Class TCastleAbstractFont
type TCastleAbstractFont = class abstract(TCastleComponent)
Abstract class for a font that can be used to render text.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TComponent
- TCastleComponent
- TCastleAbstractFont
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function FontLoaded: Boolean; virtual; abstract; |
procedure PrintAndMove(const s: string); deprecated 'use Print(X, Y, ...), and move the (X, Y) yourself based on TextMove, instead of this'; |
procedure Print(const X, Y: Single; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string); overload; virtual; abstract; |
procedure Print(const Pos: TVector2Integer; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string); overload; |
procedure Print(const Pos: TVector2; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string); overload; |
procedure Print(const X, Y: Single; const S: string); overload; deprecated 'instead of this, use Print overload that takes explicit X,Y,Color parameters'; |
procedure Print(const s: string); overload; deprecated 'instead of this, use Print overload that takes explicit X,Y,Color parameters'; |
procedure PrintRect(const Rect: TRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition; const VerticalAlignment: TVerticalPosition); overload; |
procedure PrintRect(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition; const VerticalAlignment: TVerticalPosition); overload; |
procedure PrintRectMultiline(const Rect: TRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition; const VerticalAlignment: TVerticalPosition; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Integer; const TextHorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition = hpLeft); overload; |
procedure PrintRectMultiline(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition; const VerticalAlignment: TVerticalPosition; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Integer; const TextHorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition = hpLeft); overload; |
procedure PrepareResources; virtual; |
function TextWidth(const S: string): Single; virtual; abstract; |
function TextHeight(const S: string): Single; virtual; abstract; |
function TextHeightBase(const S: string): Single; virtual; abstract; |
function TextMove(const S: string): TVector2; virtual; abstract; |
function TextSize(const S: string): TVector2; |
function RowHeight: Single; |
function RowHeightBase: Single; |
function Descend: Single; |
procedure BreakLines(const unbroken: string; broken: TStrings; MaxLineWidth: Single); overload; |
procedure BreakLines(unbroken, broken: TStrings; MaxLineWidth: Single); overload; |
procedure BreakLines(broken: TStrings; MaxLineWidth: Single; FirstToBreak: integer); overload; |
function MaxTextWidth(SList: TStrings; const Html: boolean = false): Single; |
procedure PrintStrings(const X0, Y0: Single; const Color: TCastleColor; const Strs: TStrings; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single; const TextHorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition = hpLeft); overload; |
procedure PrintStrings(const X0, Y0: Single; const Color: TCastleColor; const Strs: array of string; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single; const TextHorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition = hpLeft); overload; |
procedure PrintStrings(const Strs: TStrings; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single; const X0: Single = 0; const Y0: Single = 0); overload; deprecated 'instead of this, use PrintStrings version that takes explicit Color parameter'; |
procedure PrintStrings(const Strs: array of string; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single; const X0: Single = 0; const Y0: Single = 0); overload; deprecated 'instead of this, use PrintStrings version that takes explicit Color parameter'; |
function PrintBrokenString(const Rect: TRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const LineSpacing: Single; const AlignHorizontal: THorizontalPosition; const AlignVertical: TVerticalPosition; const Html: boolean = false): Integer; overload; |
function PrintBrokenString(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const LineSpacing: Single; const AlignHorizontal: THorizontalPosition; const AlignVertical: TVerticalPosition; const Html: boolean = false): Integer; overload; |
function PrintBrokenString(X0, Y0: Single; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const MaxLineWidth: Single; const PositionsFirst: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single; const Html: boolean = false): Integer; overload; |
function PrintBrokenString(const S: string; const MaxLineWidth, X0, Y0: Single; const PositionsFirst: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single): Integer; overload; deprecated 'instead of this, use PrintBrokenString that takes explicit Color parameter'; |
procedure PushProperties; |
procedure PopProperties; |
function EffectiveSize: Single; virtual; |
function RealSize: Single; deprecated 'use EffectiveSize'; |
procedure AddFontSizeChangeNotification(const Notify: TNotifyEvent); |
procedure RemoveFontSizeChangeNotification(const Notify: TNotifyEvent); |
property Size: Single read FSize write SetSize; |
property Outline: Cardinal read FOutline write FOutline default 0; |
property OutlineHighQuality: boolean
read FOutlineHighQuality write FOutlineHighQuality default false; |
property OutlineColor: TCastleColor read FOutlineColor write FOutlineColor; |
property TargetImage: TCastleImage read FTargetImage write FTargetImage; |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
function FontLoaded: Boolean; virtual; abstract; |
