Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# Table.h: Main interface classes to tables
2 //# Copyright (C) 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have receied a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
28 #ifndef TABLES_TABLE_H
29 #define TABLES_TABLE_H
32 //# Includes
33 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
34 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/BaseTable.h>
35 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/TableLock.h>
36 #include <casacore/tables/Tables/RowNumbers.h>
37 #include <casacore/tables/DataMan/TSMOption.h>
38 #include <casacore/casa/Arrays/ArrayFwd.h>
39 #include <casacore/casa/Containers/Record.h>
40 #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/DataType.h>
41 #include <casacore/casa/Utilities/Sort.h>
43 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
44 #include <mpi.h>
45 #endif
47 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
49 //# Forward Declarations
50 class SetupNewTable;
51 class TableDesc;
52 class ColumnDesc;
53 class TableRecord;
54 class Record;
55 class TableExprNode;
56 class DataManager;
57 class IPosition;
58 template<class T> class Block;
59 template<class T> class CountedPtr;
62 // <summary>
63 // Main interface class to a read/write table
64 // </summary>
66 // <use visibility=export>
68 // <reviewed reviewer="TPPR" date="08.11.94" tests="">
69 // </reviewed>
71 // <prerequisite>
72 //# Classes you should understand before using this one.
73 // <li> <linkto class=SetupNewTable>SetupNewTable</linkto>
74 // <li> <linkto class=TableDesc>TableDesc</linkto>
75 // <li> <linkto class=TableColumn>TableColumn</linkto>
76 // <li> <linkto class=ScalarColumn>ScalarColumn</linkto>
77 // <li> <linkto class=ArrayColumn>ArrayColum</linkto>
78 // <li> <linkto class=TableLock>TableLock</linkto>
79 // </prerequisite>
81 // <synopsis>
82 // Class Table can be used to create a new table or to access an existing
83 // table in read/write or readonly mode.
84 //
85 // To access the data in a Table, objects have to be created
86 // to access the columns. These objects are TableColumn,
87 // ScalarColumn<T> and ArrayColumn<T>, which can be created
88 // via their constructors.
89 // Furthermore the Table has a TableRecord object for holding keywords
90 // which can be read or written using the appropriate functions.
91 // <br> The Table class structure is shown in this
92 // <a href="Table.drawio.svg.html">UML diagram</a>.
93 //
94 // To open an existing table, a simple Table constructor can be used.
95 // The possible construct options are:
96 // <ul>
97 // <li> Old readonly table (default option)
98 // <li> Update update existing table
99 // <li> Delete delete table
100 // </ul>
101 //
102 // Creating a new table requires more work, because columns have
103 // to be bound to storage managers or virtual column engines.
104 // Class SetupNewTable is needed for this purpose. The Tables module
105 // documentation explains in more detail how to create a table.
106 // When creating a table, it can be specified which endian format to use.
107 // By default it uses the format specified in the aipsrc variable
108 // <code>table.endianformat</code> which defaults to
109 // <code>Table::LocalEndian</code> (thus the endian format of the
110 // machine being used).
111 //
112 // Note that TableUtil contains convenience function to open, create or delete a table.
113 // They make it possible to use the :: notation to denote subtables.
114 // <p>
115 // It is possible to create a Table object as the virtual concatenation of
116 // Tables having identical table descriptions. Subtables of those tables
117 // can optionally be concatenated as well.
118 // E.g. if a MeasurementSet is partioned in time, this mechanism makes it
119 // possible to view it as a single table. Furthermore, a subtable like
120 // SYSCAL can be concatenated as well, while the other subtables are identical
121 // in all partitions and are taken from the first table only.
122 //
123 // Other Table objects can be created from a Table using
124 // the select, project and sort functions. The result in so-called
125 // reference tables. In this way a subset of a table can be created and
126 // can be read/written in the same way as a normal Table. Writing has the
127 // effect that the underlying table gets written.
128 // </synopsis>
130 // <example>
131 // <srcblock>
132 // // Open a table to be updated.
133 // Table myTable ("theTable", Table::Update);
134 // // Write the column containing the scalar RA.
135 // ScalarColumn<double> raColumn(myTable, "RA");
136 // rownr_t nrrow = myTable.nrow();
137 // for (rownr_t i=0; i<nrrow; i++) {
138 // raColumn.put (i, i+10); // Put value i+10 into row i
139 // }
140 // </srcblock>
141 // </example>
143 // <motivation>
144 // Table is the envelope for the underlying counted referenced
145 // classes derived from BaseTable. In this way no pointers have
146 // to be used to get polymorphism.
147 // </motivation>
149 // <todo asof="$DATE:$">
150 //# A List of bugs, limitations, extensions or planned refinements.
151 // <li> add, remove, rename columns.
152 // <li> virtual concatenation of tables (if still necessary).
153 // <li> maybe an isAttached function.
154 // </todo>
157 class Table
158 {
159 friend class TableColumn;
160 friend class BaseTable;
161 friend class PlainTable;
162 friend class MemoryTable;
163 friend class RefTable;
164 friend class ConcatTable;
165 friend class TableIterator;
166 friend class RODataManAccessor;
167 friend class TableExprNode;
168 friend class TableExprNodeRep;
170 public:
171  // Define the possible options how a table can be opened.
172  enum TableOption {
173  // existing table
174  Old=1,
175  // create table
177  // create table (may not exist)
179  // new table, which gets marked for delete
181  // update existing table
183  // delete table
184  Delete
185  };
187  // Define the possible table types.
188  enum TableType {
189  // plain table (stored on disk)
191  // table held in memory
192  Memory
193  };
195  // Define the possible endian formats in which table data can be stored.
197  // store table data in big endian (e.g. SUN) format
199  // store table data in little endian (e.g. Intel) format
201  // store data in the endian format of the machine used
203  // use endian format defined in the aipsrc variable table.endianformat
204  // If undefined, it defaults to LocalEndian.
206  };
209  // Define the signature of the function being called when the state
210  // of a scratch table changes (i.e. created, closed, renamed,
211  // (un)markForDelete).
212  // <br>- <src>isScratch=True</src> indicates that a scratch table
213  // is created (<src>oldName</src> is empty) or renamed
214  // (<src>oldName</src> is not empty).
215  // <br>- <src>isScratch=False</src> indicates that a scratch table
216  // with name <src>name</src> is not scratch anymore (because it is
217  // closed or because its state is set to non-scratch).
218  typedef void ScratchCallback (const String& name, Bool isScratch,
219  const String& oldName);
221  // Set the pointer to the ScratchCallback function.
222  // It returns the current value of the pointer.
223  // This function is called when changing the state of a table
224  // (i.e. create, close, rename, (un)markForDelete).
228  // Create a null Table object (i.e. a NullTable is attached).
229  // The sole purpose of this constructor is to allow construction
230  // of an array of Table objects.
231  // The assignment operator can be used to make a null object
232  // reference a proper table.
233  Table();
235  // Create a table object for an existing table.
236  // The only options allowed are Old, Update, and Delete.
237  // If the name of a table description is given, it is checked
238  // if the table has that description.
239  // Locking options can be given (see class
240  // <linkto class=TableLock>TableLock</linkto>.
241  // If the table with this name was already opened in this process,
242  // the existing and new locking options are merged using
243  // <src>TableLock::merge</src>.
244  // The default locking mechanism is DefaultLocking. If the table
245  // is not open yet, it comes to AutoLocking with an inspection interval
246  // of 5 seconds. Otherwise DefaultLocking keeps the locking options
247  // of the already open table.
