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accept(E) - Method in interface blbutil.Filter
Returns true if the specified object is accepted and returns false if the specified object is rejected.
acceptAllFilter() - Static method in interface blbutil.Filter
Returns a filter that accepts all non-null objects.
add(float) - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Adds the specified integer to the end of this list.
add(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Adds the specified integer to the end of this list.
add(int) - Method in class ints.SynchedIntList
Adds the specified integer to the end of this list.
add(RefGTRec) - Method in class bref.SeqCoder3
Attempts to add the specified RefGTRec object to the list of compressed RefGTRec objects, and returns true if the RefGTRec object was added.
addEstimationData(ParamEstimates) - Method in class phase.HmmParamData
Adds the generated data for estimating allele mismatch and recombination intensity parameters to the specified object.
addMismatchData(int, double) - Method in class phase.ParamEstimates
Records the specified allele mismatch data if markerCnt and pMismatchSum are finite positive values.
addSampleData(float[]) - Method in class imp.ImputedRecBuilder
Scales the specified probabilities for each allele to each sum to 1.0, and adds the sample data to the VCF record.
addSampleData(float[], float[]) - Method in class imp.ImputedRecBuilder
Scales the specified probabilities for each allele to each sum to 1.0, and adds the sample data to the VCF record.
addSampleData(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRecBuilder
Adds the specified haploid phased genotype to the VCF record for the current marker.
addSampleData(int, int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRecBuilder
Adds the specified diploid phased genotype to the VCF record for the current marker.
addSwitchData(double, double) - Method in class phase.ParamEstimates
Records the specified genetic distance and switch probability if genDistances and switchProbs are finite positive values.
addToElement(int, float) - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Adds the specified value to the specified element.
addToQ(BlockingQueue<E>, E) - Static method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Adds the specified element to the specified queue.
advanceToFirstPhasingIt() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Sets the iteration equal to the maximum of this.it() and this.fpd().par().burnin().
advanceWindow(Markers) - Method in class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Advances the sliding marker window, and returns the advanced window as a GTRec[] object.
allele(int) - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
allele(int) - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the specified allele.
allele(int, int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the specified target marker cluter alleles for the reference and target haplotypes.
allele(int, int) - Method in class phase.FwdPbwtPhaser
Returns the specified allele
allele(int, int) - Method in class phase.RevPbwtPhaser
Returns the specified allele
allele(int, int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
allele(int, int) - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the allele on the specified haplotype for the specified marker or return -1 if the allele is missing.
allele(int, int) - Method in class vcf.RefGT
allele(int, int) - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
allele(int, int) - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
allele(int, int) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
allele(BitArray, int) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns the specified allele
ALLELE_CODED - Static variable in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
The byte value denoting an allele coded record
allele1(int) - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns the allele on the first haplotype for the specified marker.
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
allele1(int) - Method in interface vcf.DuplicatesGTRec
Returns the first allele for the specified sample or -1 if the allele is missing.
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
allele1(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
allele1(int, int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
allele1(int, int) - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the first allele for the specified marker and sample or return -1 if the allele is missing.
allele1(int, int) - Method in class vcf.RefGT
allele1(int, int) - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
allele1(int, int) - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
allele1(int, int) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
allele2(int) - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns the allele on the second haplotype for the specified marker.
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
allele2(int) - Method in interface vcf.DuplicatesGTRec
Returns the second allele for the specified sample or -1 if the allele is missing.
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
allele2(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
allele2(int, int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
allele2(int, int) - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the second allele for the specified marker and sample or return -1 if the allele is missing.
allele2(int, int) - Method in class vcf.RefGT
allele2(int, int) - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
allele2(int, int) - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
allele2(int, int) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
alleleCodedInstance(RefGTRec) - Static method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns an allele-coded RefGTRec instance for the specified data.
alleleCodedInstance(VcfRecGTParser) - Static method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Constructs and returns a new allele-coded RefGTRec instance from the specified data.
alleleCount(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
Returns the number of copies of the specified allele.
alleleCount(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
Returns the number of copies of the specified allele.
alleleCount(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
alleleCount(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
alleleCount(int) - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns the number of haplotypes that carry the specified non-major allele.
alleleCount(int) - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
alleleCounts() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
alleleCounts() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
alleleCounts() - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns an array of length this.nAlleles() whose j-th element is the allele count of the j-th allele.
alleleCounts() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
alleleCounts(GTRec) - Static method in interface vcf.GTRec
Returns the allele counts.
alleleFreq(GTRec) - Static method in interface vcf.GTRec
Returns the allele frequencies.
alleles() - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
alleles() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
alleles() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
alleles() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
alleles() - Method in interface vcf.DuplicatesGTRec
Returns an array of length this.size() whose j-th element is equal to this.allele(j}
alleles() - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
alleles() - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
alleles() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
alleles() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
alleles() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the alleles.
alleles() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
alleles() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
allelesToBits(int[], BitArray) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Stores the specified alleles in the specified bitList
allHaps() - Method in class phase.CodedSteps
Return the phased target and reference genotype data that was used to construct this CodedSteps instance.
allHaps() - Method in class phase.LowFreqPbwtPhaseIbs
Returns the estimated phased genotypes for the target and reference samples.
allHaps() - Method in class phase.LowFreqPhaseIbs
Returns the estimated phased genotypes for the target and reference samples.
allHaps() - Method in class phase.PbwtPhaseIbs
Returns the estimated phased genotypes for the target and reference samples.
ap() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the ap parameter.
appendRecords(AtomicReferenceArray<StateProbs>, PrintWriter) - Method in class imp.ImputedVcfWriter
Writes the VCF records to the specified PrintWriter.
appendRecords(GT, int, int, PrintWriter) - Static method in class vcf.VcfWriter
Writes the data in phased genotypes for the specified markers to the specified PrintWriter.
appendRecords(Samples, GTRec[], PrintWriter) - Static method in class vcf.VcfWriter
Writes the data in phased genotypes for the specified markers to the specified PrintWriter.
areIbs2(int, int, int) - Method in class phase.Ibs2
Returns true if (otherSample < this.nTargSamples() and the specified samples are estimated to be IBS2 at the specified marker, and returns false otherwise.
areIbs2(int, int, int, int) - Method in class phase.Ibs2
Returns true if (0 <= otherSample && otherSample < this.nTargSamples()) and the specified samples are estimated to be IBS2 within the specified interval and returns false otherwise.
args() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the command line arguments.
argsToMap(String[], char) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Returns a map with one (key, value) pair for each element of the specified array.
AsIsBref3Writer - Class in bref
Class AsIsBref3Writer writes VCF data with phased, non-missing genotypes to a binary reference format v3 (bref) file.
AsIsBref3Writer(String, Samples, File) - Constructor for class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
Constructs a new AsIsBref4Writer for the specified data.
asString(IntArray) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns a string representation of this IntArray by applying java.utils.Arrays.toString() to an equivalent int[] object.
await(CountDownLatch) - Static method in class blbutil.MultiThreadUtils
Blocks the current thread until the specified CountDownLatch has counted down to 0.


basePos(int, double) - Method in interface vcf.GeneticMap
Returns the base position corresponding to the specified genetic map position.
basePos(int, double) - Method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
basePos(int, double) - Method in class vcf.PositionMap
BasicGT - Class in vcf
Class BasicGT represents genotypes for a list of markers and samples.
BasicGT(GTRec[]) - Constructor for class vcf.BasicGT
Constructs a BasicGT instance from the specified data
BasicGT(Markers, Samples, GTRec[]) - Constructor for class vcf.BasicGT
Constructs a BasicGT instance from the specified data.
BasicGT(Samples, GTRec[]) - Constructor for class vcf.BasicGT
Constructs a BasicGT instance from the specified data
BasicGTRec - Class in vcf
Class BasicGTRec stores genotypes for a list of samples at a single marker.
BasicGTRec(VcfRecGTParser) - Constructor for class vcf.BasicGTRec
Constructs a new BasicGTRec instance representing the specified VCF record's GT format field data.
BasicMarker - Class in vcf
Class BasicMarker represents a genetic marker.
BasicMarker(int, int, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class vcf.BasicMarker
Constructs a new BasicMarker instance from the specified data.
BasicMarker(int, int, String[], String[], int) - Constructor for class vcf.BasicMarker
Constructs a new BasicMarker instance from the specified data.
BasicMarker(String) - Constructor for class vcf.BasicMarker
Constructs a new BasicMarker instance from the specified string VCF record prefix.
BasicPhaseStates - Class in phase
Class BasicPhaseStates has methods for constructing a Li and Stephens HMM for a target haplotype or target sample.
BasicPhaseStates(PbwtPhaseIbs, int) - Constructor for class phase.BasicPhaseStates
Constructs a new BasicPhaseStates object from the specified data.
beagleutil - package beagleutil
BGZIPOutputStream - Class in blbutil
Class BGZIPOutputStream is an output stream filter that performs BGZIP compression.
BGZIPOutputStream(OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class blbutil.BGZIPOutputStream
Creates a new BGZIPOutputStream instance that writes to the specified output stream.
bgzipPrintWriter(File) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a buffered java.io.PrintWriter that compresses data using the BGZIP algorithm and writes the compressed data to the specified file.
bgzipPrintWriter(File, boolean) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a buffered java.io.PrintWriter that compresses data using the BGZIP algorithm and writes the compressed data to the specified file.
binarySearch(double) - Method in class blbutil.DoubleArray
Searches this for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(float) - Method in class blbutil.FloatArray
Searches this for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Returns an index associated with the specified value, or (-insertionPoint - 1) if the value is not found.
binarySearch(int) - Method in class ints.WrappedIntArray
Searches this for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(int, int, double) - Method in class blbutil.DoubleArray
Searches the specified range of this for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(int, int, float) - Method in class blbutil.FloatArray
Searches the specified range of this for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
binarySearch(int, int, int) - Method in class ints.WrappedIntArray
Searches the specified range of this for the specified value using the binary search algorithm.
BitArray - Class in blbutil
Interface BitArray represents a mutable sequence of bits with a fixed length.
BitArray(int) - Constructor for class blbutil.BitArray
Constructs a BitArray instance with the specified size and having all bits set to 0 (unset).
BitArray(long[], int) - Constructor for class blbutil.BitArray
Constructs a BitArray instance from the specified values.
BitArray(BitArray) - Constructor for class blbutil.BitArray
Constructs a new BitArray instance with the same sequence of bits and the same size as the specified BitArray.
BitArrayGTRec - Class in vcf
Class BitArrayGT represents genotypes for a list of samples at a single marker.
BitArrayGTRec(VcfRecGTParser) - Constructor for class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
Constructs a new BitArrayGT instance representing the specified VCF record's GT format field data.
BitArrayGTRec(VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep) - Constructor for class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
Constructs a new BitArrayGT instance representing the specified VCF record's GT format field data.
BitArrayRefGTRec - Class in vcf
Class BitArrayRefGTRec represents phased, nonmissing, genotypes for a list of samples at a single marker.
bitSets(int, int) - Static method in class phase.PbwtRecPhaser
Returns an array of bit sets.
bitsPerAllele() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
bitsPerAllele() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the minimum number of bits required to store a non-missing allele.
bitsPerAllele(int) - Method in class phase.RevPbwtPhaser
Returns the minimum number of bits required to store a non-missing allele for the specified marker
bitsToAlleles(BitArray) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns the specified allele stored in the specified hapBits array.
blbutil - package blbutil
BlockLineReader - Class in blbutil
Class BlockLineReader is a blbutil.FileIt that reads blocks of lines from a file.
booleanArg(String, Map<String, String>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Removes the specified key from the specified map, and returns the boolean value corresponding to the specified key.
bref - package bref
Bref3 - Class in bref
Class Bref3 converts files in VCF format into bref version 3 format.
Bref3() - Constructor for class bref.Bref3
Bref3It - Class in bref
Class Bref3It represents an iterator whose next() which returns records from a bref version 3 file.
Bref3It(File) - Constructor for class bref.Bref3It
Constructs a new Bref3It instance.
Bref3It(File, Filter<Marker>) - Constructor for class bref.Bref3It
Constructs a new Bref4It instance.
Bref3Reader - Class in bref
Class Bref3Reader contains methods for reading a bref 3 (binary reference format) file.
Bref3Reader(DataInput, Filter<Marker>) - Constructor for class bref.Bref3Reader
Constructs a new Bref3Reader instance.
BrefBlock - Class in bref
Class BrefBlock represents starting chromosome coordinates and file offset for the start of a binary reference format (bref) data block.
BrefBlock(int, int, long) - Constructor for class bref.BrefBlock
Constructs a BrefBlock for the specified data.
BrefWriter - Interface in bref
Interface BrefWrites writes phased, non-missing genotypes to a binary reference format (bref) file.
buffer() - Method in class main.Par
Return the buffer parameter.
bufferedInputStream(File) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns an buffered java.io.InputStream with default buffer size reading from the specified file.
bufferedOutputStream(File) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns an buffered java.io.OutputStream with default buffer size writing to the specified file.
bufferedOutputStream(File, boolean) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns an buffered java.io.OutputStream with default buffer size writing to the specified file.
burnin() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the burnin parameter.
bwdIbsHap(int, int) - Method in class phase.LowFreqPhaseIbs
Returns the IBS haplotype index for the specified haplotype in the specified genomic interval, when the PBWT is performed in order of decreasing marker index.
bwdUpdate(float[], float, float[], byte[], int) - Static method in class phase.HmmUpdater
Updates the backward values.
bwdUpdate(IntArray, int, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class beagleutil.PbwtDivUpdater
Update the specified prefix and divergence arrays using the backward Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform.


