Chapter 9: Classes And Memory Allocation

In contrast to the set of functions that handle memory allocation in C (i.e., malloc etc.), memory allocation in C++ is handled by the operators new and delete. Important differences between malloc and new are: A comparable relationship exists between free and delete: delete makes sure that when an object is deallocated, its destructor is automatically called.

The automatic calling of constructors and destructors when objects are created and destroyed has consequences which we shall discuss in this chapter. Many problems encountered during C program development are caused by incorrect memory allocation or memory leaks: memory is not allocated, not freed, not initialized, boundaries are overwritten, etc.. C++ does not `magically' solve these problems, but it does provide us with tools to prevent these kinds of problems.

As a consequence of malloc and friends becoming deprecated the very frequently used str... functions, like strdup, that are all malloc based, should be avoided in C++ programs. Instead, the facilities of the string class and operators new and delete should be used.

Memory allocation procedures influence the way classes dynamically allocating their own memory should be designed. Therefore, in this chapter these topics are discussed in addition to discussions about operators new and delete. We'll first cover the peculiarities of operators new and delete, followed by a discussion about:

9.1: Operators `new' and `delete'

C++ defines two operators to allocate memory and to return it to the `common pool'. These operators are, respectively, new and delete.

Here is a simple example illustrating their use. An int pointer variable points to memory allocated by operator new. This memory is later released by operator delete.

    int *ip = new int;
    delete ip;

Here are some characteristics of operators new and delete:

Operator new can be used to allocate primitive types but also to allocate objects. When a primitive type or a struct type without a constructor is allocated the allocated memory is not guaranteed to be initialized to 0, but an initialization expression may be provided:

    int *v1 = new int;          // not guaranteed to be initialized to 0
    int *v1 = new int();        // initialized to 0
    int *v2 = new int(3);       // initialized to 3
    int *v3 = new int(3 * *v2); // initialized to 9

When a class-type object is allocated, the arguments of its constructor (if any) are specified immediately following the type specification in the new expression and the object is initialized by to the thus specified constructor. For example, to allocate string objects the following statements could be used:

    string *s1 = new string;            // uses the default constructor
    string *s2 = new string{};          // same
    string *s3 = new string(4, ' ');    // initializes to 4 blanks.

In addition to using new to allocate memory for a single entity or an array of entities (see the next section) there also exists a variant allocating raw memory: operator new(sizeInBytes). Raw memory is returned as a void *. Here new allocates a block of memory for unspecified purpose. Although raw memory may consist of multiple characters it should not be interpreted as an array of characters. Since raw memory returned by new is returned as a void * its return value can be assigned to a void * variable. More often it is assigned to a char * variable, using a cast. Here is an example:

    char *chPtr = static_cast<char *>(operator new(numberOfBytes));

The use of raw memory is frequently encountered in combination with the placement new operator, discussed in section 9.1.5.

9.1.1: Allocating arrays

Operator new[] is used to allocate arrays. The generic notation new[] is used in the C++ Annotations. Actually, the number of elements to be allocated must be specified between the square brackets and it must, in turn, be prefixed by the type of the entities that must be allocated. Example:
    int *intarr = new int[20];          // allocates 20 ints
    string *stringarr = new string[10]; // allocates 10 strings.

Operator new is a different operator than operator new[]. A consequence of this difference is discussed in the next section (9.1.2).

Arrays allocated by operator new[] are called dynamic arrays. They are constructed during the execution of a program, and their lifetime may exceed the lifetime of the function in which they were created. Dynamically allocated arrays may last for as long as the program runs.

When new[] is used to allocate an array of primitive values or an array of objects, new[] must be specified with a type and an (unsigned) expression between its square brackets. The type and expression together are used by the compiler to determine the required size of the block of memory to make available. When new[] is used the array's elements are stored consecutively in memory. An array index expression may thereafter be used to access the array's individual elements: intarr[0] represents the first int value, immediately followed by intarr[1], and so on until the last element (intarr[19]).

With non-class types (primitive types, POD types without constructors) the block of memory returned by operator new[] is not guaranteed to be initialized to 0. Alternatively, adding () to the new expression will initialize the block of memory to zeroes. E.g.,

    struct POD
        int iVal;
        double dVal;
    new POD[5]();       // returns a pointer to 5 0-initialized PODs
    new double[9]();    // returns a pointer to 9 0-initialized doubles

If there are members of the struct POD that are explicitly initialized in the struct's interface (e.g., int iVal = 12), or if the struct uses composition, and the composed data member's type defines a default constructor, then initializations in the struct's interface and initializations performed by the composed data member's constructor takes precedence over the 0-initialization. Here is an example:

    struct Data
        int value = 100;
    struct POD
        int iVal = 12;
        double dVal;
        Data data;

    POD *pp = new POD[5]();

Here, pp points to five POD objects, each having their iVal data members initialized to 12, their dVal data members initialized to 0, and their data.value members initialized to 100.

When operator new[] is used to allocate arrays of objects of class types defining default constructors these constructors are automatically used. Consequently new string[20] results in a block of 20 initialized string objects. A non-default constructor cannot be called, but often it is possible to work around that (as discussed in section 13.8).

The expression between brackets of operator new[] represents the number of elements of the array to allocate. The C++ standard allows allocation of 0-sized arrays. The statement new int[0] is correct C++. However, it is also pointless and confusing and should be avoided. It is pointless as it doesn't refer to any element at all, it is confusing as the returned pointer has a useless non-0 value. A pointer intending to point to an array of values should be initialized (like any pointer that isn't yet pointing to memory) to 0, allowing for expressions like if (ptr) ...

Without using operator new[], arrays of variable sizes can also be constructed as local arrays. Such arrays are not dynamic arrays and their lifetimes are restricted to the lifetime of the block in which they were defined.

Once allocated, all arrays have fixed sizes. There is no simple way to enlarge or shrink arrays. C++ has no operator `renew'. Section 9.1.3 illustrates how to enlarge arrays.

9.1.2: Deleting arrays

Dynamically allocated arrays are deleted using operator delete[]. It expects a pointer to a block of memory, previously allocated by operator new[].

When operator delete[]'s operand is a pointer to an array of objects two actions are performed:

Here is an example showing how to allocate and delete an array of 10 string objects:
    std::string *sp = new std::string[10];
    delete[] sp;

No special action is performed if a dynamically allocated array of primitive typed values is deleted. Following int *it = new int[10] the statement delete[] it simply returns the memory pointed at by it. Realize that, as a pointer is a primitive type, deleting a dynamically allocated array of pointers to objects does not result in the proper destruction of the objects the array's elements point at. So, the following example results in a memory leak:

    string **sp = new string *[5];
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx != 5; ++idx)
        sp[idx] = new string;
    delete[] sp;            // MEMORY LEAK !

In this example the only action performed by delete[] is to return an area the size of five pointers to strings to the common pool.

Here's how the destruction in such cases should be performed:

    for (size_t idx = 0; idx != 5; ++idx)
        delete sp[idx];
    delete[] sp;

One of the consequences is of course that by the time the memory is going to be returned not only the pointer must be available but also the number of elements it contains. This can easily be accomplished by storing pointer and number of elements in a simple class and then using an object of that class.

Operator delete[] is a different operator than operator delete. The rule of thumb is: if new[] was used, also use delete[].

9.1.3: Enlarging arrays

Once allocated, all arrays have fixed sizes. There is no simple way to enlarge or shrink arrays. C++ has no renew operator. The basic steps to take when enlarging an array are the following: Static and local arrays cannot be resized. Resizing is only possible for dynamically allocated arrays. Example:
    #include <string>
    using namespace std;

    string *enlarge(string *old, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize)
        string *tmp = new string[newsize];  // allocate larger array

        for (size_t idx = 0; idx != oldsize; ++idx)
            tmp[idx] = old[idx];            // copy old to tmp

        delete[] old;                       // delete the old array
        return tmp;                         // return new array

    int main()
        string *arr = new string[4];        // initially: array of 4 strings
        arr = enlarge(arr, 4, 6);           // enlarge arr to 6 elements.

The procedure to enlarge shown in the example also has several drawbacks.

Depending on the context various solutions exist to improve the efficiency of this rather inefficient procedure. An array of pointers could be used (requiring only the pointers to be copied, no destruction, no superfluous initialization) or raw memory in combination with the placement new operator could be used (an array of objects remains available, no destruction, no superfluous construction).

9.1.4: Managing `raw' memory

As we've seen operator new allocates the memory for an object and subsequently initializes that object by calling one of its constructors. Likewise, operator delete calls an object's destructor and subsequently returns the memory allocated by operator new to the common pool.

In the next section we'll encounter another use of new, allowing us to initialize objects in so-called raw memory: memory merely consisting of bytes that have been made available by either static or dynamic allocation.