248  // <group>
250  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
252  TableOption = Table::Old, const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
253  Table (const String& tableName, const String& tableDescName,
254  TableOption = Table::Old, const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
255  Table (const String& tableName, const String& tableDescName,
257  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
258  // </group>
260  // Make a new empty table (plain (scratch) or memory type).
261  // Columns should be added to make it a real one.
262  // Note that the endian format is only relevant for plain tables.
264  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
266  // Make a table object for a new table, which can thereafter be used
267  // for reading and writing.
268  // If there are unbound columns, default storage managers an/ord virtual
269  // column engines will be created and bound to those columns.
270  // Create the table with the given nr of rows. If a storage manager
271  // is used which does not allow addition of rows, the number of rows
272  // in the table must already be given here.
273  // Optionally the rows can be initialized with the default
274  // values as defined in the column descriptions.
275  // Locking options can be given (see class
276  // <linkto class=TableLock>TableLock</linkto>.
277  // The default locking mechanism is AutoLocking with a default
278  // inspection interval of 5 seconds.
279  // <br>The data will be stored in the given endian format.
280  // <group>
281  explicit Table (SetupNewTable&, rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
283  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
285  rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
288  rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
291  rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
294  rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
296 #ifdef HAVE_MPI
297  explicit Table (MPI_Comm mpiComm, TableType, EndianFormat = Table::AipsrcEndian,
298  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
299  explicit Table (MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable&, rownr_t nrrow = 0,
300  Bool initialize = False,
302  const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
303  Table (MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable&, TableType,
304  rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
306  Table (MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable&, TableType, const TableLock& lockOptions,
307  rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
310  rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
312  Table (MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable&, const TableLock& lockOptions,
313  rownr_t nrrow = 0, Bool initialize = False,
315 #endif
316  // </group>
318  // Create a table object as the virtual concatenation of
319  // one or more of existing tables. The descriptions of all those tables
320  // must be exactly the same.
321  // <br>The keywordset of the virtual table is the set of the first table
322  // including its subtables. However, it is possible to specify the names
323  // of the subtables that have to be concantenated as well.
324  // <br>In this way a concatenation of multiple MS-s can be made, where it
325  // can be specified that, say, the SYSCAL table has to be concatenated too.
326  // <br> When a concatenated table is written and if a non-empty
327  // <src>subDirName</src> is given, the tables to be concatenated will be
328  // moved to that subdirectory in the directory of the concatenated table.
329  // This option is mainly used by the MSS structure used in CASA.
330  // <br>
331  // The only open options allowed are Old and Update.
332  // Locking options can be given (see class
333  // <linkto class=TableLock>TableLock</linkto>.
334  // They apply to all underlying tables.
335  // If a table was already opened in this process,
336  // the existing and new locking options are merged using
337  // <src>TableLock::merge</src>.
338  // The default locking mechanism is DefaultLocking. If the table
339  // is not open yet, it comes to AutoLocking with an inspection interval
340  // of 5 seconds. Otherwise DefaultLocking keeps the locking options
341  // of the already open table.
342  // <group>
343  explicit Table (const Block<Table>& tables,
344  const Block<String>& subTables = Block<String>(),
345  const String& subDirName = String());
346  explicit Table (const Block<String>& tableNames,
347  const Block<String>& subTables = Block<String>(),
349  const String& subDirName = String());
350  Table (const Block<String>& tableNames,
351  const Block<String>& subTables,
352  const TableLock& lockOptions,
353  TableOption = Table::Old, const TSMOption& = TSMOption());
354  // </group>
356  // Copy constructor (reference semantics).
357  Table (const Table&);
359  // The destructor flushes (i.e. writes) the table if it is opened
360  // for output and not marked for delete.
361  // It will flush if the destructor is called due to an exception,
362  // because the Table object may not be correct.
363  // Of course, in that case the flush function could be called explicitly.
364  // <br>It is virtual, so an object of a derived class like MeasurementSet
365  // is destructed correctly through a Table pointer.
366  virtual ~Table();
368  // Assignment (reference semantics).
371  // Get the names of the tables this table consists of.
372  // For a plain table it returns its name,
373  // for a RefTable the name of the parent, and
374  // for a ConcatTable the names of all its parts.
375  // <br>Note that a part can be any type of table (e.g. a ConcatTable).
376  // The recursive switch tells how to deal with that.
379  // Is the root table of this table the same as that of the other one?
380  Bool isSameRoot (const Table& other) const;
382  // Close all open subtables.
383  void closeSubTables() const;
385  // Try to reopen the table for read/write access.
386  // An exception is thrown if the table is not writable.
387  // Nothing is done if the table is already open for read/write.
388  void reopenRW();
390  // Get the endian format in which the table is stored.
393  // Get the storage option used for the table.
394  const StorageOption& storageOption() const;
396  // Is the table used (i.e. open) in this process.
397  static Bool isOpened (const String& tableName);
399  // Is the table used (i.e. open) in another process.
400  // If <src>checkSubTables</src> is set, it is also checked if
401  // a subtable is used in another process.
402  Bool isMultiUsed (Bool checkSubTables=False) const;
404  // Get the locking options.
405  const TableLock& lockOptions() const;
407  // Has this process the read or write lock, thus can the table
408  // be read or written safely?
409  // <group>
411  Bool hasLock (Bool write) const;
412  // </group>
414  // Try to lock the table for read or write access (default is write).
415  // The number of attempts (default = forever) can be specified when
416  // acquiring the lock does not succeed immediately. If nattempts>1,
417  // the system waits 1 second between each attempt, so nattempts
418  // is more or less equal to a wait period in seconds.
419  // The return value is false if acquiring the lock failed.
420  // If <src>PermanentLocking</src> is in effect, a lock is already
421  // present, so nothing will be done.
422  // <group>
424  Bool lock (Bool write, uInt nattempts = 0);
425  // </group>
427  // Unlock the table. This will also synchronize the table data,
428  // thus force the data to be written to disk.
429  // If <src>PermanentLocking</src> is in effect, nothing will be done.
430  void unlock();
432  // Determine the number of locked tables opened with the AutoLock option
433  // (Locked table means locked for read and/or write).
434  static uInt nAutoLocks();
436  // Unlock locked tables opened with the AutoLock option.
437  // If <src>all=True</src> all such tables will be unlocked.
438  // If <src>all=False</src> only tables requested by another process
439  // will be unlocked.
442  // Get the names of tables locked in this process.
443  // By default all locked tables are given (note that a write lock
444  // implies a read lock), but it is possible to select on lock type
445  // FileLocker::Write and on option (TableLock::AutoLocking,
446  // TableLock::ReadLocking, or TableLock::PermanentLocking).
448  int lockOption=-1);
450  // Determine if column or keyword table data have changed
451  // (or is being changed) since the last time this function was called.
454  // Flush the table, i.e. write out the buffers. If <src>sync=True</src>,
455  // it is ensured that all data are physically written to disk.
456  // Nothing will be done if the table is not writable.
457  // At any time a flush can be executed, even if the table is marked
458  // for delete.
459  // If the table is marked for delete, the destructor will remove
460  // files written by intermediate flushes.
461  // Note that if necessary the destructor will do an implicit flush,
462  // unless it is executed due to an exception.
463  // <br>If <src>fsync=True</src> the file contents are fsync-ed to disk,
464  // thus ensured that the system buffers are actually written to disk.