carriers(int) - Method in class vcf.Window
Returns the indices of the reference and target carriers for each low-frequency allele at the target data markers.
carriers(int, int) - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the indices of the reference and target samples for the specified low-frequency allele.
CharArray - Class in ints
CharArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class ints.CharArray
Constructs a new CharArray instance from the specified data.
CharArray(char[]) - Constructor for class ints.CharArray
Constructs a new CharArray instance from the specified data.
CharArray(int[]) - Constructor for class ints.CharArray
Constructs a new CharArray instance from the specified data.
CharArray(int[], int) - Constructor for class ints.CharArray
Constructs a new CharArray instance from the specified data.
CharArray(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class ints.CharArray
Constructs a new CharArray instance from the specified data.
CharArray(IntList) - Constructor for class ints.CharArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
CharArray(IntList, int) - Constructor for class ints.CharArray
Constructs a new CharArray instance from the specified data.
CharArray(IntList, int, int) - Constructor for class ints.CharArray
Constructs a new CharArray instance from the specified data.
chrom() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns the chromosome identifier.
chrom() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
chrom() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the chromosome.
ChromIds - Class in beagleutil
Class ChromIds is a singleton class that represents a list of chromosome identifiers.
chromIndex() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns the chromosome index.
chromIndex() - Method in class bref.BrefBlock
Returns the chromosome index of the first marker in this bref block.
chromIndex() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
chromIndex() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the chromosome index.
chromIndex() - Method in class vcf.Window
Returns the chromosome index for the markers in this window.
chromInt() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the chromosome interval or null if no chrom parameter was specified.
ChromInterval - Class in beagleutil
Class ChromInterval represents a chromosome interval whose end points are genome coordinates.
ChromInterval(String, int, int) - Constructor for class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Constructs a new ChromInterval instance.
ChromInterval(Marker, Marker) - Constructor for class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Constructs a new ChromInterval instance.
clear() - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Clears all bits.
clear() - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Removes all elements from this list.
clear() - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Removes all keys from this map.
clear() - Method in class ints.IntList
Removes all elements from this list.
clear() - Method in class ints.SynchedIntList
Removes all elements from this list.
clear() - Method in class phase.ParamEstimates
Clears all data that has been added via the this.addMismatchData and this.addSwitchData() methods.
clear(int) - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Clears the specified bit.
close() - Method in class blbutil.BGZIPOutputStream
close() - Method in class blbutil.BlockLineReader
close() - Method in interface blbutil.FileIt
Stops reading data elements and releases any system resources that are held by this object.
close() - Method in class blbutil.InputIt
close() - Method in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
close() - Method in class bref.Bref3It
close() - Method in interface bref.BrefWriter
Flushes any buffered output and releases any system resources that are held by this BrefWriter.
close() - Method in class bref.CompressBref3Writer
close() - Method in class main.WindowWriter
close() - Method in class vcf.IntervalVcfIt
close() - Method in class vcf.RefIt
close() - Method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
close() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Releases any I/O resources controlled by this object.
close() - Method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Releases any I/O resources controlled by this object.
close() - Method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow
close() - Method in class vcf.VcfIt
closestIndex(int, int) - Method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
Returns the index of the genetic map position that is closest to the specified base position.
clustEnds() - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns the (exclusive) end marker indices of each marker cluster.
cluster() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the cluster parameter.
clusterEnd(int) - Method in class phase.MarkerCluster
Returns the exclusive end marker for the cluster.
clusterStart(int) - Method in class phase.MarkerCluster
Returns the inclusive start marker for the cluster.
clustHasMissingGT(int) - Method in class phase.MarkerCluster
Returns true if the cluster has at least one missing genotype, and returns false otherwise.
codedSteps() - Method in class imp.ImpIbs
Returns the coded steps.
codedSteps() - Method in class phase.PbwtIbsData
Returns the coded steps.
codedSteps() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Constructs and returns the coded steps.
CodedSteps - Class in imp
Class CodedSteps divides phased genotype data into non-overlapping intervals (the steps), indexes the unique allele sequences in each interval, and stores a map of haplotype index to allele sequence index for each interval.
CodedSteps - Class in phase
Class CodedSteps divides phased genotype data into non-overlapping intervals (the steps), indexes the unique allele sequences in each interval, and stores a map of haplotype index to allele sequence index for each interval.
CodedSteps(ImpData) - Constructor for class imp.CodedSteps
Constructs a new CodedSteps instance from the specified data.
CodedSteps(EstPhase) - Constructor for class phase.CodedSteps
Constructs a new CodedSteps instance from the specified data.
colon - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The colon character: ':'
combine(Samples, Samples) - Static method in class vcf.Samples
Returns a new samples instance by combining the two list of samples in the specified order
combine(XRefGT, XRefGT) - Static method in class vcf.XRefGT
Returns a new XRefGT instance from the specified data.
comma - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The comma character: ','
COMMAND - Static variable in class main.Main
The command to invoke the program.
commandLine(String, String[]) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Returns a string representation of the command line arguments.
compareTo(ChromInterval) - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Compares this ChromInteval with the specified ChromInterval instance for order, and returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether this is less than, equal or greater than the specified instance.
compareTo(CompHapSegment) - Method in class beagleutil.CompHapSegment
Compares the specified segment to this for order.
compareTo(SampleSeg) - Method in class phase.SampleSeg
Compares this SampleSeg with the specified SampleSeg for order.
compareTo(Marker) - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
compareTo(Marker) - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Compares this marker with the specified marker for order, and returns a negative integer, 0, or a positive integer depending on whether this marker is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified marker.
compHapIndex() - Method in class beagleutil.CompHapSegment
Returns the composite haplotype index.
CompHapSegment - Class in beagleutil
Class CompHapSegment represents a copied haplotype segment in a composite reference haplotype.
CompHapSegment(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class beagleutil.CompHapSegment
Constructs a new CompHapSegment from the specified data.
COMPRESS_FREQ_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class bref.SeqCoder3
The major allele frequency threshold for allele coding.
CompressBref3Writer - Class in bref
Class CompressBref3Writer writes phased, non-missing genotypes to a binary reference format v3 (bref) file.
CompressBref3Writer(String, Samples, int, File) - Constructor for class bref.CompressBref3Writer
Constructs a new CompressBref3fWriter for the specified data.
confirmEmptyMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Checks whether the specified map of key-value pairs is empty.
Const - Class in blbutil
Class Const provides public static final fields with string and character constants.
contains(int) - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Returns true if the map contains the specified key, and returns false otherwise.
contains(Marker) - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns true if the specified marker is in this chromosome interval and returns false otherwise.
contains(Marker) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns true if the specified marker is not null and is an element in the list of markers represented by this, and returns false otherwise.
copyFrom(BitArray, int, int) - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Replaced the specified bits in this Bitlist with the corresponding bits in the specified BitArray.
copyOf(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Copies and returns this list of integers, truncating or padding with 0 as necessary so that the copy has the specified length.
copyOfRange(int, int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Returns the specified range of elements adding 0 values to the end of the copied values if necessary so that the returned array has length end - start.
COPYRIGHT - Static variable in class main.Main
The copyright string.
copyTo(int, int, int, BitArray) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
Copies the specified bit sequence to the specified bitList
countFields(String) - Static method in class blbutil.StringUtil
Returns the number of white-space delimited fields in the specified string.
countFields(String, char) - Static method in class blbutil.StringUtil
Returns the number of delimited fields in the specified string.
countFields(String, char, int) - Static method in class blbutil.StringUtil
Returns Math.min(countFields(s, delimiter), max).
create(int[], int) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns a new IntArray instance that has the same sequence of integers as the specified array of non-negative integers.
create(FileIt<String>) - Static method in class vcf.RefIt
Create and returns a new RefIt instance from the specified iterator.
create(FileIt<String>, int, int) - Static method in class blbutil.BlockLineReader
Constructs and returns a new BlockLineReader for the specified data.
create(FileIt<String>, Filter<String>, Filter<Marker>) - Static method in class vcf.RefIt
Create and returns a new RefIt instance from the specified objects.
create(FileIt<String>, Filter<String>, Filter<Marker>, int) - Static method in class vcf.RefIt
Create and returns a new RefIt instance from the specified objects.
create(FileIt<String>, Filter<String>, Filter<Marker>, BiFunction<VcfHeader, String, R>) - Static method in class vcf.VcfIt
Create and returns a new VcfIt instance from the specified objects.
create(FileIt<String>, Filter<String>, Filter<Marker>, BiFunction<VcfHeader, String, R>, int) - Static method in class vcf.VcfIt
Create and returns a new VcfIt instance from the specified objects.
create(FileIt<String>, BiFunction<VcfHeader, String, R>) - Static method in class vcf.VcfIt
Create and returns a new VcfIt instance from the specified objects.
create(IntList, int) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns a new IntArray instance that has the same sequence of integers as the specified list of non-negative integers.
create(GeneticMap, double, Markers) - Static method in class vcf.MarkerMap
Returns a new MarkerMap instance constructed from the specified data.
create(GeneticMap, Markers) - Static method in class vcf.MarkerMap
Returns a new MarkerMap instance constructed from the specified data.
create(Marker[]) - Static method in class vcf.Markers
Returns a new Markers instance that is constructed from the specified data.
cumMarkerCnt() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Returns the number of VCF records in the union of the current window and all previous windows.
cumMarkers() - Method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
cumMarkers() - Method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Returns the number of distinct markers returned in preceding this.nextWindow() method calls.
cumMarkers() - Method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow
cumTargMarkers() - Method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
cumTargMarkers() - Method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Returns the number of distinct target markers returned in preceding this.nextWindow() method calls.
cumTargMarkers() - Method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow


decEndComp() - Static method in interface beagleutil.IntInterval
Returns a Comparator<IntInterval> which orders IntInterval objects in order of increasing this.start() value and orders IntInterval objects with the same this.start() value in order of decreasing this.inclEnd() value.
decrementAndGet(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Decrements by one the element at the specified position in this list.
DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class vcf.VcfIt
The default number of VCF records stored in a buffer.
DEFAULT_INIT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
The default initial capacity, which is 500.
DEFAULT_INIT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class blbutil.FloatList
The default initial capacity of an FloatList, which is 10.
DEFAULT_INIT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class ints.IntList
The default initial capacity of an IntList, which is 16.
DEFAULT_INIT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class ints.SynchedIntList
The default initial capacity of an SynchedIntList, which is 16.
DEFAULT_INIT_SIZE - Static variable in class vcf.VcfRecBuilder
The default initial size for the string buffer, which is 50 characters.
defaultMaxNSeq(int) - Static method in class bref.SeqCoder3
Returns the default maximum number of sequences for the specified number of samples.
DELIMITER - Static variable in class vcf.VcfMetaInfo
The VCF meta-information line key-value delimiter: '='
doubleArg(String, Map<String, String>, boolean, double, double, double) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Removes the specified key from the specified map, and returns the double value corresponding to the specified key.
DoubleArray - Class in blbutil
Class DoubleArray represents an immutable list of double floating point values.
DoubleArray(double[]) - Constructor for class blbutil.DoubleArray
Constructs an DoubleArray object with the specified values.
DoubleArray(DoubleStream) - Constructor for class blbutil.DoubleArray
Constructs an DoubleArray object with the specified values.
duoOffspring(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the offspring of the specified parent-offspring duo.
duoParent(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the parent of the specified parent-offspring duo.
duoPrint(PrintWriter, CharSequence) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Prints the specified string to the specified PrintWriter and to standard out.
duoPrintln(PrintWriter, CharSequence) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Prints the specified string to the specified PrintWriter and to standard out.
duoPrintNanos(String, long) - Method in class main.RunStats
Print the specified message followed by the human elapsed time as formatted by blbutil.Utilities.elapsedNanos(nanos)
DuplicatesGTRec - Interface in vcf
Interface DuplicatesGTRec represents marker alleles for a list of samples.


elapsedNanos(long) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Returns a string representation of the specified elapsed time in the format "H hours M minutes S seconds".
em() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the em parameter.
end() - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Returns the ending reference marker index (exclusive) for the reference haplotype allele sequences.
end() - Method in class phase.FwdPbwtPhaser
Return the exclusive end marker index.
end() - Method in class phase.RevPbwtPhaser
Return the exclusive end marker index.
end() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
end() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the INFO END field, or -1 if there is no INFO END field.
end(int) - Method in class vcf.Steps
Returns the index of the last marker (exclusive) in the specified step.
END_OF_DATA - Static variable in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
The end of file code for a bref file.
END_OF_INDEX - Static variable in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
The integer denoting denoting the end of the index in a bref file
equal(BitArray, int, int) - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns true if this Bitlist and the specified BitArray have identical sequences of bits for the specified indices, and returns false otherwise.
equals(BitArray, BitArray) - Static method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns true if the specified BitArray objects represent identical bit sequences having the same size, and returns false otherwise.
equals(IntArray, IntArray) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns true if the specified IntArray objects represent the same sequence of integer values, and returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns true if the specified object is a ChromInterval instance representing the same interval of genome coordinates as this, and returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class phase.SampleSeg
Compares the specified object with this SampleSeg for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
equals(Object) - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns true if the specified object is a Marker with the same chromosome, position, allele lists, and INFO END field, and returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns true if the specified object is a Markers instance which represents the same list of markers as this, and returns false otherwise.
equals(Object) - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns true if the specified object is a Samples object which represents the same ordered list of samples as this, and returns false otherwise.
err(int) - Method in class main.Par
Returns the default allele mismatch parameter for the specified number of haplotypes.
errProb(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the probability that the allele carried by the specified target marker cluster matches the allele labeling the latent HMM state.
estPhase() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Returns the estimated phased genotypes.
EstPhase - Class in phase
Class EstPhase stores input genotype data and the current estimated phased genotypes for each target sample.
EstPhase(FixedPhaseData, long) - Constructor for class phase.EstPhase
Constructs a new EstPhase instance from the specified data.
excludeFilter(Collection<E>) - Static method in interface blbutil.Filter
Returns a filter that accepts all non-null objects that are not contained in the specified collection.
excludemarkers() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the excludemarkers parameter or null if no excludemarkers parameter was specified.
excludesamples() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the excludesamples parameter or null if no excludesamples parameter was specified.
exit() - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Prints "Terminating program." to standard error and terminates the Java virtual machine.
exit(String) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Prints the specified string to standard error and then terminates the Java virtual machine.
exit(Throwable) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Prints the specified exception, its stack trace and then terminates the Java virtual machine.
exit(Throwable, String) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Prints the specified exception, its stack trace, and the specified string to standard error and then terminates the Java virtual machine.


