Quick Start =========== For this quick start we assume the following prerequisites: * breathe was downloaded and extracted somewhere * doxygen was installed and doxygen output (XML format) was generated for the project that is to be documented (set GENERATE_XML tag to YES) We assume the following paths: * documentation root path: :file:`/home/me/docproj/` * breathe path: :file:`/home/me/docproj/ext/breathe/` * doxygen xml output: :file:`/home/me/docproj/doxyxml/` The documentation path should contain a folder :file:`source` containing the :file:`conf.py` file. The doxygen xml output folder should contain the :file:`index.xml` output file generated by doxygen. The following steps are required to integrate breathe functionality: #. Add the breathe path to your conf.py by adding the following line:: sys.path.append( "/home/me/docproj/ext/breathe/" ) #. Add breathe as an extension the line could look like this:: extensions = ['sphinx.ext.pngmath', 'sphinx.ext.todo', 'breathe' ] #. Tell breathe about the projects:: breathe_projects = { "myproject": "/home/me/docproj/doxyxml/" } #. Specify a default project:: breathe_default_project = "myproject" Once this is done you may use the following commands:: .. doxygenindex:: .. doxygenfunction:: .. doxygenstruct:: .. doxygenenum:: .. doxygentypedef:: .. doxygenclass:: to include documentation for different constructs. For each of these commands the the following directives may be specified: ``project`` Specifies which project, as defined in the breathe_projects config value, should be used for this directive. This overrides the default. ``path`` Directly specifies the path to the folder with the doxygen output. This overrides the project and default project.