465  // <br>If <src>recursive=True</src> all subtables are flushed too.
466  void flush (Bool fsync=False, Bool recursive=False);
468  // Resynchronize the Table object with the table file.
469  // This function is only useful if no read-locking is used, ie.
470  // if the table lock option is UserNoReadLocking or AutoNoReadLocking.
471  // In that cases the table system does not acquire a read-lock, thus
472  // does not synchronize itself automatically.
473  void resync();
475  // Test if the object is null, i.e. does not reference a proper table.
476  // This is the case if the default constructor is used.
477  Bool isNull() const
478  { return (baseTabPtr_p == 0 ? True : baseTabPtr_p->isNull()); }
480  // Throw an exception if the object is null, i.e.
481  // if function isNull() is True.
482  void throwIfNull() const;
484  // Test if the given data type is native to the table system.
485  // If not, a virtual column engine is needed to store data with that type.
486  // With the function DataType::whatType it can be used in a templated
487  // function like:
488  // <srcblock>
489  // if (Table::isNativeDataType (whatType(static_cast<T*>(0)))) {
490  // </srcblock>
491  static Bool isNativeDataType (DataType dtype);
493  // Make the table file name.
494  static String fileName (const String& tableName);
496  // Test if a table with the given name exists and is readable.
497  // If not, an exception is thrown if <src>throwIf==True</src>.
498  static Bool isReadable (const String& tableName, bool throwIf=False);
500  // Show the structure of the table.
501  // It shows the columns (with types), the data managers, and the subtables.
502  // Optionally the columns can be sorted alphabetically.
503  void showStructure (std::ostream&,
504  Bool showDataMans=True,
505  Bool showColumns=True,
506  Bool showSubTables=False,
507  Bool sortColumns=False,
508  Bool cOrder=False) const;
510  // Show the table and/or column keywords, possibly also of all subtables.
511  // Maximum <src>maxVal</src> values of Arrays will be shown.
512  void showKeywords (std::ostream&,
513  Bool showSubTables=False,
514  Bool showTabKey=True,
515  Bool showColKey=False,
516  Int maxVal=25) const;
518  // Show the table and/or column keywords of this table.
519  // Maximum <src>maxVal</src> values of Arrays will be shown.
520  void showKeywordSets (std::ostream&,
521  Bool showTabKey, Bool showColKey,
522  Int maxVal) const;
524  // Test if a table with the given name exists and is writable.
525  static Bool isWritable (const String& tableName, bool throwIf=False);
527  // Find the non-writable files in a table.
530  // Test if this table is the root table (ie. if it is not the subset
531  // of another table).
532  Bool isRootTable() const;
534  // Test if this table is opened as writable.
535  Bool isWritable() const;
537  // Test if the given column is writable.
538  // <group>
539  Bool isColumnWritable (const String& columnName) const;
540  Bool isColumnWritable (uInt columnIndex) const;
541  // </group>
543  // Test if the given column is stored (otherwise it is virtual).
544  // <group>
545  Bool isColumnStored (const String& columnName) const;
546  Bool isColumnStored (uInt columnIndex) const;
547  // </group>
549  // Get readonly access to the table keyword set.
550  // If UserLocking is used, it will automatically acquire
551  // and release a read lock if the table is not locked.
552  const TableRecord& keywordSet() const;
554  // Get read/write access to the table keyword set.
555  // This requires that the table is locked (or it gets locked
556  // if using AutoLocking mode).
559  // Get access to the TableInfo object.
560  // <group>
561  const TableInfo& tableInfo() const;
562  TableInfo& tableInfo();
563  // </group>
565  // Write the TableInfo object.
566  // Usually this is not necessary, because it is done automatically
567  // when the table gets written (by table destructor or flush function).
568  // This function is only useful if the table info has to be written
569  // before the table gets written (e.g. when another process reads
570  // the table while it gets filled).
571  void flushTableInfo() const;
573  // Get the table description.
574  // This can be used to get nr of columns, etc..
575  // <src>tableDesc()</src> gives the table description used when
576  // constructing the table, while <src>actualTableDesc()</src> gives the
577  // actual description, thus with the actual data managers used.
578  // <group>
579  const TableDesc& tableDesc() const;
581  // </group>
583  // Return all data managers used and the columns served by them.
584  // The info is returned in a record. It contains a subrecord per
585  // data manager. Each subrecord contains the following fields:
586  // <dl>
587  // <dt> TYPE
588  // <dd> a string giving the type of the data manager.
589  // <dt> NAME
590  // <dd> a string giving the name of the data manager.
591  // <dt> COLUMNS
592  // <dd> a vector of strings giving the columns served by the data manager.
593  // </dl>
594  // Data managers may return some additional fields (e.g. BUCKETSIZE).
597  // Get the table name.
598  const String& tableName() const;
600  // Rename the table and all its subtables.
601  // The following options can be given:
602  // <dl>
603  // <dt> Table::Update
604  // <dd> A table with this name must already exists, which will be
605  // overwritten. When succesfully renamed, the table is unmarked
606  // for delete (if necessary).
607  // <dt> Table::New
608  // <dd> If a table with this name exists, it will be overwritten.
609  // When succesfully renamed, the table is unmarked
610  // for delete (if necessary).
611  // <dt> Table::NewNoReplace
612  // <dd> If a table with this name already exists, an exception
613  // is thrown. When succesfully renamed, the table
614  // is unmarked for delete (if necessary).
615  // <dt> Table::Scratch
616  // <dd> Same as Table::New, but followed by markForDelete().
617  // </dl>
618  // The scratchCallback function is called when needed.
619  void rename (const String& newName, TableOption);
621  // Copy the table and all its subtables.
622  // Especially for RefTables <src>copy</src> and <src>deepCopy</src> behave
623  // differently. <src>copy</src> makes a bitwise copy of the table, thus
624  // the result is still a RefTable. On the other hand <src>deepCopy</src>
625  // makes a physical copy of all referenced table rows and columns, thus
626  // the result is a PlainTable.
627  // <br>For PlainTables <src>deepCopy</src> is the same as <src>copy</src>
628  // unless <src>valueCopy==True</src> is given. In that case the values
629  // are copied which takes longer, but reorganizes the data files to get
630  // rid of gaps in the data. Also if specific DataManager info is given
631  // or if no rows have to be copied, a deep copy is made.
632  // <br>The following options can be given:
633  // <dl>
634  // <dt> Table::New
635  // <dd> If a table with this name exists, it will be overwritten.
636  // <dt> Table::NewNoReplace
637  // <dd> If a table with this name already exists, an exception
638  // is thrown.
639  // <dt> Table::Scratch
640  // <dd> Same as Table::New, but followed by markForDelete().
641  // </dl>
642  // <group>
643  // The new table gets the given endian format. Note that the endian option
644  // is only used if a true deep copy of a table is made.
645  // <br>When making a deep copy, it is possible to specify the data managers
646  // using the <src>dataManagerInfo</src> argument.
647  // See <src>getDataManagerInfo</src> for more info about that record.
648  // <br>If <src>noRows=True</src> no rows are copied. Also no rows are
649  // copied in all subtables. It is useful if one wants to make a copy
650  // of only the Table structure.