father(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the father of the specified sample, or returns -1 if the father is unknown or is not present in the list of samples.
file() - Method in class blbutil.BlockLineReader
file() - Method in interface blbutil.FileIt
Returns the file from which the data are read, or null if the data are read from standard input or if the data source is unknown.
file() - Method in class blbutil.InputIt
file() - Method in class bref.Bref3It
file() - Method in class vcf.IntervalVcfIt
file() - Method in class vcf.RefIt
file() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Returns the file from which VCF records are read, or returns null if the source is standard input.
file() - Method in class vcf.VcfIt
FileIt<E> - Interface in blbutil
An iterator for data elements in a file.
FileUtil - Class in blbutil
Class FileUtil contains static methods for working with files.
filter() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the FILTER field.
Filter<E> - Interface in blbutil
A filter for accepting or rejecting objects.
FilterUtil - Class in vcf
Class FilterUtil contains static methods for constructing marker filters.
FixedPhaseData - Class in phase
Class FixedPhaseData stores immutable data for a marker window.
FixedPhaseData(Par, Pedigree, Window, GT) - Constructor for class phase.FixedPhaseData
Constructs a new FixedPhaseData instance from the specified data.
flipStrand(String) - Static method in class vcf.BasicMarker
Returns the string allele obtained by changing the specified allele to the opposite chromosome strand
flipStrand(Marker) - Static method in class vcf.BasicMarker
Constructs and returns a new marker obtained from the specified marker by changing the marker's non-symbolic alleles to the alleles on the opposite chromosome strand.
floatArg(String, Map<String, String>, boolean, float, float, float) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Removes the specified key from the specified map, and returns the float value corresponding to the specified key.
FloatArray - Class in blbutil
Class FloatArray represents an immutable list of float floating point values.
FloatArray(double[]) - Constructor for class blbutil.FloatArray
Constructs an FloatArray object with the specified values.
FloatArray(float[]) - Constructor for class blbutil.FloatArray
Constructs an FloatArray object with the specified values.
FloatList - Class in blbutil
Class FloatList represents a list of floats.
FloatList() - Constructor for class blbutil.FloatList
Constructs an FloatList object with the default initial capacity.
FloatList(int) - Constructor for class blbutil.FloatList
Constructs an FloatList object with the specified initial capacity.
flush() - Method in class blbutil.BGZIPOutputStream
format() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the FORMAT field.
formatData(String) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns an array of length this.size() containing the specified FORMAT subfield data for each sample.
formatIndex(String) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the index of the specified FORMAT subfield if the specified subfield is defined for this VCF record, and returns -1 otherwise.
formatSubfield(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the specified FORMAT subfield.
fpd() - Method in class phase.EstPhase
Returns the input data for phasing that is the same in each iteration.
fpd() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Returns the input data for phasing that is the same in each iteration.
fpd() - Method in class phase.Stage2Haps
Returns the input data for phasing that is the same in each iteration.
from(Markers, Samples, BitArray[]) - Static method in class vcf.XRefGT
Returns a new XRefGT instance from the specified data.
from(Samples, AtomicReferenceArray<SamplePhase>) - Static method in class vcf.XRefGT
Returns a new XRefGT instance from the specified data.
fromGL(VcfHeader, String, float) - Static method in class vcf.VcfRec
Constructs and returns a new VcfRec instance from a VCF record and its GL or PL format subfield data.
fromGT(VcfHeader, String) - Static method in class vcf.VcfRec
Constructs and returns a new VcfRec instance from a VCF record and its GT format subfield data
fromGTGL(VcfHeader, String, float) - Static method in class vcf.VcfRec
Constructs and returns a new VcfRec instance from a VCF record and its GT, GL, and PL format subfield data.
fromGzipFile(File) - Static method in class blbutil.InputIt
Constructs and returns an InputIt instance with the default buffer size that iterates through lines of the specified compressed or uncompressed text file.
fromGzipFile(File, int) - Static method in class blbutil.InputIt
Constructs and returns an InputIt instance with the specified buffer size that iterates through lines of the specified compressed or uncompressed text file.
fromIds(String[], boolean[]) - Static method in class vcf.Samples
Constructs and returns a Samples instance corresponding to the specified list of sample identifiers.
fromIntBits(int[]) - Static method in class blbutil.FloatArray
Constructs and returns a FloatArray from the specified list of bit representations.
fromPhasedGT(GT, int) - Static method in class vcf.XRefGT
Returns a new XRefGT instance from the specified data.
fromPlinkMapFile(File) - Static method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
Constructs and returns a new PlinkGenMap instance from the data in the specified file.
fromPlinkMapFile(File, String) - Static method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
Constructs and returns a new PlinkGenMap instance from the data in the specified file.
fromSignedByteArray(byte[], int) - Static method in class ints.PackedIntArray
Constructs and returns a new PackedIntArray instance from the specified data.
fromSignedByteArray(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class ints.PackedIntArray
Constructs a new PackedIntArray instance from the specified data.
fromStdIn() - Static method in class blbutil.InputIt
Constructs and returns an InputIt instance with the default buffer size that iterates through lines of text read from standard input.
fromStdIn(int) - Static method in class blbutil.InputIt
Constructs and returns an InputIt instance with the specified buffer size that iterates through lines of text read from standard input.
fromTextFile(File) - Static method in class blbutil.InputIt
Constructs and returns an InputIt instance with the default buffer size that iterates through lines of the specified text file.
fromTextFile(File, int) - Static method in class blbutil.InputIt
Constructs and returns an InputIt instance with the specified buffer size that iterates through lines of the specified text file.
fromUnsignedByteArray(byte[], int) - Static method in class ints.PackedIntArray
Constructs a new PackedIntArray instance from the specified data.
fromUnsignedByteArray(byte[], int, int, int) - Static method in class ints.PackedIntArray
Constructs a new PackedIntArray instance from the specified data.
fromUnsignedTwoByteArray(byte[], int) - Static method in class ints.PackedIntArray
Constructs a new PackedIntArray instance from the specified data.
fwdIbsHap(int, int) - Method in class phase.LowFreqPhaseIbs
Returns the IBS haplotype index for the specified haplotype in the specified genomic interval, when the PBWT is performed in order of increasing marker index.An index of -1 is stored in an entry if no IBS haplotype is available.
FwdPbwtPhaser - Class in phase
Class FwdPbwtPhaser phases input genotype data and imputes missing alleles using the Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT).
FwdPbwtPhaser(FixedPhaseData, int, int, long) - Constructor for class phase.FwdPbwtPhaser
Creates a new FwdPbwtPhaser for the specified data.
fwdUpdate(float[], float, float, float[], byte[], int) - Static method in class phase.HmmUpdater
Updates the forward values and returns the sum of the updated forward values.
fwdUpdate(IntArray, int, int, int[], int[]) - Method in class beagleutil.PbwtDivUpdater
Update the specified prefix and divergence arrays using the forward Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform.


genDist() - Method in class vcf.MarkerMap
Return a FloatArray of size this.markers().nMarkers() whose k-th element is the genetic distance between the k-th target marker and the previous marker, or 0.0 if (k == 0).
geneticMap(File, ChromInterval) - Static method in interface vcf.GeneticMap
Constructs and returns a genetic map from the specified data.
GeneticMap - Interface in vcf
Interface GeneticMap represents a genetic map for one or more chromosomes.
genMap() - Method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
genMap() - Method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Returns the genetic map.
genMap() - Method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow
genMap() - Method in class vcf.Window
Returns the genetic map.
genotype(int, int) - Static method in class vcf.BasicGT
Returns the genotype index corresponding to the specified unordered alleles.
genPos() - Method in class vcf.MarkerMap
Returns a DoubleArray of size this.markers().nMarkers() whose k-th element is the genetic map position of the k-th marker.
genPos(int, int) - Method in interface vcf.GeneticMap
Returns the genetic map position of the specified genome coordinate.
genPos(int, int) - Method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
genPos(int, int) - Method in class vcf.PositionMap
genPos(GeneticMap, double, Markers) - Static method in interface vcf.GeneticMap
Returns the an array of length markers.nMarkers() whose whose j-th element is the genetic map position of the j-th marker.
genPos(GeneticMap, Markers) - Static method in interface vcf.GeneticMap
Returns the an array of length markers.nMarkers() whose whose j-th element is the genetic map position of the j-th marker.
genPos(Marker) - Method in interface vcf.GeneticMap
Returns the genetic map position of the specified marker.
genPos(Marker) - Method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
genPos(Marker) - Method in class vcf.PositionMap
get(int) - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns the specified bit as a boolean value.
get(int) - Method in class blbutil.DoubleArray
Returns the double at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class blbutil.FloatArray
Returns the float at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Returns the float at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class imp.CodedSteps
Returns a map from haplotype index to allele sequence index for the specified step
get(int) - Method in class ints.CharArray
get(int) - Method in class ints.IndexArray
get(int) - Method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns the specified array element.
get(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class ints.PackedIntArray
get(int) - Method in class ints.SynchedIntList
Returns the element at the specified position in this list.
get(int) - Method in class ints.UnsignedByteArray
get(int) - Method in class ints.WrappedIntArray
get(int) - Method in class phase.CodedSteps
Returns a map from haplotype index to allele sequence index for the specified step
get(int) - Method in class phase.EstPhase
Return the estimated phase for the specified sample.
get(int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
get(int) - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
get(int) - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
get(int) - Method in interface vcf.DuplicatesGTRec
Returns the specified allele for the specified haplotype or -1 if the allele is missing.
get(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
get(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
get(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
get(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
get(int) - Method in class vcf.RefGT
Returns the RefGTRec for the specified marker.
get(int) - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
get(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
get(int, int) - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Returns the value for the specified key or the specified sentinel value if the specified key is not present in this map.
getAndDecrement(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Decrements by one the element at the specified position in this list.
getAndIncrement(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Increments by one the element at the specified position in this list.
getAndResetSwapRate() - Static method in class phase.PhaseBaum1
Returns the proportion of unphased heterozygotes whose phase relative to the previous heterozygote has been changed.
getAsInt(int) - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns the specified bit as a int value.
getCompressedList() - Method in class bref.SeqCoder3
Returns and clears the stored list of compressed RefGTRec objects.
getFields(String) - Static method in class blbutil.StringUtil
Returns an array obtained by trimming white-space from the beginning and end of the specified string, and splitting the resulting string around white space.
getFields(String, char) - Static method in class blbutil.StringUtil
Returns an array obtained by splitting the specified string around the specified delimiter.
getFields(String, char, int) - Static method in class blbutil.StringUtil
Returns an array obtained by splitting the specified string around the first (limit - 1) occurrences of the specified delimiter.
getFields(String, int) - Static method in class blbutil.StringUtil
Returns an array obtained by trimming white-space from the beginning and end of the specified string, and splitting the resulting string around the first (limit-1) white-space delimiters.
getFile(String) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Returns a File object corresponding to the specified filename or null if filename == null
getHaps(BitArray, BitArray) - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Copies the stored haplotypes to the specified BitList objects
getIndex(String) - Method in class beagleutil.ChromIds
Returns the index of the specified chromosome identifier.
getIndex(String) - Method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns the index of the specified sample identifier.
getIndex(T) - Method in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Returns the index of the specified object.
getIndexIfIndexed(String) - Method in class beagleutil.ChromIds
Returns the index of the specified chromosome identifier, or returns -1 if the specified chromosome identifier is not indexed.
getIndexIfIndexed(String) - Method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns the index of the specified sampled identifier, or returns -1 if the specified sample identifier is not indexed.
getIndexIfIndexed(T) - Method in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Returns the index of the specified object, or returns -1 if the specified object is not indexed.
getIndices(String[]) - Method in class beagleutil.ChromIds
Returns an array of chromosome identifier indices corresponding to the specified array of chromosome identifiers.
getIndices(String[]) - Method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns an array of sample identifier indices corresponding to the specified array of sample identifiers.
getIndices(T[]) - Method in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Returns an array of object indices corresponding to the specified object array.
giga - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The value 1,000,000,000
gl(int, int, int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the probability of the observed data for the specified sample if the specified pair of ordered alleles is the true ordered genotype.
gl(GT, int, int, int, int) - Static method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the probability of the observed data for the specified marker and sample if the specified pair of unordered alleles is the true genotype.
GL_FORMAT - Static variable in class vcf.VcfRec
The VCF FORMAT code for log-scaled genotype likelihood data: "GL".
gp() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the gp parameter.
gt() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the gt parameter or null if no gt parameter was specified.
GT - Interface in vcf
Interface GT represents genotype data for a list of markers and a list of samples.
gtIndex(int, int) - Static method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the VCF genotype index for the specified pair of alleles.
GTRec - Interface in vcf
Interface GTRec represents represents genotype data for one marker.
gzipPrintWriter(File) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a buffered java.io.PrintWriter writing to the specified file.
gzipPrintWriter(File, boolean) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a buffered java.io.PrintWriter writing to the specified file.


hap() - Method in class beagleutil.CompHapSegment
Returns the haplotype.
hap(int) - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Return the specified haplotype in the sublist of reference haplotypes.
hap1() - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns the first haplotype.
hap2() - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns the second haplotype.
hap2Index(int) - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Returns the index of the specified haplotype in the sublist of reference haplotypes.
hapCnt() - Method in class imp.ImputedRecBuilder
Returns the number of imputed alleles added by the addSampleData() methods.
hapCodedInstance(Marker, Samples, int[][]) - Static method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Constructs and returns a new allele-coded RefGTRec instance from the specified data.
hapIndex(int, int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
hapIndex(int, int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
hapIndex(int, int) - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns index of the haplotype that carries the specified copy of the specified allele.
hapIndex(int, int) - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
hapIndices() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
hapIndices() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
hapIndices() - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns an array whose j-th element is null if j is the major allele with lowest index, and otherwise is an array of indices of haplotypes that carry the j-th allele sorted in increasing order
hapIndices() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
hapListRep() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
hapLists(boolean) - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep
Returns an array of length this.marker().nAlleles() that contains lists of haplotypes carrying each allele.
HaplotypeCoder - Class in imp
Class HaplotypeCoder indexes the observed allele sequences in phased reference and target genotype data in a chromosome interval.
HaplotypeCoder(RefGT, GT) - Constructor for class imp.HaplotypeCoder
Constructs a new HaplotypeCoder instance from the specified data.
hapToSeq(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the specified target marker cluster alleles for the reference and target haplotypes.
hasFormat(String) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns true if the specified FORMAT subfield is present, and returns false otherwise.
hash(int) - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Return a hash code computed from the allele sequence of the specified haplotype in the sublist of reference haplotypes.
hash(int, int) - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns a hash code for the specified bits in this Bitlist
hash(int, int, int) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
Returns a hash code for the specified alleles.
hashCode() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class phase.SampleSeg
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
hashCode() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hashCode() - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns a hash code value for the object.
hasNext() - Method in class blbutil.BlockLineReader
Returns the next element in the iteration.
hasNext() - Method in class blbutil.InputIt
Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
hasNext() - Method in class bref.Bref3It
Returns true if the iteration has more elements, and returns false otherwise.
hasNext() - Method in class vcf.IntervalVcfIt
Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
hasNext() - Method in class vcf.RefIt
Returns true if the iteration has more elements, and returns false otherwise.
hasNext() - Method in class vcf.VcfIt
Returns true if the iteration has more elements, and returns false otherwise.
HEADER_PREFIX - Static variable in class vcf.VcfHeader
A string equal to the first nine tab-delimited fields of a VCF header line that contains sample data.
HIGH_FREQ_ARRAY - Static variable in class vcf.Window
An array that replaces an array of allele counts for a marker with high minor allele frequency.
HmmParamData - Class in phase
Class HmmParamData generates data for estimating allele mismatch and recombination intensity parameters for a haploid Li and Stephens hidden Markov model.
HmmParamData(PbwtPhaseIbs) - Constructor for class phase.HmmParamData
Creates a HmmParamData instance for the specified data.
HmmStateProbs - Class in phase
Class HmmStateProbs has a method that returns the reference haplotype and probability associated with each HMM state.
HmmStateProbs(LowFreqPhaseIbs) - Constructor for class phase.HmmStateProbs
Creates a HmmStateProbs instance from the specified data.
HmmUpdater - Class in phase
Class HmmUpdater has static methods for next marker updates of forward and backward HMM values.
hyphen - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The hyphen character: '-'


