextCache: TGLRendererContextCache; |
Global OpenGL context cache. This caches common things, like textures, shapes, and much more. Our OpenGL resources are currently shared across all OpenGL contexts, and they all automatically share this cache. |
InternalEnableRendering: Boolean = true; |
DynamicBatching: Boolean = false; |
Combine (right before rendering) multiple shapes with a similar appearance into one. This can drastically reduce the number of "draw calls", making rendering much faster. |
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