651  void copy (const String& newName, TableOption, Bool noRows=False) const;
652  void deepCopy (const String& newName,
653  TableOption, Bool valueCopy=False,
655  Bool noRows=False) const;
656  void deepCopy (const String& newName, const Record& dataManagerInfo,
657  TableOption, Bool valueCopy=False,
659  Bool noRows=False) const;
660  void deepCopy (const String& newName, const Record& dataManagerInfo,
661  const StorageOption&,
662  TableOption, Bool valueCopy=False,
664  Bool noRows=False) const;
665  // </group>
667  // Make a copy of a table to a MemoryTable object.
668  // Use the given name for the memory table.
669  Table copyToMemoryTable (const String& name, Bool noRows=False) const;
671  // Get the table type.
672  TableType tableType() const;
674  // Get the table option.
675  int tableOption() const;
677  // Mark the table for delete.
678  // This means that the underlying table gets deleted when it is
679  // actually destructed.
680  // The scratchCallback function is called when needed.
681  void markForDelete();
683  // Unmark the table for delete.
684  // This means the underlying table does not get deleted when destructed.
685  // The scratchCallback function is called when needed.
686  void unmarkForDelete();
688  // Test if the table is marked for delete.
689  Bool isMarkedForDelete() const;
691  // Get the number of rows.
692  // It is unsynchronized meaning that it will not check if another
693  // process updated the table, thus possible increased the number of rows.
694  // If one wants to take that into account, he should acquire a
695  // read-lock (using the lock function) before using nrow().
696  rownr_t nrow() const;
698  // Test if it is possible to add a row to this table.
699  // It is possible if all storage managers used for the table
700  // support it.
701  Bool canAddRow() const;
703  // Add one or more rows at the end of the table.
704  // This will fail for tables not supporting addition of rows.
705  // Optionally the rows can be initialized with the default
706  // values as defined in the column descriptions.
707  void addRow (rownr_t nrrow = 1, Bool initialize = False);
709  // Test if it is possible to remove a row from this table.
710  // It is possible if all storage managers used for the table
711  // support it.
712  Bool canRemoveRow() const;
714  // Remove the given row(s).
715  // The latter form can be useful with the select and rowNumbers functions
716  // to remove some selected rows from the table.
717  // <br>It will fail for tables not supporting removal of rows.
718  // <note role=warning>
719  // The following code fragments do NOT have the same result:
720  // <srcblock>
721  // tab.removeRow (10); // remove row 10
722  // tab.removeRow (20); // remove row 20, which was 21
723  // Vector<rownr_t> vec(2);
724  // vec(0) = 10;
725  // vec(1) = 20;
726  // tab.removeRow (vec); // remove row 10 and 20
727  // </srcblock>
728  // because in the first fragment removing row 10 turns the former
729  // row 21 into row 20.
730  // </note>
731  // <group>
732  void removeRow (rownr_t rownr);
733  void removeRow (const RowNumbers& rownrs);
734  // </group>
736  // Create a TableExprNode object for a column or for a keyword
737  // in the table keyword set.
738  // This can be used in selecting rows from a table using
739  // <src>operator()</src> described below.
740  // <br>The functions taking the fieldNames vector are meant for
741  // the cases where the keyword or column contains records.
742  // The fieldNames indicate which field to take from that record
743  // (which can be a record again, etc.).
744  // <group name=keycol>
745  TableExprNode key (const String& keywordName) const;
746  TableExprNode key (const Vector<String>& fieldNames) const;
747  TableExprNode col (const String& columnName) const;
748  TableExprNode col (const String& columnName,
749  const Vector<String>& fieldNames) const;
750  TableExprNode keyCol (const String& name,
751  const Vector<String>& fieldNames) const;
752  // </group>
754  // Create a TableExprNode object for the rownumber function.
755  // 'origin' Indicates which rownumber is the first.
756  // C++ uses origin = 0 (default)
757  // Glish and TaQL both use origin = 1
758  TableExprNode nodeRownr (rownr_t origin=0) const;
760  // Create a TableExprNode object for the rand function.
763  // Select rows from a table using an select expression consisting
764  // of TableExprNode objects.
765  // Basic TableExprNode objects can be created with the functions
766  // <linkto file="Table.h#keycol">key</linkto> and especially
767  // <linkto file="Table.h#keycol">col</linkto>.
768  // Composite TableExprNode objects, representing an expression,
769  // can be created by applying operations (like == and +)
770  // to the basic ones. This is described in class
771  // <linkto class="TableExprNode:description">TableExprNode</linkto>.
772  // For example:
773  // <srcblock>
774  // Table result = tab(tab.col("columnName") > 10);
775  // </srcblock>
776  // All rows for which the expression is true, will be selected and
777  // "stored" in the result.
778  // You need to include ExprNode.h for this purpose.
779  // <br>The first <src>offset</src> matching rows will be skipped.
780  // <br>If <src>maxRow>0</src>, the selection process will stop
781  // when <src>maxRow</src> rows are selected.
782  // <br>The TableExprNode argument can be empty (null) meaning that only
783  // the <src>maxRow/offset</src> arguments are taken into account.
784  Table operator() (const TableExprNode&, rownr_t maxRow=0, rownr_t offset=0) const;
786  // Select rows using a vector of row numbers.
787  // This can, for instance, be used to select the same rows as
788  // were selected in another table (using the rowNumbers function).
789  // <srcblock>
790  // Table result = thisTable (otherTable.rowNumbers());
791  // </srcblock>
792  Table operator() (const RowNumbers& rownrs) const;
794  // Select rows using a mask block.
795  // The length of the block must match the number of rows in the table.
796  // If an element in the mask is True, the corresponding row will be
797  // selected.
800  // Project the given columns (i.e. select the columns).
801  Table project (const Block<String>& columnNames) const;
803  //# Virtually concatenate all tables in this column.
804  //# The column cells must contain tables with the same description.
805 //#// Table concatenate (const String& columnName) const;
807  // Do logical operations on a table.
808  // It can be used for row-selected or projected (i.e. column-selected)
809  // tables. The tables involved must come from the same root table or
810  // be the root table themselves.
811  // <group>
812  // Intersection with another table.
813  Table operator& (const Table&) const;
814  // Union with another table.
815  Table operator| (const Table&) const;
816  // Subtract another table.
817  Table operator- (const Table&) const;
818  // Xor with another table.
819  Table operator^ (const Table&) const;
820  // Take complement.
821  Table operator! () const;
822  // </group>
824  // Sort a table on one or more columns of scalars.
825  // Per column a compare function can be provided. By default
826  // the standard compare function defined in Compare.h will be used.
827  // Default sort order is ascending.
828  // Default sorting algorithm is the parallel sort.
829  // <group>
830  // Sort on one column.
831  Table sort (const String& columnName,
832  int = Sort::Ascending,
833  int = Sort::ParSort) const;
834  // Sort on multiple columns. The principal column has to be the
835  // first element in the Block of column names.
836  Table sort (const Block<String>& columnNames,
837  int = Sort::Ascending,
838  int = Sort::ParSort) const;
839  // Sort on multiple columns. The principal column has to be the
840  // first element in the Block of column names.
841  // The order can be given per column.
842  Table sort (const Block<String>& columnNames,
843  const Block<Int>& sortOrders,
844  int = Sort::ParSort) const;
845  // Sort on multiple columns. The principal column has to be the
846  // first element in the Block of column names.
847  // The order can be given per column.
848  // Provide some special comparisons via CountedPtrs of compare objects.
849  // A null CountedPtr means using the standard compare object
850  // from class <linkto class="ObjCompare:description">ObjCompare</linkto>.
