Bibus is a bibliographic database.
It has been developed with (
in mind. This means that the database is modeled on
bibliographic database engine. As such it has the features and most
of the limitations of this format. However, one of the most annoying
limitation which is the restriction to 80 characters of any field,
has been addressed in bibus where the fields are 255 character long
(or even unlimited, depending on the database engine used).
Bibus is in development and there are many evolutions planed for the bibliographic
engine. Bibus will try to evolve alongside these changes.
Is Bibus
stable enough for using it on a daily basis? As usual, Bibus is
distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and you must use it at your own
risk. However, since the heart of Bibus is a high quality database
engine (MySQL
and SQLite), I think the risk to get a catastrophic crash is very low.
must however remember to make regular backups of the database. If you
use SQLite, you just have to copy the database file. If you use MySQL
the easiest way is probably to use mysqldump (mysqldump -p Biblio >
Compatible with two database engines: MySQL <> and SQLite <>.
Hierarchical organization of the references with user defined keys.
Drag & drop and Copy/Paste to easily organize references.
Designed for multiuser:
You can share the database between an "unlimited" number of users.
Each user will have his/her own classification.
You can have read-only and read-write users.
Powerful and easy to use search engine.
Live queries, i.e searches that will update when the database changes (this is simply a saved SQL query).
On-line PubMed access.
Import PubMed (Medline), EndNote/Refer, RIS, ISI and BibTeX records.
Export to PubMed, Refer, RIS and BibTeX.
Connection to and Microsoft
Word. You can insert
references in an open text document and format the
bibliography directly from Bibus.
Thanks to Python and wxWidget, Bibus should work on most modern platform (GNU/linux with gtk; Windows; MacOS; etc...).
Foreign language support through unicode and gettext. For the moment, Bibus is available in English, French, Portuguese and Danish. Feel free to translate it in your favorite language, this is easy and fast. It took me about 1 hour to translate the bibus.pot file in French.