Raw memory is made available by operator new(sizeInBytes) and also by operator new[](sizeInBytes). The returned memory should not be interpreted as an array of any kind but just a series of memory locations that were dynamically made available. No initialization whatsoever is performed by these variants of new.

Both variants return void *s so (static) casts are required to use the return values as memory of some type.

Here are two examples:

                                // room for 5 ints:
    int *ip = static_cast<int *>(operator new(5 * sizeof(int)));
                                // same as the previous example:
    int *ip2 = static_cast<int *>(operator new[](5 * sizeof(int)));
                                // room for 5 strings:
    string *sp = static_cast<string *>(operator new(5 * sizeof(string)));

As operator new has no concept of data types the size of the intended data type must be specified when allocating raw memory for a certain number of objects of an intended type. The use of operator new therefore somewhat resembles the use of malloc.

The counterpart of operator new is operator delete. Operator delete (or, equivalently, operator delete[]), expects a void * (so a pointer to any type can be passed to it). The pointer is interpreted as a pointer to raw memory which is returned to the common pool without any further action. In particular, no destructors are called by operator delete. The use of operator delete therefore resembles the use of free. To return the memory pointed at by the abovementioned variables ip and sp operator delete should be used:

                    // delete raw memory allocated by operator new
    operator delete(ip);
    operator delete[](ip2);
    operator delete(sp);

9.1.5: The `placement new' operator

A remarkable form of operator new is called the placement new operator. Before using placement new the <memory> header file must be included.

Placement new is passed an existing block of memory into which new initializes an object or value. The block of memory should be large enough to contain the object, but apart from that there are no further requirements. It is easy to determine how much memory is used by en entity (object or variable) of type Type: the sizeof operator returns the number of bytes used by an Type entity.

Entities may of course dynamically allocate memory for their own use. Dynamically allocated memory, however, is not part of the entity's memory `footprint' but it is always made available externally to the entity itself. This is why sizeof returns the same value when applied to different string objects that return different length and capacity values.

The placement new operator uses the following syntax (using Type to indicate the used data type):

    Type *new(void *memory) Type{ arguments };

Here, memory is a block of memory of at least sizeof(Type) bytes and Type(arguments) is any constructor of the class Type.

The placement new operator is useful in situations where classes set aside memory to be used later. This is used, e.g., by std::string to change its capacity. Calling string::reserve may enlarge that capacity without making memory beyond the string's length immediately available to the string object's users. But the object itself may use its additional memory. E.g, when information is added to a string object it can draw memory from its capacity rather than performing a reallocation for each single character that is added to its content.

Let's apply that philosophy to a class Strings storing std::string objects. The class defines a string *d_memory accessing the memory holding its d_size string objects as well as d_capacity - d_size reserved memory. Assuming that a default constructor initializes d_capacity to 1, doubling d_capacity whenever an additional string must be stored, the class must support the following essential operations:

The private member void Strings::reserve is called when the current capacity must be enlarged to d_capacity. It operates as follows: First new, raw, memory is allocated (line 1). This memory is in no way initialized with strings. Then the available strings in the old memory are copied into the newly allocated raw memory using placement new (line 2). Next, the old memory is deleted (line 3).
void Strings::reserve()
    using std::string;

    string *newMemory = static_cast<string *>(                  // 1
                            operator new(d_capacity * sizeof(string)));
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx != d_size; ++idx)                  // 2
        new (newMemory + idx) string{ d_memory[idx] };
    destroy();                                                  // 3
    d_memory = newMemory;

The member append adds another string object to a Strings object. A (public) member reserve(request) (enlarging d_capacity if necessary and if enlarged calling reserve()) ensures that the String object's capacity is sufficient. Then placement new is used to install the latest string into the raw memory's appropriate location:

void Strings::append(std::string const &next)
    reserve(d_size + 1);
    new (d_memory + d_size) std::string{ next };

At the end of the String object's lifetime, and during enlarging operations all currently used dynamically allocated memory must be returned. This is made the responsibility of the member destroy, which is called by the class's destructor and by reserve(). More about the destructor itself in the next section, but the implementation of the support member destroy is discussed below.

With placement new an interesting situation is encountered. Objects, possibly themselves allocating memory, are installed in memory that may or may not have been allocated dynamically, but that is usually not completely filled with such objects. So a simple delete[] can't be used. On the other hand, a delete for each of the objects that are available can't be used either, since those delete operations would also try to delete the memory of the objects themselves, which wasn't dynamically allocated.

This peculiar situation is solved in a peculiar way, only encountered in cases where placement new is used: memory allocated by objects initialized using placement new is returned by explicitly calling the object's destructor. The destructor is declared as a member having as its name the class name preceded by a tilde, not using any arguments. So, std::string's destructor is named ~string. An object's destructor only returns memory allocated by the object itself and, despite of its name, does not destroy its object. Any memory allocated by the strings stored in our class Strings is therefore properly destroyed by explicitly calling their destructors. Following this d_memory is back to its initial status: it again points to raw memory. This raw memory is then returned to the common pool by operator delete:

void Strings::destroy()
    for (std::string *sp = d_memory + d_size; sp-- != d_memory; )

    operator delete(d_memory);

So far, so good. All is well as long as we're using only one object. What about allocating an array of objects? Initialization is performed as usual. But as with delete, delete[] cannot be called when the buffer was allocated statically. Instead, when multiple objects were initialized using placement new in combination with a statically allocated buffer all the objects' destructors must be called explicitly, as in the following example:

    using std::string;

    char buffer[3 * sizeof(string)];
    string *sp = new(buffer) string [3];

    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < 3; ++idx)

9.2: The destructor

Comparable to the constructor, classes may define a destructor. This function is the constructor's counterpart in the sense that it is invoked when an object ceases to exist. A destructor is usually called automatically, but that's not always true. The destructors of dynamically allocated objects are not automatically activated, but in addition to that: when a program is interrupted by an exit call, only the destructors of already initialized global objects are called. In that situation destructors of objects defined locally by functions are also not called. This is one (good) reason for avoiding exit in C++ programs.

Destructors obey the following syntactical requirements:

Destructors are declared in their class interfaces. Example:
    class Strings
            ~Strings();     // the destructor

By convention the constructors are declared first. The destructor is declared next, to be followed by other member functions.

A destructor's main task is to ensure that memory allocated by an object is properly returned when the object ceases to exist. Consider the following interface of the class Strings:

    class Strings
        std::string *d_string;
        size_t d_size;

            Strings(char const *const *cStrings, size_t n);

            std::string const &at(size_t idx) const;
            size_t size() const;

The constructor's task is to initialize the data fields of the object. E.g, its constructors are defined as follows:


    Strings::Strings(char const *const *cStrings, size_t size)
        d_string(new string[size]),
        for (size_t idx = 0; idx != size; ++idx)
            d_string[idx] = cStrings[idx];
As objects of the class Strings allocate memory a destructor is clearly required. Destructors may or may not be called automatically, but note that destructors are only called (or, in the case of dynamically allocated objects: should only be called) for fully constructed objects.

C++ considers objects `fully constructed' once at least one of its constructors could normally complete. It used to be the constructor, but as C++ supports constructor delegation, multiple constructors can be activated for a single object; hence `at least one constructor'. The remaining rules apply to fully constructed objects;

The destructor's task is to ensure that all memory that is dynamically allocated and controlled only by the object itself is returned. The task of the Strings's destructor would therefore be to delete the memory to which d_string points. Its implementation is:
        delete[] d_string;

The next example shows Strings at work. In process a Strings store is created, and its data are displayed. It returns a dynamically allocated Strings object to main. A Strings * receives the address of the allocated object and deletes the object again. Another Strings object is then created in a block of memory made available locally in main, and an explicit call to ~Strings is required to return the memory allocated by that object. In the example only once a Strings object is automatically destroyed: the local Strings object defined by process. The other two Strings objects require explicit actions to prevent memory leaks.

    #include "strings.h"
    #include <iostream>

    using namespace std;;

    void display(Strings const &store)
        for (size_t idx = 0; idx != store.size(); ++idx)
            cout << << '\n';

    Strings *process(char *argv[], size_t argc)
        Strings store{ argv, argc };
        return new Strings{ argv, argc };

    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        Strings *sp = process(argv, argc);
        delete sp;

        char buffer[sizeof(Strings)];
        sp = new (buffer) Strings{ argv, static_cast<size_t>(argc) };

9.2.1: Object pointers revisited

Operators new and delete are used when an object or variable is allocated. One of the advantages of the operators new and delete over functions like malloc and free is that new and delete call the corresponding object constructors and destructors.