Ibs2 - Class in phase
Class Ibs2 stores IBS2 segments that any target sample shares with another target sample.
Ibs2(GT, MarkerMap, FloatArray) - Constructor for class phase.Ibs2
Constructs a new Ibs2 instance from the specified data.
Ibs2Markers - Class in phase
Class Ibs2Markers stores the markers and intervals that are used to detect IBS2 segments.
Ibs2Markers(GT, MarkerMap, FloatArray) - Constructor for class phase.Ibs2Markers
Constructs a new Ibs2Markers instance from the specified data.
Ibs2Sets - Class in phase
Class Ibs2Sets partitions markers into steps, and stores the sets of samples whose genotypes are consistent with IBS2 in each step.
Ibs2Sets(GT, Ibs2Markers) - Constructor for class phase.Ibs2Sets
Constructs a new Ibs2Sets instance from the specified data.
ibsHap(int, int) - Method in class phase.LowFreqPbwtPhaseIbs
Returns the index of a haplotype that is identical by state with the specified target haplotype in the specified genomic interval, or -1 if there is no identical-by-state haplotype.
ibsHap(int, int) - Method in class phase.PbwtPhaseIbs
Returns the index of a haplotype that is identical by state with the specified target haplotype in the specified genomic interval, or -1 if there is no identical-by-state haplotype.
ibsHaps(int, int) - Method in class imp.ImpIbs
Returns an array containing reference haplotype indices that that are IBS with the specified target haplotype in an interval beginning with the specified step.
ibsStates(int, byte[][][]) - Method in class phase.BasicPhaseStates
Stores the Li and Stephens HMM for the specified target sample in the specified arrays.
ibsStates(int, int[][], boolean[][]) - Method in class imp.ImpStates
Stores the reference haplotype for the j-th state at the m-th marker in hapIndices[m][j], and stores the equality of the allele carried by the reference haplotype for the j-th state and the allele carried by the target haplotype at the m-th marker in alMatch[m][j].
ibsStates(int, int[][], byte[][]) - Method in class phase.LowFreqPhaseStates
Stores the Li and Stephens HMM for the specified target haplotype in the specified arrays.
ibsStates(int, MarkerCluster, List<int[]>, byte[][][]) - Method in class phase.BasicPhaseStates
Stores the Li and Stephens HMM for the specified target sample in the specified arrays.
ibsStep() - Method in class beagleutil.CompHapSegment
Returns the last recorded IBS ibsStep for this.hap().
ibsStep() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the minimum cM step length for composite reference haplotype construction.
id() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
id() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the first marker identifier if there is at least one identifier in the VCF record ID field, and returns this.chr() + ":" + this.pos() otherwise.
id(int) - Method in class beagleutil.ChromIds
Returns the chromosome identifier with the specified index.
id(int) - Method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns the sample identifier with the specified index.
id(int) - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
id(int) - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the specified marker identifier.
id(int) - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns the identifier for the sample with the specified index in this list of samples.
idFilter(Collection<String>) - Static method in class vcf.FilterUtil
Returns a filter that accepts all markers which do not have an identifier or chromomsome position present in the specified collection.
idIndex(int) - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns the sample identifier index corresponding to the sample with the specified index in this list of samples.
idIndexToIndex() - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns an array mapping sample identifier indices to sample indices.
ids() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromIds
Returns the list of chromosome identifiers as an array.
ids() - Method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns the list of indexed sample identifiers as an array.
ids() - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns this list of samples as an array of sample identifiers.
ids(int[]) - Method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns a list of sample identifiers with the specified indices.
idSet(File) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Returns a set of identifiers found in a text file that has one identifier per line.
imp - package imp
imp_nsteps() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the imp-nsteps parameter.
imp_segment() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the imp-segment parameter.
imp_states() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the imp-states parameter.
imp_step() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the imp-step parameter.
impData() - Method in class imp.CodedSteps
Return the input data for genotype imputation used to construct this.
impData() - Method in class imp.ImpIbs
Return the data for genotype imputation in the marker window.
impData() - Method in class imp.ImpLSBaum
Return the input data for genotype imputation
ImpData - Class in imp
Class ImpData contains the input data for imputation of ungenotyped markers.
ImpData(Par, Window, GT, GeneticMap) - Constructor for class imp.ImpData
Constructs a new ImpData instance from the specified data.
ImpIbs - Class in imp
Class ImpIbs identifies haplotypes that share a long IBS segment with a specified haplotype.
ImpIbs(ImpData) - Constructor for class imp.ImpIbs
Constructs a new ImpIbs object from the specified data.
ImpLS - Class in imp
Class ImpLS computes HMM state probabilities at genotyped markers in the target haplotypes.
ImpLSBaum - Class in imp
Class ImpLSBaum implements a Baum hidden Markov model forward and backward algorithms for computing HMM state probabilities at genotyped markers using IBS-matched reference haplotypes.
ImpLSBaum(ImpData, ImpIbs) - Constructor for class imp.ImpLSBaum
Creates a LSHapBaum instance from the specified data.
ImpStates - Class in imp
Class ImpStates identifies a list of pseudo-reference haplotypes for a target haplotype.
ImpStates(ImpIbs) - Constructor for class imp.ImpStates
Constructs a new ImpStates object from the specified data.
imputationNanos(long) - Method in class main.RunStats
Stores the time for imputing ungenotyped marker and increases the cumulative imputation time by the specified number of nanoseconds.
impute() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the impute parameter.
impute(int) - Method in class imp.ImpLSBaum
Returns HMM state probabilities at genotyped markers for the specified target haplotype.
ImputedRecBuilder - Class in imp
Class ImputeRecBuilder contains methods for constructing and printing a VCF record in VCF 4.3 format.
ImputedRecBuilder(Marker, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class imp.ImputedRecBuilder
Constructs a new ImputedRecBuilder instance for the specified number of samples.
ImputedVcfWriter - Class in imp
Class ImputedVcfWriter writes observed and imputed genotypes to a VCF output file.
ImputedVcfWriter(ImpData, int, int, int) - Constructor for class imp.ImputedVcfWriter
Constructs a new ImputedVcfWriter instance from the specified data.
incEndComp() - Static method in interface beagleutil.IntInterval
Returns a Comparator<IntInterval> which orders IntInterval objects in order of increasing this.start() value and orders IntInterval objects with the same this.start() value in order of increasing this.inclEnd() value.
inclEnd() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns the last genome coordinate in this chromosome interval.
inclEnd() - Method in interface beagleutil.IntInterval
Returns the end of the interval (inclusive).
inclEnd() - Method in class phase.SampleSeg
Returns the end marker index (inclusive).
includeFilter(Collection<E>) - Static method in interface blbutil.Filter
Returns a filter that accepts all non-null objects that are contained in the specified collection.
incrementAndGet(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Increments by one the element at the specified position in this list.
incrementIt() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Increments the iteration by one.
index2BasePos(int, int) - Method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
Returns the specified base position
index2GenPos(int, int) - Method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
Returns the specified genetic map position
IndexArray - Class in ints
Class IndexArray stores an array whose entries are elements of a bounded set of non-negative integers along with an upper bound.
IndexArray(int[], int) - Constructor for class ints.IndexArray
Constructs a new IndexArray instance from the specified data.
IndexArray(IntArray, int) - Constructor for class ints.IndexArray
Constructs a new IndexArray instance from the specified data.
indices() - Method in class vcf.Window
Return a MarkerIndices instance which stores the overlap and splice points between this window and the preceding and next windows, and the map between reference and target marker indices.
info() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the INFO field.
initPhase(FixedPhaseData, long) - Static method in class phase.PbwtPhaser
Returns an initial phasing for first-stage markers in the target samples.
InputIt - Class in blbutil
Class InputIt is a buffered iterator whose next() method returns lines of a text input stream.
instance() - Static method in class beagleutil.ChromIds
Returns the singleton ChromIds instance.
instance() - Static method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns the singleton SampleIds instance.
instance(Par) - Static method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
Constructs and returns a new RefTargSlidingWindow instance for the specified reference and target data.
instance(Par) - Static method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow
Constructs and returns a new TargSlidingWindow instance for the specified target data.
intArg(String, Map<String, String>, boolean, int, int, int) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Removes the specified key from the specified map, and returns the integer value corresponding to the specified key.
intArray() - Method in class ints.IndexArray
Returns the wrapped IntArray object.
IntArray - Interface in ints
Interface IntArray represents an immutable int[] array.
IntervalVcfIt<E extends MarkerContainer> - Class in vcf
Class IntervalVcfIterator is a sample file iterator whose next() method returns a marker container.
IntervalVcfIt(SampleFileIt<E>, ChromInterval) - Constructor for class vcf.IntervalVcfIt
Constructs a new IntervalVcfIterator instance.
IntInterval - Interface in beagleutil
Interface IntInterval represents an interval of consecutive integers.
IntIntMap - Class in ints
Class IntIntMap represents a map with integer keys and integer values.
IntIntMap(int) - Constructor for class ints.IntIntMap
Creates a new IntMap instance.
IntList - Class in ints
Class IntList represents a list of integers.
IntList() - Constructor for class ints.IntList
Constructs an IntList object with the default initial capacity.
IntList(int) - Constructor for class ints.IntList
Constructs an IntList object with the specified initial capacity.
IntList(int[]) - Constructor for class ints.IntList
Constructs an IntList by cloning the specified array.
IntList(IntList) - Constructor for class ints.IntList
Constructs an IntList by copying the specified IntList.
ints - package ints
isAlleleCoded() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
isAlleleCoded() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
isAlleleCoded() - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns true if this instance stores the indices of haplotypes that carry non-major alleles, and returns false otherwise.
isAlleleCoded() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
isCarrier(int, int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
isCarrier(int, int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
isCarrier(int, int) - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns true if the specified haplotype carries the specified allele and return false otherwise.
isCarrier(int, int) - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
isDiploid(int) - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns true if the specified sample has two alleles per genotype, and returns false if the sample has one allele per genotype.
isEmpty() - Method in class blbutil.DoubleArray
Returns true if this list has no elements, and returns false otherwise.
isEmpty() - Method in class blbutil.FloatArray
Returns true if this list has no elements, and returns false otherwise.
isEmpty() - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Returns true if this list has no elements, and returns false otherwise.
isEmpty() - Method in class ints.IntList
Returns true if this list has no elements, and returns false otherwise.
isLowFreq(int, int) - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns true if the specified allele is a low-frequency allele, and returns false otherwise.
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
isPhased() - Method in interface vcf.DuplicatesGTRec
Returns true if every genotype for each sample is a phased, non-missing genotype, and returns false otherwise.
isPhased() - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns true if the genotype for each marker and sample has non-missing alleles and is either haploid or diploid with a phased allele separator, and returns false otherwise.
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
Returns true.
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
Returns true.
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.RefGT
isPhased() - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns true.
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
Returns true.
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep
Returns true if all genotypes are phased and there are no missing alleles, and returns false otherwise.
isPhased() - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
isPhased(int) - Method in interface vcf.DuplicatesGTRec
Returns true if the genotype for the specified sample has non-missing alleles and is either haploid or diploid with a phased allele separator, and returns false otherwise.
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
isPhased(int) - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns true.
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
isPhased(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
isReversed() - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
isReversed() - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns true if the markers are ordered by decreasing chromosome base position, and returns false otherwise.
isReversed() - Method in class vcf.RefGT
isReversed() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
isReversed() - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
isReversed() - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
it() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Returns the current iteration.
item(int) - Method in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Returns the object with the specified index.
items() - Method in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Returns an listed of all indexed objects.
items(int[]) - Method in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Returns a list of objects with the specified indices.
iterations() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the iterations parameter.


key() - Method in class vcf.VcfMetaInfo
Returns the VCF meta-information line key.
key(int) - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Returns the specified key.
keys() - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Returns an array containing the keys in this map.


lastWindow() - Method in class vcf.Window
Returns true if this window is the last window in the analysis, and returns false otherwise.
leaveUnphasedProp(int) - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Returns the proportion of unphased heterozygotes at the start of a phasing iteration that will be left unphased at the end of a phasing iteration.
liStephensPMismatch(int) - Static method in class main.Par
Return an approximation to the allele mismatch probability suggested by Li and Stephens.
longArg(String, Map<String, String>, boolean, long, long, long) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Removes the specified key from the specified map, and returns the long value corresponding to the specified key.
LowFreqPbwtPhaseIbs - Class in phase
Class AltPbwtPhaseIBS uses the Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT) and rare variants to select IBS haplotypes for each sample for each specified genomic interval.
LowFreqPbwtPhaseIbs(PhaseData, CodedSteps, boolean) - Constructor for class phase.LowFreqPbwtPhaseIbs
Constructs a new PbwtPhaseIBS instance from the specified data.
LowFreqPhaseIbs - Class in phase
Class LowFreqPhaseIbs identifies haplotypes that share a long IBS segment or a low frequency variant with a specified haplotype in a specified genomic interval.
LowFreqPhaseIbs(PhaseData) - Constructor for class phase.LowFreqPhaseIbs
Constructs a new LowFreqPhaseIbs object from the specified data.
LowFreqPhaseStates - Class in phase
Class LowFreqPhaseStates has methods for constructing a Li and Stephens HMM for a target haplotype.
LowFreqPhaseStates(LowFreqPhaseIbs, int) - Constructor for class phase.LowFreqPhaseStates
Constructs a new LowFreqPhaseStates object from the specified data.
LowMafDiallelicGTRec - Class in vcf
Class LowMafDiallelicGTRc stores genotypes for a list of samples at a diallelic marker.
LowMafDiallelicGTRec(VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep) - Constructor for class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
Constructs a new LowMafDiallelicGTRec representing the specified VCF record's GT format field data.
LowMafGTRec - Class in vcf
Class LowMafGTRc stores genotypes for a list of samples at a marker.
LowMafGTRec(VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep) - Constructor for class vcf.LowMafGTRec
Constructs a new LowMafGTRec representing the specified VCF record's GT format field data.
LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec - Class in vcf
Class LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec represent represents phased, non-missing genotypes for a list of reference samples at a single diallelic marker.
LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec(Marker, Samples, int[][]) - Constructor for class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
Constructs a new LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec instance from the specified data.
LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec(RefGTRec) - Constructor for class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
Constructs a new LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec instance from the specified data.
LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec(VcfRecGTParser) - Constructor for class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
Constructs a new LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec instance from the specified data.
LowMafRefGTRec - Class in vcf
Class LowMafRefGTRec represent represents phased, non-missing genotypes for a list of reference samples at a single marker.
LowMafRefGTRec(Marker, Samples, int[][]) - Constructor for class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
Constructs a new LowMafRefGTRec instance from the specified data.
LowMafRefGTRec(RefGTRec) - Constructor for class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
Constructs a new LowMafRefGTRec instance from the specified data.
LowMafRefGTRec(VcfRecGTParser) - Constructor for class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
Constructs a new LowMafRefGTRc instance from the specified data.