851  Table sort (const Block<String>& columnNames,
852  const Block<CountedPtr<BaseCompare> >& compareObjects,
853  const Block<Int>& sortOrders,
854  int = Sort::ParSort) const;
855  // </group>
857  // Get a vector of row numbers in the root table of rows in this table.
858  // In case the table is a subset of the root table, this tells which
859  // rows of the root table are part of the subset.
860  // In case the table is the root table itself, the result is a vector
861  // containing the row numbers 0 .. #rows-1.
862  // <br>Note that in general it is better to use the next
863  // <src>rowNumbers(Table)</src> function.
866  // Get a vector of row numbers in that table of rows in this table.
867  // In case the table is a subset of that table, this tells which
868  // rows of that table are part of the subset.
869  // In case the table is that table itself, the result is a vector
870  // containing the row numbers 0 .. #rows-1.
871  // <note role=caution>This function is in principle meant for cases
872  // where this table is a subset of that table. However, it can be used
873  // for any table. In that case the returned vector contains a very high
874  // number (max_uint) for rows in this table not part of that table.
875  // In that way they are invalid if used elsewhere.
876  // <br>In the general case creating the row number vector can be slowish,
877  // because it has to do two mappings. However, if this table is a subset
878  // of that table and if they are in the same order, the mapping can be done
879  // in a more efficient way. The argument <src>tryFast</src> can be used to
880  // tell the function to try a fast conversion first. If that cannot be done,
881  // it reverts to the slower way at the expense of an unsuccessful fast
882  // attempt.
883  // </note>
884  // <srcblock>
885  // Table tab("somename");
886  // Table subset = tab(some_select_expression);
887  // RowNumbers rownrs = subset.rowNumbers(tab);
888  // </srcblock>
889  // Note that one cannot be sure that table "somename" is the root
890  // (i.e. original) table. It may also be a subset of another table.
891  // In the latter case doing
892  // <br> <src> RowNumbers rownrs = subset.rowNumbers()</src>
893  // does not give the row numbers in <src>tab</src>, but in the root table
894  // (which is probably not what you want).
895  RowNumbers rowNumbers (const Table& that, Bool tryFast=False) const;
897  // Add a column to the table.
898  // The data manager used for the column depend on the function used.
899  // Exceptions are thrown if the column already exist or if the
900  // table is not writable.
901  // <br>If this table is a reference table (result of selection) and if
902  // <src>addToParent=True</src> the column is also added to the parent
903  // table.
904  // <group>
905  // Use the first appropriate existing storage manager.
906  // If there is none, a data manager is created using the default
907  // data manager in the column description.
908  void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
909  Bool addToParent = True);
910  // Use an existing data manager with the given name or type.
911  // If the flag byName is True, a name is given, otherwise a type.
912  // If a name is given, an exception is thrown if the data manager is
913  // unknown or does not allow addition of columns.
914  // If a type is given, a storage manager of the given type will be
915  // created if there is no such data manager allowing addition of rows.
916  void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
917  const String& dataManager, Bool byName,
918  Bool addToParent = True);
919  // Use the given data manager (which is a new one).
920  void addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
921  const DataManager& dataManager,
922  Bool addToParent = True);
923  // </group>
925  // Add a bunch of columns using the given new data manager.
926  // All columns and possible hypercolumn definitions in the given table
927  // description will be copied and added to the table.
928  // This can be used in case of specific data managers which need to
929  // be created with more than one column (e.g. the tiled hypercube
930  // storage managers).
931  // <br>The data manager can be given directly or by means of a record
932  // describing the data manager in the standard way with the fields
933  // TYPE, NAME, and SPEC. The record can contain those fields itself
934  // or it can contain a single subrecord with those fields.
935  // <br>If this table is a reference table (result of selection) and if
936  // <src>addToParent=True</src> the columns are also added to the parent
937  // table.
938  // <group>
939  void addColumn (const TableDesc& tableDesc,
940  const DataManager& dataManager,
941  Bool addToParent = True);
942  void addColumn (const TableDesc& tableDesc,
943  const Record& dataManagerInfo,
944  Bool addToParent = True);
945  // </group>
947  // Test if columns can be removed.
948  // It can if the columns exist and if the data manager it is using
949  // supports removal of columns or if all columns from a data manager
950  // would be removed..
951  // <br>You can always remove columns from a reference table.
952  // <group>
953  Bool canRemoveColumn (const String& columnName) const;
954  Bool canRemoveColumn (const Vector<String>& columnNames) const;
955  // </group>
957  // Remove columns.
958  // <br>When removing columns from a reference table, the columns
959  // are NOT removed from the underlying table.
960  // <group>
961  void removeColumn (const String& columnName);
962  void removeColumn (const Vector<String>& columnName);
963  // </group>
965  // Test if a column can be renamed.
966  Bool canRenameColumn (const String& columnName) const;
968  // Rename a column.
969  // An exception is thrown if the old name does not exist or
970  // if the name already exists.
971  // <note role=caution>
972  // Renaming a column should be done with care, because other
973  // columns may be referring this column. Also a hypercolumn definition
974  // might be using the old name.
975  // Finally if may also invalidate persistent selections of a table,
976  // because the reference table cannot find the column anymore.
977  // </note>
978  void renameColumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName);
980  void renameHypercolumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName);
982  // Write a table to AipsIO (for <src>TypedKeywords<Table></src>).
983  // This will only write the table name.
984  friend AipsIO& operator<< (AipsIO&, const Table&);
986  // Read a table from AipsIO (for <src>TypedKeywords<Table></src>).
987  // This will read the table name and open the table as writable
988  // if the table file is writable, otherwise as readonly.
991  // Read a table from AipsIO (for <src>TableKeywords</src>).
992  // This will read the table name and open the table as writable
993  // if the switch is set and if the table file is writable.
994  // otherwise it is opened as readonly.
995  void getTableKeyword (AipsIO&, Bool openWritable);
997  // Write a table to ostream (for <src>TypedKeywords<Table></src>).
998  // This only shows its name and number of columns and rows.
999  friend ostream& operator<< (ostream&, const Table&);
1001  // Find the data manager with the given name or for the given column name.
1002  DataManager* findDataManager (const String& name,
1003  Bool byColumn=False) const;
1005  // Some deprecated functions for backward compatibility, now in TableUtil.h.
1006  // Use old way of indicating deprecate to avoid -Wc++14-extensions warnings.
1007  // <group>
1008  //# [[deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::openTable")]]
1009  static Table openTable (const String& tableName,
1011  const TSMOption& = TSMOption())
1012  __attribute__ ((deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::openTable")));
1013  //# [[deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::openTable")]]
1014  static Table openTable (const String& tableName,
1015  const TableLock& lockOptions,
1016  TableOption = Table::Old,
1017  const TSMOption& = TSMOption())
1018  __attribute__ ((deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::openTable")));
1019  //# [[deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::canDeleteTable")]]
1020  static Bool canDeleteTable (const String& tableName,
1021  Bool checkSubTables=False)
1022  __attribute__ ((deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::canDeleteTable")));
1023  //# [[deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::canDeleteTable")]]
1024  static Bool canDeleteTable (String& message, const String& tableName,
1025  Bool checkSubTables=False)
1026  __attribute__ ((deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::canDeleteTable")));
1027  //# [[deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::deleteTable")]]
1028  static void deleteTable (const String& tableName,
1029  Bool checkSubTables=False)
1030  __attribute__ ((deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::deleteTable")));
1031  //# [[deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::getLayout")]]
1032  static rownr_t getLayout (TableDesc& desc, const String& tableName)
1033  __attribute__ ((deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::getLayout")));
1034  //# [[deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::tableInfo")]]
1035  static TableInfo tableInfo (const String& tableName)
1036  __attribute__ ((deprecated ("Now use TableUtil::tableInfo")));
1037  // </group>
1039 protected:
1040  BaseTable* baseTabPtr_p; //# ptr to table representation
1041  //# The isCounted_p flag is normally true.