The allocation of an object by operator new is a two-step process. First the memory for the object itself is allocated. Then its constructor is called, initializing the object. Analogously to the construction of an object, the destruction is also a two-step process: first, the destructor of the class is called deleting the memory controlled by the object. Then the memory used by the object itself is freed.

Dynamically allocated arrays of objects can also be handled by new and delete. When allocating an array of objects using operator new the default constructor is called for each object in the array. In cases like this operator delete[] must be used to ensure that the destructor is called for each of the objects in array.

However, the addresses returned by new Type and new Type[size] are of identical types, in both cases a Type *. Consequently it cannot be determined by the type of the pointer whether a pointer to dynamically allocated memory points to a single entity or to an array of entities.

What happens if delete rather than delete[] is used? Consider the following situation, in which the destructor ~Strings is modified so that it tells us that it is called. In a main function an array of two Strings objects is allocated using new, to be deleted by delete[]. Next, the same actions are repeated, albeit that the delete operator is called without []:

    #include <iostream>
    #include "strings.h"
    using namespace std;

        cout << "Strings destructor called" << '\n';

    int main()
        Strings *a  = new Strings[2];

        cout << "Destruction with []'s" << '\n';
        delete[] a;

        a = new Strings[2];

        cout << "Destruction without []'s" << '\n';
        delete a;
    Generated output:
Destruction with []'s
Strings destructor called
Strings destructor called
Destruction without []'s
Strings destructor called
From the generated output, we see that the destructors of the individual Strings objects are called when delete[] is used, while only the first object's destructor is called if the [] is omitted.

Conversely, if delete[] is called in a situation where delete should have been called the results are unpredictable, and the program will most likely crash. This problematic behavior is caused by the way the run-time system stores information about the size of the allocated array (usually right before the array's first element). If a single object is allocated the array-specific information is not available, but it is nevertheless assumed present by delete[]. Thus this latter operator encounters bogus values in the memory locations just before the array's first element. It then dutifully interprets the value it encounters there as size information, usually causing the program to fail.

If no destructor is defined, a trivial destructor is defined by the compiler. The trivial destructor ensures that the destructors of composed objects (as well as the destructors of base classes if a class is a derived class, cf. chapter 13) are called. This has serious implications: objects allocating memory create memory leaks unless precautionary measures are taken (by defining an appropriate destructor). Consider the following program:

    #include <iostream>
    #include "strings.h"
    using namespace std;

        cout << "Strings destructor called" << '\n';

    int main()
        Strings **ptr = new Strings* [2];

        ptr[0] = new Strings[2];
        ptr[1] = new Strings[2];

        delete[] ptr;
This program produces no output at all. Why is this? The variable ptr is defined as a pointer to a pointer. The dynamically allocated array therefore consists of pointer variables and pointers are of a primitive type. No destructors exist for primitive typed variables. Consequently only the array itself is returned, and no Strings destructor is called.

Of course, we don't want this, but require the Strings objects pointed to by the elements of ptr to be deleted too. In this case we have two options:

9.2.2: The function set_new_handler()

The C++ run-time system ensures that when memory allocation fails an error function is activated. By default this function throws a bad_alloc exception (see section 10.8), terminating the program. Therefore it is not necessary to check the return value of operator new. Operator new's default behavior may be modified in various ways. One way to modify its behavior is to redefine the function that's called when memory allocation fails. Such a function must comply with the following requirements:

A redefined error function might, e.g., print a message and terminate the program. The user-written error function becomes part of the allocation system through the function set_new_handler.

Such an error function is illustrated below ( This implementation applies to the GNU C/C++ requirements. Actually using the program given in the next example is not advised, as it probably enormously slows down your computer due to the resulting use of the operating system's swap area.):

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>

    using namespace std;

    void outOfMemory()
        cout << "Memory exhausted. Program terminates." << '\n';

    int main()
        long allocated = 0;

        set_new_handler(outOfMemory);       // install error function

        while (true)                        // eat up all memory
            new int [100000]();
            allocated += 100000 * sizeof(int);
            cout << "Allocated " << allocated << " bytes\n";
Once the new error function has been installed it is automatically invoked when memory allocation fails, and the program is terminated. Memory allocation may fail in indirectly called code as well, e.g., when constructing or using streams or when strings are duplicated by low-level functions.

So far for the theory. On some systems the `out of memory' condition may actually never be reached, as the operating system may interfere before the run-time support system gets a chance to stop the program.

The traditional memory allocation functions (like strdup, malloc, realloc etc.) do not trigger the new handler when memory allocation fails and should be avoided in C++ programs.

9.3: The assignment operator

In C++ struct and class type objects can be directly assigned new values in the same way as this is possible in C. The default action of such an assignment for non-class type data members is a straight byte-by-byte copy from one data member to another. For now we'll use the following simple class Person:
    class Person
        char *d_name;
        char *d_address;
        char *d_phone;

            Person(char const *name, char const *addr, char const *phone);
            char *strdupnew(char const *src);   // returns a copy of src.

    // strdupnew is easily implemented, here is its inline implementation:
    inline char *Person::strdupnew(char const *src)
        return strcpy(new char [strlen(src) + 1], src);

Person's data members are initialized to zeroes or to copies of the NTBSs passed to Person's constructor, using some variant of strdup. The allocated memory is eventually returned by Person's destructor.

Now consider the consequences of using Person objects in the following example:

    void tmpPerson(Person const &person)
        Person tmp;
        tmp = person;

Here's what happens when tmpPerson is called:

Now a potentially dangerous situation has been created. The actual values in person are pointers, pointing to allocated memory. After the assignment this memory is addressed by two objects: person and tmp. This problematic assignment is illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Private data and public interface functions of the class Person, using byte-by-byte assignment

Having executed tmpPerson, the object referenced by person now contains pointers to deleted memory.

This is undoubtedly not a desired effect of using a function like tmpPerson. The deleted memory is likely to be reused by subsequent allocations. The pointer members of person have effectively become wild pointers, as they don't point to allocated memory anymore. In general it can be concluded that

every class containing pointer data members is a potential candidate for trouble.
Fortunately, it is possible to prevent these troubles, as discussed next.

9.3.1: Overloading the assignment operator

Obviously, the right way to assign one Person object to another, is not to copy the content of the object bytewise. A better way is to make an equivalent object. One having its own allocated memory containing copies of the original strings.

The way to assign a Person object to another is illustrated in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Private data and public interface functions of the class Person, using the `correct' assignment.

There are several ways to assign a Person object to another. One way would be to define a special member function to handle the assignment. The purpose of this member function would be to create a copy of an object having its own name, address and phone strings. Such a member function could be:
    void Person::assign(Person const &other)
            // delete our own previously used memory
        delete[] d_name;
        delete[] d_address;
        delete[] d_phone;

            // copy the other Person's data
        d_name    = strdupnew(other.d_name);
        d_address = strdupnew(other.d_address);
        d_phone   = strdupnew(other.d_phone);

Using assign we could rewrite the offending function tmpPerson:

    void tmpPerson(Person const &person)
        Person tmp;

            // tmp (having its own memory) holds a copy of person

            // now it doesn't matter that tmp is destroyed..

This solution is valid, although it only tackles a symptom. It requires the programmer to use a specific member function instead of the assignment operator. The original problem (assignment produces wild pointers) is still not solved. Since it is hard to `strictly adhere to a rule' a way to solve the original problem is of course preferred.

Fortunately a solution exists using operator overloading: the possibility C++ offers to redefine the actions of an operator in a given context. Operator overloading was briefly mentioned earlier, when the operators << and >> were redefined to be used with streams (like cin, cout and cerr), see section 3.1.4.

Overloading the assignment operator is probably the most common form of operator overloading in C++. A word of warning is appropriate, though. The fact that C++ allows operator overloading does not mean that this feature should indiscriminately be used. Here's what you should keep in mind:

An operator should simply do what it is designed to do. The phrase that's often encountered in the context of operator overloading is do as the ints do. The way operators behave when applied to ints is what is expected, all other implementations probably cause surprises and confusion. Therefore, overloading the insertion (<<) and extraction (>>) operators in the context of streams is probably ill-chosen: the stream operations have nothing in common with bitwise shift operations. The member 'operator=()'

To add operator overloading to a class, the class interface is simply provided with a (usually public) member function naming the particular operator. That member function is thereupon implemented.

To overload the assignment operator =, a member operator=(Class const &rhs) is added to the class interface. Note that the function name consists of two parts: the keyword operator, followed by the operator itself. When we augment a class interface with a member function operator=, then that operator is redefined for the class, which prevents the default operator from being used. In the previous section the function assign was provided to solve the problems resulting from using the default assignment operator. Rather than using an ordinary member function C++ commonly uses a dedicated operator generalizing the operator's default behavior to the class in which it is defined.

