Class TSerializationProcess



type TSerializationProcess = class abstract(TObject)


Call methods of this class within TCastleComponent.CustomSerialization override. Do not create instances of this class yourself.



Nested Types

Published TListAddEvent = procedure (const NewComponent: TComponent) of object;
Published TListClearEvent = procedure of object;
Published TListEnumerateEvent = procedure (const Proc: TGetChildProc) of object;


Public procedure ReadWriteInteger(const Key: String; var Value: Integer; const IsStored: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure ReadWriteBoolean(const Key: String; var Value: Boolean; const IsStored: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure ReadWriteString(const Key: String; var Value: String; const IsStored: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure ReadWriteSingle(const Key: String; var Value: Single; const IsStored: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure ReadWriteSubComponent(const Key: String; const Value: TComponent; const IsStored: Boolean); virtual; abstract;
Public procedure ReadWriteList(const Key: String; const ListEnumerate: TListEnumerateEvent; const ListAdd: TListAddEvent; const ListClear: TListClearEvent); virtual; abstract;


Nested Types

Published TListAddEvent = procedure (const NewComponent: TComponent) of object;
Published TListClearEvent = procedure of object;
Published TListEnumerateEvent = procedure (const Proc: TGetChildProc) of object;


Public procedure ReadWriteInteger(const Key: String; var Value: Integer; const IsStored: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;

Serialize and deserialize given simple Value. This mechanism allows to explicitly serialize/deserialize any internal value, without the need to make it a published property.

When deserializing, we always try to read it from file. If it is not present, the Value is not modified.

When serializing, we write it to file only if IsStored. Generally IsStored=false should indicate "the Value is the same as when the object is created, thus there's no point in serializing it".

The values are guaranteed to be read/written in the same way as if a published property with the same name (Key) and same type would be read/written. This allows to utilize this mechanism to read, to a local/private variable, a value that was previously a published property value. This is a way to provide backward-compatibility for old designs: this way class can interpret old values in design files, even though it no longer publishes given property.

See also
Serialize and deserialize a subcomponent.
Public procedure ReadWriteBoolean(const Key: String; var Value: Boolean; const IsStored: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure ReadWriteString(const Key: String; var Value: String; const IsStored: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure ReadWriteSingle(const Key: String; var Value: Single; const IsStored: Boolean); overload; virtual; abstract;
Public procedure ReadWriteSubComponent(const Key: String; const Value: TComponent; const IsStored: Boolean); virtual; abstract;

Serialize and deserialize a subcomponent. Being a subcomponent, we know that Value is not nil, and it is not referenced anywhere else in the design (so serialization/deserialization can expect class contents, not just name), so we just serialize and deserialize the contents.

When deserializing, we always try to read it from file. If it is not present, nothing is modified.

When serializing, we write it to file only if IsStored. Generally IsStored=false should indicate "the Value is the same as when the object is created, thus there's no point in serializing it".

The values are guaranteed to be read/written in the same way as if a published property with the same name (Key) and same type would be read/written. This allows to utilize this mechanism to read, to a local/private variable, a value that was previously a published property value. This is a way to provide backward-compatibility for old designs: this way class can interpret old values in design files, even though it no longer publishes given property.

See also
Serialize and deserialize given simple Value.
Public procedure ReadWriteList(const Key: String; const ListEnumerate: TListEnumerateEvent; const ListAdd: TListAddEvent; const ListClear: TListClearEvent); virtual; abstract;

Make a list serialized and deserialized. The definition of list is very flexible here, you provide callbacks that should, when called,

  • enumerate (call other callback for each item),

  • clear all items (that were possibly added by previous deserialization),

  • add new item.

Do not worry about conflict between Key and some published property. We internally "mangle" keys to avoid it.

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