Unit CastleRenderContext


Rendering context state.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TScissor Scissor to clip displayed things, in addition to the global scissor affected by TRenderContext.ScissorEnable / TRenderContext.ScissorDisable.
Class TRenderContext The OpenGL / OpenGLES context state.

Functions and Procedures

function PerspectiveProjection(const fovy, aspect, ZNear, ZFar: Single): TMatrix4;
function OrthoProjection(const Dimensions: TFloatRectangle; const ZNear: Single = -1; const ZFar: Single = 1): TMatrix4;
function FrustumProjection(const Dimensions: TFloatRectangle; const ZNear, ZFar: Single): TMatrix4;


TClearBuffer = (...);
TClearBuffers = set of TClearBuffer;
TDepthRange = (...);
TColorChannel = 0..3;
TColorChannels = set of TColorChannel;


RenderContext: TRenderContext;


Functions and Procedures

function PerspectiveProjection(const fovy, aspect, ZNear, ZFar: Single): TMatrix4;

Calculate projection matrix, and set RenderContext.ProjectionMatrix to given value.

For PerspectiveProjection, ZFar may have special ZFarInfinity value to create a perspective projection with far plane set at infinity. Useful e.g. for z-fail shadow volumes.

function OrthoProjection(const Dimensions: TFloatRectangle; const ZNear: Single = -1; const ZFar: Single = 1): TMatrix4;
function FrustumProjection(const Dimensions: TFloatRectangle; const ZNear, ZFar: Single): TMatrix4;


TClearBuffer = (...);
  • cbColor
  • cbDepth
  • cbStencil
TClearBuffers = set of TClearBuffer;
TDepthRange = (...);

Possible values of TRenderContext.DepthRange.

  • drFull
  • drNear
  • drFar
TColorChannel = 0..3;
TColorChannels = set of TColorChannel;


RenderContext: TRenderContext;

Current OpenGL / OpenGLES context state. Only access it during the rendering, i.e. in TCastleUserInterface.Render.

TODO: In the future, this global singleton may be removed, and this may be accessible instead through a new TCastleUserInterface.Render parameter.

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