The assign member mentioned before may be redefined as follows (the member operator= presented below is a first, rather unsophisticated, version of the overloaded assignment operator. It will shortly be improved):

    class Person
        public:                             // extension of the class Person
                                            // earlier members are assumed.
            void operator=(Person const &other);

Its implementation could be

    void Person::operator=(Person const &other)
        delete[] d_name;                      // delete old data
        delete[] d_address;
        delete[] d_phone;

        d_name = strdupnew(other.d_name);   // duplicate other's data
        d_address = strdupnew(other.d_address);
        d_phone = strdupnew(other.d_phone);

This member's actions are similar to those of the previously mentioned member assign, but this member is automatically called when the assignment operator = is used. Actually there are two ways to call overloaded operators as shown in the next example:

    void tmpPerson(Person const &person)
        Person tmp;

        tmp = person;
        tmp.operator=(person);  // the same thing

Overloaded operators are seldom called explicitly, but explicit calls must be used (rather than using the plain operator syntax) when you explicitly want to call the overloaded operator from a pointer to an object (it is also possible to dereference the pointer first and then use the plain operator syntax, see the next example):

    void tmpPerson(Person const &person)
        Person *tmp = new Person;

        *tmp = person;          // yes, also possible...

        delete tmp;

9.4: The `this' pointer

A member function of a given class is always called in combination with an object of its class. There is always an implicit `substrate' for the function to act on. C++ defines a keyword, this, to reach this substrate.

The this keyword is a pointer variable that always contains the address of the object for which the member function was called. The this pointer is implicitly declared by each member function (whether public, protected, or private). The this pointer is a constant pointer to an object of the member function's class. For example, the members of the class Person implicitly declare:

    extern Person *const this;

A member function like Person::name could be implemented in two ways: with or without using the this pointer:

    char const *Person::name() const    // implicitly using `this'
        return d_name;

    char const *Person::name() const    // explicitly using `this'
        return this->d_name;

The this pointer is seldom explicitly used, but situations do exist where the this pointer is actually required (cf. chapter 16).

9.4.1: Sequential assignments and this

C++'s syntax allows for sequential assignments, with the assignment operator associating from right to left. In statements like:
    a = b = c;

the expression b = c is evaluated first, and its result in turn is assigned to a.

The implementation of the overloaded assignment operator we've encountered thus far does not permit such constructions, as it returns void.

This imperfection can easily be remedied using the this pointer. The overloaded assignment operator expects a reference to an object of its class. It can also return a reference to an object of its class. This reference can then be used as an argument in sequential assignments.

The overloaded assignment operator commonly returns a reference to the current object (i.e., *this). The next version of the overloaded assignment operator for the class Person thus becomes:

    Person &Person::operator=(Person const &other)
        delete[] d_address;
        delete[] d_name;
        delete[] d_phone;

        d_address = strdupnew(other.d_address);
        d_name = strdupnew(other.d_name);
        d_phone = strdupnew(other.d_phone);

        // return current object as a reference
        return *this;

Overloaded operators may themselves be overloaded. Consider the string class, having overloaded assignment operators operator=(std::string const &rhs), operator=(char const *rhs), and several more overloaded versions. These additional overloaded versions are there to handle different situations which are, as usual, recognized by their argument types. These overloaded versions all follow the same mold: when necessary dynamically allocated memory controlled by the object is deleted; new values are assigned using the overloaded operator's parameter values and *this is returned.

9.5: The copy constructor: initialization vs. assignment

Consider the class Strings, introduced in section 9.2, once again. As it contains several primitive type data members as well as a pointer to dynamically allocated memory it needs a constructor, a destructor, and an overloaded assignment operator. In fact the class offers two constructors: in addition to the default constructor it offers a constructor expecting a char const *const * and a size_t.

Now consider the following code fragment. The statement references are discussed following the example:

    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        Strings s1(argv, argc);     // (1)
        Strings s2;                 // (2)
        Strings s3(s1);             // (3)

        s2 = s1;                        // (4)

In the above example three objects were defined, each using a different constructor. The actually used constructor was deduced from the constructor's argument list.

The copy constructor encountered here is new. It does not result in a compilation error even though it hasn't been declared in the class interface. This takes us to the following rule:

A copy constructor is (almost) always available, even if it isn't declared in the class's interface.
The reason for the `(almost)' is given in section 9.7.1.

The copy constructor made available by the compiler is also called the trivial copy constructor. Its use can easily be suppressed (using the = delete idiom). The trivial copy constructor performs a byte-wise copy operation of the existing object's primitive data to the newly created object, calls copy constructors to intialize the object's class data members from their counterparts in the existing object and, when inheritance is used, calls the copy constructors of the base class(es) to initialize the new object's base classes.

Consequently, in the above example the trivial copy constructor is used. As it performs a byte-by-byte copy operation of the object's primitive type data members that is exactly what happens at statement 3. By the time s3 ceases to exist its destructor deletes its array of strings. Unfortunately d_string is of a primitive data type and so it also deletes s1's data. Once again we encounter wild pointers as a result of an object going out of scope.

The remedy is easy: instead of using the trivial copy constructor a copy constructor must explicitly be added to the class's interface and its definition must prevent the wild pointers, comparably to the way this was realized in the overloaded assignment operator. An object's dynamically allocated memory is duplicated, so that it contains its own allocated data. But note that if a class also reserves extra (raw) memory, i.e., if it supports extra memory capacity, then that unused extra capacity is not made available in the copy-constructed object.

Copy construction can therefore be used to shed excess capacity. The copy constructor is simpler than the overloaded assignment operator in that it doesn't have to delete previously allocated memory. Since the object is going to be created no memory has already been allocated.

Strings's copy constructor can be implemented as follows:

    Strings::Strings(Strings const &other)
        d_string(new string[other.d_size]),
        for (size_t idx = 0; idx != d_size; ++idx)
            d_string[idx] = other.d_string[idx];

The copy constructor is always called when an object is initialized using another object of its class. Apart from the plain copy construction that we encountered thus far, here are other situations where the copy constructor is used:

Here store is used to initialize copy's return value. The returned Strings object is a temporary, anonymous object that may be immediately used by code calling copy but no assumptions can be made about its lifetime thereafter.

9.6: Revising the assignment operator

The overloaded assignment operator has characteristics also encountered with the copy constructor and the destructor: The copy constructor and the destructor clearly are required. If the overloaded assignment operator also needs to return allocated memory and to assign new values to its data members couldn't the destructor and copy constructor be used for that?

As we've seen in our discussion of the destructor (section 9.2) the destructor can explicitly be called, but that doesn't hold true for the (copy) constructor. But let's briefly summarize what an overloaded assignment operator is supposed to do:

The second part surely looks a lot like copy construction. Copy construction becomes even more attractive after realizing that the copy constructor also initializes any reference data members the class might have. Realizing the copy construction part is easy: just define a local object and initialize it using the assignment operator's const reference parameter, like this:
    Strings &operator=(Strings const &other)
        Strings tmp(other);
        // more to follow
        return *this;

You may think the optimization operator=(Strings tmp) is attractive, but let's postpone that for a little while (at least until section 9.7).

Now that we've done the copying part, what about the deleting part? And isn't there another slight problem as well? After all we copied all right, but not into our intended (current, *this) object.

At this point it's time to introduce swapping. Swapping two variables means that the two variables exchange their values. We'll discuss swapping in detail in the next section, but let's for now assume that we've added a member swap(Strings &other) to our class Strings. This allows us to complete String's operator= implementation:

    Strings &operator=(Strings const &other)
        Strings tmp(other);
        return *this;

This implementation of operator= is generic: it can be applied to every class whose objects are swappable. How does it work?


9.6.1: Swapping

Many classes (e.g., std::string) offer swap members allowing us to swap two of their objects. The Standard Template Library (STL, cf. chapter 18) offers various functions related to swapping. There is even a swap generic algorithm (cf. section 19.1.62), which is commonly implemented using the assignment operator. When implementing a swap member for our class Strings it could be used, provided that all of String's data members can be swapped. As this is true (why this is true is discussed shortly) we can augment class Strings with a swap member:
    void Strings::swap(Strings &other)
        swap(d_string, other.d_string);
        swap(d_size, other.d_size);

Having added this member to Strings the copy-and-swap implementation of String::operator= can now be used.

When two variables (e.g., double one and double two) are swapped, each one holds the other one's value after the swap. So, if one == 12.50 and two == -3.14 then after swap(one, two) one == -3.14 and two == 12.50.

Variables of primitive data types (pointers and the built-in types) can be swapped, class-type objects can be swapped if their classes offer a swap member.

So should we provide our classes with a swap member, and if so, how should it be implemented?

