.. _typedef-example: doxygentypedef Directive Example ================================ Working Example --------------- .. cpp:namespace:: @ex_typedef_example This should work:: .. doxygentypedef:: UINT32 :project: structcmd It produces this output: .. doxygentypedef:: UINT32 :project: structcmd Example with Namespace ---------------------- .. cpp:namespace:: @ex_typedef_namespace This should work:: .. doxygentypedef:: foo::ns::MyInt :project: namespace It produces this output: .. doxygentypedef:: foo::ns::MyInt :project: namespace Failing Example --------------- .. cpp:namespace:: @ex_typedef_failing This intentionally fails:: .. doxygentypedef:: made_up_typedef :project: restypedef It produces the following warning message: .. warning:: doxygentypedef: Cannot find typedef "made_up_typedef" in doxygen xml output