Latex Math ========== Breathe has basic support for latex math markup in the doxygen comments. A class with a comment like:: /** * @brief A class * * A inline formula: \f$ f(x) = a + b \f$ * * A display style formula: * @f[ * \int_a^b f(x) dx = F(b) - F(a) * @f] */ class MathHelper { public: MathHelper() {} ~MathHelper() {} } Will be renderer as: .. cpp:namespace:: @ex_latexmath .. doxygenclass:: MathHelper :project: latexmath :members: :undoc-members: Without any additional configuration except for including a math extension in the Sphinx ````:: extensions = [ "breathe", "sphinx.ext.mathjax" ] The specific environment formula fails when using ``sphinx.ext.pngmath`` so more work is needed. Implementation -------------- Breathe uses a internal reStructuredText node provided by ``sphinx.ext.mathbase`` which is then picked up and rendered by the extension chosen in the ````. It does not pass any additional options through to the node, so settings like ``label`` and ``nowrap`` are currently not supported. Credits ------- Thank you to `dazzlezhang `_ for providing examples and a full run down of necessary details. It made the implementation much easier.