If the font is loaded, it can actually display and measure some characters. |
procedure PrintAndMove(const s: string); deprecated 'use Print(X, Y, ...), and move the (X, Y) yourself based on TextMove, instead of this'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Print(X, Y, ...), and move the (X, Y) yourself based on TextMove, instead of this
Draw text at the current WindowPos, and move the WindowPos at the end. This way you can immediately call another It is not adviced to use it, as using the global WindowPos leads sooner or later to messy in code, that has to deal with global state. If you need to know how to move after printing text, use TextMove. May require 1 free slot on the attributes stack. May only be called when current matrix is modelview. Doesn't modify any OpenGL state or matrix, except it moves raster position. |
procedure Print(const X, Y: Single; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string); overload; virtual; abstract; |
Draw text at the given position with given color. If the last Color component is not 1, the text is rendered with blending. Overloaded version without X, Y uses WindowPos (but doesn't modify it, in contrast to PrintAndMove). Overloaded version without Color uses CurrentColor, last color set by glColorv. It is not adviced to use overloaded versions without X, Y or Color — using global state leads to messy code. You should upgrade your code to use the version that gets X,Y,Color explicitly. May require 1 free slot on the attributes stack. May only be called when current matrix is modelview. Doesn't modify any OpenGL state or matrix, except it moves raster position. |
procedure Print(const Pos: TVector2Integer; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string); overload; |
procedure Print(const Pos: TVector2; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string); overload; |
procedure PrintRect(const Rect: TRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition; const VerticalAlignment: TVerticalPosition); overload; |
Print text, aligning within given rectangle. Hint: Use TRectangle.Grow(-10) or similar to align within a rectangle with padding. |
procedure PrintRect(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition; const VerticalAlignment: TVerticalPosition); overload; |
procedure PrintRectMultiline(const Rect: TRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition; const VerticalAlignment: TVerticalPosition; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Integer; const TextHorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition = hpLeft); overload; |
Print text, aligning within given rectangle. Newlines within the text will be automatically honored, the text will be rendered as multiple lines. See PrintStrings for description of parameters Html, LineSpacing, TextHorizontalAlignment. |
procedure PrintRectMultiline(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const HorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition; const VerticalAlignment: TVerticalPosition; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Integer; const TextHorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition = hpLeft); overload; |
function TextWidth(const S: string): Single; virtual; abstract; |
function TextHeight(const S: string): Single; virtual; abstract; |
function TextMove(const S: string): TVector2; virtual; abstract; |
function TextSize(const S: string): TVector2; |
function RowHeight: Single; |
Height of a row of text in this font. This may be calculated as simply |
function RowHeightBase: Single; |
Height (above the baseline) of a row of text in this font. Similar to TextHeightBase and TextHeight, note that |
function Descend: Single; |
How low the text may go below the baseline. |
procedure BreakLines(const unbroken: string; broken: TStrings; MaxLineWidth: Single); overload; |
Break lines (possibly break one long string into more strings) to fit the text with given MaxLineWidth. This takes into account current font information (works also for non-monospace fonts, of course), and converts your Unbroken text into Broken text, such that TextWidth of the longest Broken line fits within MaxLineWidth. Tries to break on white characters. If not possible (there's a long stream of non-white characters that really has to be broken), it will break in the middle of normal (non-white) characters. The only situation when we have to fail, and the resulting Broken text is wider than required MaxLineWidth, is when a single character in your font is wider than MaxLineWidth. In such case, there's really no solution, and we'll just let such character stay. If you use the overloaded version where Unbroken is just a string, then note that already existing newlines (NL) inside Unbroken will be correctly preserved. If you use the overloaded version with separate Unbroken and Broken parameters, then the previous Broken contents are not modified. We only append to Broken new strings, coming from Unbroken text. The overloaded version that takes only Broken parameter (no Unbroken parameter) simply modifies it's Broken parameter (from the line FirstToBreak). |
procedure BreakLines(unbroken, broken: TStrings; MaxLineWidth: Single); overload; |
procedure BreakLines(broken: TStrings; MaxLineWidth: Single; FirstToBreak: integer); overload; |
function MaxTextWidth(SList: TStrings; const Html: boolean = false): Single; |
Largest width of the line of text in given list. Parameters
procedure PrintStrings(const X0, Y0: Single; const Color: TCastleColor; const Strs: TStrings; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single; const TextHorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition = hpLeft); overload; |
Print all strings from the list.
