All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description
AbsoluteFileURI CastleURIUtils

Does URI contain only an absolute filename.

AbsoluteURI CastleURIUtils

Make sure that the URI is absolute (always has a protocol).

ActivityConfidenceToStr CastleActivityRecognition

Convert between lowercase activity confidence name and TUserActivityConfidence type.

ActivityToStr CastleActivityRecognition

Convert between lowercase activity name and TUserActivity type.

ActualTessellation CastleNURBS

Calculate the tessellation (number of NURBS points generated).

AddExeExtension CastleFilesUtils

Add an exe file extension, searching for an existing file starting with ExePath.

AddLoadImageListener CastleImages

All image URLs are processed by this event before loading.

AddStrArrayToStrings CastleClassUtils

Add all strings from string array to TStrings instance.

AddTranslatedCharacters CastleLocalizationGetText

Extract from MO file all unique characters in translated strings, add them to Characters.

AddTranslatedCharacters CastleLocalizationGetText


AdjustViewAngleDegToAspectRatio CastleProjection

Calculate second viewing angle for perspective projection.

AdjustViewAngleRadToAspectRatio CastleProjection


AfterPackImage CastleGLImages


AfterUnpackImage CastleGLImages


AlphaMaxVar CastleImages

Maximum alpha channel type.

AngleLerp CastleUtils

Linear interpolation between 2 angle values, in radians.

AngleRadBetweenNormals CastleVectors


AngleRadBetweenVectors CastleVectors

Angle between two vectors, in radians.

AngleRadPointToPoint CastleUtils

Angle between a 2D line segments and OX axis.

AnyOrthogonalVector CastleVectors


AnyOrthogonalVector CastleVectors

Return, deterministically, some vector orthogonal to V.

AppendToFilename CastleUtils

Add Suffix to the filename, right before extension.

Application CastleWindow

Single global instance of TCastleApplication.

ApplicationConfig CastleFilesUtils

URL where we should read and write configuration files.

ApplicationData CastleFilesUtils

URL from which we should read data files.

ApplicationProperties CastleApplicationProperties


Approximate2DScale CastleVectors


Approximate2DScale CastleVectors


Approximate3DScale CastleVectors


Approximate3DScale CastleVectors


Approximate3DScale CastleVectors

When you really, really must approximate a 3D or 2D scale by a single float.

ArcCot CastleUtils


AreParallelVectorsSameDirection CastleVectors

Assuming that Vector1 and Vector2 are parallel, check do they point in the same direction.

ArrayContainsString CastleUtils


ArrayPosStr CastleUtils

Search the array for a given value.

ArrayPosText CastleUtils


BackCharsPos CastleStringUtils


BackPos CastleStringUtils


BackPos CastleStringUtils

Find last occurrence of SubString within S.

Barycentric CastleTriangles


BeforePackImage CastleGLImages


BeforeUnpackImage CastleGLImages

Save / restore OpenGL pixel store for unpacking / packing given TCastleImage.

BEtoN CastleUtils


BEtoN CastleUtils


BEtoN CastleVectors

Endianess conversion for vectors (big endian to native).

BEtoN CastleVectors


BEtoN CastleVectors


Between CastleUtils


Between CastleUtils


Between CastleUtils


Between CastleUtils


Between CastleUtils


Biggest2Exponent CastleUtils

Exponent of the largest power of 2 that it's still <= Value.

BiggestPowerOf2 CastleUtils

Largest power of 2 still <= Value.

BoolToGL CastleGLUtils


BoundingBox3DFromSphere CastleBoxes

Smallest possible box enclosing a sphere with Center, Radius.

Box3D CastleBoxes

Construct TBox3D value from a minimum and maximum 3D point.

Box3DAroundPoint CastleBoxes


Box3DAroundPoint CastleBoxes

Construct TBox3D value from a center and size.

BreakLine CastleStringUtils


BreakLine CastleStringUtils

Insert newline characters into string S, such that each line has at most MaxCol chars.

CalculateBoundingBox CastleBoxes


CalculateBoundingBox CastleBoxes


CalculateBoundingBox CastleBoxes


CalculateBoundingBox CastleBoxes


CalculateBoundingBox CastleBoxes

Calculate bounding box of a set of 3D points.

CalculateBoundingBoxFromIndices CastleBoxes


CalculateBoundingBoxFromIndices CastleBoxes

Calculate bounding box of a set of indexed 3D points.

CalculateTangent CastleTriangles

Calculate tangent (along texture S coordinate, when IsTangent) or bitangent (along texture T coordinate, when IsTangent=false), knowing positions and texture coordinates.

CamDirUp2Orient CastleTransform


CamDirUp2Orient CastleTransform


CamDirUp2OrientQuat CastleTransform


CameraNodeForWholeScene X3DCameraUtils

Make camera node (like MakeCameraNode) that makes the whole box nicely visible (like CameraViewpointForWholeScene).

CameraOrthoViewpointForWholeScene CastleTransform

Calculate suitable camera to see everything using an orthographic projection.

CameraViewpointForWholeScene CastleTransform

Calculate sensible camera configuration to see the whole Box.

CastleCoTan CastleUtils

Our version of CoTan, to workaround

CastleDivMod CastleUtils

Better DivMod version, in case Dividend may be < 0.

CastleGetTickCount64 CastleTimeUtils

Just like standard GetTickCount64 function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE.

CastleNow CastleTimeUtils

Just like standard Now function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE.

CastleRandomize CastleTimeUtils

Just like standard Randomize function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE.

CastleReadLink CastleUtils

Return the symlink target path.

CastleToday CastleTimeUtils

Just like standard Today function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE.

CastleTomorrow CastleTimeUtils

Just like standard Tomorrow function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE.

CastleTranslateResourceStrings CastleLocalizationGetText

Use this instead of FPC TranslateResourceStrings.

CastleYesterday CastleTimeUtils

Just like standard Yesterday function, but works on all platforms supported by CGE.

CatmullRom CastleCurves

Catmull-Rom spline low-level function.

CatmullRomSpline CastleCurves

Catmull-Rom spline.

CeilDiv CastleUtils


CeilDiv CastleUtils

Returns Ceil(A / B), but calculated faster and more precisely (without floating-point help).

ChangeFilePath CastleUtils

Returns FileName with directory (path) part replaced with given NewPath.

ChangeIntCycle CastleUtils

Increase Value by Change, nicely wrapping in [0..MaxValue], accepting also negative Change.

ChangeURIExt CastleURIUtils

Change extension of the URL.

CharPos CastleStringUtils


CharSetToStr CastleStringUtils


CharsPos CastleStringUtils

Find first occurrence of any character in Chars in string S.

CharsPosEx CastleStringUtils


CharToNiceStr CastleKeysMouse

Nice short description of the character.

Check CastleUtils

Check condition.

CheckCopyFile CastleFilesUtils


CheckDeleteFile CastleFilesUtils

Call SysUtils.DeleteFile and check result.

CheckForceDirectories CastleFilesUtils

Make sure directory exists, eventually creating it, recursively, checking result.

CheckGLErrors CastleGLUtils

Check are any OpenGL errors recorded (in glGetError).

CheckIsMemCharFilled CastleUtils

Check is memory filled with the given character.

CheckRemoveDir CastleFilesUtils

Call RemoveDir and check result.

CheckRenameFile CastleFilesUtils


Clamp CastleUtils


Clamp CastleUtils


Clamp CastleUtils


Clamp CastleUtils


Clamp CastleUtils


Clamped CastleUtils


Clamped CastleUtils


Clamped CastleUtils


Clamped CastleUtils


Clamped CastleUtils


Clamped CastleUtils


ClampVar CastleUtils


ClampVar CastleUtils


ClampVar CastleUtils


ClampVar CastleUtils


ClampVar CastleUtils


ClampVar CastleUtils


Clipboard CastleControls

Single global instance of TCastleClipboard.

ColorBlueConvertByte CastleColors


ColorBlueStripByte CastleColors


ColorGrayscaleByte CastleColors

Convert color to grayscale.

ColorGreenConvertByte CastleColors


ColorGreenStripByte CastleColors


ColorOpacity CastleColors

Change color opacity (alpha).

ColorRedConvertByte CastleColors

Place color intensity (calculated like for grayscale) into the given color component.

ColorRedStripByte CastleColors

Set color values for two other channels to 0.

ColorRGBToHex CastleColors

Change color into a hexadecimal notation of it (like in HTML).

ColorToHex CastleColors

Change color into a hexadecimal notation of it (like in HTML).

ColorToVector3 CastleLCLUtils

Convert LCL color values to our colors (vectors).

ColorToVector3Byte CastleLCLUtils


CombinePaths CastleFilesUtils

Combines BasePath with RelPath into complete path.

CombineURI CastleURIUtils

Return absolute URI, given base and relative URI.

CompareMethods CastleUtils

Compare two methods.

ComponentLoad CastleComponentSerialize


ComponentSave CastleComponentSerialize

Save / load TComponent (or any descendant) to a .castle-component, .castle-user-interface or .castle-transform file.

ComponentToString CastleComponentSerialize

Save / load TComponent (or descendant) to a string.

Config CastleConfig


CopyDirectory CastleFilesUtils

Copies the contents from SourceDir to DestinationDir.

CopyPos CastleStringUtils

Return S[StartPosition..EndPosition].

CorrectPreferredHeight CastleCameras

See TCastleWalkNavigation.CorrectPreferredHeight.

