textures/dirtfrancecornergrass.jpg textures/water2.jpg From Golgotha project. The resources were hosted on various websites throughout the years, like http://jonathanclark.com/golgotha/browse.html http://jonathanclark.com/textures/ http://www.wolfiesden.com/golgotha/golgotha.asp The current one alive is http://opengameart.org/content/golgotha-textures , although it only contains a subset of the original images. There is also http://sourceforge.net/projects/golgotha/ , but it doesn't seem to contain textures (at least not in any normal format). License: public domain. textures/006bois.jpg textures/059_plombieresgbr.jpg From LeMog - 3d Textures: http://www.lemog.fr/lemog_textures/index.php License: TODO: unknown. The license is not explicitly stated on the website, site merely says "Free Tiled Textures".