Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //# MemoryIO.h: Class for IO in memory
2 //# Copyright (C) 1996,1999,2001
3 //# Associated Universities, Inc. Washington DC, USA.
4 //#
5 //# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 //# under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
7 //# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8 //# option) any later version.
9 //#
10 //# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11 //# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12 //# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public
13 //# License for more details.
14 //#
15 //# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16 //# along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
17 //# Inc., 675 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
18 //#
19 //# Correspondence concerning AIPS++ should be addressed as follows:
20 //# Internet email:
21 //# Postal address: AIPS++ Project Office
22 //# National Radio Astronomy Observatory
23 //# 520 Edgemont Road
24 //# Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475 USA
25 //#
26 //# $Id$
28 #ifndef CASA_MEMORYIO_H
29 #define CASA_MEMORYIO_H
31 //# Includes
32 #include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
33 #include <casacore/casa/IO/ByteIO.h>
35 namespace casacore { //# NAMESPACE CASACORE - BEGIN
37 // <summary>Class for IO to a memory buffer.</summary>
39 // <use visibility=export>
41 // <reviewed reviewer="Friso Olnon" date="1996/11/06" tests="tByteIO" demos="">
42 // </reviewed>
44 // <prerequisite>
45 // <li> <linkto class=ByteIO>ByteIO</linkto>
46 // </prerequisite>
48 // <synopsis>
49 // This class is doing IO in a buffer in memory.
50 // It is part of the entire IO framework. It can for
51 // instance be used to store data in canonical format in a
52 // memory string and obtain it later.
53 // <p>
54 // The memory buffer can be dynamic, so it will be expanded when needed.
55 // This is done by allocating a larger buffer, copy the contents and
56 // throw the old buffer away.
57 // <br>
58 // The memory buffer can also be static to be sure that the pointer to
59 // the buffer will not change.
60 // The expand size determines if the memory buffer is static or dynamic.
61 // An expand size zero indicates a static buffer.
62 // <p>
63 // The memory buffer is seekable and readable. It depends on the
64 // constructor whether it is writable.
65 // <p>
66 // There are several ways in which the buffer can be created/passed:
67 // <ul>
68 // <li> Dynamic by passing an initial size and an expand size.
69 // However, an expand size zero can be used to assure that no more
70 // data is written than fits in the initial buffer (so once the
71 // buffer is created it gets static).
72 // In this way the buffer is readable and writable.
73 // <li> Static by passing a const buffer and its length.
74 // In this way the buffer is not writable.
75 // <li> Dynamic or static by passing a non-const buffer, its length,
76 // and an expand size (zero = static, >0 = dynamic)
77 // . The OpenOption indicates whether the buffer will be writable.
78 // Only for ByteIO::Old it will not be writable.
79 // The OpenOption also determines the initial seek position.
80 // Usually it is 0, but for ByteIO::Append it is the end of the buffer.
81 // </ul>
82 // The user can obtain a pointer to the buffer to extract the
83 // stored data from it. The length of the data can also be obtained.
84 // <p>
85 // Usually this class will be used in combination with, say, CanonicalIO
86 // and AipsIO.
88 // <example>
89 // <srcblock>
90 // // Create dynamic (expandable) memory buffer of length 100.
91 // // Use that as the sink of RawIO in AipsIO.
92 // MemoryIO membuf (100);
93 // RawIO rawio (&membuf);
94 // AipsIO stream (&rawio);
95 // // Write values.
96 // stream << (Int)10;
97 // stream << True;
98 // // Seek to beginning of buffer and read data in.
99 // stream.setpos (0);
100 // Int vali;
101 // Bool valb;
102 // stream >> vali >> valb;
103 //
104 // // One can obtain the buffer and its length and use it later.
105 // // (e.g. to write it in a non-AipsIO file).
106 // uChar* bufptr = membuf.getBuffer();
107 // uInt64 length = membuf.length();
108 //
109 // // It can also used to construct another MemoryIO object from it.