CosAngleBetweenNormals CastleVectors


CosAngleBetweenVectors CastleVectors

Cosinus of angle between two vectors.

CreateIfNeeded CastleClassUtils

Create Component instance, if it's Nil.

CreateReadFileStream CastleDownload

Open a proper stream to read a file, fast (with buffering) and with seeking.

CreateTokens CastleStringUtils

Returns TCastleStringList with tokens extracted from S.

CreateValueIfNeeded CastleScript

Make sure Value is assigned and of NeededClass.

CubicBezier1D CastleCurves

Cubic (4 control points) Bezier curve (with all weights equal) in 1D.

CubicBezier2D CastleCurves

Cubic (4 control points) Bezier curve (with all weights equal) in 2D.

CubicBezier3D CastleCurves

Cubic (4 control points) Bezier curve (with all weights equal) in 3D.

DataFormatToStr CastleSoundBase


DateTimeToAtStr CastleTimeUtils

Convert DateTime to string in the form "date at time".

DecodeX3DColor X3DFields


DecodeX3DColor X3DFields


DecodeX3DColor X3DFields


DecodeX3DColor X3DFields


DecodeX3DColor X3DFields


DecodeX3DColor X3DFields


DecodeX3DColor X3DFields


DecodeX3DColor X3DFields

Decode color from integer value, following VRML/X3D SFImage specification.

DeFormat CastleStringUtils

Parse a string according to the given format, returning the values corresponding to placeholders %x in format string.

DeleteFileExt CastleUtils

Remove from the FileName the last extension (including the dot).

DeletePos CastleStringUtils

Delete from S range of characters [StartPosition..EndPosition].

DeleteURIExt CastleURIUtils

Delete extension of the URL.

DigitAsByte CastleStringUtils

Convert digit character (like '0') to a number (like 0).

DigitAsChar CastleStringUtils

Convert digit (like number 0) to character (like '0').

DivRoundUp CastleUtils


DivRoundUp CastleUtils


DivUnsignedMod CastleUtils

Like DivMod (return result of Integer division and a remainder), but always return Remainder >= 0.

DOMGetAttribute CastleXMLUtils

Retrieves from Element attribute Value and returns True, or (if there is no such attribute) returns False and does not modify Value.

DOMGetBooleanAttribute CastleXMLUtils

Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Boolean value.

DOMGetCardinalAttribute CastleXMLUtils

Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Cardinal value.

DOMGetChildElement CastleXMLUtils


DOMGetFloatAttribute CastleXMLUtils

Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Float value.

DOMGetIntegerAttribute CastleXMLUtils

Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Integer value.

DOMGetOneChildElement CastleXMLUtils

Returns the one and only child element of this Element.

DOMGetSingleAttribute CastleXMLUtils

Like DOMGetAttribute, but reads Single value.

DOMGetTextChild CastleXMLUtils

Gets a child of Element named ChildName, and gets text data within this child.

DOMGetTextData CastleXMLUtils


Download CastleDownload


Download CastleDownload

Return a stream to read given URL.

DrawCircle CastleGLUtils


DrawCircle CastleGLUtils

Draw a circle.

DrawCircleOutline CastleGLUtils


DrawCircleOutline CastleGLUtils

Draw a circle outline.

DrawPrimitive2D CastleGLUtils


DrawPrimitive2D CastleGLUtils

Draw primitive, using a stipple (pattern) for line rendering.

DrawPrimitive2D CastleGLUtils

Draw a simple 2D primitive with a given color.

DrawRectangle CastleGLUtils


DrawRectangle CastleGLUtils

Draw a rectangle filled with a color.

DrawRectangleOutline CastleGLUtils


DrawRectangleOutline CastleGLUtils

Draw a rectangle frame.

DumpExceptionBackTraceToString CastleClassUtils


DumpStackToString CastleClassUtils


EnableJoysticks CastleJoysticks

Detect connected joysticks.

EqualRGB CastleImages

Check if the two RGB colors are equal, ignoring small differences.

ErrorWrite CastleUtils


ErrorWrite CastleUtils

Write using a dialog box or console.

ExceptMessage CastleUtils

Nice exception description.

ExclPathDelim CastleUtils


ExeName CastleFilesUtils

Full (absolute) FileName to executable file of this program.

ExpandHomePath CastleFilesUtils

Expand tilde (˜) in path, just like shell.

ExtractFileDoubleExt CastleUtils

Extracts two last extensions from the filename, if it has two extensions.

ExtractOnlyFilename CastleUtils

Extracts from FileName the name of file, without directory, without last extension and without any Windows drive letter.

ExtractURIName CastleURIUtils

Extract filename (last part after slash) from URL.

ExtractURIPath CastleURIUtils

Extract path (everything before last part), including final slash, from URL.

FadeColor CastleColors


FadeDarkColor CastleColors


FallbackFont CastleControls

The default font, used throughout the engine as a fallback.

FallbackTheme CastleUIControls

Fallback (do not change this, ever) theme.

FastLookDirMatrix CastleVectors

Calculate LookDirMatrix (or it's inverse), fast.

FfmpegExecutable CastleVideos

Returns full path to ffmpeg-compatible executable.

FfmpegExecute CastleVideos

Execute ffmpeg.

FfmpegVideoMimeType CastleVideos

Does given MIME type looks like a video file extension that can be handled (encoded or decoded) by ffmpeg.

FileFiltersToDialog CastleLCLUtils


FileFiltersToDialog CastleLCLUtils


FileFiltersToDialog CastleLCLUtils


FileFiltersToDialog CastleLCLUtils


FileFiltersToDialog CastleLCLUtils

Convert file filters into LCL Dialog.Filter, Dialog.FilterIndex.

FileFiltersToOpenDialog CastleLCLUtils


FileFiltersToOpenDialog CastleLCLUtils


FileFiltersToOpenDialog CastleLCLUtils

Deprecated names, use the identifiers without "Open" in new code.

FileNameAutoInc CastleFilesUtils


FileNameAutoInc CastleFilesUtils

Substitute %d in given URL (UrlPattern) with successive numbers, until the resulting URL (which can be just a filename) doesn't exist.

FilenameToURISafe CastleURIUtils

Convert filename to URI.

FilenameToURISafeUTF8 CastleLCLUtils

mcDefault mcNone mcForceNone mcStandard mcWait mcText mcHand mcResizeVertical mcResizeHorizontal mcResizeTopLeft mcResizeTop mcResizeTopRight mcResizeLeft mcResizeRight mcResizeBottomLeft mcResizeBottom mcResizeBottomRight

FileToString CastleFilesUtils


FileToString CastleFilesUtils

Read file or URL contents to a string.

FindExe CastleFilesUtils

Find program on $PATH.

FindFiles CastleFindFiles


FindFiles CastleFindFiles


FindFiles CastleFindFiles


FindFiles CastleFindFiles

Find all files matching the given mask, and call FileProc for them.

FindFirstFile CastleFindFiles

Find first file matching given Mask inside Path.

FindPos CastleStringUtils

Find substring SubText within Text.

FirstDelimiter CastleStringUtils

Find first occurrence of character in Delimiters.

FloatDivMod CastleUtils

Calculate Integer division and modulo on two Float arguments.

FloatModulo CastleUtils

Calculate Float modulo of division on two Float arguments.

FloatRectangle CastleRectangles


FloatRectangle CastleRectangles


FloatRectangle CastleRectangles


FloatsEqual CastleVectors

Various compatibility functions (on Single)

FloatsEqual CastleVectors


FloatToNiceStr CastleVectors


FloatToRawStr CastleVectors


FloatToStrDot CastleUtils

Like standard FloatToStr, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings.

FloatToStrFDot CastleUtils

Like standard FloatToStr, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings.

FnameAutoInc CastleFilesUtils


ForceFallbackLook CastleControls

Force using FallbackFont (thus, ignore TCastleContainer.DefaultFont) and FallbackTheme (thus, disable any Theme customizations) in this UI.

FormatDot CastleUtils

Like standard Format, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings.

FormatNameCounter CastleStringUtils


FormatNameCounter CastleStringUtils

Replace sequences @counter(<padding>) in the NamePattern with Index.

FrameProfiler CastleTimeUtils

Single instance of TCastleFrameProfiler that you can use for frame profiling.

FreeChildNodes CastleXMLUtils

If needed, free result of TDOMElement.ChildNodes.

FreeIfUnusedAndNil X3DNodes

Free TX3DNode if it is unused (see TX3DNode.FreeIfUnused), setting reference to Nil.

FreeMemNiling CastleUtils

Safer version of FreeMem, checks is parameter Nil, and sets it to Nil afterwards.

FrustumProjection CastleRenderContext


FrustumProjectionMatrix CastleProjection


FrustumProjectionMatrix CastleProjection


FunctionHandlers CastleScript


GenerateGetTextPo CastleLocalizationGetText


GenerateGetTextPo CastleLocalizationGetText

Generate GetText PO file contents that can be used as a basis for translators to localize this component.

GenerateMipmap CastleGLUtils

Call glGenerateMipmap (or analogous function from some OpenGL extension).

GetClearMem CastleUtils


GetCurrentProgram CastleGLShaders


GetEnableNetwork CastleDownload


GetFileFilterExts CastleStringUtils

Extract file extensions from a file filter usually specified a TOpenDialog.Filter value.

GetFileFilterExtsStr CastleStringUtils

Search in FileFilter for the bar character "|", and return everything after it.

GetFileFilterName CastleStringUtils

Extract file filter name, from a file filter usually specified a TOpenDialog.Filter value.

