Class TCurve



type TCurve = class(TObject)


3D curve, a set of points defined by a continuous function Point for arguments within [TBegin, TEnd].




Public nested const DefaultSegments = 32;


Protected procedure LoadFromElement(const E: TDOMElement); virtual;
Protected procedure SaveToStream(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
Public constructor Create;
Public function Point(const t: Float): TVector3; virtual; abstract;
Public function Point2D(const t: Float): TVector2;
Public function PointOfSegment(const i, Segments: Cardinal): TVector3;
Public class function LoadFromFile(const URL: string): TCurve;
Public function BoundingBox: TBox3D; virtual; abstract;
Public function GeometryNode(const Segments: Cardinal = DefaultSegments): TAbstractGeometryNode;


Public property TBegin: Single read FTBegin write FTBegin default 0;
Public property TEnd: Single read FTEnd write FTEnd default 1;



Public nested const DefaultSegments = 32;


Protected procedure LoadFromElement(const E: TDOMElement); virtual;
Protected procedure SaveToStream(const Stream: TStream); virtual;
Public constructor Create;
Public function Point(const t: Float): TVector3; virtual; abstract;

Curve function, for each parameter value determine the 3D point. This determines the actual shape of the curve. This is the simplest approach to calculate points on a curve.

Public function Point2D(const t: Float): TVector2;
Public function PointOfSegment(const i, Segments: Cardinal): TVector3;

Curve function to work with rendered line segments begin/end points. This is simply a more specialized version of Point, it scales the argument such that you get Point(TBegin) for I = 0 and you get Point(TEnd) for I = Segments.

Public class function LoadFromFile(const URL: string): TCurve;

Load the first curve defined in given XML file. Hint: use to design curves visually.

Public function BoundingBox: TBox3D; virtual; abstract;
Public function GeometryNode(const Segments: Cardinal = DefaultSegments): TAbstractGeometryNode;

Represent this curve as an X3D geometry node, that you can use to visualize this.


Public property TBegin: Single read FTBegin write FTBegin default 0;

The valid range of curve function argument. Must be TBegin <= TEnd.

Public property TEnd: Single read FTEnd write FTEnd default 1;

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