Class TCastleRootTransform



type TCastleRootTransform = class(TCastleAbstractRootTransform)


Root of transformations and scenes (tree of TCastleTransform and TCastleScene).




Protected function IgnoreTransparentItem( const Sender: TObject; const Triangle: PTriangle): Boolean; override;
Protected procedure Loaded; override;
Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function PropertySections(const PropertyName: String): TPropertySections; override;


Public property HeadlightNode: TAbstractLightNode read GetHeadlightNode write SetHeadlightNode;
Published property MainScene: TCastleScene read FMainScene write SetMainScene; deprecated 'leave MainScene unset; almost all useful MainScene features can be now achieved without setting MainScene';
Published property UseHeadlight: TUseHeadlight read FUseHeadlight write FUseHeadlight default hlMainScene; deprecated 'create TCastleDirectionalLight and add it as TCastleCamera child, for a more flexible headlight';



Protected function IgnoreTransparentItem( const Sender: TObject; const Triangle: PTriangle): Boolean; override;
Protected procedure Loaded; override;
Public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Public destructor Destroy; override;
Public function PropertySections(const PropertyName: String): TPropertySections; override;


Public property HeadlightNode: TAbstractLightNode read GetHeadlightNode write SetHeadlightNode;

Determines the headlight look, if we use a headlight (which is determined by the algorithm described at UseHeadlight and TUseHeadlight). By default it's a simplest directional headlight, but you can customize it, and thus you can use a point light or a spot light for a headlight. Just like .

This is never Nil. Assigning here Nil simply causes us to recreate it using the simplest directional headlight.

Published property MainScene: TCastleScene read FMainScene write SetMainScene; deprecated 'leave MainScene unset; almost all useful MainScene features can be now achieved without setting MainScene';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: leave MainScene unset; almost all useful MainScene features can be now achieved without setting MainScene

The main scene of the world. It's not necessary to set this. It adds some optional features that require a notion of the "main" scene to make sense.

The scene you set here must also be added to our Items.

The MainScene is used for a couple of things:

Freeing MainScene will automatically set this property to Nil.

Published property UseHeadlight: TUseHeadlight read FUseHeadlight write FUseHeadlight default hlMainScene; deprecated 'create TCastleDirectionalLight and add it as TCastleCamera child, for a more flexible headlight';

Warning: this symbol is deprecated: create TCastleDirectionalLight and add it as TCastleCamera child, for a more flexible headlight

Whether the headlight is shown, see TUseHeadlight for possible values.

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