Unit CastlePropEdits


Property and component editors using LCL. These can be used when we're inside Lazarus IDE or inside CGE editor.

For documentation how to create property editors, component editors etc. see - http://wiki.freepascal.org/How_To_Write_Lazarus_Component#Component_editors - comments of Lazarus ideintf/propedits.pp sources.



Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Class TSceneURLPropertyEditor Property editor for URL that refers to something that can be loaded by LoadNode or TCastleSceneCore.Load.
Class TImageURLPropertyEditor Property editor for URL that refers to an image readable by Castle Game Engine.
Class TDesignURLPropertyEditor Property editor for URL that refers to a file readable by UserInterfaceLoad.
Class TTransformDesignURLPropertyEditor Property editor for URL that refers to a file readable by TransformLoad.
Class TTiledMapURLPropertyEditor Property editor for URL that refers to a Tiled Map file.
Class TSoundURLPropertyEditor Property editor for URL that refers to a sound file.
Class TFontURLPropertyEditor Property editor for URL that refers to a font file.

Functions and Procedures

procedure Register;


Functions and Procedures

procedure Register;

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