Class TCastleNavigation
type TCastleNavigation = class(TCastleUserInterface)
Handle user input to modify viewport's camera.
Once you create an instance of this class (create non-abstract descendants like TCastleExamineNavigation, TCastleWalkNavigation, TCastleThirdPersonNavigation) just and add it as TCastleViewport child. The navigation will automatically affect the current camera of parent viewport.
In many ways, this is just a normal TCastleUserInterface descendant. E.g. it processes input just like any other TCastleUserInterface descendant (there isn't any special mechanism through which TCastleViewport passes input to the navigation), the Exists property works and so on.
Note that you don't really need to use any TCastleNavigation
to manipulate the camera. You can just access TCastleViewport.Camera from anywhere (like TUIState code) and move, rotate it as you wish. TCastleNavigation
is just a comfortable way to encapsulate some navigation methods, but it's not the only way to manipulate the camera.
Various TCastleNavigation
descendants implement various navigation methods, for example TCastleExamineNavigation allows the user to rotate and scale the model (imagine that you're holding a 3D model in your hands and you look at it from various sides) and TCastleWalkNavigation implements typical navigation in the style of first-person shooter games.
- TObject
- TPersistent
- TComponent
- TCastleComponent
- TCastleUserInterface
- TCastleNavigation
MouseDraggingStarted: Integer; |
MouseDraggingStart: TVector2; |
nested const DefaultRadius = 0.25; |
nested const DefaultPreferredHeight = 1.6; |
nested const DefaultInput = [niNormal, niMouseDragging, ni3dMouse, niGesture]; |
nested const DefaultHeadBobbingTime = 0.5; |
nested const DefaultHeadBobbing = 0.02; |
nested const DefaultCrouchHeight = 0.5; |
function InternalViewport: TCastleUserInterface; |
function Valid: Boolean; |
function UsingInput: TNavigationInputs; |
function ReallyEnableMouseDragging: boolean; virtual; |
procedure Height(const APosition: TVector3; out AIsAbove: Boolean; out AnAboveHeight: Single; out AnAboveGround: PTriangle); |
function MoveAllowed( const OldPos: TVector3; ProposedNewPos: TVector3; out NewPos: TVector3; const Radius: Single; const BecauseOfGravity: Boolean): Boolean; |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; |
function PropertySections(const PropertyName: String): TPropertySections; override; |
function Camera: TCastleCamera; |
procedure Ray(const WindowPosition: TVector2; const Projection: TProjection; out RayOrigin, RayDirection: TVector3); deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay with proper viewport sizes, or use higher-level utilities like Viewport.MouseRayHit instead'; |
procedure MouseRay( const Projection: TProjection; out RayOrigin, RayDirection: TVector3); deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay with proper viewport sizes, or use higher-level utilities like Viewport.MouseRayHit instead'; |
procedure CustomRay( const ViewportRect: TRectangle; const WindowPosition: TVector2; const Projection: TProjection; out RayOrigin, RayDirection: TVector3); overload; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay'; |
procedure CustomRay( const ViewportRect: TFloatRectangle; const WindowPosition: TVector2; const Projection: TProjection; out RayOrigin, RayDirection: TVector3); overload; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay'; |
function Press(const Event: TInputPressRelease): boolean; override; |
function Release(const Event: TInputPressRelease): boolean; override; |
procedure AnimateTo(const OtherCamera: TCastleCamera; const Time: TFloatTime); overload; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.AnimateTo'; |
procedure AnimateTo(const OtherNavigation: TCastleNavigation; const Time: TFloatTime); overload; deprecated 'use AnimateTo with TCastleCamera, not TCastleNavigation'; |
procedure AnimateTo(const APos, ADir, AUp: TVector3; const Time: TFloatTime); overload; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.AnimateTo'; |
function Animation: boolean; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.Animation'; |
property OnMoveAllowed: TMoveAllowedFunc read FOnMoveAllowed write FOnMoveAllowed; |
property OnFall: TFallNotifyFunc read FOnFall write FOnFall; |
property IgnoreAllInputs: boolean
read GetIgnoreAllInputs write SetIgnoreAllInputs default false; deprecated; |
property Radius: Single read FRadius write FRadius default DefaultRadius; |
property ModelBox: TBox3D read FModelBox write FModelBox; |
property Input: TNavigationInputs read FInput write FInput default DefaultInput; |
property FullSize default true; |
property CheckCollisions: Boolean read FCheckCollisions write FCheckCollisions default true; |
MouseDraggingStarted: Integer; |
Needed for niMouseDragging navigation. Checking |
MouseDraggingStart: TVector2; |
nested const DefaultRadius = 0.25; |
Default value for TCastleNavigation.Radius. Matches the default VRML/X3D NavigationInfo.avatarSize[0]. |
nested const DefaultPreferredHeight = 1.6; |
Default value for TCastleNavigation.PreferredHeight. Matches the default VRML/X3D NavigationInfo.avatarSize[1]. |
nested const DefaultInput = [niNormal, niMouseDragging, ni3dMouse, niGesture]; |
nested const DefaultHeadBobbingTime = 0.5; |
nested const DefaultHeadBobbing = 0.02; |
nested const DefaultCrouchHeight = 0.5; |
function InternalViewport: TCastleUserInterface; |
Viewport we should manipulate. This is |
function Valid: Boolean; |
If this is |
function UsingInput: TNavigationInputs; |
Behave as if Input is like this. This allows to disable input when not Valid. |
function ReallyEnableMouseDragging: boolean; virtual; |
Can we use mouse dragging. Checks UsingInput and so Valid already. |
procedure Height(const APosition: TVector3; out AIsAbove: Boolean; out AnAboveHeight: Single; out AnAboveGround: PTriangle); |
Check collisions to determine how high above ground is given point. Checks collisions through parent TCastleViewport, if CheckCollisions. |
function MoveAllowed( const OldPos: TVector3; ProposedNewPos: TVector3; out NewPos: TVector3; const Radius: Single; const BecauseOfGravity: Boolean): Boolean; |