GetGammaCorrection CastleRenderOptions


GetLimitFPS CastleControl


GetTempFileNameCheck CastleFilesUtils

Get temporary FileName, suitable for ApplicationName, checking that it doesn't exist.

GetTempFileNamePrefix CastleFilesUtils

Return a prefix (beginning of an absolute FileName) to save a series of temporary files.

GetTextPoEntry CastleLocalizationGetText

Generate text to insert to POT (PO template) to allow translating given text.

GetUIFont CastleControls


GetUIFontSmall CastleControls


GLBlendFunction CastleGLUtils

Call OpenGL glBlendFunc, .

GLBlendRectangle CastleGLUtils


GLBlendRectangle CastleGLUtils

Draw a rectangle with blending.

glClipPlane CastleGLUtils


glColorOpacity CastleGLUtils


glColorOpacity CastleGLUtils

Call glColor, taking Opacity as separate Single argument.

glColorv CastleGLUtils


glColorv CastleGLUtils


glColorv CastleGLUtils


glColorv CastleGLUtils


GLDecompressTexture CastleGLImages

Decompress texture image by loading it to a temporary OpenGL(ES) texture and reading back.

GLDrawArrow CastleGLUtils

Draw arrow shape.

glDrawAxisWire CastleGLUtils

Draw axis (3 lines) around given position.

GLEnableTexture CastleGLUtils

Enable exactly one (or none, for Target=etNone) OpenGL texture target for fixed-function pipeline.

GLErrorRaise CastleGLUtils

Raise EOpenGLError for given OpenGL error code.

GLErrorString CastleGLUtils


GLFadeRectangle CastleGLUtils


GLFadeRectangle CastleGLUtils


GLFadeRectangleDark CastleGLUtils


GLFadeRectangleDark CastleGLUtils


GLFadeRectangleDark CastleGLUtils

Draw a rectangle that modulates colors underneath, making nice animation to AFadeColor while FadeIntensity changes from 1.0 down to 0.0.

GLFadeRectangleLight CastleGLUtils


GLFadeRectangleLight CastleGLUtils


glFogv CastleGLUtils


glFreeBuffer CastleGLUtils

If Buffer <> 0 then it does glDeleteBuffers and sets Buffer to 0.

glFreeDisplayList CastleGLUtils

If List <> 0 then it does glDeleteList on List and sets List to 0.

glFreeTexture CastleGLImages

If Tex <> 0 then it does glDeleteTextures on Tex and sets Tex to 0.

glGenListsCheck CastleGLUtils

Call glGenLists(range) and checks the result.

glGetBoolean CastleGLUtils


glGetFloat CastleGLUtils

Comfortable wrappers for OpenGL glGet* that return a single value.

glGetInteger CastleGLUtils


GLHorizontalLine CastleGLUtils

Draw horizontal line using OpenGL.

GLInformationInitialize CastleGLUtils

Initialize GLVersion and GLFeatures.

GLInformationString CastleGLUtils

Multiline string describing attributes of current OpenGL(ES) library.

GLInformationStringSummary CastleGLUtils

One-line string summarizing current OpenGL(ES).

glLightModelv CastleGLUtils


glLightv CastleGLUtils


glLightv CastleGLUtils


glLoadMatrix CastleGLUtils


glMaterialv CastleGLUtils


glMultMatrix CastleGLUtils


glNormalv CastleGLUtils


GLOutOfMemory CastleGLUtils


glRotatev CastleGLUtils


glScalev CastleGLUtils


glScalev CastleGLUtils


glSetDepthAndColorWriteable CastleGLUtils

Set color and depth buffers writeable or not.

GLSetEnabled CastleGLUtils

Enable or disable given OpenGL flag.

glTexCoordv CastleGLUtils


glTexCoordv CastleGLUtils


glTexCoordv CastleGLUtils


glTexEnvv CastleGLUtils


glTexGenv CastleGLUtils


glTextureCubeMap CastleGLImages

Comfortably load all six cube map texture images.

glTextureImage3D CastleGLImages

Comfortably load a 3D texture.

glTranslatev CastleGLUtils


GlueStrings CastleStringUtils


GlueStrings CastleStringUtils


GlueStrings CastleStringUtils


GlueStrings CastleStringUtils

Concatenate the string list with a given Delimiter.

glVertexv CastleGLUtils


glVertexv CastleGLUtils


glVertexv CastleGLUtils


GLVerticalLine CastleGLUtils

Draw vertical line using OpenGL.

GLViewport CastleGLUtils


Grayscale CastleColors


Grayscale CastleColors


Grayscale CastleColors


GrayscaleValue CastleColors


GrayscaleValue CastleColors


GrayscaleValue CastleColors


GrayscaleValue CastleColors

Calculate color intensity, for converting color to grayscale.

HasGenerateMipmap CastleGLUtils

Is GenerateMipmap avaiable.

HasNameCounter CastleStringUtils

Does this NamePattern contain @counter in a format understood by FormatNameCounter.

HermiteSpline CastleCurves

Hermite spline.

HermiteTenseSpline CastleCurves

Hermite spline with tangents zero (it will be horizontal at control points).

HexToColor CastleColors

Convert hexadecimal color notation (like in HTML) into an RGBA color.

HexToColorRGB CastleColors

Convert hexadecimal color notation (like in HTML) into an RGB color.

HomePath CastleFilesUtils

User's home directory, with trailing PathDelim.

HsvToRgb CastleColors

Converting between RGB and HSV.

HsvToRgbByte CastleColors


Iff CastleUtils


Iff CastleUtils


Iff CastleUtils


Iff CastleUtils


Iff CastleUtils


ImageClassBestForSavingToFormat CastleImages

Choose TCastleImage descendant best matching for this image file format.

ImageClassesEqual CastleImages

Check if both arrays contain exactly the same classes in the same order.

ImageExtToMimeType CastleImages

Guess MIME type from image extension.

ImageGLFormat CastleGLImages

Return appropriate OpenGL format and type constants for given TCastleImage descendant.

ImageGLInternalFormat CastleGLImages


ImageGLType CastleGLImages


InclPathDelim CastleUtils

Include / exclude the last path delimiter, if necessary.

IndexedConvexPolygonArea CastleTriangles


IndexedConvexPolygonArea CastleTriangles

Surface area of indexed convex polygon.

IndexedConvexPolygonNormal CastleTriangles


IndexedConvexPolygonNormal CastleTriangles

Calculates normalized normal vector for polygon composed from indexed vertices.

IndexedPolygonNormal CastleTriangulate

Calculate normal vector of possibly concave polygon.

IndexedTriangleNormal CastleTriangles

Normal vector of a triangle defined as three indexes intro vertex array.

IndexMax CastleUtils

Index (0, 1 or 2) of maximum / minimum of 3 numbers.

IndexMin CastleUtils


InfoWrite CastleUtils


InfoWrite CastleUtils


InfoWriteParts CastleUtils

Output messages, using console or dialog box.

InImageClasses CastleImages

Check is ImageClass one of the items in the ImageClasses array, or a descendant of one of them.

InImageClasses CastleImages

Check is Image class one of the items in the ImageClasses array, or a descendant of one of them.

InitializeLog CastleLog


InitializeLog CastleLog

Initialize logging.

InputKey CastleKeysMouse

Construct TInputPressRelease corresponding to given event.

InputMotion CastleKeysMouse

Construct TInputMotion.

InputMouseButton CastleKeysMouse


InputMouseWheel CastleKeysMouse


InputsAll CastleInputs

List of all global inputs.

InputsGroup CastleInputs


InternalProposeName CastleClassUtils

Propose a name for given component class, making it unique in given ComponentsOwner.

IntSqrt CastleUtils

Floor from Sqrt(Value).

IntToStr16 CastleStringUtils


IntToStr16 CastleStringUtils

Convert integer to hexadecimal (base-16 numeric system).

IntToStr2 CastleStringUtils

Convert integer to binary (base-2 numeral system).

IntToStrBase CastleStringUtils


IntToStrBase CastleStringUtils


IntToStrBase CastleStringUtils


IntToStrBase CastleStringUtils

Convert integer to string, in base-Base (like base-16) numeral system.

IntToStrThousands CastleStringUtils

Convert integer to string, inserting additional Separator to visually delimit thousands, milions etc.

IntToStrThousands CastleStringUtils


IntToStrZPad CastleStringUtils

Convert integer to string, padding string with zeros if needed.

InverseFastLookDirMatrix CastleVectors


IsCenteredBox3DPlaneCollision CastleBoxes

Tests for collision between box3d centered around (0, 0, 0) and a plane.

IsCubeMapTextureSized CastleGLImages

Part of CastleGLImages unit: cubemaps sizing and loading.

IsGLContextOpen CastleUIControls


IsImageMimeType CastleImages

Does this MIME type correspond to image.

IsLineParallelToPlane CastleVectors


IsLineParallelToSimplePlane CastleVectors


IsMemCharFilled CastleUtils

Check is memory filled with the given character.

IsMemDWordFilled CastleUtils

Check is memory filled with the DWord (4 byte sequence).

IsMemWordFilled CastleUtils

Check is memory filled with the Word (2 byte sequence).

IsPathAbsolute CastleUtils

Check is the given Path absolute.

IsPathAbsoluteOnDrive CastleUtils

Just like IsPathAbsolute, but on Windows accepts also paths that specify full directory tree without drive letter.

