| HDF5Image (const TiledShape &mapShape, const CoordinateSystem &coordinateInfo, const String &nameOfNewFile) |
| Construct a new Image from shape and coordinate information. More...
| HDF5Image (const String &fileName, MaskSpecifier=MaskSpecifier()) |
| Reconstruct an image from a pre-existing file. More...
| HDF5Image (const HDF5Image< T > &other) |
| Copy constructor (reference semantics). More...
| ~HDF5Image () |
HDF5Image< T > & | operator= (const HDF5Image< T > &other) |
| Assignment operator (reference semantics). More...
virtual ImageInterface< T > * | cloneII () const |
| Make a copy of the object (reference semantics). More...
virtual String | imageType () const |
| Get the image type (returns name of derived class). More...
virtual String | name (Bool stripPath=False) const |
| Return the current HDF5 file name. More...
virtual void | resize (const TiledShape &newShape) |
| Function which changes the shape of the ImageExpr. More...
virtual Bool | ok () const |
| Check for symmetry in data members. More...
virtual IPosition | shape () const |
| Return the shape of the image. More...
virtual Bool | doGetSlice (Array< T > &buffer, const Slicer &theSlice) |
| Function which extracts an array from the map. More...
virtual void | doPutSlice (const Array< T > &sourceBuffer, const IPosition &where, const IPosition &stride) |
| Function to replace the values in the map with soureBuffer. More...
virtual const LatticeRegion * | getRegionPtr () const |
| Get a pointer the default pixelmask object used with this image. More...
virtual Bool | isPersistent () const |
| An HDF5Image is always persistent. More...
virtual Bool | isPaged () const |
| An HDF5Image is always paged to disk. More...
virtual Bool | isWritable () const |
| Is the HDF5Image writable? More...
virtual Bool | hasPixelMask () const |
| Does the image object use a pixelmask? More...
virtual const Lattice< Bool > & | pixelMask () const |
| Get access to the pixelmask used. More...
virtual Lattice< Bool > & | pixelMask () |
virtual void | setDefaultMask (const String &maskName) |
| Set the default pixelmask to the mask with the given name (which has to exist in the "masks" group). More...
virtual void | useMask (MaskSpecifier=MaskSpecifier()) |
| Use the mask as specified. More...
virtual void | apply (T(*function)(T)) |
| Replace every element, x, of the lattice with the result of f(x). More...
virtual void | apply (T(*function)(const T &)) |
virtual void | apply (const Functional< T, T > &function) |
HDF5Image< T > & | operator+= (const Lattice< T > &other) |
| Add a lattice to this image. More...
virtual Bool | setUnits (const Unit &newUnits) |
| Function which sets the units associated with the image pixels (i.e. More...
virtual Bool | setCoordinateInfo (const CoordinateSystem &coords) |
| Flushes the new coordinate system to disk if the file is writable. More...
virtual T | getAt (const IPosition &where) const |
| These are the true implementations of the paran operator. More...
virtual void | putAt (const T &value, const IPosition &where) |
| Put the value of a single element. More...
virtual Bool | setMiscInfo (const RecordInterface &newInfo) |
| Replace the miscinfo in the HDF5Image. More...
virtual Bool | setImageInfo (const ImageInfo &info) |
| The ImageInfo object contains some miscellaneous information about the image, which unlike that stored in MiscInfo, has a standard list of things, such as the restoring beam. More...
virtual ImageAttrHandler & | attrHandler (Bool createHandler=False) |
| Get access to the attribute handler. More...
virtual void | removeRegion (const String &name, RegionHandler::GroupType=RegionHandler::Any, Bool throwIfUnknown=True) |
| Remove a region/mask belonging to the image from the given group (which can be Any). More...
virtual LatticeIterInterface< T > * | makeIter (const LatticeNavigator &navigator, Bool useRef) const |
| This is the implementation of the letter for the envelope Iterator class;
Note: Not for public use
;. More...
virtual uInt | advisedMaxPixels () const |
| Returns the maximum recommended number of pixels for a cursor. More...
virtual IPosition | doNiceCursorShape (uInt maxPixels) const |
| Help the user pick a cursor for most efficient access. More...
virtual void | flush () |
| Flush the data. More...
| ImageInterface () |
| ImageInterface (const RegionHandler ®ionHandler) |
| Construct for a specific region handler object. More...
| ImageInterface (const ImageInterface &other) |
| Copy constructor (copy semantics). More...
virtual | ~ImageInterface () |
virtual MaskedLattice< T > * | cloneML () const |
| Make a copy of the derived object (reference semantics). More...
virtual const Unit & | units () const |
const CoordinateSystem & | coordinates () const |
virtual LELCoordinates | lelCoordinates () const |
| Function to get a LELCoordinate object containing the coordinates. More...
