Object |
BSHPackageDeclaration.eval(CallStack callstack,
Interpreter interpreter) |
abstract Class |
ClassGenerator.generateClass(String name,
Modifiers modifiers,
Class[] interfaces,
Class superClass,
bsh.BSHBlock block,
boolean isInterface,
CallStack callstack,
Interpreter interpreter) |
Parse the BSHBlock for the class definition and generate the class.
Class |
ClassGeneratorImpl.generateClass(String name,
Modifiers modifiers,
Class[] interfaces,
Class superClass,
bsh.BSHBlock block,
boolean isInterface,
CallStack callstack,
Interpreter interpreter) |
static Class |
ClassGeneratorImpl.generateClassImpl(String name,
Modifiers modifiers,
Class[] interfaces,
Class superClass,
bsh.BSHBlock block,
boolean isInterface,
CallStack callstack,
Interpreter interpreter) |
Parse the BSHBlock for for the class definition and generate the class
using ClassGenerator.
Object |
BshMethod.invoke(Object[] argValues,
Interpreter interpreter,
CallStack callstack,
bsh.SimpleNode callerInfo) |
Invoke the bsh method with the specified args, interpreter ref,
and callstack.
Object |
NameSpace.invokeMethod(String methodName,
Object[] args,
Interpreter interpreter,
CallStack callstack,
bsh.SimpleNode callerInfo) |
This method simply delegates to This.invokeMethod();
Object |
This.invokeMethod(String methodName,
Object[] args,
Interpreter interpreter,
CallStack callstack,
bsh.SimpleNode callerInfo,
boolean declaredOnly) |
Invoke a method in this namespace with the specified args,
interpreter reference, callstack, and caller info.
EvalError |
UtilEvalError.toEvalError(bsh.SimpleNode node,
CallStack callstack) |
EvalError |
UtilEvalError.toEvalError(String msg,
bsh.SimpleNode node,
CallStack callstack) |
Re-throw as an eval error, prefixing msg to the message and specifying
the node.
EvalError |
UtilTargetError.toEvalError(String msg,
bsh.SimpleNode node,
CallStack callstack) |
Override toEvalError to throw TargetError type.