The above example (Strings::swap) shows the standard way to implement a swap member: each of its data members are swapped in turn. But there are situations where a class cannot implement a swap member this way, even if the class only defines data members of primitive data types. Consider the situation depicted in figure 7.

Figure 7: Swapping a linked list

In this figure there are four objects, each object has a pointer pointing to the next object. The basic organization of such a class looks like this:

    class List
        List *d_next;

Initially four objects have their d_next pointer set to the next object: 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 3 to 4. This is shown in the upper half of the figure. At the bottom half it is shown what happens if objects 2 and 3 are swapped: 3's d_next point is now at object 2, which still points to 4; 2's d_next pointer points to 3's address, but 2's d_next is now at object 3, which is therefore pointing to itself. Bad news!

Another situation where swapping of objects goes wrong happens with classes having data members pointing or referring to data members of the same object. Such a situation is shown in figure 8.

Figure 8: Swapping objects with self-referential data

Here, objects have two data members, as in the following class setup:

    class SelfRef
        size_t *d_ownPtr;       // initialized to &d_data
        size_t d_data;

The top-half of figure 8 shows two objects; their upper data members pointing to their lower data members. But if these objects are swapped then the situation shown in the figure's bottom half is encountered. Here the values at addresses a and c are swapped, and so, rather than pointing to their bottom data members they suddenly point to other object's data members. Again: bad news.

The common cause of these failing swapping operations is easily recognized: simple swapping operations must be avoided when data members point or refer to data that is involved in the swapping. If, in figure 8 the a and c data members would point to information outside of the two objects (e.g., if they would point to dynamically allocated memory) then the simple swapping would succeed.

However, the difficulty encountered with swapping SelfRef objects does not imply that two SelfRef objects cannot be swapped; it only means that we must be careful when designing swap members. Here is an implementation of SelfRef::swap:

    void SelfRef::swap(SelfRef &other)
        swap(d_data, other.d_data);

In this implementation swapping leaves the self-referential data member as-is, and merely swaps the remaining data. A similar swap member could be designed for the linked list shown in figure 7. Fast swapping

As we've seen with placement new objects can be constructed in blocks of memory of sizeof(Class) bytes large. And so, two objects of the same class each occupy sizeof(Class) bytes.

If objects of our class can be swapped, and if our class's data members do not refer to data actually involved in the swapping operation then a very fast swapping method that is based on the fact that we know how large our objects are can be implemented.

In this fast-swap method we merely swap the content of the sizeof(Class) bytes. This procedure may be applied to classes whose objects may be swapped using a member-by-member swapping operation and can (in practice, although this probably overstretches the allowed operations as described by the C++ ANSI/ISO standard) also be used in classes having reference data members. It simply defines a buffer of sizeof(Class) bytes and performs a circular memcpy operation. Here is its implementation for a hypothetical class Class. It results in very fast swapping:

    #include <cstring>

    void Class::swap(Class &other)
        char buffer[sizeof(Class)];
        memcpy(buffer, &other, sizeof(Class));
        memcpy(static_cast<void *>(&other), this,   sizeof(Class));
        memcpy(static_cast<void *>(this), buffer, sizeof(Class));

The static_cast for memcpy's destination address is used to prevent a compiler complaint: since Class is a class-type, the compiler (rightly) warns against bluntly copying bytes. But using memcpy is fine if you're Class's developer and know what you're doing.

Here is a simple example of a class defining a reference data member and offering a swap member implemented like the one above. The reference data members are initialized to external streams. After running the program one contains two hello to 1 lines, two contains two hello to 2 lines (for brevity all members of Reference are defined inline):

    #include <fstream>
    #include <cstring>

    class Reference
        std::ostream &d_out;

            Reference(std::ostream &out)
            void swap(Reference &other)
                char buffer[sizeof(Reference)];
                memcpy(buffer, this, sizeof(Reference));
                memcpy(static_cast<void *>(this), &other, sizeof(Reference));
                memcpy(static_cast<void *>(&other), buffer,
            std::ostream &out()
                return d_out;

    int main()
        std::ofstream one{ "one" };
        std::ofstream two{ "two" };

        Reference ref1{ one };          // ref1/ref2 hold references to
        Reference ref2{ two };          // the streams

        ref1.out() << "hello to 1\n";   // generate some output
        ref2.out() << "hello to 2\n";


        ref2.out() << "hello to 1\n";   // more output
        ref1.out() << "hello to 2\n";

Fast swapping should only be used for self-defined classes for which it can be proven that fast-swapping does not corrupt its objects, when swapped.

9.7: Moving data

Traditionally, C++ offered two ways to assign the information pointed to by a data member of a temporary object to an lvalue object. Either a copy constructor or reference counting had to be used. In addition to these two methods C++ now also supports move semantics, allowing transfer of the data pointed to by a temporary object to its destination.

Moving information is based on the concept of anonymous (temporary) data. Temporary values are returned by functions like operator-() and operator+(Type const &lhs, Type const &rhs), and in general by functions returning their results `by value' instead of returning references or pointers.

Anonymous values are always short-lived. When the returned values are primitive types (int, double, etc.) nothing special happens, but if a class-type object is returned by value then its destructor can be called immediately following the function call that produced the value. In any case, the value itself becomes inaccessible immediately after the call. Of course, a temporary return value may be bound to a reference (lvalue or rvalue), but as far as the compiler is concerned the value now has a name, which by itself ends its status as a temporary value.

In this section we concentrate on anonymous temporary values and show how they can be used to improve the efficiency of object construction and assignment. These special construction and assignment methods are known as move construction and move assignment. Classes supporting move operations are called move-aware.

Classes allocating their own memory usually benefit from becoming move-aware. But a class does not have to use dynamic memory allocation before it can benefit from move operations. Most classes using composition (or inheritance where the base class uses composition) can benefit from move operations as well.

Movable parameters for class Class take the form Class &&tmp. The parameter is an rvalue reference, and a rvalue reference only binds to an anonymous temporary value. The compiler is required to call functions offering movable parameters whenever possible. This happens when the class defines functions supporting Class && parameters and an anonymous temporary value is passed to such functions. Once a temporary value has a name (which already happens inside functions defining Class const & or Class &&tmp parameters as within such functions the names of these parameters are available) it is no longer an anonymous temporary value, and within such functions the compiler no longer calls functions expecting anonymous temporary values when the parameters are used as arguments.

The next example (using inline member implementations for brevity) illustrates what happens if a non-const object, a temporary object and a const object are passed to functions fun for which these kinds of parameters were defined. Each of these functions call a function gun for which these kinds of parameters were also defined. The first time fun is called it (as expected) calls gun(Class &). Then fun(Class &&) is called as its argument is an anonymous (temporary) object. However, inside fun the anonymous value has received a name, and so it isn't anonymous anymore. Consequently, gun(Class &) is called once again. Finally fun(Class const &) is called, and (as expected) gun(Class const &) is now called.

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Class
    void fun(Class const &other)
        cout << "fun: Class const &\n";
    void fun(Class &other)
        cout << "fun: Class &\n";
    void fun(Class &&tmp)
        cout << "fun: Class &&\n";
    void gun(Class const &other)
        cout << "gun: Class const &\n";
    void gun(Class &other)
        cout << "gun: Class &\n";
    void gun(Class &&tmp)
        cout << "gun: Class &&\n";

int main()
    Class c1;;;

    Class const c0;;

Generally it is pointless to define a function having an rvalue reference return type. The compiler decides whether or not to use an overloaded member expecting an rvalue reference on the basis of the provided argument. If it is an anonymous temporary it calls the function defining the rvalue reference parameter, if such a function is available. An rvalue reference return type is used, e.g., with the std::move call, to keep the rvalue reference nature of its argument, which is known to be a temporary anonymous object. Such a situation can be exploited also in a situation where a temporary object is passed to (and returned from) a function which must be able to modify the temporary object. The alternative, passing a const &, is less attractive as it requires a const_cast before the object can be modified. Here is an example:

    std::string &&doubleString(std::string &&tmp)
        tmp += tmp;
        return std::move(tmp);

This allows us to do something like

    std::cout << doubleString("hello "s);

to insert hello hello into cout.

The compiler, when selecting a function to call applies a fairly simple algorithm, and also considers copy elision. This is covered shortly (section 9.8).

9.7.1: The move constructor (dynamic data)

Our class Strings has, among other members, a data member string *d_string. Clearly, Strings should define a copy constructor, a destructor and an overloaded assignment operator.