LoggerHolder & | logger () |
| Get access to the LoggerHolder. More...
const LoggerHolder & | logger () const |
LogIO & | logSink () |
| Allow messages to be logged to this ImageInterface. More...
const LogIO & | logSink () const |
void | appendLog (const LoggerHolder &other) |
| Add the messages from the other image logger to this one. More...
const TableRecord & | miscInfo () const |
| Often we have miscellaneous information we want to attach to an image. More...
const ImageInfo & | imageInfo () const |
| The ImageInfo object contains some miscellaneous information about the image which unlike that stored in MiscInfo, has a standard list of things, such as the restoring beam. More...
ImageInfo & | rwImageInfo () |
| Get non-const access to the ImageInfo. More...
ImageAttrHandler & | roAttrHandler () const |
Bool | canDefineRegion () const |
| Can the image handle region definition? More...
virtual ImageRegion | makeMask (const String &name, Bool defineAsRegion=True, Bool setAsDefaultMask=True, Bool initialize=False, Bool value=True) |
| Make a mask which is suitable for the type of image. More...
virtual void | defineRegion (const String &name, const ImageRegion ®ion, RegionHandler::GroupType, Bool overwrite=False) |
| Define a region/mask belonging to the image. More...
virtual Bool | hasRegion (const String ®ionName, RegionHandler::GroupType=RegionHandler::Any) const |
| Does the image have a region with the given name? More...
virtual ImageRegion * | getImageRegionPtr (const String &name, RegionHandler::GroupType=RegionHandler::Any, Bool throwIfUnknown=True) const |
| Get a region/mask belonging to the image from the given group (which can be Any). More...
virtual void | renameRegion (const String &newName, const String &oldName, RegionHandler::GroupType=RegionHandler::Any, Bool overwrite=False) |
| Rename a region. More...
virtual Vector< String > | regionNames (RegionHandler::GroupType=RegionHandler::Any) const |
| Get the names of all regions/masks. More...
virtual String | getDefaultMask () const |
| Get the name of the default pixelmask. More...
ImageRegion | getRegion (const String ®ionName, RegionHandler::GroupType=RegionHandler::Any) const |
| Get a region belonging to the image. More...
String | makeUniqueRegionName (const String &rootName, uInt startNumber=1) const |
| Make a unique region name from the given root name, thus make it such that the name is not already in use for a region or mask. More...
Bool | toRecord (String &error, RecordInterface &outRec) |
| Save and restore an ImageInterface object to or from a state Record. More...
Bool | fromRecord (String &error, const RecordInterface &inRec) |
| MaskedLattice () |
| Default constructor. More...
| MaskedLattice (const MaskedLattice< T > &) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~MaskedLattice () |
| a virtual destructor is needed so that it will use the actual destructor in the derived class More...
virtual Lattice< T > * | clone () const |
| Make a copy of the derived object (reference semantics). More...
virtual Bool | isMasked () const |
| Has the object really a mask? The default implementation returns True if the MaskedLattice has a region with a mask. More...
const LatticeRegion & | region () const |
| Get the region used. More...
Bool | getMask (COWPtr< Array< Bool > > &buffer, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
| Get the mask or a slice from the mask. More...
Bool | getMaskSlice (COWPtr< Array< Bool > > &buffer, const Slicer §ion, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Bool | getMaskSlice (COWPtr< Array< Bool > > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Bool | getMaskSlice (COWPtr< Array< Bool > > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Bool | getMask (Array< Bool > &buffer, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) |
Bool | getMaskSlice (Array< Bool > &buffer, const Slicer §ion, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) |
Bool | getMaskSlice (Array< Bool > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) |
Bool | getMaskSlice (Array< Bool > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) |
Array< Bool > | getMask (Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Array< Bool > | getMaskSlice (const Slicer §ion, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Array< Bool > | getMaskSlice (const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Array< Bool > | getMaskSlice (const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
virtual Bool | doGetMaskSlice (Array< Bool > &buffer, const Slicer §ion) |
| The function (in the derived classes) doing the actual work. More...
virtual | ~Lattice () |
| a virtual destructor is needed so that it will use the actual destructor in the derived class More...
virtual DataType | dataType () const |
| Get the data type of the lattice. More...