110 // // The following memory buffer is static and readonly.
111 // MemoryIO membuf2 (bufptr, length);
112 // (sizeof(vali), vali);
113 // (sizeof(valb), valb);
114 // </srcblock>
115 // </example>
117 // <motivation>
118 // Make it possible to do IO in a memory buffer.
119 // The first implementation used strstreambuf from the iostream package.
120 // However, that did not allow seeking and it was hard to get the length.
121 // </motivation>
124 class MemoryIO: public ByteIO
125 {
126 public:
127  // Construct a dynamic object with the given initial length.
128  explicit MemoryIO (uInt64 initialSize=65536, uInt64 expandSize=32768);
130  // Construct from a buffer with the given length.
131  // The buffer is readonly and cannot be expanded.
132  MemoryIO (const void* buffer, uInt64 size);
134  // Construct from the given buffer with the given length.
135  // The Byte::Option determines how the buffer will be used.
136  // The seek pointer is set to the beginning of the buffer, unless
137  // told otherwise below.
138  // <dl>
139  // <dt> New, NewNoReplace and Scratch
140  // <dd> The buffer is empty and is read/write.
141  // <dt> Old
142  // <dd> The buffer contains <src>size</src> bytes and is readonly.
143  // <dt> Update, Delete
144  // <dd> The buffer contains <src>size</src> bytes and is read/write.
145  // <dt> Append
146  // <dd> The buffer contains <src>size</src> bytes and is read/write.
147  // The seek pointer is set to the end of the buffer.
148  // </dl>
149  // When the buffer is writable, it will be expanded if needed.
150  // This means that <src>buffer</src> does not point to the data
151  // anymore. However, when <src>expandSize==0</src>, the buffer
152  // cannot be expanded and the pointer is always valid.
153  // <br>When canDelete is True, buffer expansion means that the
154  // old buffer gets deleted.
155  MemoryIO (void* buffer, uInt64 size, ByteIO::OpenOption,
156  uInt64 expandSize=0, Bool canDelete=False);
158  // Delete the Memory object.
159  // The data buffer is not deleted when constructed with the
160  // constructor taking a buffer pointer.
163  // Write the number of bytes.
164  // When needed it expands the buffer.
165  // An exception is thrown when the buffer is not writable or
166  // when buffer expansion fails or is not possible.
167  virtual void write (Int64 size, const void* buf);
169  // Read <src>size</src> bytes from the memory buffer. Returns the number of
170  // bytes actually read. Will throw an Exception (AipsError) if the
171  // requested number of bytes could not be read unless throwException is set
172  // to False. Will always throw an exception if the buffer is not readable
173  // or the buffer pointer is at an invalid position.
174  virtual Int64 read (Int64 size, void* buf, Bool throwException=True);
176  // Clear the buffer; i.e. set the data length and seek pointer to zero.
177  void clear();
179  // Get the buffer containing the data.
180  // <br>The length of the data in the buffer can be obtained using the
181  // length() function.
182  const uChar* getBuffer() const;
184  // Get the length of the data in the buffer.
185  virtual Int64 length();
187  // Get the allocated length of the buffer.
188  uInt64 allocated() const;
190  // Get the expand size (0 = not expandable).
191  uInt64 expandSize() const;
193  // Is the IO stream readable?
194  virtual Bool isReadable() const;
196  // Is the IO stream writable?
197  virtual Bool isWritable() const;
199  // Is the IO stream seekable?
200  virtual Bool isSeekable() const;
202  // resize the internal buffer (if necessary) so that it is big enough
203  // to hold the specified number of bytes. Returns a non-const pointer
204  // to the buffer that can be used to write up to the specified number
205  // of bytes into the buffer. If less data is written into the buffer
206  // then the setUsed member funtion should be used to indicate how much
207  // of the buffer is valid. Throws an exception if the MemoryIO object
208  // is not writable or if it needs to increase the size of the internal
209  // buffer and the MemoryIO object is not expandable.
