

Manage filtered views.


brz view [FILE…]


Apply list or delete action to all views.


Delete the view.

-h, --help

Show help message.


Name of the view to define, list or delete.

-q, --quiet

Only display errors and warnings.


Name of the view to switch to.


Show usage message and options.

-v, --verbose

Display more information.


Views provide a mask over the tree so that users can focus on a subset of a tree when doing their work. After creating a view, commands that support a list of files - status, diff, commit, etc - effectively have that list of files implicitly given each time. An explicit list of files can still be given but those files must be within the current view.

In most cases, a view has a short life-span: it is created to make a selected change and is deleted once that change is committed. At other times, you may wish to create one or more named views and switch between them.

To disable the current view without deleting it, you can switch to the pseudo view called off. This can be useful when you need to see the whole tree for an operation or two (e.g. merge) but want to switch back to your view after that.


To define the current view:

brz view file1 dir1 ...

To list the current view:

brz view

To delete the current view:

brz view --delete

To disable the current view without deleting it:

brz view --switch off

To define a named view and switch to it:

brz view --name view-name file1 dir1 ...

To list a named view:

brz view --name view-name

To delete a named view:

brz view --name view-name --delete

To switch to a named view:

brz view --switch view-name

To list all views defined:

brz view --all

To delete all views:

brz view --delete --all