MAGIC_NUMBER_V3 - Static variable in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
The initial integer in a bref version 3 file.
main - package main
main(String[]) - Static method in class blbutil.BGZIPOutputStream
Applies BGZIP compression on the specified files.
main(String[]) - Static method in class bref.Bref3
The main() method is the entry point to the bref program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class bref.UnBref3
The main() method is the entry point to the bref program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class main.Main
Entry point to Beagle program.
Main - Class in main
Class Main is the entry class for the Beagle program.
majorAllele() - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
Returns the major allele.
majorAllele() - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
Returns the major allele.
majorAllele() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
majorAllele() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
majorAllele() - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns the index of the major allele.
majorAllele() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
majorAllele() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep
Returns the major allele.
map() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the map parameter.
map() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the genetic map for the markers.
map() - Method in class vcf.Steps
Return the marker map.
map(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
map(int) - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
map(int) - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns this.maps()[index].
map(int) - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
maps() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
maps() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
maps() - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns an array of maps, which when composed map haplotype indices to alleles.
maps() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
marker() - Method in class imp.ImputedRecBuilder
Returns the marker in the VCF record.
marker() - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
marker() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
marker() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
marker() - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
marker() - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
marker() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
marker() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
marker() - Method in interface vcf.MarkerContainer
Returns the marker.
marker() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
marker() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
marker() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecBuilder
Returns the current marker.
marker() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep
Returns the marker.
marker() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Returns the marker.
marker(int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
marker(int) - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the specified marker.
marker(int) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns the specified marker.
marker(int) - Method in class vcf.RefGT
marker(int) - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
marker(int) - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
marker(int) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
Marker - Interface in vcf
Interface Marker represents a genetic marker.
MarkerCluster - Class in phase
Class MarkerCluster represents a partition of markers into contiguous marker clusters.
MarkerCluster(PhaseData, int) - Constructor for class phase.MarkerCluster
Constructs a new MarkerCluster instance from the specified data.
MarkerContainer - Interface in vcf
Interface MarkerContainer represents an object that stores a unique vcf.Marker instance.
markerFilter(File) - Static method in class vcf.FilterUtil
Returns a filter that excludes markers that have an identifier or genome coordinates that matches a line of the specified file, or returns null if the excludeMarkersFile parameter is null.
markerIndices() - Method in class imp.ImpData
MarkerIndices - Class in vcf
Class MarkerIndices stores the overlap with adjacent marker windows and the mappings between marker indices and the target marker indices.
MarkerIndices(boolean[], int, int) - Constructor for class vcf.MarkerIndices
Constructs a MarkerIndices instance from the specified data.
MarkerIndices(int, int, int) - Constructor for class vcf.MarkerIndices
Constructs a MarkerIndices instance from the specified data
markerIsInSet(Marker, Set<String>) - Static method in class vcf.FilterUtil
Returns true if the specified marker has an identifier is in the specified set, or if ("marker.chrom()" + ":" + "marker.pos()") is in the specified set, and returns false otherwise.
MarkerMap - Class in vcf
Class MarkerRecombMap represents genetic map positions and inter-marker genetic distances for a sequence of genomic loci.
markers() - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns the list of markers.
markers() - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
markers() - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the list of markers in order of increasing chromosome position.
markers() - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns the list of markers.
markers() - Method in class vcf.RefGT
markers() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
markers() - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
markers() - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
markers(int, int) - Method in class phase.Ibs2Markers
Returns an increasing list of marker indices that are used to detect IBS2 segments in the specified interval
Markers - Class in vcf
Class Markers represent a list of markers in chromosome order.
markerToTargMarker() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns an array of length this.nMarkers() whose k-th element is the index of the k-th marker in the list of target markers or is -1 if the marker is not present in the target data.
markerToTargMarker(int) - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the index of the specified marker in the target data, or returns -1 if the marker is not present in the target data.
max(IntArray) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns the maximum element, or Integer.MIN_VALUE if this.size() == 0.
MAX_NALLELES - Static variable in class bref.SeqCoder3
The maximum number of alleles are that permitted in order for the add() method to return true
MAX_SAMPLES - Variable in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
maxBackoffSteps() - Method in class phase.PbwtIbsData
Returns the number of backoff steps
maxNSeq() - Method in class bref.SeqCoder3
Returns the maximum number of distinct allele sequences.
maxStates() - Method in class imp.ImpStates
Returns the maximum number of HMM states at a marker.
maxStates() - Method in class phase.BasicPhaseStates
Returns the maximum number of HMM states at a marker.
maxStates() - Method in class phase.HmmStateProbs
Returns the maximum number of HMM states.
maxStates() - Method in class phase.LowFreqPhaseStates
Returns the maximum number of HMM states at a marker.
meanSingleBaseGenDist(GeneticMap, Markers) - Static method in class vcf.MarkerMap
Returns the mean genetic distance between two consecutive base positions.
mega - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The value 1,000,000
merge(ChromInterval, ChromInterval) - Static method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns the union of the specified overlapping chromosome intervals.
metaInfoLine(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns the specified VCF meta-information line.
min(IntArray) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns the minimum element, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if this.size() == 0.
minutesAndSeconds() - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Returns the current minutes and seconds as a string.
missing() - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns a list of marker indices in increasing order for which the genotype is missing.
MISSING_DATA_CHAR - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The VCF missing-data symbol as a character: '.'
MISSING_DATA_STRING - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The VCF missing-data symbol as a string: "."
missingSamples() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep
Returns a list of samples with missing indices
mother(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the mother of the specified sample, or returns -1 if the mother is unknown or is not present in the list of samples.
MultiThreadUtils - Class in blbutil
Class Utilities contains miscellaneous static utility methods for multi-threaded programming.


nAlleles() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
nAlleles() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the number of alleles for the marker, including the REF allele.
nAlleles() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Returns this.marker().nAlleles().
nBatches() - Method in class phase.PbwtIbsData
Returns the number of batches.
nCandidates() - Method in class phase.PbwtIbsData
Returns the number of candidate haplotypes
nClusters() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the number of target marker clusters.
nClusters() - Method in class phase.MarkerCluster
Returns the number of clusters
nDuos() - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the number of parent-offspring duos in the list of samples.
ne() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the ne parameter
ne() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Returns the effective population size.
next() - Method in class blbutil.BlockLineReader
Returns true if the iteration has more elements, and returns false otherwise.
next() - Method in class blbutil.InputIt
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class bref.Bref3It
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class vcf.IntervalVcfIt
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class vcf.RefIt
Returns the next element in the iteration.
next() - Method in class vcf.VcfIt
Returns the next element in the iteration.
nextSplice() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the first marker index after the splice point between this marker window and the next marker window, or returns this.nMarkers() if there is no overlap or if there are no markers after the splice point.
nextTargSplice() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the first target marker index after the splice point between this marker window and the next marker window, or returns this.nTargMarkers() if there is no overlap or if there are no target markers after the splice point
nextWindow() - Method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
nextWindow() - Method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Returns the next sliding window of VCF records.
nextWindow() - Method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow
nFormatSubfields() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the number of FORMAT subfields.
nGenotypes() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
nGenotypes() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the number of distinct genotypes, which equals this.nAlleles()*(1 + this.nAlleles())/2.
nHaps() - Method in class beagleutil.PbwtDivUpdater
Returns the number of haplotypes.
nHaps() - Method in class beagleutil.PbwtUpdater
Returns the number of haplotypes.
nHaps() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the total number of reference and target haplotypes.
nHaps() - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Returns the size of the sublist of reference haplotypes.
nHaps() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Return the sum of the number of reference and target haplotypes.
nHaps() - Method in class phase.PbwtIbsData
Returns the total number of target and reference haplotypes.
nHaps() - Method in class phase.PbwtRecPhaser
Returns the total number of target and reference haplotypes.
nHaps() - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
nHaps() - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the number of haplotypes.
nHaps() - Method in class vcf.RefGT
nHaps() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
nHaps() - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
nHaps() - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
nHeaderFields() - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns the number of fields in the VCF header line before sample exclusions.
nIbs2Segments(int) - Method in class phase.Ibs2
Returns the number of IBS2 segments for the specified target sample
nIds() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
nIds() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the number of marker identifiers.
nInputTargHaps() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the number of input target haplotypes.
nInputTargHaps() - Method in class imp.ImputedRecBuilder
Returns the number of input target haplotypes for haploid and diploid samples.
nl - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The system-dependent string representing a new line-line: System.getProperty("line.separator")
nMapPositions(int) - Method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
Returns the number of mapped loci in this genetic map.
nMaps() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
nMaps() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
nMaps() - Method in interface vcf.RefGTRec
Returns this.maps().length
nMaps() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
nMarkers() - Method in class phase.BasicPhaseStates
Returns the number of markers.
nMarkers() - Method in class phase.HmmStateProbs
Returns the number of markers
nMarkers() - Method in class phase.Ibs2
Returns the number of markers.
nMarkers() - Method in class phase.Ibs2Markers
Returns the number of markers.
nMarkers() - Method in class phase.LowFreqPhaseStates
Returns the number of markers.
nMarkers() - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
nMarkers() - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the number of markers.
nMarkers() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the number of markers
nMarkers() - Method in class vcf.RefGT
nMarkers() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
nMarkers() - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
nMarkers() - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
nMetaInfoLines() - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns the number of VCF meta-information lines.
nMissingGTClusters() - Method in class phase.MarkerCluster
Returns the number of clusters containing at least one missing genotype.
nOffspring(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the number of offspring of the specified sample.
nonBufferedPrintWriter(File, boolean) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns an unbuffered java.io.PrintWriter writing to the specified file.
nonmajorAlleleCnt() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep
Returns the non-major allele count.
nonMajRefIndices() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Returns an array of length this.nAlleles() whose k-th element is the list of haplotype indices carrying the k-th allele if k is a non-major allele, and whose k-th element is null if k is the major allele.
noNThreads() - Method in class main.Par
Returns true if the command line does not include an nthreads parameter and returns false otherwise.
nOverlapSteps() - Method in class phase.PbwtIbsData
Returns the number of overlap steps
nRecs() - Method in class bref.SeqCoder3
Returns the number of compressed RefGTRec objects.
nRefHaps() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the number of reference haplotypes.
nSamples() - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the number of samples.
nSamples() - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
nSamples() - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the number of samples.
nSamples() - Method in class vcf.RefGT
nSamples() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
nSamples() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Returns the number of samples.
nSamples() - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
nSamples() - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns the number of samples after sample exclusions.
nSamples() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Returns the number of samples.
nSamples() - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
nSingles() - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the number of single individuals in the list of samples.
nStates(int) - Method in interface imp.StateProbs
Returns the number of stored HMM states at the specified target marker.
nSteps() - Method in class imp.CodedSteps
Returns the number of steps.
nTargHaps() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the number of target haplotypes.
nTargHaps() - Method in class phase.HmmStateProbs
Returns the number of target haplotypes.
nTargHaps() - Method in class phase.LowFreqPhaseStates
Returns the number of target haplotypes.
nTargHaps() - Method in class phase.PbwtIbsData
Returns the number of target haplotypes.
nTargMarkers() - Method in interface imp.StateProbs
Returns the number of target markers.
nTargMarkers() - Method in class imp.StateProbsFactory
Returns the number of target marker.
nTargMarkers() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the number of target markers
nTargSamples() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the number of target samples.
nTargSamples() - Method in class phase.BasicPhaseStates
Returns the number of target samples.
nTargSamples() - Method in class phase.HmmParamData
Returns the number of target samples.
nTargSamples() - Method in class phase.Ibs2
Returns the number of target samples.
nTargSamples() - Method in class phase.Ibs2Sets
Returns the number of target samples.
nTargSamples() - Method in class phase.PhaseBaum1
Returns the number of target samples.
nTargSamples() - Method in class phase.Stage2Baum
Returns the number of target samples.
nthreads() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the nthreads parameter.
nTrios() - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the number of parent-offspring trios in the list of samples.
nUnfilteredSamples() - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns the number of samples before sample exclusions.


offset() - Method in class bref.BrefBlock
Returns the file offset of the first marker in this bref block.
offspring(int, int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the offspring of the specified sample.
out() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the out parameter.
outPrefix() - Method in class main.WindowWriter
Returns the output file prefix.
overlap() - Method in class main.Par
Return the overlap parameter.
overlap() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the number of initial markers that have phased target genotypes due to overlap with the previous marker window.
overlap() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Returns the number of VCF records in the overlap between the current window and the previous window.
overlap(ChromInterval, ChromInterval) - Static method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns true if the specified chromosome intervals have non-empty intersection and returns false otherwise.
overlapEnd() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the end marker index (exclusive) of the overlap with the previous window.
overlapStart() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the first marker index in the overlap between this marker window and the next marker window.