1042  //# Only for internally used Table objects (i.e. in the DataManager)
1043  //# this flag is False, otherwise a mutual dependency would exist.
1044  //# The DataManager has a Table object, which gets deleted by the
1045  //# DataManager destructor. The DataManager gets deleted by the
1046  //# PlainTable destructor, which gets called when the last Table
1047  //# object gets destructed. That would never be the case if this
1048  //# internally used Table object was counted.
1049  Bool isCounted_p;
1050  //# Counter of last call to hasDataChanged.
1051  uInt lastModCounter_p;
1052  //# Pointer to the ScratchCallback function.
1053  static ScratchCallback* scratchCallback_p;
1056  // Construct a Table object from a BaseTable*.
1057  // By default the object gets counted.
1058  Table (BaseTable*, Bool countIt = True);
1060  // Open an existing table.
1061  void open (const String& name, const String& type, int tableOption,
1062  const TableLock& lockOptions, const TSMOption& tsmOpt);
1064 private:
1065  // Construct a BaseTable object from the table file.
1066  static BaseTable* makeBaseTable (const String& name, const String& type,
1067  int tableOption,
1068  const TableLock& lockOptions,
1069  const TSMOption& tsmOpt,
1070  Bool addToCache, uInt locknr);
1073  // Get the pointer to the underlying BaseTable.
1074  // This is needed for some friend classes.
1075  BaseTable* baseTablePtr() const;
1077  // Look in the cache if the table is already open.
1078  // If so, check if table option matches.
1079  // If needed reopen the table for read/write and merge the lock options.
1080  BaseTable* lookCache (const String& name, int tableOption,
1081  const TableLock& tableInfo);
1083  // Try if v1 is a subset of v2 and fill rows with its indices in v2.
1084  // Return False if not a proper subset.
1085  Bool fastRowNumbers (const Vector<rownr_t>& v1, const Vector<rownr_t>& v2,
1086  Vector<rownr_t>& rows) const;
1088  // Show the info of the given columns.
1089  // Sort the columns if needed.
1090  void showColumnInfo (ostream& os, const TableDesc&, uInt maxNameLength,
1091  const Array<String>& columnNames, Bool sort) const;
1092 };
1096 inline Bool Table::isSameRoot (const Table& other) const
1097  { return baseTabPtr_p->root() == other.baseTabPtr_p->root(); }
1099 inline void Table::reopenRW()
1100  { baseTabPtr_p->reopenRW(); }
1101 inline void Table::flush (Bool fsync, Bool recursive)
1102  { baseTabPtr_p->flush (fsync, recursive); }
1103 inline void Table::resync()
1104  { baseTabPtr_p->resync(); }
1107  { return baseTabPtr_p->storageOption(); }
1108 inline Bool Table::isMultiUsed(Bool checkSubTables) const
1109  { return baseTabPtr_p->isMultiUsed(checkSubTables); }
1110 inline const TableLock& Table::lockOptions() const
1111  { return baseTabPtr_p->lockOptions(); }
1112 inline Bool Table::lock (FileLocker::LockType type, uInt nattempts)
1113  { return baseTabPtr_p->lock (type, nattempts); }
1114 inline Bool Table::lock (Bool write, uInt nattempts)
1115 {
1116  return baseTabPtr_p->lock (write ? FileLocker::Write : FileLocker::Read,
1117  nattempts);
1118 }
1119 inline void Table::unlock()
1120  { baseTabPtr_p->unlock(); }
1122  { return baseTabPtr_p->hasLock (type); }
1123 inline Bool Table::hasLock (Bool write) const
1124 {
1125  return baseTabPtr_p->hasLock (write ? FileLocker::Write : FileLocker::Read);
1126 }
1128 inline Bool Table::isRootTable() const
1129  { return baseTabPtr_p == baseTabPtr_p->root(); }
1131 inline Bool Table::isWritable() const
1132  { return baseTabPtr_p->isWritable(); }
1133 inline Bool Table::isColumnWritable (const String& columnName) const
1134  { return baseTabPtr_p->isColumnWritable (columnName); }
1135 inline Bool Table::isColumnWritable (uInt columnIndex) const
1136  { return baseTabPtr_p->isColumnWritable (columnIndex); }
1138 inline Bool Table::isColumnStored (const String& columnName) const
1139  { return baseTabPtr_p->isColumnStored (columnName); }
1140 inline Bool Table::isColumnStored (uInt columnIndex) const
1141  { return baseTabPtr_p->isColumnStored (columnIndex); }
1143 inline void Table::rename (const String& newName, TableOption option)
1144  { baseTabPtr_p->rename (newName, option); }
1145 inline void Table::deepCopy (const String& newName,
1146  const Record& dataManagerInfo,
1147  TableOption option,
1148  Bool valueCopy,
1150  Bool noRows) const
1151  { baseTabPtr_p->deepCopy (newName, dataManagerInfo, StorageOption(),
1152  option, valueCopy,
1153  endianFormat, noRows); }
1154 inline void Table::deepCopy (const String& newName,
1155  const Record& dataManagerInfo,
1156  const StorageOption& stopt,
1157  TableOption option,
1158  Bool valueCopy,
1160  Bool noRows) const
1161  { baseTabPtr_p->deepCopy (newName, dataManagerInfo, stopt,
1162  option, valueCopy,
1163  endianFormat, noRows); }
1165  { baseTabPtr_p->markForDelete (True, ""); }
1167  { baseTabPtr_p->unmarkForDelete(True, ""); }
1169  { return baseTabPtr_p->isMarkedForDelete(); }
1171 inline rownr_t Table::nrow() const
1172  { return baseTabPtr_p->nrow(); }
1173 inline BaseTable* Table::baseTablePtr() const
1174  { return baseTabPtr_p; }
1175 inline const TableDesc& Table::tableDesc() const
1176  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableDesc(); }
1177 inline const TableRecord& Table::keywordSet() const
1178  { return baseTabPtr_p->keywordSet(); }
1180 inline const TableInfo& Table::tableInfo() const
1181  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableInfo(); }
1183  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableInfo(); }
1184 inline void Table::flushTableInfo() const
1185  { baseTabPtr_p->flushTableInfo(); }
1187 inline const String& Table::tableName() const
1188  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableName(); }
1190  { return TableType(baseTabPtr_p->tableType()); }
1191 inline int Table::tableOption() const
1192  { return baseTabPtr_p->tableOption(); }
1194 inline Bool Table::canAddRow() const
1195  { return baseTabPtr_p->canAddRow(); }
1197  { return baseTabPtr_p->canRemoveRow(); }
1198 inline Bool Table::canRemoveColumn (const Vector<String>& columnNames) const
1199  { return baseTabPtr_p->canRemoveColumn (columnNames); }
1200 inline Bool Table::canRenameColumn (const String& columnName) const
1201  { return baseTabPtr_p->canRenameColumn (columnName); }
1203 inline void Table::addRow (rownr_t nrrow, Bool initialize)
1204  { baseTabPtr_p->addRow (nrrow, initialize); }
1205 inline void Table::removeRow (rownr_t rownr)
1206  { baseTabPtr_p->removeRow (rownr); }
1207 inline void Table::removeRow (const RowNumbers& rownrs)
1208  { baseTabPtr_p->removeRow (rownrs); }
1209 inline void Table::addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc, Bool addToParent)
1210  { baseTabPtr_p->addColumn (columnDesc, addToParent); }
1211 inline void Table::addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
1212  const String& dataManager, Bool byName,
1213  Bool addToParent)
1214  { baseTabPtr_p->addColumn (columnDesc, dataManager, byName, addToParent); }
1215 inline void Table::addColumn (const ColumnDesc& columnDesc,
1216  const DataManager& dataManager, Bool addToParent)
1217  { baseTabPtr_p->addColumn (columnDesc, dataManager, addToParent); }
1219  const DataManager& dataManager, Bool addToParent)
1220  { baseTabPtr_p->addColumn (tableDesc, dataManager, addToParent); }
1222  const Record& dataManagerInfo, Bool addToParent) { baseTabPtr_p->addColumns (tableDesc, dataManagerInfo, addToParent); }
1223 inline void Table::removeColumn (const Vector<String>& columnNames)
1224  { baseTabPtr_p->removeColumn (columnNames); }
1225 inline void Table::renameColumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName)
1226  { baseTabPtr_p->renameColumn (newName, oldName); }
1227 inline void Table::renameHypercolumn (const String& newName, const String& oldName)
1228  { baseTabPtr_p->renameHypercolumn (newName, oldName); }
1231  Bool byColumn) const
1232 {
1233  return baseTabPtr_p->findDataManager (name, byColumn);
1234 }
1236 inline void Table::showStructure (std::ostream& os,
1237  Bool showDataMans,
1238  Bool showColumns,
1239  Bool showSubTables,
1240  Bool sortColumns,
1241  Bool cOrder) const
1242  { baseTabPtr_p->showStructure (os, showDataMans, showColumns,
1243  showSubTables, sortColumns, cOrder); }
1249 #endif
simple 1-D array
Definition: Block.h:200
Referenced counted pointer for constant data.