IsPointOnSegmentLineWithinSegment CastleVectors


IsPointOnSegmentLineWithinSegment CastleVectors


IsPointOnTrianglePlaneWithinTriangle CastleTriangles

Assuming a point lies on a triangle plane, check does it lie inside a triangle.

IsPointWithinTriangle2D CastleTriangles


IsPointWithinTriangle2D CastleTriangles

Check does point lie inside a triangle, in 2D.

IsPolygon2dCCW CastleTriangles


IsPolygon2dCCW CastleTriangles

Are the polygon points ordered CCW (counter-clockwise).

IsPowerOf2 CastleUtils

Check is Value an exact power of 2.

IsPrefix CastleStringUtils


IsSegmentSphereCollision CastleVectors


IsSpheresCollision CastleVectors


IsSuffix CastleStringUtils


IsTextureSized CastleGLImages


IsTextureSized CastleGLImages

Does image have proper size for 2D OpenGL texture.

IsTriangleSegmentCollision CastleTriangles


IsTriangleSegmentCollision CastleTriangles

Check triangle with line segment collision.

IsTriangleSphereCollision CastleTriangles


IsTriangleSphereCollision CastleTriangles


IsTriangleSphereCollision2D CastleTriangles


IsTriangleSphereCollision2D CastleTriangles

Test collision between triangle and sphere in 2D.

IsTunnelSphereCollision CastleVectors


Joysticks CastleJoysticks

Global joystick manager object.

KeyCastleToLCL CastleLCLUtils


KeyCastleToLCL CastleLCLUtils

Convert TKey and/or character code into Lazarus key code (VK_xxx) and shift state.

KeyLCLToCastle CastleLCLUtils

Convert Key (Lazarus key code) to Castle Game Engine TKey.

KeyRange X3DNodes

Find a range within "key" field corresponding to given Fraction.

KeyString CastleWindow


KeyStringToNiceStr CastleKeysMouse

Like CharToNiceStr, but accepts UTF-8 characters expressed as String.

KeyToStr CastleKeysMouse


KeyToString CastleWindow

Describe given key.

LastLog CastleLog

Last log messages.

LastLogCount CastleLog


Lerp CastleUtils


Lerp CastleUtils


Lerp CastleUtils


Lerp CastleUtils


Lerp CastleUtils


Lerp CastleUtils

Linear interpolation between two values.

Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors


Lerp CastleVectors

Linear interpolation between two vector values.

LerpRgbInHsv CastleColors

Given two colors in RGB, interpolate them in HSV space.

LEtoN CastleUtils


LEtoN CastleUtils


LEtoN CastleVectors

Endianess conversion for vectors (little endian to native).

LEtoN CastleVectors


LEtoN CastleVectors


Line2DFrom2Points CastleVectors

Coefficients of the 2D line equation (Ax + By + C = 0), given 2 different points lying on the line.

Line2DFromOriginVector CastleVectors

Coefficients of the 2D line equation (Ax + By + C = 0), given 1 point lying on the line, and non-zero line direction.

LineOfTwoDifferentPoints2D CastleVectors


Lines2DIntersection CastleVectors

Intersection of two 2D lines.

ListImageExtsLong CastleImages

List available image file formats.

ListImageExtsShort CastleImages


Load3D X3DLoad


Load3DSequence X3DLoad

Load various model formats as animation expressed by VRML/X3D sequence.

Load3DSequence_FileFilters X3DLoad

File filters for files loaded by Load3DSequence, suitable for TFileFilterList.AddFiltersFromString and TCastleWindow.FileDialog.

Load3D_FileFilters X3DLoad

File filters for files loaded by TCastleSceneCore.Load and LoadNode.

LoadEncodedImage CastleImages


LoadEncodedImage CastleImages


LoadEncodedImage CastleImages

Load image to TEncodedImage format.

LoadGetTextMo CastleLocalizationGetText

Load GetText MO file from and URL.

LoadGLGeneratedTexture CastleGLImages

Load OpenGL texture into already reserved texture number.

LoadGLTexture CastleGLImages


LoadGLTexture CastleGLImages

Load new texture to OpenGL.

LoadImage CastleImages


LoadImage CastleImages


LoadImage CastleImages


LoadImage CastleImages

The ultimate procedure to load an image from a file or URL.

LoadNode X3DLoad

Load a scene as X3D node from TStream.

LoadNode X3DLoad

Load a scene as X3D node.

LoadScene_FileFilters X3DLoad

File filters for files loaded by TCastleSceneCore.Load and LoadNode.

LoadTextureImage CastleTextureImages


LoadTextureImage CastleTextureImages

Load image suitable for a texture.

LoadX3DClassic X3DNodes

Load VRML/X3D file in classic encoding, return it's root node.

LoadX3DClassicFromString X3DNodes

Load VRML/X3D file in classic encoding from a string.

Load_GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit CastleGLUtils

Check the existence of OpenGL EXT_framebuffer_blit extension.

LoCase CastleStringUtils

Convert uppercase letters to lowercase.

LogOutput CastleLog

Where is the log output going.

LookAtMatrix CastleVectors

Camera matrix to look at the specified point (or along the specified direction).

LookDirMatrix CastleVectors


LookDirMatrix CastleVectors


MakeCameraNavNode X3DCameraUtils


MakeCameraNode X3DCameraUtils


MakeCameraNode X3DCameraUtils

Construct TX3DNode defining camera with given properties.

MakeCameraStr X3DCameraUtils

Construct string with VRML/X3D node defining camera with given properties.

MakeVectorOrthogonal CastleVectors

Adjust and return the V1 vector to force V1 and V2 to be orthogonal, but keep the 3D plane determined by V1 and V2 unchanged.

MakeVectorsAngleRadOnTheirPlane CastleVectors

Adjust the V1 vector to force given angle between V1 and V2.

MakeVectorsOrthoOnTheirPlane CastleVectors

Adjust the V1 vector to force V1 and V2 to be orthogonal, but keep the 3D plane determined by V1 and V2 unchanged.

MapRange CastleUtils


MapRange CastleUtils


MapRange CastleUtils


MapRange CastleUtils

Linearly map value from a one range to another.

MapRangeClamped CastleUtils


MapRangeClamped CastleUtils


MapRangeClamped CastleUtils


MapRangeClamped CastleUtils


MapRangeTo01 CastleUtils


MaterialProperties CastleMaterialProperties

Material and texture properties, see TMaterialProperties.

MatricesPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


MatricesPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


MatricesPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


Matrix3 CastleVectors

Convert between Double-precision and Single-precision matrix.

Matrix3Double CastleVectors


Matrix3Single CastleVectors


Matrix4 CastleVectors


Matrix4Double CastleVectors


Matrix4Single CastleVectors


MatrixDecompose CastleQuaternions

Decompose a matrix that is composition of 3D translation, rotation and scale.

MatrixMult CastleVectors


MatrixMultDirection CastleVectors


MatrixMultDirection CastleVectors


MatrixMultPoint CastleVectors


MatrixMultPoint CastleVectors


MatrixRow CastleVectors


MatrixRow CastleVectors


MatrixRow CastleVectors


MatrixToNiceStr CastleVectors


MatrixToNiceStr CastleVectors


MatrixToNiceStr CastleVectors


MatrixToRawStr CastleVectors


MatrixToRawStr CastleVectors


MatrixToRawStr CastleVectors


MaxAbsVectorCoord CastleVectors


MaxAbsVectorCoord CastleVectors


MaxAbsVectorCoord CastleVectors


MaxVar CastleUtils


MaxVar CastleUtils


MaxVar CastleUtils


MaxVar CastleUtils


MaxVar CastleUtils


MaxVar CastleUtils

Update value of A to be a maximum of A, B.

MaxVectorCoord CastleVectors


MaxVectorCoord CastleVectors


MaxVectorCoord CastleVectors

Which coordinate (0, 1, 2, and eventually 3 for 4D versions) is the largest.

MaybeUseDataProtocol CastleURIUtils

Tries change URI to use castle-data: protocol.

MemoryStreamLoadFromDefaultString CastleClassUtils


MemoryStreamLoadFromDefaultString CastleClassUtils

Set contents of TMemoryStream to given string, in UTF-8 or UTF-16 (matching default String) encoding.

MemoryStreamLoadFromString CastleClassUtils


MemoryStreamLoadFromString CastleClassUtils

Set contents of TMemoryStream to given string, in UTF-8 encoding.

MenuItemFromSmallId CastleWindow

Search for menu item with given SmallId.

MessageChoice CastleMessages


MessageChoice CastleMessages


MessageChoice CastleMessages

Ask user to choose one option from many.

MessageInput CastleMessages


MessageInput CastleMessages

Ask user to input a string.

MessageInputCardinal CastleMessages


MessageInputCardinal CastleMessages

Ask user to input an unsigned integer.

MessageInputQuery CastleMessages


MessageInputQuery CastleMessages


MessageInputQuery CastleMessages

Ask user to input a floating-point number.

MessageInputQuery CastleMessages

Ask user to input a string, or cancel.

MessageInputQueryCardinal CastleMessages


MessageInputQueryCardinalHex CastleMessages

Ask user to input a value in hexadecimal.

MessageInputQueryVector3 CastleMessages


MessageInputQueryVector4 CastleMessages


MessageKey CastleMessages


MessageKey CastleMessages


MessageKey CastleMessages

Ask user to press any key, return this key as Keys.TKey.

MessageKeyMouse CastleMessages


MessageKeyMouse CastleMessages


MessageKeyMouse CastleMessages


MessageKeyMouse CastleMessages

Ask user to press anything (key or mouse button or mouse wheel), and return it.

