
Platform Support


This chapter describes the requirements for having a supported platform (Operating System). In general, Bacula is quite portable. It supports 32 and 64 bit architectures as well as bigendian and littleendian machines. For full support, the platform (Operating System) must implement POSIX Unix system calls. However, for File daemon support only, a small compatibility library can be written to support almost any architecture.

Currently Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris are fully supported platforms, which means that the code has been tested on those machines and passes a full set of regression tests.

In addition, the Windows File daemon is supported on most versions of Windows, and finally, there are a number of other platforms where the File daemon (client) is known to run: NetBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OSX, SGI, ...

Requirements to become a Supported Platform

As mentioned above, in order to become a fully supported platform, it must support POSIX Unix system calls. In addition, the following requirements must be met:

Ideal requirements for a test machine:

Minimum requirements for a test machine:

Bare bones test machine requirements: