module Asciidoctor::Writer

A module that can be used to mix the {#write} method into a {Converter} implementation to allow the converter to control how the output is written to disk.

Public Instance Methods

write(output, target) click to toggle source

Public: Writes the output to the specified target file name or stream.

output - The output String to write target - The String file name or stream object to which the output should be written.

Returns nothing

# File lib/asciidoctor/writer.rb, line 12
def write output, target
  if target.respond_to? :write
    # ensure there's a trailing newline to be nice to terminals
    target.write output.chomp + LF
    # QUESTION shouldn't we ensure a trailing newline here too?
    ::File.write target, output, mode: FILE_WRITE_MODE