MessageOK CastleMessages


MessageOK CastleMessages


MessageOK CastleMessages

Ask user for simple confirmation.

MessageYesNo CastleMessages


MessageYesNo CastleMessages


MessageYesNo CastleMessages


Messaging CastleMessaging

Auto-created single instance of TMessaging to communicate between native code (Pascal) and other languages (Java on Android, Objective-C on iOS).

MilisecTimesAdd CastleTimeUtils

Simply add and subtract two TMilisecTime values.

MilisecTimesSubtract CastleTimeUtils


MinMax CastleUtils


MinMax CastleUtils


MinVar CastleUtils


MinVar CastleUtils


MinVar CastleUtils


MinVar CastleUtils


MinVar CastleUtils


MinVar CastleUtils

Update value of A to be a minimum of A, B.

MinVectorCoord CastleVectors


ModelViewToNormalMatrix CastleVectors

Convert ModelView matrix to a Normal matrix, just like 3D graphic libraries do.

ModifierKeysToNiceStr CastleKeysMouse


ModifiersDown CastleKeysMouse


ModifiersDown CastleKeysMouse

Determine pressed modifier keys (ctrl, shift and so on).

MouseButtonLCLToCastle CastleLCLUtils

Convert Lazarus Controls.TMouseButton value to Castle Game Engine CastleKeysMouse.TCastleMouseButton.

MouseWheelDirection CastleKeysMouse

Determine simple mouse wheel direction from a Scroll and Vertical parameters received from TCastleWindow.OnMouseWheel.

MultMatricesTranslation CastleVectors


MultMatrixTranslation CastleVectors

Multiply matrix M by translation matrix.

NatNatPower CastleUtils

Calculate power Base to Exponent, knowing both arguments (and so, also the result) are >= 0.

NextToken CastleStringUtils

Find next part in the string S separated by delimiters TokenDelims.

NextTokenOnce CastleStringUtils

NextTokenOnce works just like NextToken, but doesn't advance the SeekPos position.

NLerp CastleQuaternions


NLerp CastleQuaternions

Interpolate between two rotations, along the straightest path on the unit sphere.

NormalFileExists CastleFilesUtils


Normalized CastleVectors


Normalized CastleVectors


NormalizePlaneVar CastleVectors

This normalizes Plane by scaling all four coordinates of Plane so that length of plane vector (taken from 1st three coordinates) is one.

NormalizeVar CastleVectors


NormalizeVar CastleVectors


NtoBE CastleUtils


NtoBE CastleUtils


NtoBE CastleVectors


NtoBE CastleVectors

Endianess conversion for vectors (native to big endian).

NtoBE CastleVectors


NtoLE CastleUtils


NtoLE CastleUtils


NtoLE CastleVectors


NtoLE CastleVectors


NtoLE CastleVectors

Endianess conversion for vectors (native to little endian).

NurbsBoundingBox CastleNURBS


NurbsBoundingBox CastleNURBS


NurbsBoundingBox CastleNURBS


NurbsBoundingBox CastleNURBS


NurbsCurvePoint CastleNURBS

Return point on NURBS curve.

NurbsKnotIfNeeded CastleNURBS

Calculate a default knot, if Knot doesn't already have required number of items.

NurbsSurfacePoint CastleNURBS

Return point on NURBS surface.

OffscreenRendering CastleGLImages

Are we currently doing off-screen rendering.

Offset CastleUtils


OffsetUInt CastleUtils

Calculate shift between A and B addresses (in bytes).

OnGLContextClose CastleUIControls


OnGLContextOpen CastleUIControls

Copyright 2010-2021 Michalis Kamburelis.

OnScreenNotification CastleOpenDocument

Simple on-screen notification using Android "toast" call.

OpenApplicationStore CastleOpenDocument

Show the application in the application store (Google Play on Android, AppStore on iOS).

OpenDocument CastleOpenDocument

Open a local file or directory.

OpenURL CastleOpenDocument

Open URL with the suitable application.

OptionDescription CastleParameters

Return a multiline command-line option help, containing the option name and description, nicely indented and broken into multiple lines.

OrderUp CastleUtils


OrderUp CastleUtils


OrderUp CastleUtils


OrderUp CastleUtils


OrderUp CastleUtils


OrderUp CastleUtils


OrderUp CastleUtils


OrderUp CastleUtils

Make sure the Smaller value is <= than the Larger value, by eventually swapping them.

OrderUp CastleUtils

Assign the smaller value from X, Y to Smaller variable, the other one to Larger variable.

OrientationFromDirectionUp CastleTransform


OrientationFromDirectionUp CastleTransform


OrientationFromDirectionUp CastleTransform

Convert camera direction and up vectors into a rotation (X3D "orientation" vector).

OrientationQuaternionFromDirectionUp CastleTransform


OrientationQuaternionFromDirectionUp CastleTransform

Convert camera direction and up vectors into a "rotation quaternion".

OrientationToDirection CastleTransform

Convert rotation (X3D orientation) to a direction vector, reversing the OrientationFromDirectionUp.

OrientationToUp CastleTransform

Convert rotation (X3D orientation) to an up vector, reversing the OrientationFromDirectionUp.

Ortho2DProjectionMatrix CastleProjection


Ortho2DProjectionMatrix CastleProjection


OrthoProjection CastleRenderContext


OrthoProjectionMatrix CastleProjection


OrthoProjectionMatrix CastleProjection

Functions to create 4x4 matrices used in 3D graphics for projection.

OSCheck CastleUtils

If not TrueValue then RaiseLastOSError.

OSCheck CastleUtils


PAnsiCharOrNil CastleStringUtils

PAnsiCharOrNil simply returns a Pointer(S), you can think of it as a NO-OP.

ParentPath CastleFilesUtils

Parent directory name.

ParseBoolExpression CastleScriptParser

Parse a CastleScript expression that should be calculated to a boolean value.

ParseConstantFloatExpression CastleScriptParser

Parse constant float expression.

ParseConstantIntExpression CastleScriptParser

Parse constant Int64 expression.

ParseExpression CastleScriptParser

Creates and returns instance of TCasScriptExpression, that represents parsed tree of expression in S.

ParseFloatExpression CastleScriptParser

Parse a CastleScript expression that should be calculated to a float value.

ParseIntExpression CastleScriptParser

Parse a CastleScript expression that should be calculated to a float value.

ParseProgram CastleScriptParser


ParseProgram CastleScriptParser

Parse CastleScript program.

ParseStringExpression CastleScriptParser

Parse a CastleScript expression that should be calculated to a string value.

PathFileSearch CastleFilesUtils

Search a file on $PATH.

PCharOrNil CastleStringUtils

PCharOrNil simply returns a Pointer(S), you can think of it as a NO-OP.

PerfectlyZeroVector CastleVectors


PerfectlyZeroVector CastleVectors


PerfectlyZeroVector CastleVectors


PerspectiveProjection CastleRenderContext

Calculate projection matrix, and set RenderContext.ProjectionMatrix to given value.

PerspectiveProjectionMatrixDeg CastleProjection


PerspectiveProjectionMatrixRad CastleProjection


PGLcharARBOrNil CastleGLUtils

PGLcharARBOrNil simply returns a Pointer(S), you can think of it as a NO-OP.

PlaneAntiMove CastleVectors


PlaneDirInDirection CastleVectors


PlaneDirInDirection CastleVectors

Vector orthogonal to plane and pointing in the given direction.

PlaneDirNotInDirection CastleVectors


PlaneDirNotInDirection CastleVectors


PlaneMove CastleVectors

Move a plane by a specifed vector.

PlaneMoveVar CastleVectors


PlaneTransform CastleVectors

Transform plane by a matrix.

Platform CastleUtils

Current platform of the compiled application.

PlatformToStr CastleUtils


PointerAdd CastleUtils

Pointer arithmetic.

PointerToStr CastleStringUtils

Returns Ptr as 0xXXX...

PointOnLineClosestToLine CastleVectors

Given two 3D lines (both given as an some point + direction in 3D), calculate closest point on 1st line to the 2nd line.

PointOnLineClosestToPoint CastleVectors


PointOnLineClosestToPoint CastleVectors


PointOnPlaneClosestToPoint CastleVectors

Orthogonally project a point on a plane, that is find a closest point to Point lying on a Plane.

PointsDistance CastleVectors


PointsDistance CastleVectors


PointsDistance2DSqr CastleVectors

Distance between points projected on the 2D plane.

PointsDistanceSqr CastleVectors


PointsDistanceSqr CastleVectors


PointsSamePlaneSides CastleVectors

Check if both points are on the same side of given 3D plane.

PointToLineDistanceSqr CastleVectors


PointToNormalizedPlaneDistance CastleVectors

Distance from a point to a plane (with already normalized direction).

PointToPlaneDistance CastleVectors

Distance from a point to a plane.

PointToPlaneDistanceSqr CastleVectors


PointToSegmentDistanceSqr CastleVectors


PointToSimplePlaneDistance CastleVectors


Polygon2dArea CastleTriangles


Polygon2dArea CastleTriangles

Calculate polygon area.

PossibleActivitiesToStr CastleActivityRecognition

Convert TUserActivities to a String, using Delimiter to separate items.

PrefixRemove CastleStringUtils

Removes the prefix, if it is present.

ProcessImageUrl CastleImages

Process URL through events registered by AddLoadImageListener.

ProcessTimer CastleTimeUtils

Current time, local to this process.

