#!/bin/bash # Assemble documentation for the project into one directory via symbolic links. # Find the docs dir, no matter where the script is called ROOT_DIR="$( cd "$(dirname "$0")"/.. ; pwd -P )" cd $ROOT_DIR # Gather docs from examples/**/readme.md GATHERED_DIR=docs/gathered rm -r $GATHERED_DIR mkdir $GATHERED_DIR for README_FILENAME in $(find examples -iname "readme.md"); do # Only use file if it is to be included in docs. if grep -Fxq "include_in_docs: true" $README_FILENAME; then # Make link to readme.md in docs/gathered/. # Since everything is called readme.md, rename it by its dirname. README_DIRNAME=`dirname $README_FILENAME` DOCS_FILENAME=$GATHERED_DIR/$README_DIRNAME.md mkdir -p `dirname $DOCS_FILENAME` ln -s $ROOT_DIR/$README_FILENAME $DOCS_FILENAME fi done # Gather docs from examples/*.ipynb and add YAML front-matter. for NOTEBOOK_FILENAME in $(find examples -depth -iname "*.ipynb"); do DOCS_FILENAME=$GATHERED_DIR/$NOTEBOOK_FILENAME mkdir -p `dirname $DOCS_FILENAME` python scripts/copy_notebook.py $NOTEBOOK_FILENAME $DOCS_FILENAME done