Now consider the following function loadStrings(std::istream &in) extracting the strings for a Strings object from in. Next, the Strings object filled by loadStrings is returned by value. The function loadStrings returns a temporary object, which can then used to initialize an external Strings object:

    Strings loadStrings(std::istream &in)
        Strings ret;
        // load the strings into 'ret'
        return ret;
    // usage:
    Strings store(loadStrings(cin));

In this example two full copies of a Strings object are required:

We can improve the above procedure by defining a move constructor. Here is the declaration of the Strings class move constructor:
    Strings(Strings &&tmp);

Move constructors of classes using dynamic memory allocation are allowed to assign the values of pointer data members to their own pointer data members without requiring them to make a copy of the source's data. Next, the temporary's pointer value is set to zero to prevent its destructor from destroying data now owned by the just constructed object. The move constructor has grabbed or stolen the data from the temporary object. This is OK as the temporary object cannot be referred to again (as it is anonymous, it cannot be accessed by other code) and the temporary objects cease to exist shortly after the constructor's call. Here is the implementation of Strings move constructor:

    Strings::Strings(Strings &&tmp)
        tmp.d_string = 0;
        tmp.d_size = 0;
        tmp.d_capacity = 0;
Move construction (in general: moving) must leave the object from which information was moved in a valid state. It is not specified in what way that valid state must be realized, but a good rule of thumb might be to return the object to its default constructed state. Therefore its d_size and d_capacity are also set to 0 when its d_string pointer is set to 0.

In section 9.5 it was stated that the copy constructor is almost always available. Almost always as the declaration of a move constructor suppresses the default availability of the copy constructor. The default copy constructor is also suppressed if a move assignment operator is declared (cf. section 9.7.3).

The following example shows a simple class Class, declaring a move constructor. In the main function following the class interface a Class object is defined which is then passed to the constructor of a second Class object. Compilation fails with the compiler reporting:

    error: cannot bind 'Class' lvalue to 'Class&&'
    error:   initializing argument 1 of 'Class::Class(Class&&)'

class Class
        Class() = default;
        Class(Class &&tmp)

int main()
    Class one;
    Class two{ one };

The cure is easy: after declaring a (possibly default) copy constructor the error disappears:

class Class
        Class() = default;
        Class(Class const &other) = default;
        Class(Class &&tmp)

int main()
    Class one;
    Class two{ one };

9.7.2: The move constructor (composition)

Classes not using pointer members pointing to memory controlled by its objects (and not having base classes doing so, see chapter 13) may also benefit from overloaded members expecting rvalue references. The class benefits from move operations when one or more of the composed data members themselves support move operations.

Move operations cannot be implemented if the class type of a composed data member does not support moving or copying. Currently, stream classes fall into this category.

An example of a move-aware class is the class std:string. A class Person could use composition by defining std::string d_name and std::string d_address. Its move constructor would then have the following prototype:

    Person(Person &&tmp);

However, the following implementation of this move constructor is incorrect:

    Person::Person(Person &&tmp)

It is incorrect as string's copy constructors rather than string's move constructors are called. If you're wondering why this happens then remember that move operations are only performed for anonymous objects. To the compiler anything having a name isn't anonymous. And so, by implication, having available a rvalue reference does not mean that we're referring to an anonymous object. But we know that the move constructor is only called for anonymous arguments. To use the corresponding string move operations we have to inform the compiler that we're talking about anonymous data members as well. For this a cast could be used (e.g., static_cast<Person &&>(tmp)), but the C++-0x standard provides the function std::move to anonymize a named object. The correct implementation of Person's move construction is, therefore:

    Person::Person(Person &&tmp)
        d_name( std::move(tmp.d_name) ),
        d_address( std::move(tmp.d_address) )

The function std::move is (indirectly) declared by many header files. If no header is already declaring std::move then include utility.

When a class using composition not only contains class type data members but also other types of data (pointers, references, primitive data types), then these other data types can be initialized as usual. Primitive data type members can simply be copied; references can be initialized as usual and pointers may use move operations as discussed in the previous section.

The compiler never calls move operations for variables having names. Let's consider the implications of this by looking at the next example, assuming the class Class offers a move constructor and a copy constructor:

    Class factory();

    void fun(Class const &other);   // a
    void fun(Class &&tmp);          // b

    void callee(Class &&tmp)
        fun(tmp);                   // 1

    int main()

Realizing that fun(tmp) might be called twice the compiler's choice is understandable. If tmp's data would have been grabbed at the first call, the second call would receive tmp without any data. But at the last call we might know that tmp is never used again and so we might like to ensure that fun(Class &&) is called. For this, once again, std::move is used:
    fun(std::move(tmp));            // last call!

9.7.3: Move-assignment

In addition to the overloaded assignment operator a move assignment operator may be implemented for classes supporting move operations. In this case, if the class supports swapping the implementation is surprisingly simple. No copy construction is required and the move assignment operator can simply be implemented like this:
    Class &operator=(Class &&tmp)
        return *this;

If swapping is not supported then the assignment can be performed for each of the data members in turn, using std::move as shown in the previous section with a class Person. Here is an example showing how to do this with that class Person:

    Person &operator=(Person &&tmp)
        d_name = std::move(tmp.d_name);
        d_address = std::move(tmp.d_address);
        return *this;

As noted previously (section 9.7.1) declaring a move assignment operator suppresses the default availability of the copy constructor. It is made available again by declaring the copy constructor in the class's interface (and of course by providing an explicit implementation or by using the = default default implementation).

9.7.4: Revising the assignment operator (part II)

Now that we've familiarized ourselves with the overloaded assignment operator and the move-assignment, let's once again have a look at their implementations for a class Class, supporting swapping through its swap member. Here is the generic implementation of the overloaded assignment operator:
    Class &operator=(Class const &other)
        Class tmp{ other };
        return *this;

and this is the move-assignment operator:

    Class &operator=(Class &&tmp)
        return *this;

They look remarkably similar in the sense that the overloaded assignment operator's code is identical to the move-assignment operator's code once a copy of the other object is available. Since the overloaded assignment operator's tmp object really is nothing but a temporary Class object we can use this fact by implementing the overloaded assignment operator in terms of the move-assignment. Here is a second revision of the overloaded assignment operator:

    Class &operator=(Class const &other)
        Class tmp{ other };
        return *this = std::move(tmp);

9.7.5: Moving and the destructor

Once a class becomes a move-aware class one should realize that its destructor still performs its job as implemented. Consequently, when moving pointer values from a temporary source to a destination the move constructor should make sure that the temporary's pointer value is set to zero, to prevent doubly freeing memory.

If a class defines pointers to pointer data members there usually is not only a pointer that is moved, but also a size_t defining the number of elements in the array of pointers.

Once again, consider the class Strings. Its destructor is implemented like this:

        for (string **end = d_string + d_size; end-- != d_string; )
            delete *end;
        delete[] d_string;

The move constructor (and other move operations!) must realize that the destructor not only deletes d_string, but also considers d_size. A member implementing move operations should therefore not only set d_string to zero but also d_size. The previously shown move constructor for Strings is therefore incorrect. Its improved implementation is:

    Strings::Strings(Strings &&tmp)
        tmp.d_string = 0;
        tmp.d_size = 0;

If operations by the destructor all depend on d_string having a non-zero value then variations of the above approach are possible. The move operations could merely set d_string to 0, testing whether d_string == 0 in the destructor (and if so, end the destructor's actions). In the latter variant the d_size assignment can be omitted.

9.7.6: Move-only classes

Classes may very well allow move semantics without offering copy semantics. Most stream classes belong to this category. Extending their definition with move semantics greatly enhances their usability. Once move semantics becomes available for such classes, so called factory functions (functions returning an object constructed by the function) can easily be implemented. E.g.,
    // assume char *filename
    ifstream inStream(openIstream(filename));

For this example to work an ifstream constructor must offer a move constructor. This ensures that only one object refers to the open istream.

Once classes offer move semantics their objects can also safely be stored in standard containers (cf. chapter 12). When such containers perform reallocations (e.g., when their sizes are enlarged) they use the object's move constructors rather than their copy constructors. As move-only classes suppress copy semantics containers storing objects of move-only classes implement the correct behavior in that it is impossible to assign such containers to each other.

9.7.7: Default move constructors and assignment operators

As we've seen, classes by default offer a copy constructor and assignment operator. These class members are implemented so as to provide basic support: data members of primitive data types are copied byte-by-byte, but for class type data members their corresponding copy constructors c.q. assignment operators are called. The compiler also attempts to provide default implementations for move constructors and move assignment operators. However, the default constructors and assignment operators cannot always be provided.

These are the rules the compiler applies when deciding what to provide or not to provide:

If default implementations of copy or move constructors or assignment operators are suppressed, but they should be available, then it's easy to provide the default implementations by specifying the required signatures, to which the specification `= default' is added.