procedure PrintStrings(const X0, Y0: Single; const Color: TCastleColor; const Strs: array of string; const Html: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single; const TextHorizontalAlignment: THorizontalPosition = hpLeft); overload; |
function PrintBrokenString(const Rect: TRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const LineSpacing: Single; const AlignHorizontal: THorizontalPosition; const AlignVertical: TVerticalPosition; const Html: boolean = false): Integer; overload; |
Print the string, broken such that it fits within MaxLineWidth. The string is broken into many lines using BreakLines, so the original newlines insides are correctly used, and the length of lines fits inside MaxLineWidth. The strings are printed on the screen, just like by PrintStrings. If PositionsFirst then the X0, Y0 determine the position of the first (top) line, otherwise they determine the position of the last (bottom) line. LineSpacing has the same meaning as for PrintStrings: it adds an additional space between lines (if positive) or forces the lines to be more tightly squeezed (if negative). Always make sure that (RowHeight + LineSpacing) > 0. Returns the number of lines printed, that is the number of lines after breaking the text into lines. This may be useful e.g. to calculate the height of the printed text. May require 1 free slot on the attributes stack. May only be called when current matrix is modelview. Doesn't modify any OpenGL state or matrix. Overloaded and deprecated version without explicit Color parameter uses CurrentColor. Overloaded version that takes rectangle as a parameter can align the resulting string box within the rectangle. |
function PrintBrokenString(const Rect: TFloatRectangle; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const LineSpacing: Single; const AlignHorizontal: THorizontalPosition; const AlignVertical: TVerticalPosition; const Html: boolean = false): Integer; overload; |
function PrintBrokenString(X0, Y0: Single; const Color: TCastleColor; const S: string; const MaxLineWidth: Single; const PositionsFirst: boolean; const LineSpacing: Single; const Html: boolean = false): Integer; overload; |
procedure PushProperties; |
Save draw properties to a stack. Saves: Size, Outline, OutlineColor, OutlineHighQuality, TargetImage. |
procedure PopProperties; |
function EffectiveSize: Single; virtual; |
Non-zero font size. Usually same thing as Size, but in case of proxy font classes (like TCustomizedFont and TCastleFontFamily) it makes sure to never return zero (which, in case of font proxies, is allowed value for Size and means "use underlying font size"). |
function RealSize: Single; deprecated 'use EffectiveSize'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use EffectiveSize |
procedure AddFontSizeChangeNotification(const Notify: TNotifyEvent); |
Add notification when FontSizesChanged occurs. |
procedure RemoveFontSizeChangeNotification(const Notify: TNotifyEvent); |
Remove notification when FontSizesChanged occurs. |
property Size: Single read FSize write SetSize; |
Desired font size to use when rendering (Print) and measuring (TextWidth, TextHeight and related). Should be always > 0. The font size should correspond to the font height (RowHeight), but actually we don't assume it, and querying RowHeightBase and RowHeight is independent from this property. |
property Outline: Cardinal read FOutline write FOutline default 0; |
Outline size around the normal text. Note that the current implementation is very simple, it will only look sensible for small outline values (like 1 or 2). Note that outline size, in pixels, is not scaled along with font size. Which makes sense: whether you load TTF with size 10 and then set size 20, or you load TTF with size 40 and then set size 20 — the font is internally scaled differently, but the resulting sizes and outline sizes remain the same. See also
property OutlineHighQuality: boolean
read FOutlineHighQuality write FOutlineHighQuality default false; |
Optionally force better outline quality. Used only if Outline <> 0. High quality outline looks better, but is about 2x more expensive to draw. See also
property OutlineColor: TCastleColor read FOutlineColor write FOutlineColor; |
Outline color, used only if Outline <> 0. Default is black. See also
property TargetImage: TCastleImage read FTargetImage write FTargetImage; |
The image where we render the font. Usually (when this is The PushProperties and PopProperties methods save/restore this. TODO: Font scaling (normally done by TCastleFont and TCastleBitmapFont if you change Size from default) is not done when drawing font to an image. So don't touch the Size if you plan on rendering to image. Also, when using HTML tags, do not change the font size by them. Otherwise TextWidth / TextHeight will be unsynchronized with what Print actually does — so not only your font will remain constant size, also it will overlap with itself. This will get fixed one day — TCastleImage.Draw just needs to support scaling. |
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