ProcessTimerBegin CastleTimeUtils

Simple measure of process CPU time.

ProcessTimerEnd CastleTimeUtils


ProcessTimerNow CastleTimeUtils


ProcessTimerSeconds CastleTimeUtils

Subtract two times obtained from ProcessTimer, A-B, return a difference in seconds.

Profiler CastleTimeUtils

Single instance of TCastleProfiler that you can use for all profiling.

ProgramBreak CastleUtils


ProgramDataPath CastleFilesUtils

Path to access installed data files.

ProgramName CastleFilesUtils

The name of our program.

ProjectionTypeToStr CastleProjection


PWideCharOrNil CastleStringUtils

PWideCharOrNil simply returns a Pointer(S), you can think of it as a NO-OP.

QuatFromAxisAngle CastleQuaternions


QuatFromAxisAngle CastleQuaternions

Calculate unit quaternion representing rotation around Axis by AngleRad angle (in radians).

QuatFromRotationMatrix CastleQuaternions

Initialize rotation quaternion from a 3x3 matrix that contains only rotation.

Rand CastleRandom

Single random instance.

RandomBoolean CastleUtils


RandomFloatRange CastleUtils


RandomFloatRange CastleUtils

Random Float value in the given range, result is between RangeBegin and RangeEnd.

RandomIntRange CastleUtils


RandomIntRange CastleUtils

Random integer value in the given range, result is always >= RangeBegin and < RangeEnd.

RandomIntRangeInclusive CastleUtils


RandomIntRangeInclusive CastleUtils

Random int value in the given range, result is always >= RangeBegin and <= RangeEnd.

RandomPlusMinus CastleUtils

Random -1 or +1.

RandomString CastleStringUtils


RawURIDecode CastleURIUtils

Replace all sequences like %xx with their actual 8-bit characters.

ReadGrowingStream CastleClassUtils

Read a growing stream, and append it to another destination stream.

ReadGrowingStreamToString CastleClassUtils

Read a growing stream, and returns it's contents as a string.

Rectangle CastleRectangles


Rectangle CastleRectangles


Register CastleControl


Register CastleDialogs


Register CastlePropEdits


RegisterClipboard CastleControls

Register custom TCastleClipboard implementation, that replaces the global Clipboard.

RegisteredComponents CastleComponentSerialize

Read-only list of currently registered (using RegisterSerializableComponent) components.

RegisteredUrlProtocol CastleDownload

Is given protocol name registered with RegisterUrlProtocol.

RegisterSerializableComponent CastleComponentSerialize


RegisterSerializableComponent CastleComponentSerialize

Register a component that can be serialized and edited using CGE editor.

RegisterUrlProtocol CastleDownload

Register how we can load and/or save the URLs with given protocol.

RegularFileExists CastleFilesUtils

Returns True if file exists and is a "regular" file.

RelativeToCastleDataURL CastleURIUtils

If this URL indicates something inside the CGE data directory ( ), then return URL relative to this data directory.

RemoveLoadImageListener CastleImages

Remove listener added by AddLoadImageListener.

RemoveNonEmptyDir CastleFilesUtils

Remove the directory DirName, recursively, unconditionally, with all the files and subdirectories inside.

RenderControlToImage CastleUIControls

Render control contents to an RGBA image, using off-screen rendering.

Resize2D CastleWindow

A simple TCastleWindow.OnResize callback implementation, that sets 2D projection.

ResizeForTextureSize CastleGLImages

Resize the image to a size accepted as GL_TEXTURE_2D texture size for OpenGL.

ResizeToCubeMapTextureSize CastleGLImages


ResizeToTextureSize CastleGLImages


ResizeToTextureSize CastleGLImages


ResolveCastleDataURL CastleURIUtils

If this is castle-data:...

RestOf3DCoords CastleUtils

Remaining 3D coordinates (0, 1 or 2) except the given coordinate, in the ascending order.

RestOf3DCoordsCycle CastleUtils

Remaining 3D coordinates (0, 1 or 2) except the given coordinate, in order to cycle.

RgbToHsv CastleColors


RgbToHsv CastleColors


Rnd CastleRandom


Rnd CastleRandom


RotatePoint2D CastleVectors

Rotate point in 2D, in a counter-clockwise fashion.

RotatePointAroundAxis CastleVectors

Rotate Point around the given axis by a given angle.

RotatePointAroundAxis90 CastleVectors

Rotate Point around the Axis by 90 degrees.

RotatePointAroundAxisDeg CastleVectors


RotatePointAroundAxisMinus90 CastleVectors

Rotate Point around the Axis by -90 degrees.

RotatePointAroundAxisRad CastleVectors

Rotate Point around the Axis by given Angle.

RotationAngleRadBetweenVectors CastleVectors


RotationAngleRadBetweenVectors CastleVectors

Signed angle between two vectors, in radians.

RotationMatricesRad CastleVectors


RotationMatricesRad CastleVectors


RotationMatrix CastleVectors


RotationMatrixDeg CastleVectors


RotationMatrixDeg CastleVectors


RotationMatrixRad CastleVectors


RotationMatrixRad CastleVectors


RotationNegate CastleVectors

Negate a rotation expressed as axis-angle (3 components for axis, 1 for angle).

RoundClamp255 CastleUtils


RoundUpToMultiply CastleUtils

Smallest multiple of Multiplicator that is still >= Value.

SameMethods CastleUtils


SAnsiCompare CastleStringUtils

Compare strings, taking into account current locale.

SAnsiSame CastleStringUtils

Check if strings are equal, taking into account current locale.

SAppendData CastleStringUtils

Appends to a string S DataSize bytes from Data.

SAppendPart CastleStringUtils

If S = '' then returns NextPart, else returns S + PartSeparator + NextPart.

Save3D X3DNodes


Save3D X3DNodes


Save3D X3DNodes


Save3D X3DNodes


Save3D X3DNodes

Write VRML/X3D model to a file.

Save3DVersion X3DNodes

Which VRML/X3D version should be used to save this 3D model.

Save3DWillConvertToX3D X3DNodes


SaveImage CastleImages


SaveImage CastleImages

Save image to a file.

SaveNode X3DLoad


SaveNode X3DLoad

Save model to a file.

SaveScreenPath CastleFilesUtils

Recommended path where to put screenshots on the current platform.

SaveScreenToGL_NoFlush CastleGLImages

Captures current screen as a TDrawableImage instance, ready to be drawn on 2D screen.

SaveScreen_NoFlush CastleGLImages


SaveScreen_NoFlush CastleGLImages


SaveScreen_NoFlush CastleGLImages

Save the current color buffer contents to image.

SaveTextureContents CastleGLImages

Save OpenGL texture contents to TCastleImage.

ScalingMatrices CastleVectors


ScalingMatrix CastleVectors


SCastleEngineProgramHelpSuffix CastleUtils


SChar CastleStringUtils

A pointer to S[CharNum], that is just @S[CharNum], avoiding range checking.

SCharIs CastleStringUtils


SCharIs CastleStringUtils

Check whether S[Index] = C, also checking is Index within S length.

SCharsCount CastleStringUtils


SCharsCount CastleStringUtils


SCheckChars CastleStringUtils

Check that all characters are within a given set.

SCompilerDescription CastleUtils

Name and version of the Pascal compiler used to compile this unit.

SCompressWhiteSpace CastleStringUtils

Replace any number of consecutive whitespace (including newlines) with a single whitespace.

ScreenEffectFragment CastleScreenEffects

Library of GLSL fragment shader functions useful for screen effects.

ScreenEffectVertex CastleScreenEffects

Standard GLSL vertex shader for screen effect.

SDeleteChars CastleStringUtils

Returns S with all chars in ExcludedChars deleted.

SearchFileHard CastleFindFiles

Search for a file, ignoring the case.

SEnding CastleStringUtils

Returns suffix of S starting from position P.

SeparateArgsToVector3 CastleParameters


SeparateArgsToVector3Single CastleParameters


SetCurrentProgram CastleGLShaders


SetEnableNetwork CastleDownload


SetGammaCorrection CastleRenderOptions


SetLimitFPS CastleControl


SetTextureFilter CastleGLImages

Set current texture minification and magnification filter.

SetToStr CastleStringUtils

Convert a set to a string representation, in somewhat hacky way.

SetUIFont CastleControls


SetUIFontSmall CastleControls


ShareText CastleOpenDocument

Share a text/link through user-choosen application.

SimpleHtmlQuote CastleFonts

Protect characters from being interpreted as special HTML sequences by TCastleAbstractFont.Print with Html = True parameter.

SizeToStr CastleStringUtils


SLerp CastleQuaternions


SLerp CastleQuaternions

Interpolate between two rotations, along the shortest path on the unit sphere, with constant speed.

Smallest2Exponent CastleUtils

Smallest exponent such that 2ˆthis exponent is >= Value.

Smallest2Power CastleUtils

Smallest power of 2 that is >= Value.

SmallFactorial CastleUtils

Trivial factorial with Int64 result.

SmoothStep CastleUtils

Hermite interpolation between two values.

SmoothTowards CastleVectors


SmoothTowards CastleVectors


SmoothTowards CastleVectors

Smoothly change Source to Target.

Sort CastleUtils


Sort CastleUtils

Sort given table of items.

SortAbsVectorCoord CastleVectors


SortByObject CastleUtils


SortByObject CastleUtils


SoundEngine CastleSoundEngine

The sound engine.

SPad CastleStringUtils

Pad (fill from the left with character C) string S, until length of resulting string is at least Len.