packedCreate(int[], int) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns a new IntArray instance that has the same sequence of integers as the specified array of non-negative integers.
packedCreate(IntList, int) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns a new IntArray instance that has the same sequence of integers as the specified list of non-negative integers.
PackedIntArray - Class in ints
Class PackedIntArray represents an immutable array of nonnegative integer values, which are stored in compressed form.
PackedIntArray(int[], int) - Constructor for class ints.PackedIntArray
Constructs a new PackedIntArray instance from the specified data.
PackedIntArray(IntList, int) - Constructor for class ints.PackedIntArray
Constructs a new PackedIntArray instance from the specified data.
par() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the command line parameters
par() - Method in class main.RunStats
Returns the analysis parameters.
par() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Return the analysis parameters.
Par - Class in main
Class Parameters represents the parameters for a Beagle analysis.
Par(String[]) - Constructor for class main.Par
Constructs a new Parameters instance from the specified command line arguments.
ParamEstimates - Class in phase
Class ParamEstimates estimates the allele mismatch probability and the recombination intensity for a haploid Li and Stephens hidden Markov model.
ParamEstimates() - Constructor for class phase.ParamEstimates
Constructs a new ParamEstimates instance for the specified data.
parse(String) - Static method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns a ChromInterval instance corresponding to the specified string, or returns null if the specified string does not represent a valid chromosome interval or if the specified string is null.
PbwtDivUpdater - Class in beagleutil
Class PbwtDivUpdater updates prefix and divergence arrays using the positional Burrows-Wheeler transform (PBWT).
PbwtDivUpdater(int) - Constructor for class beagleutil.PbwtDivUpdater
Constructs a new PbwtUpdater instance for the specified data.
PbwtIbsData - Class in phase
Class PbwtIbsData contains parameters and data for finding haplotypes that share an IBS segment with a target haplotype.
PbwtIbsData(PhaseData, CodedSteps) - Constructor for class phase.PbwtIbsData
Constructs a new PbwtIbsData instance from the specified data.
PbwtPhaseIbs - Class in phase
Class PbwtPhaseIBS uses the Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT) to find long IBS haplotypes for each sample that contain a specified small genomic interval.
PbwtPhaseIbs(PhaseData, CodedSteps, boolean) - Constructor for class phase.PbwtPhaseIbs
Constructs a new PbwtPhaseIBS instance from the specified data.
PbwtPhaser - Class in phase
Class PbwtPhaser phases input genotype data and imputes missing alleles using the Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT)
PbwtRecPhaser - Class in phase
Class PbwtRecPhaser partially phases and imputes genotypes using the Positional Burrows-Wheeler transform.
PbwtRecPhaser(FixedPhaseData) - Constructor for class phase.PbwtRecPhaser
Creates a new PbwtPhaser for the specified data.
PbwtUpdater - Class in beagleutil
Class PbwtDivUpdater updates prefix arrays using the positional Burrows-Wheeler transform (PBWT).
PbwtUpdater(int) - Constructor for class beagleutil.PbwtUpdater
Constructs a new PbwtUpdater instance for the specified data.
ped() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the ped parameter or null if no ped parameter was specified.
ped() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the parent-offspring relationships.
ped() - Method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
ped() - Method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Returns the target sample pedigree data.
ped() - Method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow
Pedigree - Class in main
Class Pedigree stores parent-offspring relationships in a list of samples.
Pedigree(Samples, File) - Constructor for class main.Pedigree
Constructs a new NuclearFamilies instance.
phase - package phase
phase(int) - Method in class phase.PhaseBaum1
Estimates and stores the phased haplotypes for the specified sample
phase(int) - Method in class phase.Stage2Baum
Estimates and stores the phased haplotypes for the specified sample.
phase(int, int[], int, boolean[], boolean[]) - Method in class phase.PbwtRecPhaser
Copies input target and reference alleles for the marker nextMkr to the alleles array and partially phases and imputes the alleles.
phase_states() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the phase-states parameter.
PhaseBaum1 - Class in phase
Class PhaseBaum1 implements the forward and backward algorithms for a haploid Li and Stephens hidden Markov model.
PhaseBaum1(PbwtPhaseIbs) - Constructor for class phase.PhaseBaum1
Creates a PhaseLSBaum instance from the specified data.
phaseData() - Method in class phase.LowFreqPbwtPhaseIbs
Returns the current genotype phase estimates and parameter values.
phaseData() - Method in class phase.LowFreqPhaseIbs
Returns the input data for the next phase update.
phaseData() - Method in class phase.PbwtPhaseIbs
Returns the current genotype phase estimates and parameter values.
PhaseData - Class in phase
Class PhaseData stores the current genotype phase estimates and parameter values.
PhaseData(FixedPhaseData, long) - Constructor for class phase.PhaseData
Constructs a new PhaseData instance from the specified data.
phasedHaps() - Method in class phase.EstPhase
Returns the current estimated phased genotypes for the target samples.
phasedSep - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The phased allele separator: '|'
PhaseLS - Class in phase
Class PhaseLS contains static methods for estimated genotypes phase using a haploid Li and Stephens hidden Markov model.
phaseNanos(long) - Method in class main.RunStats
Increases the cumulative phasing time by the specified number of nanoseconds.
PL_FORMAT - Static variable in class vcf.VcfRec
The VCF FORMAT code for phred-scaled genotype likelihood data: "PL".
PlinkGenMap - Class in vcf
Class PlinkGenMap represents a genetic map derived from a PLINK map file with map positions in cM units for one or more chromosomes.
pMismatch() - Method in class phase.ParamEstimates
Returns the estimated allele mismatch rate.
pMismatch() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Returns the allele mismatch probability.
pop() - Method in class ints.IntList
Removes and returns the last entry of this list.
pos() - Method in class bref.BrefBlock
Returns the chromosome position of the first marker in this bref block.
pos() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return an array of size this.nClusters() containing the the genetic map positions of the target marker clusters.
pos() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
pos() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns the chromosome position coordinate.
pos(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the genetic map position of the specified target marker cluster.
PositionMap - Class in vcf
Class PositionMap represents a genetic map obtained by multiplying chromosome position by a scale factor.
PositionMap(double) - Constructor for class vcf.PositionMap
Constructs a new PositionMap instance.
pRecomb() - Method in class phase.MarkerCluster
Return a FloatArray of size this.nClusters() whose k-th element is the probability of transitioning to a random HMM state between the k-th cluster and the previous cluster.
pRecomb() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Return a FloatArray of size this.fpd().stage1TargXGT().nMarkers() whose k-th element is the probability of transitioning to a random HMM state between the (k-1)-st and k-th markers.
pRecomb(float) - Method in class vcf.MarkerMap
Returns a map of marker index to the probability of recombination in the interval between the marker and the preceding marker.
pRecomb(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the probability of recombination between the specified target marker cluster and the previous target marker cluster.
PREFIX - Static variable in class vcf.VcfMetaInfo
The VCF meta-information line prefix: "##"
prevSplice() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the first marker index after the splice point with the previous marker window.
prevStage1Marker(int) - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the index of the closest stage1 marker (in the list of stage1 markers) with position less than or equal to the position of the specified marker, or 0 if no such stage1 marker exists.
prevStage1Wt(int) - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the linear interpolation weight associated with the preceding stage1 marker (see this.prevStage1Marker(marker)).
prevTargSplice() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the first target marker index after the splice point with the previous marker window.
printEstimatedParameters(long, float) - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints the specified estimated effective population size.
printFixedFieldsGT(Marker, PrintWriter) - Static method in class vcf.VcfWriter
Prints the first 9 VCF record fields for the specified marker to the specified PrintWriter.
printImputationUpdate() - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints run time for most recent imputation to a log file and to standard output.
printImputed(ImpData, int, int, AtomicReferenceArray<StateProbs>) - Method in class main.WindowWriter
Prints the data in alProbs for markers with index between refStart (inclusive) and refEnd (exclusive) to the output VCF file: this.outPrefix() + ".vcf.gz".
println(String) - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints the specified string to the log file and to standard out.
printMemoryUse(String) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Prints a summary of memory use at the time of method invocation to standard output.
printPhased(Stage2Haps, int, int) - Method in class main.WindowWriter
printPhased(GT, int, int) - Method in class main.WindowWriter
Appends the data in phased genotypes for the specified markers to the output VCF file: this.outPrefix() + ".vcf.gz".
printRec(PrintWriter, boolean) - Method in class imp.ImputedRecBuilder
Prints the VCF record to the specified PrintWriter.
printSampleSummary(Pedigree, Window) - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints information about the samples to a log file and to standard output.
printStage1Info(PhaseData, long) - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints information about the specified iteration, and adds the specified elapsed nanoseconds to the total phasing time.
printStage2Info(long) - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints the specified elapsed nanoseconds for stage 2 phasing.
printStartInfo() - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints initial information about the analysis to a log file and to standard output.
printSummaryAndClose(int, int) - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints information about the complete analysis to a log file and to standard output, and closes the log file.
printWindowUpdate(Window) - Method in class main.RunStats
Prints information about the marker window to a log file and to standard output.
printWriter(File) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a buffered java.io.PrintWriter writing to the specified file.
printWriter(File, boolean) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a buffered java.io.PrintWriter writing to the specified file.
probs(int, int) - Method in interface imp.StateProbs
Returns the probability of the specified state at the specified target marker.
probsP1(int, int) - Method in interface imp.StateProbs
Returns the probability of the specified state at the marker following the specified target marker.
PROGRAM - Static variable in class main.Main
The program name and commit version.
put(int, int) - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Adds the specified key and value to this map.
putInBlockingQ(BlockingQueue<E>, E) - Static method in class blbutil.MultiThreadUtils
Inserts the specified element at the tail of the specified blocking queue, waiting for space to become available if the queue is full.
putInBlockingQ(BlockingQueue<E>, E, long, TimeUnit) - Static method in class blbutil.MultiThreadUtils
Inserts the specified element at the tail of the specified blocking queue, waiting up to the specified time for space to become available if the queue is full.


qual() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the QUAL field.


randomAccessFile(File, String) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a java.io.RandomAccessFile to read from or optionally to write to the specified file.
rare() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the rare parameter
recombIntensity() - Method in class phase.ParamEstimates
Returns the estimated recombination intensities.
recombIntensity() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Returns the recombination intensity.
ref() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the ref parameter or null if no ref parameter was specified.
refClusterEnd(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the index of the reference marker corresponding to the end (exclusive) of the specified target marker cluster.
refClusterStart(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the index of the reference marker corresponding to the start (inclusive) of the specified target marker cluster.
refGT() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the reference genotype data
refGT() - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Returns the phased reference genotypes.
refGT() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the optional phased, nonmissing reference genotypes.
refGT() - Method in class vcf.Window
Returns the optional phased, nonmissing input genotypes for the reference samples in this window.
RefGT - Class in vcf
Class RefGT stores a list of samples and a haplotype pair for each sample.
RefGT(Markers, Samples, RefGTRec[]) - Constructor for class vcf.RefGT
Constructs a new RefGT instance.
RefGT(RefGTRec[]) - Constructor for class vcf.RefGT
Constructs a new RefHapPairs instance.
RefGTRec - Interface in vcf
Interface RefGTRec represents represents phased genotype data for one marker.
refHap(int, int) - Method in interface imp.StateProbs
Returns the specified reference haplotype index.
RefHapHash - Class in imp
Class RefHapHash stores a hash code for each haplotype in a sublist of reference haplotypes.
RefHapHash(AtomicReferenceArray<StateProbs>, int, RefGT, int, int) - Constructor for class imp.RefHapHash
Constructs a new RefHapHash instance for the specified data.
refHapPairs() - Method in class imp.HaplotypeCoder
Returns the phased reference genotypes at the target markers.
refHaps() - Method in class phase.CodedSteps
Returns the reference haplotypes
RefIt - Class in vcf
Class RefIt represents an iterator whose next() method returns an object storing data from a VCF record with phased, non-missing genotypes.
RefTargSlidingWindow - Class in vcf
Class RefTargSlidingWindow represents a sliding window of reference and target VCF records.
relateds() - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns an array of indices of samples with at least one parent or child in the list or samples.
remove() - Method in class blbutil.BlockLineReader
The remove method is not supported by this iterator.
remove() - Method in class blbutil.InputIt
The remove method is not supported by this iterator.
remove() - Method in class vcf.IntervalVcfIt
The remove method is not supported by this iterator.
remove() - Method in class vcf.RefIt
The remove method is not supported by this iterator.
remove() - Method in class vcf.VcfIt
The remove method is not supported by this iterator.
remove(int) - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Removes the specified key from this map.
restrict(int[]) - Method in class vcf.MarkerMap
Return a marker map restricted to the specified markers
restrict(int[]) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns a Markers instance that represents the specified markers.
restrict(int, int) - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns a new BitArray of size (from - to) that is a copy of the specified bit indices of this BitArray.
restrict(int, int) - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
restrict(int, int) - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns a new GT instance restricted to genotype data for the specified markers.
restrict(int, int) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns a Markers instance that represents the specified range of marker indices.
restrict(int, int) - Method in class vcf.RefGT
restrict(int, int) - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
restrict(int, int) - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
restrict(int, int) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
restrict(IntArray) - Method in class vcf.MarkerMap
Return a marker map restricted to the specified markers
restrict(BasicGT, int[]) - Static method in class vcf.BasicGT
Returns a BasicGT instance restricted to genotype data for the specified markers.
restrict(Markers, int[]) - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
restrict(Markers, int[]) - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns a GT instance restricted to genotype data for the specified markers.
restrict(Markers, int[]) - Method in class vcf.RefGT
restrict(Markers, int[]) - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
restrict(Markers, int[]) - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
restrict(Markers, int[]) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
restrict(RefGT, int[]) - Static method in class vcf.RefGT
Returns a RefGT instance restricted to genotype data for the specified markers.
RestrictedGT - Class in vcf
Class RestrictedGT is a wrapper for a GT instance that restricts the data to a subset of the VCF records.
RestrictedGT(GT, Markers, int[]) - Constructor for class vcf.RestrictedGT
Constructs a new RestrictedGT instance from the specified data
RestrictedVcfWindow - Class in vcf
Class RestrictedVcfWindow represents a sliding window of VCF records.
RestrictedVcfWindow(SampleFileIt<? extends GTRec>) - Constructor for class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Construct a new RestrictedVcfWindow instance.
restrictRefGT() - Method in class vcf.Window
Returns the optional phased, nonmissing input genotypes for the reference samples restricted to the target data markers in this window.
RevPbwtPhaser - Class in phase
Class RevPbwtPhaser phases input genotype data and imputes missing alleles using the Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform (PBWT).
RevPbwtPhaser(FixedPhaseData, int, int, long) - Constructor for class phase.RevPbwtPhaser
Creates a new RevPbwtPhaser for the specified data.
run(int, int) - Method in class imp.HaplotypeCoder
Returns an array mapping haplotype indices to allele sequence indices in the specified marker interval.
run(int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class phase.HmmStateProbs
Stores the HMM reference haplotypes and states probabilities for the specified target haplotype, and returns the number of HMM states per marker.
runStage1(PhaseData) - Static method in class phase.PhaseLS
Updates genotype phase estimates in the target samples.
runStage2(PhaseData) - Static method in class phase.PhaseLS
Returns phased genotypes at all markers.
RunStats - Class in main
Class RunStats contains methods for storing and printing statistics describing a Beagle analysis.