Here is an example of a class offering all defaults: constructor, copy constructor, move constructor, copy assignment operator and move assignment operator:

    class Defaults
        int d_x;
        Mov d_mov;

Assuming that Mov is a class offering move operations in addition to the standard copy operations, then the following actions are performed on the destination's d_mov and d_x:

    Defaults factory();

    int main()
    {                              Mov operation:    d_x:
      Defaults one;                Mov(),            undefined
      Defaults two(one);           Mov(Mov const &), one.d_x
      Defaults three(factory());   Mov(Mov &&tmp),   tmp.d_x

      one = two;                   Mov::operator=(   two.d_x
                                        Mov const &),

      one = factory();             Mov::operator=(   tmp.d_x
                                        Mov &&tmp)

If, Defaults declares at least one constructor (not being the copy- or move constructor) as well as the copy assignment operators then only the default copy- and declared assignment operator are available. E.g.:

    class Defaults
        int d_x;
        Mov d_mov;

            Defaults(int x);
            Defaults &operator=(Default const &rhs);

    Defaults factory();

    int main()
    {                              Mov operation:    resulting d_x:
      Defaults one;                ERROR: not available
      Defaults two(one);           Mov(Mov const &),        one.d_x
      Defaults three(factory());   Mov(Mov const &),        one.d_x

      one = two;                   Mov::operatpr=(          two.d_x
                                        Mov const &)
      one = factory();             Mov::operator=(          tmp.d_x
                                        Mov const &)

To reestablish the defaults, append = default to the appropriate declarations:

    class Defaults
        int d_x;
        Mov d_mov;

            Defaults()               = default;
            Defaults(int x);
            // Defaults(Default const &) remains available (by default)

            Defaults(Defaults &&tmp) = default;

            Defaults &operator=(Defaults const &rhs);
            Defaults &operator=(Defaults &&tmp) = default;

Be cautious declaring defaults, as default implementations copy data members of primitive types byte-by-byte from the source object to the destination object. This is likely to cause problems with pointer type data members.

The = default suffix can only be used when declaring constructors or assignment operators in the class's public section.

9.7.8: Moving: implications for class design

Here are some general rules to apply when designing classes offering value semantics (i.e., classes whose objects can be used to initialize other objects of their class and that can be asssigned to other objects of their class):

In the previous sections we've also encountered an important design principle that can be applied to move-aware classes:

Whenever a member of a class receives a const & to an object of its own class and creates a copy of that object to perform its actual actions on, then that function's implementation can be implemented by an overloaded function expecting an rvalue reference.
The former function can now call the latter by passing std::move(tmp) to it. The advantages of this design principle should be clear: there is only one implementation of the actual actions, and the class automatically becomes move-aware with respect to the involved function.

We've seen an initial example of the use of this principle in section 9.7.4. Of course, the principle cannot be applied to the copy constructor itself, as you need a copy constructor to make a copy. The copy- and move constructors must always be implemented independently from each other.

9.8: Copy Elision and Return Value Optimization

When the compiler selects a member function (or constructor) it applies a simple set of rules, matching arguments with parameter types.

Below two tables are shown. The first table should be used in cases where a function argument has a name, the second table should be used in cases where the argument is anonymous. In each table select the const or non-const column and then use the topmost overloaded function that is available having the specified parameter type.

The tables do not handle functions defining value parameters. If a function has overloads expecting, respectively, a value parameter and some form of reference parameter the compiler reports an ambiguity when such a function is called. In the following selection procedure we may assume, without loss of generality, that this ambiguity does not occur and that all parameter types are reference parameters.

Parameter types matching a function's argument of type T if the argument is:

The tables show that eventually all arguments can be used with a function specifying a T const & parameter. For anonymous arguments a similar catch all is available having a higher priority: T const && matches all anonymous arguments. Functions having this signature are normally not defined as their implementations are (should be) identical to the implementations of the functions expecting a T const & parameter. Since the temporary can apparently not be modified a function defining a T const && parameter has no alternative but to copy the temporary's resources. As this task is already performed by functions expecting a T const &, there is no need for implementing functions expecting T const && parameters, and it's considered bad style if you do.

As we've seen the move constructor grabs the information from a temporary for its own use. That is OK as the temporary is going to be destroyed after that anyway. It also means that the temporary's data members are modified.

Having defined appropriate copy and/or move constructors it may be somewhat surprising to learn that the compiler may decide to stay clear of a copy or move operation. After all making no copy and not moving is more efficient than copying or moving.

The option the compiler has to avoid making copies (or perform move operations) is called copy elision or return value optimization. In all situations where copy or move constructions are appropriate the compiler may apply copy elision. Here are the rules. In sequence the compiler considers the following options, stopping once an option can be selected:

All modern compilers apply copy elision. Here are some examples where it may be encountered:
    class Elide;

    Elide fun()         // 1
        Elide ret;
        return ret;

    void gun(Elide par);

    Elide elide(fun()); // 2

    gun(fun());         // 3

9.9: Unrestricted Unions

We end this chapter about abstract containers with a small detour, introducing extensions to the union concept. Although unions themselves aren't `abstract containers', having covered containers puts us in a good position to introduce and illustrate unrestricted unions.

Whereas traditional unions can only contain primitive data, unrestricted unions allow addition of data fields of types for which non-trivial constructors were defined. Such data fields commonly are of class-types. Here is an example of such an unrestricted union:

    union Union
        int u_int;
        std::string u_string;

One of its fields is defined as a std::string (having a constructor), turning this union into an unrestricted union. As an unrestricted union defines at least one field of a type having a constructor the question becomes how these unions can be constructed and destroyed.

The destructor of a union consisting of, e.g. a std::string and an int should of course not call the string's destructor if the union's last (or only) use referred to its int field. Likewise, when the std::string field is used, and processing switches from the std::string to the int field, std::string's destructor should be called before any assignment to the int field takes place.

The compiler does not solve the issue for us, and in fact does not at all implement default constructors or destructors for unrestricted unions. If we try to define an unrestricted union like the one shown above, an error message is issued. E.g.,

    error: use of deleted function 'Union::Union()'
    error: 'Union::Union()' is implicitly deleted because the default
            definition would be ill-formed:
    error: union member 'Union::u_string' with non-trivial
            'std::basic_string<...>::basic_string() ...'

9.9.1: Implementing the destructor

Although the compiler won't provide (default) implementations for constructors and destructors of unrestricted unions, we can (and must). The task isn't difficult, but there are some caveats.

Consider our unrestricted union's destructor. It clearly should destroy u_string's data if that is its currently active field; but it should do nothing if u_int is its currently active field. But how does the destructor know what field to destroy? It doesn't, as the unrestricted union contains no information about what field is currently active.

This problem is tackled by embedding the unrestricted union in a larger aggregate (like a class or a struct) where it becomes a regular data member. We still consider the unrestricted union a data type by itself, but its use requires caution. The surrounding class is provided with a d_field data member keeping track of the currently active union-field. The d_field value is an enumeration value which is defined by the union. The actual use of the unrestricted union is completely controlled by the aggregate, freeing the aggregate's users from any administration related to the unrestricted union.

Using this design we start out with an explicit and empty implementation of the destructor, as there's no way to tell the destructor itself what field to destroy:


Nevertheless, unrestricted unions must properly destroy their class-type fields. Since an unrestricted union itself doesn't know what its active field is, it must be informed about that by its surrounding class. To simplify the generalization to other types a static array of pointers to functions destroying the current field's value is used. This array is defined in the union's private section as

    static void (Union::*s_destroy[])();

and it is initialized as:

    void (Union::*Union::s_destroy[])() = 

Primitive data types normally don't need any special attention when they go out of scope, so destroyValue can be defined as an empty function:

    void Union::destroyValue()

On the other hand, the member destroyText must explicitly call u_text's destructor:

    void Union::destroyText()

Proper destruction can now be realized by a single function void destroy(Field field) which simply calls the appropriate function:

    void Union::destroy(Field type)

Since the unrestricted union is defined as a data member of a surrounding class, the surrounding class's destructor is responsible for the proper destruction of its unrestricted union. As the surrounding class keeps track of the currently active unrestricted union's field its implementation is easy:


9.9.2: Embedding an unrestricted union in a surrounding class

The unrestricted union becomes a data member of the surrounding aggregate (e.g., class Data). The class Data is provided with a data member Union::Field d_field and Data's users might query the currently active field from, e.g., an accessor field:

    class Data
        Union::Field d_field;
        Union d_union;
            Data(int value = 0);
            Data(Data const &other);
            Data(Data &&tmp);
            Data(std::string const &text);

            ~Data();                // empty body

            Union::Field field() const;

Data's constructors receive int or string values. To pass these values to d_union, we need Union constructors for the various union fields.

