C++ concepts: RandomNumberDistribution

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A RandomNumberDistribution is a function object returning random numbers according to a probability density function p(x) or a discrete probability distribution P(x

[edit] Requirements

  • D is a class meeting the RandomNumberDistribution requirements. It shall also satisfy the CopyConstructible and CopyAssignable requirements.
  • T is the associated result_type.
  • P is the associated param_type. It shall satisfy the CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable, and EqualityComparable requirements. It also has constructors that take the same arguments of the same types as the constructors of D and has member functions identical to the parameter-returning getters of D
  • d is an object of D and x,y are potentially const objects of D.
  • p is a possibly constant value of P.
  • g,g1,g2 are lvalues meeting the UniformRandomNumberGenerator concept.
  • os is an lvalue of std::basic_ostream.
  • is is an lvalue of std::basic_istream.
Expression Type Notes Complexity
D::result_type T An arithmetic type compile-time
D::param_type P compile-time
D() constant
D(p) Same as p's construction
d.reset() void Resets the internal state of the distribution object. After a call to this function, the next call to operator() on the distribution object will not be dependent on previous calls to operator(). constant
x.param() P No worse than D(p)
d.param(p) void No worse than D(p)
d(g) T d(g, d.param()) Same as d(g, d.param())
d(g,p) T When called with the same g and p parameter it returns a sequence of numbers distributed according to p(x;p) or P(x
Amortized constant number of invocations of g
x.min() T The greatest lower bound returned by operator() constant
x.max() T The least upper bound returned by operator() constant
x == y bool constant
x != y bool !(x == y) constant
os << x Reference to the type of os Writes a textual representation of the distribution parameters and internal state to os as textual representation. The formatting flags and fill character of os are unchanged.
is >> d Reference to the type of is Restores the distribution parameters and internal state with data read from is. The formatting flags of is are unchanged. The data must have been written using a stream with the same locale, CharT and Traits template parameters, otherwise the behavior is undefined. If bad input is encountered, is.setstate(std::ios::failbit) is called, which may throw std::ios_base::failure. d is unchanged in that case.

[edit] Notes

The parameters of a distribution object may be changed either permanently, by using d.param(p) or just for the duration of a single operator() call, by using d(g,p).