| TableExprAggrNode (FunctionType, NodeDataType, ValueType, const TableExprNodeSet &source, const vector< TENShPtr > &nodes, const Block< Int > &dtypeOper) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual void | getAggrNodes (std::vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &aggr) |
| Get the nodes representing an aggregate function. More...
TENShPtr | operand () |
| Get the operand node. More...
virtual CountedPtr< TableExprGroupFuncBase > | makeGroupAggrFunc () |
| Create the correct aggregate function object. More...
virtual Bool | isLazyAggregate () const |
| Is the aggregate function a lazy or an immediate one? More...
virtual Bool | getBool (const TableExprId &id) |
| Functions to get the result of an aggregate function. More...
virtual Int64 | getInt (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual Double | getDouble (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual DComplex | getDComplex (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual String | getString (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual MVTime | getDate (const TableExprId &id) |
| TableExprFuncNode (FunctionType, NodeDataType, ValueType, const TableExprNodeSet &source, const vector< TENShPtr > &nodes, const Block< Int > &dtypeOper, const Table &=Table()) |
| Constructor. More...
| ~TableExprFuncNode () |
| Destructor. More...
Bool | getBool (const TableExprId &id) |
| 'get' Functions to get the desired result of a function More...
Int64 | getInt (const TableExprId &id) |
Double | getDouble (const TableExprId &id) |
DComplex | getDComplex (const TableExprId &id) |
String | getString (const TableExprId &id) |
TaqlRegex | getRegex (const TableExprId &id) |
MVTime | getDate (const TableExprId &id) |
void | fillUnits () |
| Fill the result unit in the node. More...
void | fillChildNodes (const vector< TENShPtr > &nodes, const Block< Int > &dtypeOper) |
| Link the children to the node and convert the children to constants if possible. More...
Double | getScale () const |
| Get possible unit scale factor (needed for sqrt). More...
const std::vector< TENShPtr > & | operands () const |
| Some functions to be used by TableExprNodeFuncArray. More...
std::vector< TENShPtr > & | rwOperands () |
FunctionType | funcType () const |
NodeDataType | argDataType () const |
| TableExprNodeMulti (NodeDataType, ValueType, OperType, const TableExprNodeRep &source) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~TableExprNodeMulti () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual void | show (ostream &, uInt indent) const |
| Show the expression tree. More...
virtual void | getColumnNodes (std::vector< TableExprNodeRep * > &cols) |
| Get the nodes representing a table column. More...
const std::vector< TENShPtr > & | getChildren () const |
| Get the child nodes. More...
| TableExprNodeRep (NodeDataType, ValueType, OperType, ArgType, ExprType, Int ndim, const IPosition &shape, const Table &table) |
| Construct a node. More...
| TableExprNodeRep (NodeDataType, ValueType, OperType, const Table &) |
| This constructor is called from the derived TableExprNodeRep. More...
| TableExprNodeRep (const TableExprNodeRep &) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~TableExprNodeRep () |
| The destructor deletes all the underlying TableExprNode objects. More...
virtual void | disableApplySelection () |
| Do not apply the selection. More...
virtual void | applySelection (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
| Re-create the column object for a selection of rows. More...
virtual Double | getUnitFactor () const |
| Get the unit conversion factor. More...
void | checkAggrFuncs () |
| Throw an exception if an aggregate function is used in the expression node or its children. More...
virtual MArray< Bool > | getArrayBool (const TableExprId &id) |
| Get an array value for this node in the given row. More...
virtual MArray< Int64 > | getArrayInt (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual MArray< Double > | getArrayDouble (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual MArray< DComplex > | getArrayDComplex (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual MArray< String > | getArrayString (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual MArray< MVTime > | getArrayDate (const TableExprId &id) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, Bool &value) |
| General get functions for template purposes. More...
void | get (const TableExprId &id, Int64 &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, Double &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, DComplex &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, MVTime &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, String &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, MArray< Bool > &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, MArray< Int64 > &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, MArray< Double > &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, MArray< DComplex > &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, MArray< MVTime > &value) |
void | get (const TableExprId &id, MArray< String > &value) |
MArray< Bool > | getBoolAS (const TableExprId &id) |
| Get a value as an array, even it it is a scalar. More...