Check collisions to determine can the object move. Object wants to move from OldPos to ProposedNewPos. Returns If you're doing a simple check for collisions, you will always want to set NewPos to ProposedNewPos when returning But you can also do more sophisticated calculations and sometimes not allow user to move to ProposedNewPos, but allow him to move instead to some other close position. For example when doing "wall sliding" (common in FPS games): when you're trying to walk "into the wall", you move along the wall instead. It's allowed to modify NewPos when returning BecauseOfGravity says whether this move is caused by gravity dragging the player down. You can use BecauseOfGravity e.g. to implement TCastleViewport.PreventInfiniteFallingDown. Implementation calls OnMoveAllowed and checks collisions through parent TCastleViewport, if CheckCollisions. |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; |
function PropertySections(const PropertyName: String): TPropertySections; override; |
function Camera: TCastleCamera; |
Associated TCastleCamera of the viewport. May return Exceptions raised
procedure Ray(const WindowPosition: TVector2; const Projection: TProjection; out RayOrigin, RayDirection: TVector3); deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay with proper viewport sizes, or use higher-level utilities like Viewport.MouseRayHit instead'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay with proper viewport sizes, or use higher-level utilities like Viewport.MouseRayHit instead Calculate a 3D ray picked by the WindowX, WindowY position on the window. Uses current container size, which means that it assumes that viewport fills the whole container. The navigation, as well as the parent viewport, must be part of some container UI hierarchy for this to work. Projection (read-only here) describe your projection, required for calculating the ray properly. Resulting RayDirection is always normalized. WindowPosition is given in the same style as TCastleContainer.MousePosition: (0, 0) is bottom-left. |
procedure MouseRay( const Projection: TProjection; out RayOrigin, RayDirection: TVector3); deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay with proper viewport sizes, or use higher-level utilities like Viewport.MouseRayHit instead'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay with proper viewport sizes, or use higher-level utilities like Viewport.MouseRayHit instead Calculate a ray picked by current mouse position on the window. Uses current container size, which means that it assumes that viewport fills the whole container. The navigation, as well as the parent viewport, must be part of some container UI hierarchy for this to work.
See also |
procedure CustomRay( const ViewportRect: TRectangle; const WindowPosition: TVector2; const Projection: TProjection; out RayOrigin, RayDirection: TVector3); overload; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay Calculate a ray picked by WindowPosition position on the viewport, assuming current viewport dimensions are as given. This doesn't look at our container sizes at all. Projection (read-only here) describe projection, required for calculating the ray properly. Resulting RayDirection is always normalized. WindowPosition is given in the same style as TCastleContainer.MousePosition: (0, 0) is bottom-left. |
procedure CustomRay( const ViewportRect: TFloatRectangle; const WindowPosition: TVector2; const Projection: TProjection; out RayOrigin, RayDirection: TVector3); overload; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Viewport.Camera.CustomRay |
function Press(const Event: TInputPressRelease): boolean; override; |
function Release(const Event: TInputPressRelease): boolean; override; |
procedure AnimateTo(const OtherCamera: TCastleCamera; const Time: TFloatTime); overload; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.AnimateTo'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Viewport.Camera.AnimateTo |
procedure AnimateTo(const OtherNavigation: TCastleNavigation; const Time: TFloatTime); overload; deprecated 'use AnimateTo with TCastleCamera, not TCastleNavigation'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use AnimateTo with TCastleCamera, not TCastleNavigation |
procedure AnimateTo(const APos, ADir, AUp: TVector3; const Time: TFloatTime); overload; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.AnimateTo'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Viewport.Camera.AnimateTo |
function Animation: boolean; deprecated 'use Viewport.Camera.Animation'; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated: use Viewport.Camera.Animation |
property OnMoveAllowed: TMoveAllowedFunc read FOnMoveAllowed write FOnMoveAllowed; |
Used by MoveAllowed, see there for description. You can assign this property. |
property OnFall: TFallNotifyFunc read FOnFall write FOnFall; |
Notification that we have been falling down for some time due to gravity, and suddenly stopped (which means we "hit the ground"). This event can be useful in games, for example to lower player's health, and/or make a visual effect (like a "red out" indicating pain) and/or make a sound effect ("Ouch!" or "Thud!" or such sounds). You can look at FallHeight parameter, given to the callback, e.g. to gauge how much health decreases. |
property IgnoreAllInputs: boolean
read GetIgnoreAllInputs write SetIgnoreAllInputs default false; deprecated; |
Warning: this symbol is deprecated.
Deprecated, use more flexible Input instead. |
property Radius: Single read FRadius write FRadius default DefaultRadius; |
The radius of a sphere around the camera that makes collisions with the world.
property ModelBox: TBox3D read FModelBox write FModelBox; |
Approximate size of 3D world that is viewed, used by TCastleExamineNavigation descendant. Determines speed of movement and zooming. Initially this is TBox3D.Empty. |
property Input: TNavigationInputs read FInput write FInput default DefaultInput; |
Input methods available to user. See documentation of TNavigationInput type for possible values and their meaning. To disable any user interaction with this navigation you can simply set this to empty. |
property FullSize default true; |
By default this captures events from whole parent, which should be whole Viewport. |
property CheckCollisions: Boolean read FCheckCollisions write FCheckCollisions default true; |
Check collisions when moving with the environment. Note: some descendants, like TCastleExamineNavigation, ignore it and never check collisions right now. But it may change in future engine versions, so be sure to set |
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