static void | addColumnToDesc (TableDesc &td, const String &colName, Int colDType, const String &colComment, const String &colUnit, const String &colMeasure, Int ndim, const IPosition &shape, Int option, const String &refCol) |
| add a column to a TableDesc An exception is thrown for an invalid data type. More...
static void | addKeyToDesc (TableDesc &td, const String &keyName, Int keyDType, const String &keyComment) |
| add a keyword to a TableDesc An exception is thrown for an invalid data type. More...
static void | addMeasColumn (TableDesc &td, const String &colName, const String &colMeasure, const String &refCol) |
| add a MeasureColumn for the specified Measure, with default reference More...
static void | addColumnCompression (TableDesc &, const String &colName, Bool autoScale, const String &type) |
| Add the compress option for the given column to the TableDesc. More...
static SetupNewTable & | setupCompression (SetupNewTable &) |
| Setup the compression data managers if needed. More...
static void | colMapDef (std::map< Int, String > &colMap, std::map< Int, Int > &colDTypeMap, std::map< Int, String > &colCommentMap, std::map< Int, String > &colUnitMap, std::map< Int, String > &colMeasureTypeMap, Int col, const String &colName, Int colType, const String &colComment, const String &colUnit, const String &colMeasureType) |
| Define an entry in the column maps. More...
static void | keyMapDef (std::map< Int, String > &keyMap, std::map< Int, Int > &keyDTypeMap, std::map< Int, String > &keyCommentMap, Int key, const String &keyName, Int keyType, const String &keyComment) |
| Define an entry in the keyword maps. More...
static Bool | validate (const TableDesc &tabDesc, const TableDesc &requiredTD) |
| tableDesc convenience functions More...
static Bool | validate (const TableRecord &tabRec, const TableDesc &requiredTD) |
| check that the keyword set is valid
static Table | referenceCopy (const Table &tab, const String &newTableName, const Block< String > &writableColumns) |
| Return a table that references all columns in this table except for those given in writableColumns, those are empty and writable. More...
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSMainEnums *) |
| Define the initialization function for each MS table type. More...
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSAntennaEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSDataDescriptionEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSDopplerEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSFeedEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSFieldEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSFlagCmdEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSFreqOffsetEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSHistoryEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSObservationEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSPointingEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSPolarizationEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSProcessorEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSSourceEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSSpectralWindowEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSStateEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSSysCalEnums *) |
static MSTableMaps | initMaps (MSWeatherEnums *) |