SpecialDirName CastleUtils

Checks is the directory name special, like "." or "..".

SPercentReplace CastleStringUtils


SPercentReplace CastleStringUtils

Searches for %x patterns and replaces them with specified strings.

SPlatformDescription CastleUtils

Describe current platform, OS, CPU.

SplitString CastleStringUtils

Split a string by a character delimiter.

SQuoteLCLCaption CastleLCLUtils

Make each '&' inside string '&&', this way the string will not contain special '&x' sequences when used as a TMenuItem.Caption and such.

SQuoteMenuEntryCaption CastleWindow

Returns S with each underscore '_' replaced by two underscores, '__'.

SReadableForm CastleStringUtils


SReadableForm CastleStringUtils

Replace typically unreadable characters in string S with #number notation.

SRemoveMnemonics CastleWindow

Returns S with each '__' replaced with single '_', any other '_' removed.

SReplaceChars CastleStringUtils


SReplaceChars CastleStringUtils


SReplaceChars CastleStringUtils

Replace all occurrences of characters in FromChars with the new string / character.

SReplacePatterns CastleStringUtils


SReplacePatterns CastleStringUtils


SReplacePatterns CastleStringUtils

Replace all strings in Patterns with corresponding strings in Values.

SRight CastleStringUtils

Return rightmost RPart characters from S.

Str2ToInt CastleStringUtils

Convert string representing binary number to an integer.

StreamReadByte CastleClassUtils


StreamReadChar CastleClassUtils

Read one character from stream.

StreamReadLongWord CastleClassUtils


StreamReadString CastleClassUtils


StreamReadUpto_EOS CastleClassUtils


StreamReadUpto_EOS CastleClassUtils


StreamReadUpto_EOS CastleClassUtils


StreamReadUpto_EOS CastleClassUtils

Read stream, until you find some character in EndingChars, or end of stream.

StreamReadUpto_NotEOS CastleClassUtils


StreamReadUpto_NotEOS CastleClassUtils


StreamReadUpto_NotEOS CastleClassUtils


StreamReadUpto_NotEOS CastleClassUtils

Read stream, until you find some character in EndingChars.

StreamReadZeroEndString CastleClassUtils


StreamSaveToFile CastleDownload

Save the contents of given Stream to an URL.

StreamToString CastleClassUtils

Convert whole Stream to a string.

StreamWriteByte CastleClassUtils


StreamWriteLongWord CastleClassUtils


StreamWriteString CastleClassUtils

Encode / decode a string in a binary stream.

StrHexToInt CastleStringUtils

Convert string with hexadecimal number to an integer.

StringReplaceAllVar CastleStringUtils

Replace all occurrences of FromPattern string to ToPattern string, within another string S.

StringsAdd CastleClassUtils

Add some strings.

Strings_AddSplittedString CastleClassUtils

Splits S by Splitter, and adds each splitted part to Strings.

Strings_SetText CastleClassUtils

Use this instead of SList.Text := S to workaround FPC 2.0.2 bug.

Strings_Trim CastleClassUtils

Make sure we don't have more than MaxCount strings on a list.

StringToAlpha CastleImages


StringToComponent CastleComponentSerialize


StringToFile CastleFilesUtils


StringToHash CastleRandom

Implementation of MurMur2 hash algorithm to make a cryptographic-unsafe but highly uniform 32bit hash from a given string very quickly.

StringToTextureCompression CastleImages

Convert string to TTextureCompression enum.

StringToUtf16 CastleStringUtils

Convert String to UTF-16 (UnicodeString).

StrToActivity CastleActivityRecognition

Convert between lowercase activity name and TUserActivity type.

StrToActivityConfidence CastleActivityRecognition

Convert between lowercase activity confidence name and TUserActivityConfidence type.

StrToFloatDef CastleStringUtils


StrToFloatDefDot CastleUtils

Like standard StrToFloatDef, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings.

StrToFloatDot CastleUtils

Like standard StrToFloat, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings.

StrToKey CastleKeysMouse

Convert string value back to a key name, reversing KeyToStr.

StrToOrientationType CastleTransform


StrToPlatform CastleUtils

Convert string to a platform name.

STruncateHash CastleStringUtils

Remove from the string S everything after the first hash "#" character.

SuffixRemove CastleStringUtils

Like PrefixRemove, but checks for and removes Suffix.

SUnformattable CastleStringUtils

Return the value to reproduce exactly string S by Format procedure.

Swap32 CastleUtils

Utility functions to control the endianess of Single and Double values; no support for Extended though as such values have yet to be encountered when read from a file

Swap64 CastleUtils


SwapEndian CastleUtils


SwapEndian CastleUtils


SwapEndian CastleVectors


SwapEndian CastleVectors


SwapEndian CastleVectors

Endianess swapping for vectors.

SwapValues CastleUtils


SwapValues CastleUtils


SwapValues CastleUtils


SwapValues CastleUtils


SwapValues CastleUtils


SwapValues CastleUtils


SwapValues CastleUtils


SwapValues CastleUtils


SwapValues CastleUtils

Swap variables values.

SwapValues CastleVectors


SwapValues CastleVectors


SwapValues CastleVectors

Replace contents of 2 variables.

SystemLanguage CastleSystemLanguage

Returns the language code of the system language.

SystemLocale CastleSystemLanguage

Returns the locale code of the system locale.

SZeroPad CastleStringUtils

Pad (fill from the left) with zeros string S, until length of resulting string is at least Len.

TexParameterMaxAnisotropy CastleGLImages

Call glTexParameterf to set GL_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT on given texture target.

Texture2DClampToEdge CastleGLImages

Return wrap GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE in both directions.

TextureCompressionToString CastleImages

Convert TTextureCompression enum to string.

TextureFilter CastleGLImages

Part of CastleGLImages unit: texture filtering (TTextureFilter and friends).

TextureMemoryProfiler CastleGLImages

OpenGL texture memory profiler, to detect which textures use up the GPU texture memory.

Theme CastleUIControls

Theme that you can customize, used by default by all UI controls.

ThreePlanesIntersectionPoint CastleVectors

Intersection of three 3D planes, results in a single 3D point.

ThreePlanesIntersectionPointDouble CastleVectors

Intersection of three 3D planes, results in a single 3D point.

Timer CastleTimeUtils

Timer to measure (real) time passed during some operations.

TimerSeconds CastleTimeUtils

Subtract two times obtained from Timer, A-B, return a difference in seconds.

TimeTickDiff CastleTimeUtils

Difference in times between SecondTime and FirstTime.

TimeTickSecondLater CastleTimeUtils

Check is SecondTime larger by at least TimeDelay than FirstTime.

TransformCoordsMatrices CastleVectors

Calculate matrix to convert to given coordinate system (like TransformToCoordsMatrix) and it's inverse (like TransformFromCoordsMatrix).

TransformFromCoordsMatrix CastleVectors


TransformFromCoordsMatrix CastleVectors


TransformFromCoordsNoScaleMatrix CastleVectors


TransformLoad CastleTransform


TransformMatricesMult CastleTransform


TransformSave CastleTransform

Save / load TCastleTransform (or descendant) to a .castle-transform file.

TransformToCoords CastleVectors

Transform vector into new coordinate space.

TransformToCoordsMatrix CastleVectors


TransformToCoordsMatrix CastleVectors

Transform coordinates to / from a coordinate system.

TransformToCoordsNoScaleMatrix CastleVectors


TranslateAllDesigns CastleLocalizationGetText

Translate all future designs (component hierarchies) loaded using CastleComponentSerialize using the given GetText MO file.

TranslateDesign CastleLocalizationGetText

Translate all possible properties in the given component hierarchy with given translation file.

TranslateProperties CastleClassUtils

Enumerate all properties that are possible to translate in this component and its children.

TranslationFromMatrix CastleVectors

Extract translation from matrix.

TranslationMatrices CastleVectors


TranslationMatrices CastleVectors


TranslationMatrix CastleVectors


TranslationMatrix CastleVectors

Functions to create common 4x4 matrices used in 3D graphics.

Triangle2 CastleTriangles


Triangle3 CastleTriangles


TriangleArea CastleTriangles


TriangleBoundingBox CastleBoxes


TriangleDir CastleTriangles


TriangleDir CastleTriangles


TriangleDirection CastleTriangles


TriangleNormal CastleTriangles


TriangleNormal CastleTriangles


TriangleNormPlane CastleTriangles


TrianglePlane CastleTriangles


TrianglePlane CastleTriangles


TriangleToNiceStr CastleTriangles


TriangleTransform CastleTriangles


TriangulateConvexFace CastleTriangulate

Triangulate convex polygon.

TriangulateFace CastleTriangulate


TriangulateFace CastleTriangulate

Triangulate potentially non-convex face.

TrimEndingNewline CastleStringUtils

Remove one newline from the end of the string, if any.

TryCylinderRayIntersection CastleVectors

Intersection between an (infinitely tall) cylinder and a ray.

TryDeFormat CastleStringUtils


TryInverseHarder CastleVectors

Try to inverse single-precision matrix using double-precision, if necessary.

TryMatrixInverse CastleVectors


TryMatrixInverse CastleVectors


TryMatrixInverse CastleVectors


TryPlaneLineIntersection CastleVectors


TryPlaneLineIntersection CastleVectors

Plane and line intersection.