sample() - Method in class phase.SampleSeg
Returns the sample index.
sampleComp() - Static method in class phase.SampleSeg
Returns a comparator that orders first by this.sample(), then by this.start(), and finally by this.end().
sampleData(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the data for the specified sample.
sampleData(int, int) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the specified data for the specified sample.
sampleData(int, String) - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the specified data for the specified sample.
SampleFileIt<E> - Interface in blbutil
An iterator for records in a file.
sampleFilter(File) - Static method in class vcf.FilterUtil
Returns a filter that excludes samples that have an identifier that matches a line of the specified file, or returns null if the excludeSamplesFile parameter is null
sampleIds() - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns this.sample().ids().
SampleIds - Class in beagleutil
Class SampleIds is a singleton class that represents a list of sample identifiers.
SamplePhase - Class in phase
Each instance of class SamplePhase stores an estimated haplotype pair for a sample, the list of markers with missing genotypes for the sample, a list of markers whose genotype phase with respect to the preceding heterozygote genotype is considered to be uncertain for the sample, and a set of marker clusters for the sample.
SamplePhase(Markers, DoubleArray, int[], int[], IntArray, IntArray) - Constructor for class phase.SamplePhase
Constructs a new SamplePhase instance from the specified data.
samples() - Method in interface blbutil.SampleFileIt
Returns the list of samples.
samples() - Method in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
samples() - Method in class bref.Bref3It
samples() - Method in interface bref.BrefWriter
Returns the list of samples.
samples() - Method in class bref.CompressBref3Writer
samples() - Method in class bref.SeqCoder3
Returns the list of samples whose phased genotype data will be compressed.
samples() - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the list of samples.
samples() - Method in class main.WindowWriter
Returns the samples whose data is written by this.
samples() - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
samples() - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
samples() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
samples() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
samples() - Method in interface vcf.GT
Returns the list of samples.
samples() - Method in interface vcf.GTRec
Returns the list of samples.
samples() - Method in class vcf.IntervalVcfIt
samples() - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
samples() - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
samples() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
samples() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
samples() - Method in class vcf.RefGT
samples() - Method in class vcf.RefIt
samples() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
samples() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Returns the list of samples.
samples() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
samples() - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
samples() - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Return the list of samples after sample exclusions.
samples() - Method in class vcf.VcfIt
samples() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
samples() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep
Returns the samples.
samples() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Returns the list of samples.
samples() - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
Samples - Class in vcf
Class Samples stores a list of samples.
Samples(int[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class vcf.Samples
Constructs a new instance of Samples corresponding to the specified list of diploid sample identifier indices.
SampleSeg - Class in phase
Class SampleSeg represents a segment of genotype data in a sample.
SampleSeg(int, int, int) - Constructor for class phase.SampleSeg
Constructs a new SampleSeg instance from the specified data.
scaleFactor() - Method in class vcf.PositionMap
Returns the scale factor that is multiplied by the chromosome position to obtain the corresponding genetic map position
seed() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the seed parameter.
seed() - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Returns an iteration-dependent seed for generating pseudorandom numbers.
segList(int) - Method in class phase.Ibs2Sets
Returns the detected IBS2 sample segments.
semicolon - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The semicolon character: ';'
SENTINAL - Static variable in class blbutil.BlockLineReader
The string array returned by next() after all blocks of lines have been read.
SEQ_CODED - Static variable in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
The byte value denoting a sequence coded record
SeqCodedRefGTRec - Class in vcf
Class SeqCodedRefGT represents phased, non-missing genotypes for a list of reference samples at a single marker.
SeqCodedRefGTRec(Marker, Samples, IntArray, IntArray) - Constructor for class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
Creates a new SeqCodedRefGT instance with phased, non-missing genotypes from the specified marker, samples, and haplotype alleles.
SeqCoder3 - Class in bref
Class SeqCoder3 compresses a sequence of allele-coded RefGTRec objects.
SeqCoder3(Samples) - Constructor for class bref.SeqCoder3
Constructs a new SeqCoder3 for the specified samples.
SeqCoder3(Samples, int) - Constructor for class bref.SeqCoder3
Constructs a new SeqCoder3 for the specified samples.
set(int) - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Sets the specified bit.
set(int, float) - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
set(int, int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
set(int, int) - Method in class ints.SynchedIntList
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.
set(int, SamplePhase) - Method in class phase.EstPhase
Sets the specified phased genotypes for the specified sample.
setAllele(int, int, BitArray) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Stores the specified alleles in the specified bitList
setAllele1(int, int) - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Sets the allele on the first haplotype for the specified marker to the specified allele
setAllele2(int, int) - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Sets the allele on the second haplotype for the specified marker to the specified allele
setAlleles(int, int[]) - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Copies the alleles between this.start() (inclusive) and this.end() (exclusive) of the specified haplotype in the sublist of reference haplotypes to the specified array.
setPhasedGT(int, int, int, int) - Method in class phase.Stage2Haps
Sets the phased genotype if the specified marker was not phased in the first stage.
setUnphased(IntArray) - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Sets the list of markers whose genotype phase with respect to the preceding non-missing heterozygote genotype is unknown.
SHORT_HELP - Static variable in class main.Main
The program name and a brief help message.
shuffle(int[], int, Random) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Shuffles the specified array so that a random set of ${code nElements} elements from the array are the first ${code nElements} elements.
shuffle(int[], Random) - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Randomly shuffles the elements of the specified array.
shutdownExecService(ExecutorService) - Static method in class blbutil.MultiThreadUtils
Shuts down and awaits termination of the specified ExecutorService.
single(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the specified single individual.
singles() - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns an array of indices of samples with no parents or children in the list of samples.
size() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromIds
Returns the number of indexed chromosomes identifiers.
size() - Method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns the number of indexed sample identifiers.
size() - Method in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Returns the number of indexed objects.
size() - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns the number of bits in this BitArray.
size() - Method in class blbutil.DoubleArray
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class blbutil.FloatArray
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class ints.CharArray
size() - Method in class ints.IndexArray
size() - Method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns the number of elements in this IntArray.
size() - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Returns the number of keys in this map.
size() - Method in class ints.IntList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class ints.PackedIntArray
size() - Method in class ints.SynchedIntList
Returns the number of elements in this list.
size() - Method in class ints.UnsignedByteArray
size() - Method in class ints.WrappedIntArray
size() - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
size() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
size() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
size() - Method in interface vcf.DuplicatesGTRec
Returns the number of haplotypes.
size() - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
size() - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
size() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
size() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
size() - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns the number of markers.
size() - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns the number of samples in this list.
size() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
size() - Method in class vcf.Steps
Returns the number of steps.
size() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
SlidingWindow - Interface in vcf
Interface SlidingWindow represents a sliding window of VCF records.
sort() - Method in class ints.IntList
Sorts the elements of this list in increasing order
SplicedGT - Class in vcf
Class SplicedGT represents genotypes for a set of samples that are obtained by replacing the initial markers of one GT instance with phased genotypes from another GT instance.
SplicedGT(GT, GT) - Constructor for class vcf.SplicedGT
Constructs a new SplicedGL instance.
src() - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns the source from which data are read.
stage1Ibs2() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the IBS2 data for the stage1 markers.
stage1Maf() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns a list whose j-th element is the estimated minor allele frequency of the j-th the stage1 marker.
stage1Map() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the genetic map for the stage1 markers.
stage1Overlap() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the number of stage1 markers that have phased target genotypes due to overlap with the previous window.
stage1RefGT() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the optional phased, nonmissing reference genotypes for the stage1 markers.
stage1Steps() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns a partition of the stage1 markers into a sequence of sets of consecutive markers (the steps).
stage1TargGT() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the input target genotypes at the stage1 markers.
stage1To2() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns a map from stage1 marker index to marker index
stage1XRefGT() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the optional phased, nonmissing reference genotypes for the stage1 markers.
Stage2Baum - Class in phase
Class Stage2Baum applies the forward and backward algorithms for a haploid Li and Stephens hidden Markov model at high-frequency markers, and imputes missing genotypes and heterozygote phase at low-frequency markers.
Stage2Baum(LowFreqPhaseIbs, Stage2Haps) - Constructor for class phase.Stage2Baum
Creates a ImputeBaum instance from the specified data.
Stage2Haps - Class in phase
Class Stage2Haps stores phased genotypes.
Stage2Haps(PhaseData) - Constructor for class phase.Stage2Haps
Constructs a new Stage2Haps instance from the specified data.
start() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns the first genome coordinate in this chromosome interval.
start() - Method in interface beagleutil.IntInterval
Returns the start of the interval (inclusive).
start() - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Returns the starting reference marker index (inclusive) for the reference haplotype allele sequences.
start() - Method in class phase.FwdPbwtPhaser
Return the inclusive start marker index.
start() - Method in class phase.RevPbwtPhaser
Return the inclusive start marker index.
start() - Method in class phase.SampleSeg
Returns the start marker index (inclusive).
start(int) - Method in class vcf.Steps
Returns the index of the first marker in the specified step.
startMarker() - Method in class beagleutil.CompHapSegment
Returns the first marker in the haplotype segment
stateProbs(int, int, int[][], float[][]) - Method in class imp.StateProbsFactory
Stores the reference haplotypes and state probabilities that will be used to imputed missing state probabilities using linear interpolation.
stateProbs(ImpData) - Static method in class imp.ImpLS
Returns estimated HMM state probabilities at genotyped markers for each target haplotype.
StateProbs - Interface in imp
Class StateProbs stores a subset of Li and Stephens HMM states and associated probabilities for a target haplotype.
StateProbsFactory - Class in imp
Class StateProbsFactory stores HMM state probabilities that that can be used to imputed impute missing HMM state probabilities using linear interpolation.
StateProbsFactory(int) - Constructor for class imp.StateProbsFactory
Creates an StateProbsFactory instance from the specified data.
stdOutPrintWriter() - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a java.io.PrintWriter that writes to standard out.
step_scale() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the step-scale parameter.
steps() - Method in class phase.CodedSteps
Returns the partition of the markers into non-overlapping intervals.
Steps - Class in vcf
Class Steps represents a partition of a list of markers into a sequence of sets of consecutive markers (the steps).
Steps(MarkerMap, float) - Constructor for class vcf.Steps
Constructs a new Steps instance from the specified data.
stepsPerBatch() - Method in class phase.PbwtIbsData
Returns the number of steps per batch
stepStart(int) - Method in class imp.CodedSteps
Returns the first marker index in the specified step.
stepStarts() - Method in class phase.Ibs2Markers
Returns the first marker index in each step in increasing order.
storeAlleles(int[], boolean[]) - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Stores the genotypes and per-genotype phase data in the specified arrays and returns true if all genotypes are phased and non-missing.
storeAlleles(BitArray, BitArray) - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Stores the genotypes genotypes in the specified BitLists.
stream() - Method in class ints.IntList
Returns an IntStream containing the sequence of elements in this list.
stringArg(String, Map<String, String>, boolean, String, String[]) - Static method in class blbutil.Validate
Removes the specified key from the specified map, and returns the string value corresponding to the specified key.
StringUtil - Class in blbutil
Class StringUtil is a utility class with static methods for counting and returning delimited fields in a string.
sumAlleles() - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns this.sumAlleles(this.nMarkers()).
sumAlleles(int) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns the sum of the number of alleles for the markers with index less than the specified index.
sumGenotypes() - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns this.sumGenotypes(this.nMarkers()).
sumGenotypes(int) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns the sum of the number of possible genotypes for the markers with index less than the specified index.
sumHapBits() - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns this.sumHaplotypeBits(this.nMarkers()).
sumHapBits(int) - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns the number of bits requires to store a haplotype for the markers with index less than the specified index.
sumSwitchProbs() - Method in class phase.HmmParamData
Returns the sum of the probabilities of switching reference haplotypes between consecutive markers obtained from the generated data.
swapBits(BitArray, BitArray, int, int) - Static method in class blbutil.BitArray
Swaps the specified bits of the two specified Bitlist objects.
swapHaps(int, int) - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Swaps the alleles of the two haplotypes in the specified range of markers.
SynchedIntList - Class in ints
Class SynchedIntList represents a list of integers.
SynchedIntList() - Constructor for class ints.SynchedIntList
Constructs an SynchedIntList object with the default initial capacity.
SynchedIntList(int) - Constructor for class ints.SynchedIntList
Constructs an SynchedIntList object with the specified initial capacity.
SynchedIntList(int[]) - Constructor for class ints.SynchedIntList
Constructs an SynchedIntList by cloning the specified array.
SynchedIntList(SynchedIntList) - Constructor for class ints.SynchedIntList
Constructs an SynchedIntList by copying the specified SynchedIntList.