Definition: CountedPtr.h:81
Abstract base class for a data manager.
Definition: DataManager.h:221
Define the possible lock types.
Definition: FileLocker.h:95
@ Write
Acquire a write lock.
Definition: FileLocker.h:99
@ Read
Acquire a read lock.
Definition: FileLocker.h:97
Create a new table - define shapes, data managers, etc.
Definition: SetupNewTab.h:341
String: the storage and methods of handling collections of characters.
Definition: String.h:225
Abstract base class for a node in a table column expression tree.
Definition: ExprNodeRep.h:158
Define the possible table locking options.
Definition: TableLock.h:81
static Bool isOpened(const String &tableName)
Is the table used (i.e.
Table(SetupNewTable &, const TableLock &lockOptions, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Table(SetupNewTable &, TableType, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
void copy(const String &newName, TableOption, Bool noRows=False) const
Copy the table and all its subtables.
Bool hasLock(FileLocker::LockType=FileLocker::Write) const
Has this process the read or write lock, thus can the table be read or written safely?
Definition: Table.h:1121
const TableLock & lockOptions() const
Get the locking options.
Definition: Table.h:1110
void unlock()
Unlock the table.
Definition: Table.h:1119
void renameHypercolumn(const String &newName, const String &oldName)
Definition: Table.h:1227
Table(const Block< Table > &tables, const Block< String > &subTables=Block< String >(), const String &subDirName=String())
Create a table object as the virtual concatenation of one or more of existing tables.
Bool isMarkedForDelete() const
Test if the table is marked for delete.
Definition: Table.h:1168
TableType tableType() const
Get the table type.
Definition: Table.h:1189
Table(const String &tableName, const String &tableDescName, const TableLock &lockOptions, TableOption=Table::Old, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Table sort(const Block< String > &columnNames, const Block< CountedPtr< BaseCompare > > &compareObjects, const Block< Int > &sortOrders, int=Sort::ParSort) const
Sort on multiple columns.
int tableOption() const
Get the table option.
Definition: Table.h:1191
void ScratchCallback(const String &name, Bool isScratch, const String &oldName)
Define the signature of the function being called when the state of a scratch table changes (i....
Definition: Table.h:218
Bool isNull() const
Test if the object is null, i.e.
Definition: Table.h:477
Table sort(const String &columnName, int=Sort::Ascending, int=Sort::ParSort) const
Sort a table on one or more columns of scalars.
Table(const String &tableName, const String &tableDescName, TableOption=Table::Old, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Table & operator=(const Table &)
Assignment (reference semantics).
Bool isColumnWritable(const String &columnName) const
Test if the given column is writable.
Definition: Table.h:1133
static Bool isNativeDataType(DataType dtype)
Test if the given data type is native to the table system.
void unmarkForDelete()
Unmark the table for delete.
Definition: Table.h:1166
Table operator()(const TableExprNode &, rownr_t maxRow=0, rownr_t offset=0) const
Select rows from a table using an select expression consisting of TableExprNode objects.
const TableDesc & tableDesc() const
Get the table description.
Definition: Table.h:1175
Table(MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable &, TableType, const TableLock &lockOptions, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
TableRecord & rwKeywordSet()
Get read/write access to the table keyword set.
static String fileName(const String &tableName)
Make the table file name.
void closeSubTables() const
Close all open subtables.
Bool isSameRoot(const Table &other) const
Is the root table of this table the same as that of the other one?
Definition: Table.h:1096
DataManager * findDataManager(const String &name, Bool byColumn=False) const
Find the data manager with the given name or for the given column name.
Definition: Table.h:1230
static ScratchCallback * setScratchCallback(ScratchCallback *)
Set the pointer to the ScratchCallback function.
void renameColumn(const String &newName, const String &oldName)
Rename a column.
Definition: Table.h:1225
Table(MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable &, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Table(TableType, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Make a new empty table (plain (scratch) or memory type).
const String & tableName() const
Get the table name.
Definition: Table.h:1187
Table(const Block< String > &tableNames, const Block< String > &subTables, const TableLock &lockOptions, TableOption=Table::Old, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Bool canRemoveRow() const
Test if it is possible to remove a row from this table.
Definition: Table.h:1196
RowNumbers rowNumbers() const
Get a vector of row numbers in the root table of rows in this table.
Define the possible endian formats in which table data can be stored.
Definition: Table.h:196
@ AipsrcEndian
use endian format defined in the aipsrc variable table.endianformat If undefined, it defaults to Loca...
Definition: Table.h:205
@ LocalEndian
store data in the endian format of the machine used
Definition: Table.h:202
@ BigEndian
store table data in big endian (e.g.
Definition: Table.h:198
@ LittleEndian
store table data in little endian (e.g.
Definition: Table.h:200
static uInt nAutoLocks()
Determine the number of locked tables opened with the AutoLock option (Locked table means locked for ...
Define the possible options how a table can be opened.
Definition: Table.h:172
@ Scratch
new table, which gets marked for delete
Definition: Table.h:180
@ New
create table
Definition: Table.h:176
@ Update
update existing table
Definition: Table.h:182
@ NewNoReplace
create table (may not exist)
Definition: Table.h:178
@ Old
existing table
Definition: Table.h:174
@ Delete
delete table
Definition: Table.h:184
rownr_t nrow() const
Get the number of rows.
