Classes | Namespaces | Functions
Functors.h File Reference
#include <casacore/casa/aips.h>
#include <casacore/casa/BasicMath/Math.h>
#include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/Complex.h>
#include <casacore/casa/BasicSL/String.h>
#include <functional>

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struct  casacore::Plus< L, R, RES >
 Functor to add variables of possibly different types. More...
struct  casacore::Minus< L, R, RES >
 Functor to subtract variables of possibly different types. More...
struct  casacore::Multiplies< L, R, RES >
 Functor to multiply variables of possibly different types. More...
struct  casacore::Divides< L, R, RES >
 Functor to divide variables of possibly different types. More...
struct  casacore::Modulo< L, R, RES >
 Functor to take modulo of (integer) variables of possibly different types in the C way. More...
struct  casacore::FloorMod< L, R, RES >
 Functor to take modulo of variables of possibly different types using the floor modulo (% as used in Python). More...
struct  casacore::BitAnd< T >
 Functor for bitwise and of (integer) values. More...
struct  casacore::BitOr< T >
 Functor for bitwise or of (integer) values. More...
struct  casacore::BitXor< T >
 Functor for bitwise xor of (integer) values. More...
struct  casacore::BitNegate< T >
 Functor for bitwise negate of (integer) values. More...
struct  casacore::IsNaN< T >
 Functor to test for NaN. More...
struct  casacore::IsInf< T >
 Functor to test for infinity. More...
struct  casacore::IsFinite< T >
 Functor to test for finiteness. More...
struct  casacore::Near< L, R >
 Functor to test if two values are relatively near each other. More...
struct  casacore::NearAbs< L, R >
 Functor to test for if two values are absolutely near each other. More...
struct  casacore::Sin< T, RES >
 Functor to apply sin. More...
struct  casacore::Sinh< T, RES >
 Functor to apply sinh. More...
struct  casacore::Asin< T, RES >
 Functor to apply asin. More...
struct  casacore::Cos< T, RES >
 Functor to apply cos. More...
struct  casacore::Cosh< T, RES >
 Functor to apply cosh. More...
struct  casacore::Acos< T, RES >
 Functor to apply acos. More...
struct  casacore::Tan< T, RES >
 Functor to apply tan. More...
struct  casacore::Tanh< T, RES >
 Functor to apply tanh. More...
struct  casacore::Atan< T, RES >
 Functor to apply atan. More...
struct  casacore::Atan2< L, R, RES >
 Functor to apply atan2. More...
struct  casacore::Sqr< T, RES >
 Functor to apply sqr (power of 2). More...
struct  casacore::Pow3< T, RES >
 Functor to apply a power of 3. More...
struct  casacore::Sqrt< T, RES >
 Functor to apply sqrt. More...
struct  casacore::Exp< T, RES >
 Functor to apply exp. More...
struct  casacore::Log< T, RES >
 Functor to apply log. More...
struct  casacore::Log10< T, RES >
 Functor to apply log10. More...
struct  casacore::Abs< T, RES >
 Functor to apply abs. More...
struct  casacore::Floor< T, RES >
 Functor to apply floor. More...
struct  casacore::Ceil< T, RES >
 Functor to apply ceil. More...
struct  casacore::Round< T, RES >
 Functor to apply round (e.g. More...
struct  casacore::Sign< T, RES >
 Functor to apply sign (result is -1, 0, or 1). More...
struct  casacore::MakeComplex< L, R, RES >
 Functor to form a complex number from the left and right value. More...
struct  casacore::MakeComplexReal< L, R, RES >
 Functor to form a complex number from the real part of the left value and the right value. More...
struct  casacore::MakeComplexImag< L, R, RES >
 Functor to form a complex number from the left value and the imaginary part of the right value. More...
struct  casacore::MakeComplexRealImag< L, R, RES >
 Functor to form a complex number from the real part of the left value and the imaginary part of the right value. More...
struct  casacore::Conj< T, RES >
 Functor to apply complex function conj. More...
struct  casacore::Real< T, RES >
 Functor to apply complex function real. More...
struct  casacore::Imag< T, RES >
 Functor to apply complex function imag. More...
struct  casacore::CArg< T, RES >
 Functor to apply complex function arg. More...
struct  casacore::CAbs< T, RES >
 Functor to apply complex function fabs. More...
struct  casacore::Pow< T, E, RES >
 Functor to apply pow. More...
struct  casacore::Fmod< L, R, RES >
 Functor to apply fmod. More...
struct  casacore::Min< L, R, RES >
 Functor to get minimum of two values. More...
struct  casacore::Max< L, R, RES >
 Functor to get maximum of two values. More...
struct  casacore::SumSqr< T, Accum >
 Functor to add square of right to left. More...
struct  casacore::SumSqrDiff< T, Accum >
 Functor to add squared diff of right and base value to left. More...
struct  casacore::SumSqrDiff< std::complex< T > >
 Specialize for complex values. More...
struct  casacore::SumAbsDiff< T, Accum >
 Functor to add absolute diff of right and base value to left. More...
struct  casacore::Downcase
 Functor to downcase a std::string. More...
struct  casacore::Upcase
 Functor to upcase a std::string. More...
struct  casacore::Capitalize
 Functor to capitalize a std::string. More...
struct  casacore::Trim
 Functor to trim a std::string. More...


 this file contains all the compiler specific defines


template<typename InputIterator1 , typename InputIterator2 , typename BinaryOperator >
void casacore::transformInPlace (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, BinaryOperator op)
 Define a function to do a binary transform in place. More...
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename UnaryOperator >
void casacore::transformInPlace (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, UnaryOperator op)
 Define a function to do a unary transform in place. More...
template<typename InputIterator , typename MaskIterator , typename Accum , typename BinaryOperator >
Accum casacore::accumulateTrue (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, MaskIterator mask, Accum acc, BinaryOperator op=std::plus< Accum >())
 Define a function (similar to std::accumulate) to do accumulation of elements for which the corresponding mask value is true. More...
template<typename InputIterator , typename MaskIterator , typename Accum , typename BinaryOperator >
Accum casacore::accumulateFalse (InputIterator first, InputIterator last, MaskIterator mask, Accum acc, BinaryOperator op=std::plus< Accum >())
 Define a function (similar to std::accumulate) to do accumulation of elements for which the corresponding mask value is false. More...
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename InputIterator2 , typename CompareOperator >
bool casacore::compareAll (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, CompareOperator op)
 Define a function to compare all elements of two sequences. More...
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename T , typename CompareOperator >
bool casacore::compareAllLeft (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, T left, CompareOperator op)
 For use with a constant left value. More...
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename T , typename CompareOperator >
bool casacore::compareAllRight (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, T right, CompareOperator op)
 For use with a constant right value. More...
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename InputIterator2 , typename CompareOperator >
bool casacore::compareAny (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, InputIterator2 first2, CompareOperator op)
 Define a function to compare all elements of two sequences. More...
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename T , typename CompareOperator >
bool casacore::compareAnyLeft (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, T left, CompareOperator op)
 For use with a constant left value. More...
template<typename InputIterator1 , typename T , typename CompareOperator >
bool casacore::compareAnyRight (InputIterator1 first1, InputIterator1 last1, T right, CompareOperator op)
 For use with a constant right value. More...