
Perl module Email::Address

This module is not installed.

  • On Ubuntu

    sudo apt install libemail-address-perl libemail-mime-perl libemail-sender-perl
  • Others

    cpanm install Email::Address


     perl -MCPAN -e "shell"
     install Email::Address

AMC and TeXLive «vanilla» (ubuntu et debian)

AMC and TeXLive are not installed

  • Install TeXLive on line.

wget http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/install-tl-unx.tar.gz
tar -xzf install-tl-unx.tar.gz
cd install-tl-20xxxx
sudo ./install-tl

Replace xxxx with the digits or type TABULATION.

  • Select O then L and enter 3 times.

    Select R then I.


TexLive-full is the setting default. If you don't want all the packages, press C then select your packages then R and finally I.

  • Install fake packages

sudo apt install equivs --no-install-recommends
mkdir -p /tmp/tl-equivs && cd /tmp/tl-equivs
equivs-control texlive-local
  • Build the package and install it

wget -O texlive-local http://www.tug.org/texlive/files/debian-equivs-20xx-ex.txt
equivs-build texlive-local
sudo dpkg -i texlive-local_20xx-x_all.deb
sudo apt install -f
  • Install AMC.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexis.bienvenue/amc-stable && sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install auto-multiple-choice && sudo apt-get install msmtp
  • Create a symbolic link.

sudo ln -s /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/AMC /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/AMC
sudo mktexlsr
sudo tlmgr update --self --all

AMC and TeXLive are installed (/usr/local/)

  • Create a symbolic link.

sudo ln -s /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/AMC /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/tex/latex/AMC
sudo mktexlsr

Cut the DOC-sujet.pdf file in several files

PreferencesMainPrintingPrinting with method to files

PreferencesMainPrintingExtracting methodpdftk / gs (ghostscipt) / qpdf (default) / sejda-console (not installed).

processing chain : 2 pages per sheet (2 A5 on 1 A4)

You may print the DOC-sujet.pdf file on 2 pages per 1 sheet with any pdf reader but AMC will not be able to analyse automatic data capture from scans, you have to crop it.

  • convert pdf scans to pbm images.

    pdfimages yourfile.pdf foo
  • Crop each image into two pages.

    mogrify -rotate -90 -crop 50%x100% *.pbm

    Noneeded to do after the previous command:

    mogrify -rotate +90 -crop 50%x100% *.pbm

    all pages will be treated and automatically renamed with ImageMagick.

    You can force ImageMagick to apply simultaneous black/white threshold to the image to make box checking easier (here 80%).

    mogrify -rotate -90 -crop 50%x100% -threshold 80% *.pbm

  • Let’s move to the Data capture tab of the graphical interface and select this set of pbm images.


From https://project.auto-multiple-choice.net/attachments/450/Wiki_AMC_et_PythonTex.pdf and https://project.auto-multiple-choice.net/projects/auto-multiple-choice/wiki/Calcul_formel_avec_Python_dans_AMC

  • You need to add a script nammed prePythonTex4AMC and make it executable.

#! /bin/sh
echo "***** CMD=$AMC_CMD"
rm -rf ./pythontex-files-*
rm -f $AMC_JOBNAME.pytxcode
echo "***** PYTHON"
python /path/to/file/pythontex.py $AMC_JOBNAME.pytxcode
echo "***** END FILTER"

python3 works too.

python3 /path/to/file/pythontex3.py
  • Add the following three lines to the beginning of the LaTex file.

%%AMC:latex_engine=pdflatex --shell-escape

Some python modules need to be installed (sympy, pygments)

An french example with python (from José OUIN : http://www.joseouin.fr)

%%AMC:latex_engine=pdflatex --shell-escape



% ---------- Utilisation de codes Python -----

import numpy as np
from sympy import *

# IMPORTANT : ramdom seed

def polyv2(b,p,d,q) :
  myp = expand((x-b)**p*(x-d)**q)
  return latex(myp)

def dp1x(a,b,c) :


    gl = latex(g)
    g2l = latex(g2)
    g3l = latex(g3)
    g4l = latex(g4)

    return np.array([gl,g2l,g3l,g4l])



\begin{question}{QA}The value of $\pi$ is


 Let the complex number $\underline{Z}= py{a}+i. py{b}$, what is the value of
$\underline{Z} 2$~?



%%% beginning of the test sheet header:

\noindent{\bf QCM  \hfill TEST}

  \centering\large\bf Test\\ Examination on Jan. 1st, 2008


Duration : 10 minutes.

  No documents allowed. The use of electronic calculators is forbidden.

  Questions using the sign \multiSymbole{} may have
  zero, one or several correct answers.  Other questions have a single correct answer.

  Negative points may be attributed to \emph{very bad} answers.





      \pyc{a=np.random.randint(2,7)} %
      \pyc{b=np.random.randint(2,5)} %
      \pyc{c=np.random.randint(2,5)} %

Let the following function: $f(x,y)= \dfrac{\py{a} y-1}{(\py{b} x-1)^{\py{c}}}$

What is the partial derivative $ \dfrac{\partial f(x,y)}{\partial x}$ ?




      \pyc{b=np.random.randint(2,7)} % racine r = b
      \pyc{p=np.random.randint(2,4)} % p : ordre de mult de b
      \pyc{d=np.random.randint(2,5)} % racine r = d
      \pyc{q=np.random.randint(2,3)}  % q : ordre de mult de d
      \pyc{mypoly=polyv2(b,p,d,q)}    % construction de mypolyv2

Let the polynomial: $\py{mypoly}$

What is the root multiplicity order $r = \py{b}$ ?






AMC and moodle


Configure AMC to use GMAIL

Login to your gmail account then enable the option : Allowing less secure apps to access your account.

Linux users (Ubuntu,Xubuntu,Lubuntu etc.)

Type in a terminal :

sudo apt-get install msmtp
sudo gedit /etc/msmtprc

add the following content to msmtprc file and save it.

account gmail
host smtp.gmail.com
tls on
tls_certcheck off
port 587
auth login
from your_user_name@gmail.com
user your_user_name@gmail.com
password See below

Since May 30, 2022, ​​Google no longer supports the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password.

Set up AMC : EditPreferencesEmailMail delivery method, select sendmail and type the path :


Macintosh users

Type in a terminal :

sudo port install msmtp
sudo pico ~/.msmtprc

add the following content to msmtprc file and save it.

account default
host smtp.gmail.com
tls on
tls_certcheck off
port 587
auth login
from your_user_name@gmail.com
user your_user_name@gmail.com
password See below

Since May 30, 2022, ​​Google no longer supports the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password.

Modify the access rights:

sudo chown user_name:user_name/Users/user_name/.msmtprc
chmod 0600 /Users/user_name/.msmtprc

Set up AMC : EditPreferencesEmailMail delivery method, select sendmail and type the path :