TryPlaneRayIntersection CastleVectors


TryPlaneRayIntersection CastleVectors


TryPlaneSegmentDirIntersection CastleVectors


TryPlaneSegmentDirIntersection CastleVectors


TrySimplePlaneRayIntersection CastleVectors


TrySimplePlaneRayIntersection CastleVectors


TrySimplePlaneRayIntersection CastleVectors

Plane and ray intersection.

TrySimplePlaneSegmentIntersection CastleVectors


TrySimplePlaneSegmentIntersection CastleVectors


TrySimplePlaneSegmentIntersection CastleVectors

Plane and line segment intersection.

TrySphereRayIntersection CastleVectors


TryStrToFloatDot CastleUtils


TryStrToFloatDot CastleUtils

Like standard TryStrToFloat, but always uses dot (.) as a decimal separator for the floating point numbers, regardless of the user's locale settings.

TryTriangleRayCollision CastleTriangles


TryTriangleRayCollision CastleTriangles

Calculate triangle with ray collision.

TryTriangleSegmentCollision CastleTriangles

Calculate triangle with line segment collision.

TryTriangleSegmentDirCollision CastleTriangles


TryTriangleSegmentDirCollision CastleTriangles


TwoPlanesIntersectionLine CastleVectors

Intersection of two 3D planes.

UnicodeToUTF8 CastleUnicode

function UTF8CharacterToUnicode(const S: string): TUnicodeChar;

UnicodeToUTF8Inline CastleUnicode


UnregisterUrlProtocol CastleDownload

Unregister protocol, reverting the RegisterUrlProtocol.

URICaption CastleURIUtils

Convert URI to a nice form for a short caption.

URICurrentPath CastleURIUtils

Current working directory of the application, expressed as URL, including always final slash at the end.

URIDeleteAnchor CastleURIUtils

Return URI with anchor (if was any) stripped.

URIDeleteProtocol CastleURIUtils

Remove the protocol part from URI.

URIDisplay CastleURIUtils

Convert URI to a nice form for display (to show in messages and such).

URIExcludeSlash CastleURIUtils

Ensure URL does not end with slash.

URIExists CastleURIUtils

Does a file or directory exist under this URL.

URIExtractAnchor CastleURIUtils

Extracts #anchor from URI.

URIFileExists CastleURIUtils

Does a file exist, that is: whether it makes sense to load it with the Download function.

URIGetAnchor CastleURIUtils

Like URIExtractAnchor, but URI remains unchanged.

URIGetSettingsFromAnchor CastleURIUtils

Calculate #anchor from an URI, and split it into a key-value map.

URIIncludeSlash CastleURIUtils

Ensure URL ends with slash.

URIMimeExtensions CastleURIUtils

Map from an extension to a MIME type, used by URIMimeType.

URIMimeType CastleURIUtils


URIMimeType CastleURIUtils

Get MIME type for content of the URI without downloading the file.

URIProtocol CastleURIUtils

Get protocol from given URI.

URIProtocolIs CastleURIUtils

Check does URI contain given Protocol.

URIToFilenameSafe CastleURIUtils

Convert URI (or filename) to a filename.

URIToFilenameSafeUTF8 CastleLCLUtils


URIValidProtocol CastleURIUtils

Is the S a valid protocol scheme.

URLReadXML CastleXMLUtils


URLReadXML CastleXMLUtils


URLReadXML CastleXMLUtils


URLReadXML CastleXMLUtils

Replacements for standard ReadXMLFile and WriteXMLFile that operate on URLs.

URLSaveStream CastleDownload

Create a stream to save a given URL, for example create a TFileStream to save a file for a file URL.

URLWriteXML CastleXMLUtils


URLWriteXML CastleXMLUtils


UseFMODSoundBackend CastleFMODSoundBackend

Use this to set sound engine backend to FMOD.

UseOpenALSoundBackend CastleOpenALSoundBackend

Use this to set sound engine backend to OpenAL.

UserConfig CastleConfig

User preferences.

UserConfigFile CastleFilesUtils

Filename to store user configuration.

UserConfigPath CastleFilesUtils

Path to store user configuration files.

UserInterfaceLoad CastleUIControls


UserInterfaceSave CastleUIControls

Save / load TCastleUserInterface (or descendant) to a .castle-user-interface file.

Utf16ToString CastleStringUtils

Convert UTF-16 (UnicodeString) to String.

UTF8CharacterLength CastleUnicode


UTF8CharacterToUnicode CastleUnicode

Return unicode character pointed by P.

UTF8CharStart CastleUnicode


UTF8Copy CastleUnicode


UTF8Length CastleUnicode


UTF8Length CastleUnicode


UTF8SEnding CastleUnicode


UTF8ToHtmlEntities CastleUnicode

Convert all special Unicode characters in the given UTF-8 string to HTML entities.

Vector2 CastleVectors


Vector2 CastleVectors


Vector2 CastleVectors


Vector2 CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector2 value.

Vector2Byte CastleVectors


Vector2Byte CastleVectors

Convert float vectors into byte vectors.

Vector2Cardinal CastleVectors


Vector2Double CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector2Double value.

Vector2FromStr CastleVectors

Convert string to vector.

Vector2Integer CastleVectors


Vector2Single CastleVectors


Vector2Single CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector2 value.

Vector2SingleCut CastleVectors


Vector2SingleFromStr CastleVectors


Vector2SmallInt CastleVectors


Vector3 CastleVectors


Vector3 CastleVectors


Vector3 CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector3 value.

Vector3 CastleVectors


Vector3Byte CastleVectors


Vector3Byte CastleVectors


Vector3Cardinal CastleVectors


Vector3Double CastleVectors


Vector3Double CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector3Double value.

Vector3FromStr CastleVectors


Vector3Integer CastleVectors


Vector3Single CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector3 value.

Vector3Single CastleVectors


Vector3Single CastleVectors


Vector3SingleCut CastleVectors


Vector3SingleFromStr CastleVectors


Vector3ToRGBE CastleImages

Encode RGB color as Red + Green + Blue + Exponent format.

Vector4 CastleVectors


Vector4 CastleVectors


Vector4 CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector4 value.

Vector4 CastleVectors


Vector4 CastleVectors


Vector4Byte CastleVectors


Vector4Byte CastleVectors


Vector4Cardinal CastleVectors


Vector4Double CastleVectors


Vector4Double CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector4Double value.

Vector4FromStr CastleVectors


Vector4Integer CastleVectors


Vector4Single CastleVectors


Vector4Single CastleVectors


Vector4Single CastleVectors

Construct an initialized TVector4 value.

Vector4SingleFromStr CastleVectors


VectorAdd CastleVectors


VectorAdd CastleVectors

Various compatibility functions (on vectors and matrices)

VectorAdd CastleVectors


VectorAdjustToLength CastleVectors


VectorAdjustToLength CastleVectors


VectorAdjustToLength CastleVectors


VectorAverage CastleVectors


VectorDotProduct CastleVectors


VectorDotProduct CastleVectors


VectorDotProduct CastleVectors


VectorLen CastleVectors


VectorLen CastleVectors


VectorLen CastleVectors


VectorLenSqr CastleVectors


VectorLenSqr CastleVectors


VectorLenSqr CastleVectors


VectorMultiplyComponents CastleVectors


VectorMultiplyComponents CastleVectors


VectorMultiplyComponents CastleVectors


VectorMultTransposedSameVector CastleVectors

Multiply vector by a transposition of the same vector.

VectorProduct CastleVectors


VectorRGBETo3Single CastleImages

Decode Red + Green + Blue + Exponent back into RGB (3 floats).

VectorsEqual CastleVectors


VectorsEqual CastleVectors


VectorsEqual CastleVectors


VectorsEqual CastleVectors


VectorsEqual CastleVectors


VectorsEqual CastleVectors


VectorsParallel CastleVectors

Are the two vectors parallel (one is a scaled version of another).

VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerfectlyEqual CastleVectors


VectorsPerp CastleVectors


VectorsSamePlaneDirections CastleVectors


VectorsSamePlaneDirections CastleVectors

Check if both directions indicate the same side of given 3D plane.

VectorSubtract CastleVectors


VectorSubtract CastleVectors


VectorSubtract CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToNiceStr CastleVectors


VectorToRawStr CastleVectors


VectorToRawStr CastleVectors


VectorToRawStr CastleVectors


VendorTypeToStr CastleGLVersion


Vibrate CastleOpenDocument

Vibrate the device.

WarningWrite CastleUtils


WarningWrite CastleUtils


WritelnLog CastleLog


WritelnLog CastleLog


WritelnLog CastleLog

Log message.

WritelnLog CastleLog

Format and log a message.

WritelnLogMultiline CastleLog

Log multiline message.

WritelnStr CastleClassUtils


WritelnStr CastleClassUtils


WritelnWarning CastleLog


WritelnWarning CastleLog

A shortcut for WritelnWarning(Category, Format(MessageBase, Args)).

WritelnWarning CastleLog


WritelnWarning CastleLog

Log a warning, and call ApplicationProperties.OnWarning event.

WriteLog CastleLog

Log message, without appending newline at the end (given Message should already contain a final newline).

WriteLogMultiline CastleLog


WriteStr CastleClassUtils


WriteStr CastleClassUtils

Write string contents, encoded as 8-bit (UTF-8), to stream.

X3DChangesToStr X3DFields


X3DFieldsManager X3DFields


X3DNodeList_FreeUnusedAndNil X3DNodes

Free all unused X3D nodes on the list, then free and Nil the list itself.

Zero CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


ZeroVector CastleVectors


Generated by PasDoc 0.16.0.