The unrestricted union itself starts out like this:

    union Union
        enum Field
            std::string u_text;
            int u_value;
            Union(Union const &other) = delete;
            ~Union();               // empty
            Union(int value);
            Union(std::string const &text);

            Union(Union const &other, Field type);
            Union(Union &&tmp, Field type);

The last two Union constructors are comparable to the standard copy- and move constructors. With unrestricted unions, however, the existing union's actual type needs to be specified so that the correct field is initialized. To simplify the generalization to other types we apply a procedure that is comparable to the procedure we followed for destroying an understricted union: we define a static array of pointers to copy-functions. This array is declared in the union's private section as

    static void (Union::*s_copy[])(Union const &other);

and it is defined as:

    void (Union::*Union::s_copy[])(Union const &other) = 

The copyText and copyValue private members are responsible for copying other's data fields. However, there is a little snag. Although basic types can directly be assigned, class-type fields cannot. Destination fields cannot be initialized using member initializers as the field to initialize depends on the Field type that's passed to the constructor. Because of that the initialization must be performed inside the constructors' bodies. At that point the data fields are merely a series of uninitialized bytes, and so placement new is used to copy-construct class-type fields. Here are the implementations of the copy functions:

    void Union::copyValue(Union const &other)
        u_value = other.u_value;

    void Union::copyText(Union const &other)
        new(&u_text) string{ other.u_text };

When implementing the union's move constructor other considerations must be taken into account. Since we're free to do whatever we want with the move constructor's Union &&tmp object, we can simply grab its current field, and store a VALUE type of value into tmp. For that we use the Union's swap facility, the current object's field, another Union object, and the other Union's field type (swapping is discussed in the next section). Of course, if there isn't any primitive typed field this doesn't work. In that case field-specific move functions must be used, comparable to the ones used when copy-constructing a Union object.

Now we're ready for the constructors' implementations:

    Union::Union(std::string const &text)
    Union::Union(int value)

    Union::Union(Union &&tmp, Field type)
        swap(VALUE, tmp, type);

    Union::Union(Union const &other, Field type)

    Data::Data(Data const &other)
        d_union(other.d_union, d_field)

    Data::Data(int value)
    Data::Data(Data const &other)
        d_union(other.d_union, d_field)

9.9.3: Swapping unrestricted unions

Unrestricted unions should define a non-throwing swap member. It needs three arguments: the current object's field, another union object, and that union's field. The prototype of our unrestricted union's swap member, therefore, is:
    void swap(Field current, Union &other, Field next);

To implement it similar considerations as encountered with the copy constructor apply. An unrestricted union having k fields must support k * k different swap situations. Representing these in a k * k matrix we note that the diagonal elements refer to swapping identical elements for which no special considerations apply (assuming swapping of identical data types is supported). The lower-triangle elements are identical to their transposed upper-triangle elements, and so they can use those elements after reverting the current and other union objects. All field-specific swap functions can be organized in a k x k static matrix of pointers to swapping members. For Union the declaration of that matrix is

    static void (Union::*s_swap[][2])(Union &other);

and its definition is

    void (Union::*Union::s_swap[][2])(Union &other) = 
      {  &Union::swap2Text,     &Union::swapTextValue},
      {  &Union::swapValueText, &Union::swap2Value},

The diagonal and lower-triangle elements are straightforwardly implemented. E.g.,

    void Union::swap2Text(Union &other)

    void Union::swapValueText(Union &other)

but implementing the upper-triangle elements requires some thought. To install a class-type field placement new must again be used. But this time we're not copying but moving, as the current object is going to lose its content. Like swapping, moving should always succeed. Following the move construction the other object has received the current object's data. As the current object keeps its valid state after the move, it must also explicitly be destroyed to properly end its lifetime. Here is the implementation of swapTextValue:

    void Union::swapTextValue(Union &other)
        int value = other.u_value;  // save the int value
                                    // install string at other
        new(&other.u_text) string{ std::move(u_text) }; 
        u_text.~string();           // remove the old field's union
        u_value = value;            // store current's new value

When an unrestricted union has multiple class-type fields then when swapping move construction must be applied to both unrestricted unions. This requires a temporary. Assume an unrestricted union supports fields of classes This and That then to swap unrestricted unions using, respectively the This and That fields we do as follows:

    void ThisThat::swapThisThat(ThisThat &other)
        This tmp{ std::move(u_this) };  // save the current object
        u_this.~This();                 // properly destroy it

                                        // install the other object at
                                        // this object
        new(&u_that) That{ std::move(other.u_that) };
        other.u_that.~That();           // properly destroy the other 
                                        // object

                                        // install this object's original 
                                        // value at the other object
        new(&other.u_this) This{ std::move(tmp) };

    }                                   // tmp is automatically destroyed

Now that unrestricted unions can be swapped, their swap member can be used by swap members of surrounding classes. E.g.,

    void Data::swap(Data &other)
        d_union.swap(d_field, other.d_union, other.d_field);
        Union::Field field = d_field;   // swap the fields
        d_field = other.d_field;
        other.d_field = field;

9.9.4: Assignment

There are two ways to assign a Data object to another one: copy assignment and move assignment. Their implementations are standard:
    Data &Data::operator=(Data const &other)    // copy-assignment
        Data tmp{ other };
        return *this;

    Data &Data::operator=(Data &&tmp)           // move-assignment
        return *this;

Since swap has already been defined the assignment operators need no further attention: they are implemented using their standard implementations.

When unrestricted unions are used outside of surrounding classes a situation may arise where two unrestricted unions are directly assigned to each other. In that case the unions' active fields must somehow be available. Since operator= can only be defined having one parameter, simply passing an unrestricted union as its rvalue would lack information about the lvalue's and rvalue's active fields. Instead two members are suggested: copy, doing copy assignment and move, doing move assignment. Their implementations closely resemble those of the standard assignment operators:

    void Union::copy(Field type, Union const &other, Field next)
        Union tmp{ other, next };   // create a copy
        swap(type, tmp, next);      // swap *this and tmp
        tmp.destroy(type);          // destroy tmp
    void Union::move(Field type, Union &&tmp, Field next)
        swap(type, tmp, next);

In the source distribution you'll find a directory yo/memory/examples/unions. It contains a small demo-program in which Union and Data are used.

9.10: Aggregate Data Types

C++ inherited the struct concept from C and extended it with the class concept. Structs are still used in C++, mainly to store and pass around aggregates of different data types. A commonly used term for these structs is aggregate (in some languages known as plain old data (pod)). Aggregates are commonly used in C++ programs to merely combine data in dedicated (struct) types. E.g., when a function must return a double, a bool and std::string these three different data types may be aggregated using a struct that merely exists to pass along values. Data protection and functionality is hardly ever an issue. For such cases C and C++ use structs. But as a C++ struct is just a class with special access rights some members (constructors, destructor, overloaded assignment operator) may implicitly be defined. The aggregates capitalizes on this concept by requiring that its definition remains as simple as possible. Aggregates show the following characteristics:

Aggregates can also be arrays, in which case the array elements are the aggregate's elements. If an aggregate is a struct its direct base classes are its elements (if any), followed by the struct's data members, in their declaration order. Here is an example:

    struct Outer
        struct Inner
            int     d_int;
            double  d_double;

        std::string d_string;
        Inner d_inner;

    Outer out{ "hello", { 1, 12.5} };

Outer out's d_string is initialized with hello", its d_inner member has two data members: d_int is initialized to 1, d_double to 12.5.

(Designated) initializer lists can also be used (cf. section 3.3.5). Also, often structured binding declarations (cf. section can be used to avoid explicitly defining an aggregate data type.

9.11: Conclusion

Four important extensions to classes were introduced in this chapter: the destructor, the copy constructor, the move constructor and the overloaded assignment operator. In addition the importance of swapping, especially in combination with the overloaded assignment operator, was stressed.

Classes having pointer data members, pointing to dynamically allocated memory controlled by the objects of those classes, are potential sources of memory leaks. The extensions introduced in this chapter implement the standard defense against such memory leaks.

Encapsulation (data hiding) allows us to ensure that the object's data integrity is maintained. The automatic activation of constructors and destructors greatly enhance our capabilities to ensure the data integrity of objects doing dynamic memory allocation.

A simple conclusion is therefore that classes whose objects allocate memory controlled by themselves must at least implement a destructor, an overloaded assignment operator and a copy constructor. Implementing a move constructor remains optional, but it allows us to use factory functions with classes not allowing copy construction and/or assignment.

In the end, assuming the availability of at least a copy or move constructor, the compiler might avoid them using copy elision. The compiler is free to use copy elision wherever possible; it is, however, never a requirement. The compiler may therefore always decide not to use copy elision. In all situations where otherwise a copy or move constructor would have been used the compiler may consider to use copy elision.