MArray< Int64 > | getIntAS (const TableExprId &id) |
MArray< Double > | getDoubleAS (const TableExprId &id) |
MArray< DComplex > | getDComplexAS (const TableExprId &id) |
MArray< String > | getStringAS (const TableExprId &id) |
MArray< MVTime > | getDateAS (const TableExprId &id) |
virtual Bool | hasBool (const TableExprId &id, Bool value) |
| Does a value occur in an array or set? The default implementation tests if it is in an array. More...
virtual Bool | hasInt (const TableExprId &id, Int64 value) |
virtual Bool | hasDouble (const TableExprId &id, Double value) |
virtual Bool | hasDComplex (const TableExprId &id, const DComplex &value) |
virtual Bool | hasString (const TableExprId &id, const String &value) |
virtual Bool | hasDate (const TableExprId &id, const MVTime &value) |
virtual MArray< Bool > | hasArrayBool (const TableExprId &id, const MArray< Bool > &value) |
virtual MArray< Bool > | hasArrayInt (const TableExprId &id, const MArray< Int64 > &value) |
virtual MArray< Bool > | hasArrayDouble (const TableExprId &id, const MArray< Double > &value) |
virtual MArray< Bool > | hasArrayDComplex (const TableExprId &id, const MArray< DComplex > &value) |
virtual MArray< Bool > | hasArrayString (const TableExprId &id, const MArray< String > &value) |
virtual MArray< Bool > | hasArrayDate (const TableExprId &id, const MArray< MVTime > &value) |
rownr_t | nrow () const |
| Get the number of rows in the table associated with this expression. More...
virtual Bool | getColumnDataType (DataType &) const |
| Get the data type of the column. More...
virtual Array< Bool > | getColumnBool (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
| Get the value of the expression evaluated for the entire column. More...
virtual Array< uChar > | getColumnuChar (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< Short > | getColumnShort (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< uShort > | getColumnuShort (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< Int > | getColumnInt (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< uInt > | getColumnuInt (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< Int64 > | getColumnInt64 (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< Float > | getColumnFloat (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< Double > | getColumnDouble (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< Complex > | getColumnComplex (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< DComplex > | getColumnDComplex (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual Array< String > | getColumnString (const Vector< rownr_t > &rownrs) |
virtual void | ranges (Block< TableExprRange > &) |
| Convert the tree to a number of range vectors which at least select the same things. More...
NodeDataType | dataType () const |
| Get the data type of the derived TableExprNode object. More...
Bool | isReal () const |
| Is the data type real (i.e., integer or double)? More...
ValueType | valueType () const |
| Get the value type. More...
void | setValueType (ValueType vtype) |
| Set the value type. More...
OperType | operType () const |
| Get the operator type. More...
ExprType | exprType () const |
| Get the expression type. More...
Bool | isConstant () const |
| Is the expression a constant? More...
const Unit & | unit () const |
| Get the unit. More...
void | setUnit (const Unit &unit) |
| Set the unit. More...
const Record & | attributes () const |
| Get the attributes. More...
void | setAttributes (const Record &) |
| Set the attributes. More...
Int | ndim () const |
| Get the fixed dimensionality (same for all rows). More...
const IPosition & | shape () const |
| Get the fixed shape (same for all rows). More...
const IPosition & | shape (const TableExprId &id) |
| Get the shape for the given row. More...
virtual Bool | isDefined (const TableExprId &id) |
| Is the value in the given row defined? The default implementation returns True. More...
Table & | table () |
| Get table. More...
const Table & | table () const |
virtual void | adaptSetUnits (const Unit &) |
| Let a set node convert itself to the given unit. More...