Package bsh.util

Class AWTConsole

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ConsoleInterface, KeyListener, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Runnable, EventListener, Accessible

    public class AWTConsole
    extends TextArea
    implements ConsoleInterface, Runnable, KeyListener
    An old AWT based console for BeanShell. I looked everwhere for one, and couldn't find anything that worked. I've tried to keep this as small as possible, no frills. (Well, one frill - a simple history with the up/down arrows) My hope is that this can be moved to a lightweight (portable) component with JFC soon... but Swing is still very slow and buggy. Done: see The big Hack: The heinous, disguisting hack in here is to keep the caret (cursor) at the bottom of the text (without the user having to constantly click at the bottom). It wouldn't be so bad if the damned setCaretPostition() worked as expected. But the AWT TextArea for some insane reason treats NLs as characters... oh, and it refuses to let you set a caret position greater than the text length - for which it counts NLs as *one* character. The glorious hack to fix this is to go the TextComponent peer. I really hate this. Out of date: This class is out of date. It does not use the special blocking piped input stream that the jconsole uses. Deprecation: This file uses two deprecate APIs. We want to be a PrintStream so that we can redirect stdout to our console... I don't see a way around this. Also we have to use getPeer() for the big hack above.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form