Definition: Table.h:1171
static Bool isWritable(const String &tableName, bool throwIf=False)
Test if a table with the given name exists and is writable.
Table(SetupNewTable &, TableLock::LockOption, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
void flushTableInfo() const
Write the TableInfo object.
Definition: Table.h:1184
Bool canAddRow() const
Test if it is possible to add a row to this table.
Definition: Table.h:1194
Bool lock(FileLocker::LockType=FileLocker::Write, uInt nattempts=0)
Try to lock the table for read or write access (default is write).
Definition: Table.h:1112
Bool hasDataChanged()
Determine if column or keyword table data have changed (or is being changed) since the last time this...
Table operator&(const Table &) const
Do logical operations on a table.
static Bool isReadable(const String &tableName, bool throwIf=False)
Test if a table with the given name exists and is readable.
void rename(const String &newName, TableOption)
Rename the table and all its subtables.
Definition: Table.h:1143
friend AipsIO & operator<<(AipsIO &, const Table &)
Write a table to AipsIO (for TypedKeywords<Table>).
TableExprNode key(const String &keywordName) const
Create a TableExprNode object for a column or for a keyword in the table keyword set.
void flush(Bool fsync=False, Bool recursive=False)
Flush the table, i.e.
Definition: Table.h:1101
Bool canRemoveColumn(const String &columnName) const
Test if columns can be removed.
void markForDelete()
Mark the table for delete.
Definition: Table.h:1164
static void relinquishAutoLocks(Bool all=False)
Unlock locked tables opened with the AutoLock option.
Bool isColumnStored(const String &columnName) const
Test if the given column is stored (otherwise it is virtual).
Definition: Table.h:1138
TableExprNode nodeRownr(rownr_t origin=0) const
Create a TableExprNode object for the rownumber function.
const StorageOption & storageOption() const
Get the storage option used for the table.
Definition: Table.h:1106
Table copyToMemoryTable(const String &name, Bool noRows=False) const
Make a copy of a table to a MemoryTable object.
Table(SetupNewTable &, TableType, const TableLock &lockOptions, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
void removeColumn(const String &columnName)
Remove columns.
void showStructure(std::ostream &, Bool showDataMans=True, Bool showColumns=True, Bool showSubTables=False, Bool sortColumns=False, Bool cOrder=False) const
Show the structure of the table.
Definition: Table.h:1236
const TableRecord & keywordSet() const
Get readonly access to the table keyword set.
Definition: Table.h:1177
TableExprNode nodeRandom() const
Create a TableExprNode object for the rand function.
Table operator!() const
Take complement.
Table(const String &tableName, TableOption=Table::Old, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Create a table object for an existing table.
Table(MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable &, TableLock::LockOption, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Table operator^(const Table &) const
Xor with another table.
void getTableKeyword(AipsIO &, Bool openWritable)
Read a table from AipsIO (for TableKeywords).
void removeRow(rownr_t rownr)
Remove the given row(s).
Definition: Table.h:1205
Table operator|(const Table &) const
Union with another table.
void throwIfNull() const
Throw an exception if the object is null, i.e.
friend AipsIO & operator>>(AipsIO &, Table &)
Read a table from AipsIO (for TypedKeywords<Table>).
Bool isMultiUsed(Bool checkSubTables=False) const
Is the table used (i.e.
Definition: Table.h:1108
Bool isWritable() const
Test if this table is opened as writable.
Definition: Table.h:1131
Table::EndianFormat endianFormat() const
Get the endian format in which the table is stored.
void resync()
Resynchronize the Table object with the table file.
Definition: Table.h:1103
Bool canRenameColumn(const String &columnName) const
Test if a column can be renamed.
Definition: Table.h:1200
void reopenRW()
Try to reopen the table for read/write access.
Definition: Table.h:1099
TableDesc actualTableDesc() const
Table(MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable &, const TableLock &lockOptions, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Define the possible table types.
Definition: Table.h:188
@ Plain
plain table (stored on disk)
Definition: Table.h:190
const TableInfo & tableInfo() const
Get access to the TableInfo object.
Definition: Table.h:1180
Table sort(const Block< String > &columnNames, const Block< Int > &sortOrders, int=Sort::ParSort) const
Sort on multiple columns.
void deepCopy(const String &newName, TableOption, Bool valueCopy=False, EndianFormat=AipsrcEndian, Bool noRows=False) const
virtual ~Table()
The destructor flushes (i.e.
void addRow(rownr_t nrrow=1, Bool initialize=False)
Add one or more rows at the end of the table.
Definition: Table.h:1203
Table(const Table &)
Copy constructor (reference semantics).
Bool isRootTable() const
Test if this table is the root table (ie.
Definition: Table.h:1128
Table(MPI_Comm mpiComm, TableType, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
TableExprNode col(const String &columnName) const
Table(const Block< String > &tableNames, const Block< String > &subTables=Block< String >(), TableOption=Table::Old, const TSMOption &=TSMOption(), const String &subDirName=String())
Table sort(const Block< String > &columnNames, int=Sort::Ascending, int=Sort::ParSort) const
Sort on multiple columns.
Create a null Table object (i.e.
TableExprNode keyCol(const String &name, const Vector< String > &fieldNames) const
Table(const String &tableName, const TableLock &lockOptions, TableOption=Table::Old, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
static Vector< String > nonWritableFiles(const String &tableName)
Find the non-writable files in a table.
Table operator-(const Table &) const
Subtract another table.
Table(SetupNewTable &, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Make a table object for a new table, which can thereafter be used for reading and writing.
static Vector< String > getLockedTables(FileLocker::LockType=FileLocker::Read, int lockOption=-1)
Get the names of tables locked in this process.
Table project(const Block< String > &columnNames) const
Project the given columns (i.e.
RowNumbers rowNumbers(const Table &that, Bool tryFast=False) const
Get a vector of row numbers in that table of rows in this table.
void addColumn(const ColumnDesc &columnDesc, Bool addToParent=True)
Add a column to the table.
Definition: Table.h:1209
Block< String > getPartNames(Bool recursive=False) const
Get the names of the tables this table consists of.
void showKeywordSets(std::ostream &, Bool showTabKey, Bool showColKey, Int maxVal) const
Show the table and/or column keywords of this table.
Table(MPI_Comm mpiComm, SetupNewTable &, TableType, rownr_t nrrow=0, Bool initialize=False, EndianFormat=Table::AipsrcEndian, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
void showKeywords(std::ostream &, Bool showSubTables=False, Bool showTabKey=True, Bool showColKey=False, Int maxVal=25) const
Show the table and/or column keywords, possibly also of all subtables.
Record dataManagerInfo() const
Return all data managers used and the columns served by them.
Table openTable(const String &tableName, Table::TableOption=Table::Old, const TSMOption &=TSMOption())
Try to open a table.
Bool canDeleteTable(const String &tableName, Bool checkSubTables=False)
Can the table be deleted? If true, function deleteTable can safely be called.
rownr_t getLayout(TableDesc &desc, const String &tableName)
Return the layout of a table (i.e.
void deleteTable(const String &tableName, Bool checkSubTables=False)
Delete the table.
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
unsigned int uInt
Definition: aipstype.h:51
LatticeExprNode mask(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
This function returns the mask of the given expression.
int Int
Definition: aipstype.h:50
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43
LatticeExprNode all(const LatticeExprNode &expr)
uInt64 rownr_t
Define the type of a row number in a table.
Definition: aipsxtype.h:46