210  // <note role=warning> You should not use the supplied pointer to write
211  // more than length data points to the buffer</note>
214  // tell the MemoryIO object how much of its internal buffer is valid
215  // data. You only need to use this function if you are directly writing to
216  // the buffer using the pointer returned by the non-const getBuffer
217  // function. This function throws an exception if the number of bytes used
218  // is greater than the number allocated or if the MemoryIO object is not
219  // writeable.
220  void setUsed(uInt64 bytesUsed);
222 private:
223  //# Copy constructor, should not be used.
224  MemoryIO (const MemoryIO& that);
226  //# Assignment, should not be used.
227  MemoryIO& operator= (const MemoryIO& that);
229  // Reset the position pointer to the given value. It returns the
230  // new position.
231  // An exception is thrown when seeking before the start of the
232  // buffer or when seeking past the end of a readonly buffer.
233  // When seeking past the end of a writable buffer, the required
234  // amount of bytes is added and initialized to zero.
237  //# Expand the buffer to at least the given size. The specified size
238  //# will be used if it results in a larger buffer size. In this way the
239  //# buffer does not get reallocated too often. It returns a false status
240  //# when the buffer cannot be expanded.
241  Bool expand (uInt64 minSize);
252 };
255 inline void MemoryIO::clear()
256 {
257  itsUsed = itsPosition = 0;
258 }
259 inline const uChar* MemoryIO::getBuffer() const
260 {
261  return itsBuffer;
262 }
264 {
265  return itsAlloc;
266 }
268 {
269  return itsExpandSize;
270 }
276 #endif
Define the possible seek options.
Definition: ByteIO.h:82
Define the possible ByteIO open options.
Definition: ByteIO.h:65
void clear()
Clear the buffer; i.e.
Definition: MemoryIO.h:255
MemoryIO(uInt64 initialSize=65536, uInt64 expandSize=32768)
Construct a dynamic object with the given initial length.
virtual Int64 length()
Get the length of the data in the buffer.
virtual Int64 doSeek(Int64 offset, ByteIO::SeekOption)
Reset the position pointer to the given value.
virtual void write(Int64 size, const void *buf)
Write the number of bytes.
void setUsed(uInt64 bytesUsed)
tell the MemoryIO object how much of its internal buffer is valid data.
MemoryIO & operator=(const MemoryIO &that)
uInt64 allocated() const
Get the allocated length of the buffer.
Definition: MemoryIO.h:263
MemoryIO(const MemoryIO &that)
virtual Bool isSeekable() const
Is the IO stream seekable?
Bool expand(uInt64 minSize)
const uChar * getBuffer() const
Get the buffer containing the data.
Definition: MemoryIO.h:259
uInt64 expandSize() const
Get the expand size (0 = not expandable).
Definition: MemoryIO.h:267
MemoryIO(void *buffer, uInt64 size, ByteIO::OpenOption, uInt64 expandSize=0, Bool canDelete=False)
Construct from the given buffer with the given length.
uChar * setBuffer(uInt64 length)
resize the internal buffer (if necessary) so that it is big enough to hold the specified number of by...
virtual Bool isReadable() const
Is the IO stream readable?
virtual Int64 read(Int64 size, void *buf, Bool throwException=True)
Read size bytes from the memory buffer.
Delete the Memory object.
MemoryIO(const void *buffer, uInt64 size)
Construct from a buffer with the given length.
uChar * itsBuffer
Definition: MemoryIO.h:244
virtual Bool isWritable() const
Is the IO stream writable?
this file contains all the compiler specific defines
Definition: mainpage.dox:28
unsigned char uChar
Definition: aipstype.h:47
const Bool False
Definition: aipstype.h:44
long long Int64
Define the extra non-standard types used by Casacore (like proposed uSize, Size)
Definition: aipsxtype.h:38
bool Bool
Define the standard types used by Casacore.
Definition: aipstype.h:42
const Bool True
Definition: aipstype.h:43
unsigned long long uInt64
Definition: aipsxtype.h:39