T | operator() (const IPosition &where) const |
| Return the value of the single element located at the argument IPosition. More...
Bool | get (COWPtr< Array< T > > &buffer, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
| Functions which extract an Array of values from a Lattice. More...
Bool | getSlice (COWPtr< Array< T > > &buffer, const Slicer §ion, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Bool | getSlice (COWPtr< Array< T > > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Bool | getSlice (COWPtr< Array< T > > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Bool | get (Array< T > &buffer, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) |
Bool | getSlice (Array< T > &buffer, const Slicer §ion, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) |
Bool | getSlice (Array< T > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) |
Bool | getSlice (Array< T > &buffer, const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) |
Array< T > | get (Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Array< T > | getSlice (const Slicer §ion, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Array< T > | getSlice (const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
Array< T > | getSlice (const IPosition &start, const IPosition &shape, const IPosition &stride, Bool removeDegenerateAxes=False) const |
void | putSlice (const Array< T > &sourceBuffer, const IPosition &where, const IPosition &stride) |
| A function which places an Array of values within this instance of the Lattice at the location specified by the IPosition "where", incrementing by "stride". More...
void | putSlice (const Array< T > &sourceBuffer, const IPosition &where) |
void | put (const Array< T > &sourceBuffer) |
virtual void | set (const T &value) |
| Set all elements in the Lattice to the given value. More...
void | operator+= (const Lattice< T > &other) |
| Add, subtract, multiple, or divide by another Lattice. More...
void | operator-= (const Lattice< T > &other) |
void | operator*= (const Lattice< T > &other) |
void | operator/= (const Lattice< T > &other) |
virtual void | copyData (const Lattice< T > &from) |
| Copy the data from the given lattice to this one. More...
virtual void | copyDataTo (Lattice< T > &to) const |
| Copy the data from this lattice to the given lattice. More...
virtual | ~LatticeBase () |
| A virtual destructor is needed so that it will use the actual destructor in the derived class. More...
virtual Bool | canReferenceArray () const |
| Can the lattice data be referenced as an array section? That is the case for an ArrayLattice or a Temp/SubLattice using it. More...
virtual void | save (const String &fileName) const |
| Save the image in an AipsIO file with the given name. More...
virtual Bool | lock (FileLocker::LockType, uInt nattempts) |
| It is strongly recommended to use class LatticeLocker to handle lattice locking. More...
virtual void | unlock () |
virtual Bool | hasLock (FileLocker::LockType) const |
virtual void | resync () |
| Resynchronize the Lattice object with the lattice file. More...
virtual void | tempClose () |
| Temporarily close the lattice. More...
virtual void | reopen () |
| Explicitly reopen the temporarily closed lattice. More...
virtual uInt | ndim () const |
| Return the number of axes in this Lattice. More...
virtual size_t | nelements () const |
| Return the total number of elements in this Lattice. More...
size_t | size () const |
Bool | conform (const LatticeBase &other) const |
| Return a value of "True" if this instance of Lattice and 'other' have the same shape, otherwise returns a value of "False". More...
IPosition | niceCursorShape (uInt maxPixels) const |
| Returns a recommended cursor shape for iterating through all the pixels in the Lattice. More...
IPosition | niceCursorShape () const |
virtual uInt | maximumCacheSize () const |
| Maximum cache size - not necessarily all used. More...
virtual void | setMaximumCacheSize (uInt howManyPixels) |
| Set the maximum (allowed) cache size as indicated. More...
virtual void | setCacheSizeInTiles (uInt howManyTiles) |
| Set the actual cache size for this Array to be big enough for the indicated number of tiles. More...
virtual void | setCacheSizeFromPath (const IPosition &sliceShape, const IPosition &windowStart, const IPosition &windowLength, const IPosition &axisPath) |
| Set the cache size as to "fit" the indicated path. More...
virtual void | clearCache () |
| Clears and frees up the caches, but the maximum allowed cache size is unchanged from when setCacheSize was called. More...
virtual void | showCacheStatistics (ostream &os) const |
| Report on cache success. More...