.. BreatheExample documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Feb 3 18:20:48 2009. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Breathe's documentation ======================= Breathe provides a bridge between the Sphinx and Doxygen documentation systems. It is an easy way to include Doxygen information in a set of documentation generated by Sphinx. The aim is to produce an autodoc like support for people who enjoy using Sphinx but work with languages other than Python. The system relies on the Doxygen's xml output. .. ifconfig:: documentation_build == 'readthedocs_latest' .. warning:: This documentation is built from the latest `Breathe github project `_ code. It does not necessarily reflect a released version of Breathe on PyPI. .. ifconfig:: documentation_build == 'development' .. warning:: This build of the documentation is not from a specific tagged release of Breathe. It reflects a work in progress state of Breathe. Please see the `github repository `_ for a more official source of information. Overview -------- * **Simple setup** - one doxygen config value, one Sphinx config value and one directive and you'll be on your way. * **High and low level directives** - reference the whole project, just a class or just a function with different directives. * **Support for multiple doxygen projects** - set it up to be aware of different projects and reference them by name or path for each directive. * **Allows embedded reStructuredText in doxygen markup** - some extra doxygen aliases allow you to add ``\rst`` - ``\endrst`` blocks to your comments and have the contents interpreted as reStructuredText. * **Basic support for Sphinx domains** - Link to functions in the breathe output with a standard Sphinx domain reference. Setup & Usage ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 quickstart directives differences readthedocs Features -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 markups latexmath codeblocks domains customcss groups lists tables template dot_graphs Contributing ------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 contributing codeguide credits Example/Test Pages ------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 testpages Download -------- Breathe is available from: * `PyPI, the Python Package Index `_ * `Github `_ License ------- Breathe is under the `BSD license `_. In a Nutshell ------------- You write code that looks a little like this: .. literalinclude:: code/nutshell.h :language: cpp Then you run this:: doxygen With a setting that says this:: GENERATE_XML = YES Then in your Sphinx documentation, you add something like this:: .. doxygenclass:: Nutshell :project: nutshell :members: With a ``conf.py`` setting like this:: breathe_projects = { "nutshell":"../../examples/specific/nutshell/xml/", } And Breathe registered as an extension in ``conf.py`` like this:: extensions = [ "breathe" ] You get something like this: ---- .. cpp:namespace:: @ex_index .. doxygenclass:: Nutshell :project: nutshell :members: ---- Sound reasonable? To get started, go checkout the :doc:`quickstart guide `.