tab - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The tab character: '\t'
takeFromBlockingQ(BlockingQueue<E>) - Static method in class blbutil.MultiThreadUtils
Removes and returns the element at the head of the specified blocking queue, waiting if necessary for an element to become available.
takeFromQ(BlockingQueue<E>) - Static method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Takes and returns an element from the specified queue.
targClusterEnd(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the target marker index corresponding to the end (exclusive) of the specified marker cluster.
targClusterStart(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the target marker index corresponding to the start (inclusive) of the specified marker cluster.
targGT() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the phased target genotype data.
targGT() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the input target genotypes.
targGT() - Method in class phase.FwdPbwtPhaser
Returns the input target genotypes.
targGT() - Method in class phase.PbwtRecPhaser
Returns the input target genotypes.
targGT() - Method in class phase.RevPbwtPhaser
Returns the input target genotypes.
targGT() - Method in class vcf.Window
Returns the input genotypes for the target samples in this window.
targHap() - Method in interface imp.StateProbs
Returns the target haplotype index.
targHapPairs() - Method in class imp.HaplotypeCoder
Returns the phased target genotypes.
targMarker() - Method in class imp.RefHapHash
Returns the target marker.
targMarkerToMarker() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns an array of length this.nTargMarkers() which maps the k-th marker in the list of target data markers to the index of the marker in the list of reference data markers.
targMarkerToMarker(int) - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the index of the specified marker in the reference data markers.
targOverlapEnd() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the end marker index (exclusive) of the overlap with the previous window in the target data.
targOverlapStart() - Method in class vcf.MarkerIndices
Returns the first marker index of the overlap between this marker window and the next marker window in the target data.
targSamples() - Method in class imp.ImpData
Returns the list of target samples.
targSamples() - Method in class phase.CodedSteps
Returns the target samples.
targSamples() - Method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
targSamples() - Method in interface vcf.SlidingWindow
Returns the target samples.
targSamples() - Method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow
TargSlidingWindow - Class in vcf
Class TargSlidingWindow represents a sliding window of target VCF records.
tempFile(String) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Returns a temporary File that will be deleted when the Java virtual machine exits.
tempFile(String, File) - Static method in class blbutil.FileUtil
Creates and returns a new empty temporary file in the specified directory.
ThreadSafeIndexer<T> - Class in beagleutil
Class ThreadSafeIndexer indexes objects.
ThreadSafeIndexer() - Constructor for class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Creates a new ThreadSafeIndexer instance with the default initial capacity.
ThreadSafeIndexer(int) - Constructor for class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Creates a new ThreadSafeIndexerinstance with the specified initial capacity.
timeStamp() - Static method in class blbutil.Utilities
Returns the current local time as a string.
TO_BASIC_GT_REC - Static variable in class vcf.VcfIt
A function mapping a string VCF record with GT format fields to a GTRec object.
TO_LOWMEM_GT_REC - Static variable in class vcf.VcfIt
A function mapping a string VCF record with GT format fields to a memory-efficient GTRec object.
TO_VCF_REC - Static variable in class vcf.VcfIt
A function mapping a string VCF record with GT or GL format fields to a VcfRecord object.
toArray() - Method in class blbutil.DoubleArray
Returns an integer array containing the sequence of elements in this list.
toArray() - Method in class blbutil.FloatArray
Returns an integer array containing the sequence of elements in this list.
toArray() - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Returns an integer array containing the sequence of elements in this list.
toArray() - Method in class ints.IntList
Returns an integer array containing the sequence of elements in this list.
toArray() - Method in class ints.SynchedIntList
Returns an integer array containing the sequence of elements in this list.
toArray() - Method in class ints.WrappedIntArray
Returns the list of integers.
toArray(IntArray) - Static method in interface ints.IntArray
Returns a copy of the specified array.
toBasicGT(int, int) - Method in class phase.Stage2Haps
Returns a BasicGT instance containing phased genotypes for the specified markers.
toBitArrayRefGTRecs(EstPhase) - Static method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
Returns the current estimated phased, non-missing genotypes.
toBitArrayRefGTRecs(XRefGT, int) - Static method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
Returns the phased, non-missing genotypes as a BitArrayRefGTRec[] array.
toBitLists(int) - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
Returns the phased, non-missing genotypes as a BitArray[].
toBitLists(EstPhase) - Static method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns the current estimated phased genotypes.
toGTRecs() - Method in class phase.EstPhase
Returns the current estimated phased genotypes for the target samples.
toGTRecs(int, int) - Method in class phase.Stage2Haps
Returns a GTRec[] instance containing phased genotypes for the specified markers.
toLongArray() - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns this BitArray as a long array.
toString() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromIds
Returns java.util.Arrays.toString(this.ids()).
toString() - Method in class beagleutil.ChromInterval
Returns a string describing this.
toString() - Method in class beagleutil.SampleIds
Returns java.util.Arrays.toString(this.ids()).
toString() - Method in class beagleutil.ThreadSafeIndexer
Returns this.items().toString().
toString() - Method in class blbutil.BitArray
Returns a string representation of this BitArray.
toString() - Method in class blbutil.DoubleArray
Returns a string representation of this list that is obtained by calling java.util.Arrays.toString(this.toArray()).
toString() - Method in interface blbutil.FileIt
Returns a string representation of this.
toString() - Method in class blbutil.FloatArray
Returns a string representation of this list that is obtained by calling java.util.Arrays.toString(this.toArray()).
toString() - Method in class blbutil.FloatList
Returns a string representation of this list.
toString() - Method in class blbutil.InputIt
Returns a string representation of this iterator.
toString() - Method in class bref.Bref3It
toString() - Method in class bref.Bref3Reader
toString() - Method in class bref.BrefBlock
Returns a string description of this.
toString() - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Returns java.util.Arrays.toString(this.keys()).
toString() - Method in class ints.IntList
Returns java.util.Arrays.toString(this.toArray())
toString() - Method in class ints.SynchedIntList
Returns java.util.Arrays.toString(this.toArray())
toString() - Method in class ints.UnsignedByteArray
toString() - Method in class ints.WrappedIntArray
toString() - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns a string representation of this.
toString() - Method in class phase.SampleSeg
Returns a string representation of this.
toString() - Method in class vcf.BasicGT
Returns a string representation of this.
toString() - Method in class vcf.BasicGTRec
Returns the data represented by this as a VCF record with a GT format field.
toString() - Method in class vcf.BasicMarker
toString() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayGTRec
Returns the data represented by this as a VCF record with a GT format field.
toString() - Method in class vcf.BitArrayRefGTRec
Returns the data represented by this as a VCF record with a GT format field.
toString() - Method in interface vcf.GeneticMap
Returns a string representation of this genetic map.
toString() - Method in class vcf.LowMafDiallelicGTRec
Returns the data represented by this as a VCF record with a GT format field.
toString() - Method in class vcf.LowMafGTRec
Returns the data represented by this as a VCF record with a GT format field.
toString() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefDiallelicGTRec
Returns the data represented by this as a VCF record with a GT format field.
toString() - Method in class vcf.LowMafRefGTRec
Returns the data represented by this as a VCF record with a GT format field.
toString() - Method in interface vcf.Marker
Returns a string equal to the first five tab-delimited fields of a VCF record corresponding to this marker.
toString() - Method in class vcf.Markers
Returns a string representation of this.
toString() - Method in class vcf.PlinkGenMap
toString() - Method in class vcf.RefIt
toString() - Method in class vcf.RefTargSlidingWindow
Returns a string representation of this.
toString() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedGT
toString() - Method in class vcf.RestrictedVcfWindow
Returns a string representation of this.
toString() - Method in class vcf.Samples
Returns java.util.Arrays.toString(this.ids()).
toString() - Method in class vcf.SeqCodedRefGTRec
Returns the data represented by this as a VCF record with a GT format field.
toString() - Method in class vcf.SplicedGT
toString() - Method in class vcf.TargSlidingWindow
Returns a string representation of this.
toString() - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns the VCF meta-information lines and the VCF header line after applying sample exclusions.
toString() - Method in class vcf.VcfIt
toString() - Method in class vcf.VcfMetaInfo
Returns the VCF meta-information line represented by this.
toString() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the VCF record.
toString() - Method in class vcf.XRefGT
toVcfRec(GTRec) - Static method in interface vcf.GTRec
Returns a VCF record corresponding to the specified GTRec object.
trioFather(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the father of the specified parent-offspring trio.
trioMother(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the mother of the specified parent-offspring trio.
trioOffspring(int) - Method in class main.Pedigree
Returns the sample index of the offspring of the specified parent-offspring trio.
truncate(int) - Method in class ints.IntList
Truncates this list of integer by removing all elements whose index is greater than or equal to the specified size.
truth() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the truth parameter


UnBref3 - Class in bref
Class UnBref3 converts files in bref version 3 format into VCF format.
UnBref3() - Constructor for class bref.UnBref3
unfilteredSampleIndex(int) - Method in class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns the index of the specified sample in the original list of samples before sample exclusions.
unphased() - Method in class phase.SamplePhase
Returns a list of marker indices in increasing order whose genotype phase with respect to the preceding non-missing heterozygote genotype is unknown.
unphasedSep - Static variable in class blbutil.Const
The unphased allele separator: '/'
unphClusters() - Method in class phase.MarkerCluster
Returns a sorted list of cluster indices in increasing order for which the cluster contains an unphased heterozygote.
UnsignedByteArray - Class in ints
Class UnsignedByteIndexArray represents an immutable array of integer values between 0 and 255 inclusive that is stored as a byte[] array whose values have been translated by -128.
UnsignedByteArray(byte[]) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
UnsignedByteArray(byte[], int, int) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
UnsignedByteArray(int[]) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
UnsignedByteArray(int[], int) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
UnsignedByteArray(int[], int, int) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
UnsignedByteArray(IntList) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
UnsignedByteArray(IntList, int) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
UnsignedByteArray(IntList, int, int) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
UnsignedByteArray(ByteArrayOutputStream) - Constructor for class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Constructs a new UnsignedByteArray instance from the specified data.
update(int) - Method in class phase.HmmParamData
Uses the specified sample to generate data for estimating the allele mismatch and recombination intensity HMM parameters.
update(int[], int, int[]) - Method in class beagleutil.PbwtUpdater
Update the specified prefix and divergence arrays using the forward Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform.
update(IntArray, int, int[]) - Method in class beagleutil.PbwtUpdater
Update the specified prefix and divergence arrays using the forward Positional Burrows-Wheeler Transform.
updatePMismatch(float) - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Sets the allele mismatch probability to the specified value.
updateRecombIntensity(float) - Method in class phase.PhaseData
Updates the recombination intensity.
updateSegment(int, int, int) - Method in class beagleutil.CompHapSegment
Update the haplotype, the first marker in the haplotype segment, and the last recorded IBS ibsStep.
updateStep(int) - Method in class beagleutil.CompHapSegment
Updates the last recorded IBS ibsStep to the specified value
usage() - Static method in class main.Par
Returns a description of the Beagle command line arguments.
Utilities - Class in blbutil
Class Utilities contains miscellaneous static utility methods.


Validate - Class in blbutil
Class Validate contains static methods for validating command line arguments.
value() - Method in class vcf.VcfMetaInfo
Returns the VCF meta-information line value.
values() - Method in class ints.IntIntMap
Returns an array containing the values in this map.
valueSize() - Method in class ints.IndexArray
Returns the value size that was specified at construction.
valueSize(int[]) - Static method in class ints.IndexArray
Returns the minimum integer that is greater than all elements in the specified array of non-negative values.
valueSize(IntArray) - Static method in class ints.IndexArray
Returns the minimum integer that is greater than all elements in the specified list of non-negative values.
vcf - package vcf
vcfHeader() - Method in class vcf.VcfRec
Returns the VCF meta-information lines and the VCF header line.
vcfHeader() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Returns the VCF meta-information lines and header line for the backing VCF record
VcfHeader - Class in vcf
Class VcfHeader represents the Variant Call Format (VCF) meta-information lines and the Variant Call Format header line that precede the first Variant Call Format record.
VcfHeader(String, String[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns a VCF header object for the specified VCF meta information lines and header line.
VcfHeader(String, String[], boolean[], Filter<String>) - Constructor for class vcf.VcfHeader
Returns a VCF header object for the specified VCF meta information lines and header line.
VcfIt<E extends GTRec> - Class in vcf
Class VcfIt represents an iterator whose next() method returns an object storing data from a VCF record.
VcfMetaInfo - Class in vcf
Class VcfMetaInfo represents a VCF meta-information line.
VcfMetaInfo(String) - Constructor for class vcf.VcfMetaInfo
Constructs a VcfMetaInfo instance representing the specified VCF meta-information line.
VcfRec - Class in vcf
Class VcfRec represents a VCF record.
VcfRecBuilder - Class in vcf
Class VcfRecBuilder contains methods for constructing and printing a VCF record in VCF 4.2 format.
VcfRecBuilder(Marker, int) - Constructor for class vcf.VcfRecBuilder
Constructs a new VcfRecBuilder instance with an initial capacity for the specified number of samples.
VcfRecGTParser - Class in vcf
Class VcfRecGTParser parses VCF records and extracts the GT format field.
VcfRecGTParser(VcfHeader, String) - Constructor for class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Constructs a new VcfRecGTParser object from the specified VCF record.
VcfRecGTParser.HapListRep - Class in vcf
vcfRecord() - Method in class vcf.VcfRecGTParser
Returns the backing VCF record.
VcfWriter - Class in vcf
Class VcfWriter contains static methods for writing data in VCF 4.2 format.


weight(int) - Method in class imp.ImpData
Return the weight for the HMM state probability at the preceding target marker cluster when estimating the HMM state probability at the specified reference marker via linear interpolation of HMM state probabilities at the preceding and succeeding target marker clusters.
window() - Method in class main.Par
Returns the window parameter.
window() - Method in class phase.FixedPhaseData
Returns the index of the marker window.
Window - Class in vcf
Interface Window1 represents a sliding window of target VCF records or a sliding window of reference and target VCF records.
Window(GeneticMap, int, boolean, MarkerIndices, RefGT, BasicGT) - Constructor for class vcf.Window
Constructs a new Window1 instance from the specified data.
windowIndex() - Method in class vcf.Window
Returns the index of this window.
WindowWriter - Class in main
Class WindowWriter writes VCF and IBD output data.
WindowWriter(Par, Samples) - Constructor for class main.WindowWriter
Constructs a new WindowWriter object.
WrappedIntArray - Class in ints
Class WrappedIntArray represents an immutable int[] array.
WrappedIntArray(int[]) - Constructor for class ints.WrappedIntArray
Constructs a new WrappedIntArray instance.
WrappedIntArray(int[], int) - Constructor for class ints.WrappedIntArray
Constructs a new WrappedIntArray instance.
WrappedIntArray(IntList) - Constructor for class ints.WrappedIntArray
Constructs a new WrappedIntArray instance.
WrappedIntArray(IntList, int) - Constructor for class ints.WrappedIntArray
Constructs a new WrappedIntArray instance.
WrappedIntArray(IntStream) - Constructor for class ints.WrappedIntArray
Constructs an WrappedIntrray object with the specified values.
write(byte[]) - Method in class blbutil.BGZIPOutputStream
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class blbutil.BGZIPOutputStream
write(int) - Method in class blbutil.BGZIPOutputStream
write(OutputStream) - Method in class ints.UnsignedByteArray
Write this byte array to the specified output stream.
write(RefGTRec) - Method in class bref.AsIsBref3Writer
write(RefGTRec) - Method in interface bref.BrefWriter
Writes the specified phased genotype data in binary reference format.
write(RefGTRec) - Method in class bref.CompressBref3Writer
writeEmptyBlock(OutputStream) - Static method in class blbutil.BGZIPOutputStream
Write an empty BGZIP block to the specified output stream.
writeMetaLines(String[], String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, PrintWriter) - Static method in class vcf.VcfWriter
Writes VCF meta-information lines and header line to the specified PrintWriter.
writeMetaLinesGT(String[], String, PrintWriter) - Static method in class vcf.VcfWriter
Writes VCF meta-information lines and header line to the specified PrintWriter.
writeRec(PrintWriter) - Method in class vcf.VcfRecBuilder
Prints the current VCF record for the current marker to the specified PrintWriter.


XRefGT - Class in vcf
Class XRefGT represents phased, non-missing genotypes for a list of samples that are stored in column-major (i.e.


ZERO_FREQ_ARRAY - Static variable in class vcf.Window
An array that replaces an array of allele counts for a monomorphic marker.
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