| ParAngleColumn (MSCalEngine *engine, Int antnr) |
virtual | ~ParAngleColumn () |
virtual void | get (rownr_t rowNr, Double &data) |
| Let a derived class get the scalar value in the given row. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::VirtualScalarColumn< Double > |
| VirtualScalarColumn () |
| Create a column. More...
virtual | ~VirtualScalarColumn () |
| Frees up the storage. More...
virtual int | dataType () const |
| Return the data type of the column. More...
virtual String | dataTypeId () const |
| Return the data type Id of the column. More...
virtual void | put (rownr_t rownr, const Double &data) |
| Let a derived class put the scalar value into the given row. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::VirtualScalarColumnBase |
| VirtualScalarColumnBase () |
| Create a column. More...
virtual | ~VirtualScalarColumnBase () |
virtual Bool | isWritable () const |
| By default no data can be put in a virtual column. More...
Public Member Functions inherited from casacore::DataManagerColumn |
| DataManagerColumn () |
| Create a column. More...
virtual | ~DataManagerColumn () |
| Frees up the storage. More...
void | setIsFixedShape (Bool isFixedShape) |
| Set the isFixedShape flag. More...
Bool | isFixedShape () const |
| Is this a fixed shape column? More...
virtual void | setMaxLength (uInt maxLength) |
| Set the maximum length of the value (can be used for strings). More...
void | setFixedShapeColumn (const IPosition &shape) |
| Set the shape of all (fixed-shaped) arrays in the column. More...
virtual void | setShape (rownr_t rownr, const IPosition &shape) |
| Set the shape of an (variable-shaped) array in the given row. More...
virtual void | setShapeTiled (rownr_t rownr, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &tileShape) |
| Set the shape and tile shape of an (variable-shaped) array in the given row. More...
virtual Bool | isShapeDefined (rownr_t rownr) |
| Is the value shape defined in the given row? By default it returns True. More...
virtual uInt | ndim (rownr_t rownr) |
| Get the dimensionality of the item in the given row. More...
virtual IPosition | shape (rownr_t rownr) |
| Get the shape of the item in the given row. More...
virtual IPosition | tileShape (rownr_t rownr) |
| Get the tile shape of the item in the given row. More...
virtual Bool | canChangeShape () const |
| Can the data manager handle chaging the shape of an existing array? Default is no. More...
ColumnCache & | columnCache () |
| Get access to the ColumnCache object. More...
const ColumnCache * | columnCachePtr () const |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, Bool *dataPtr) |
| Get the scalar value in the given row. More...
void | get (rownr_t rownr, uChar *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, Short *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, uShort *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, Int *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, uInt *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, Int64 *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, float *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, double *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, Complex *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, DComplex *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, String *dataPtr) |
void | get (rownr_t rownr, void *dataPtr) |
| This function is the get for all non-standard data types. More...
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const Bool *dataPtr) |
| Put the scalar value into the given row. More...
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const uChar *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const Short *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const uShort *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const Int *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const uInt *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const Int64 *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const float *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const double *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const Complex *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const DComplex *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const String *dataPtr) |
void | put (rownr_t rownr, const void *dataPtr) |
| This function is the put for all non-standard data types. More...
void | throwGet () const |
| Throw an "invalid operation" exception for the default implementation of get. More...
void | throwPut () const |
| Throw an "invalid operation" exception for the default implementation of put. More...
void | setColumnName (const String &colName) |
| Set the column name. More...
const String & | columnName () const |
| Get rhe column name. More...