
New in version 1.3.0.

The SEModules plugin handles SELinux module entries. It supports group- and host-specific module versions, and enabling/disabling modules.

You can use tools/ to create a baseline of all of your installed modules.

See SELinux for more information.


To use the SEModules plugin, first do mkdir /var/lib/bcfg2/SEModules. Add SEModules to your plugins line in /etc/bcfg2.conf and restart bcfg2-server.

The SEModules directory contains modules in a layout similar to the Cfg plugin: at the top level, SEModules should contain directories named after the modules you want to install, and each of those directories can contain a global module, plus any number of group- and host-specific modules. For instance:

$ ls -F SEModules
foo.pp/  bar.pp/
$ ls SEModules/foo.pp/

For more information on this directory layout, see Cfg.


SEModules handles <SEModule> entries. For instance:

  <SEModule name="foo.pp"/>

The .pp extension is optional.


If you use a BoundSEModule tag, you must not include the .pp extension. This is not recommended, though.

You can also install a disabled module:

<SEModule name="foo" disabled="true"/>