class Asciidoctor::Extensions::Processor

Public: An abstract base class for document and syntax processors.

This class provides access to a class-level Hash for holding default configuration options defined using the {Processor.option} method. This style of default configuration is specific to the native Ruby environment and is only consulted inside the initializer. An overriding configuration Hash can be passed to the initializer. Once the processor is initialized, the configuration is accessed using the {Processor#config} instance variable.

Instances of the Processor class provide convenience methods for creating AST nodes, such as Block and Inline, and for parsing child content.



Public: Get the configuration Hash for this processor instance.

Public Class Methods

config() click to toggle source

Public: Get the static configuration for this processor class.

Returns a configuration [Hash]

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 43
def config
  @config ||= {}
enable_dsl() click to toggle source

Mixes the DSL class for this processor into this processor class or instance.

This method automatically detects whether to use the include or extend keyword to mix in the module.

NOTE Inspiration for this DSL design comes from

Returns self

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 66
def enable_dsl
  if const_defined? :DSL
    if singleton_class?
      include const_get :DSL
      extend const_get :DSL
Also aliased as: use_dsl
new(config = {}) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 81
def initialize config = {}
  @config = self.class.config.merge config
option(key, default_value) click to toggle source

Public: Assigns a default value for the specified option that gets applied to all instances of this processor.


option :contexts, [:open, :paragraph]

Returns nothing

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 55
def option key, default_value
  config[key] = default_value
Alias for: enable_dsl

Public Instance Methods

create_block(parent, context, source, attrs, opts = {}) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 155
def create_block parent, context, source, attrs, opts = {} parent, context, { source: source, attributes: attrs }.merge(opts)
create_image_block(parent, attrs, opts = {}) click to toggle source

Public: Creates an image block node and links it to the specified parent.

parent - The parent Block (Block, Section, or Document) of this new image block. attrs - A Hash of attributes to control how the image block is built.

Use the target attribute to set the source of the image.
Use the alt attribute to specify an alternative text for the image.

opts - An optional Hash of options (default: {})

Returns a [Block] node with all properties properly initialized.

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 191
def create_image_block parent, attrs, opts = {}
  unless (target = attrs['target'])
    raise ::ArgumentError, 'Unable to create an image block, target attribute is required'
  attrs['alt'] ||= (attrs['default-alt'] = Helpers.basename(target, true).tr('_-', ' '))
  title = (attrs.key? 'title') ? (attrs.delete 'title') : nil
  block = create_block parent, :image, nil, attrs, opts
  if title
    block.title = title
    block.assign_caption (attrs.delete 'caption'), 'figure'
create_inline(parent, context, text, opts = {}) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 205
def create_inline parent, context, text, opts = {} parent, context, text, context == :quoted ? ({ type: :unquoted }.merge opts) : opts
create_list(parent, context, attrs = nil) click to toggle source

Public: Creates a list node and links it to the specified parent.

parent - The parent Block (Block, Section, or Document) of this new list block. context - The list context (e.g., :ulist, :olist, :colist, :dlist) attrs - A Hash of attributes to set on this list block

Returns a [List] node with all properties properly initialized.

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 166
def create_list parent, context, attrs = nil
  list = parent, context
  list.update_attributes attrs if attrs
create_list_item(parent, text = nil) click to toggle source

Public: Creates a list item node and links it to the specified parent.

parent - The parent List of this new list item block. text - The text of the list item.

Returns a [ListItem] node with all properties properly initialized.

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 178
def create_list_item parent, text = nil parent, text
create_section(parent, title, attrs, opts = {}) click to toggle source

Public: Creates a new Section node.

Creates a Section node in the same manner as the parser.

parent - The parent Section (or Document) of this new Section. title - The String title of the new Section. attrs - A Hash of attributes to control how the section is built.

Use the style attribute to set the name of a special section (ex. appendix).
Use the id attribute to assign an explicit ID or set the value to false to
disable automatic ID generation (when sectids document attribute is set).

opts - An optional Hash of options (default: {}):

:level    - [Integer] The level to assign to this section; defaults to
            one greater than the parent level (optional).
:numbered - [Boolean] A flag to force numbering, which falls back to the
            state of the sectnums document attribute (optional).

Returns a [Section] node with all properties properly initialized.

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 112
def create_section parent, title, attrs, opts = {}
  doc = parent.document
  book = (doctype = doc.doctype) == 'book'
  level = opts[:level] || parent.level + 1
  if (style = attrs.delete 'style')
    if book && style == 'abstract'
      sectname, level = 'chapter', 1
      sectname, special = style, true
      level = 1 if level == 0
  elsif book
    sectname = level == 0 ? 'part' : (level > 1 ? 'section' : 'chapter')
  elsif doctype == 'manpage' && (title.casecmp 'synopsis') == 0
    sectname, special = 'synopsis', true
    sectname = 'section'
  sect = parent, level
  sect.title, sect.sectname = title, sectname
  if special
    sect.special = true
    if opts.fetch :numbered, (style == 'appendix')
      sect.numbered = true
    elsif !(opts.key? :numbered) && (doc.attr? 'sectnums', 'all')
      sect.numbered = (book && level == 1 ? :chapter : true)
  elsif level > 0
    if opts.fetch :numbered, (doc.attr? 'sectnums')
      sect.numbered = sect.special ? parent.numbered && true : true
  elsif opts.fetch :numbered, (book && (doc.attr? 'partnums'))
    sect.numbered = true
  if (id = attrs['id']) == false
    attrs.delete 'id'
  else = attrs['id'] = id || ((doc.attr? 'sectids') ? (Section.generate_id sect.title, doc) : nil)
  sect.update_attributes attrs
parse_attributes(block, attrlist, opts = {}) click to toggle source

Public: Parses the attrlist String into a Hash of attributes

block - the current AbstractBlock or the parent AbstractBlock if there is no current block (used for applying subs) attrlist - the list of attributes as a String opts - an optional Hash of options to control processing:

:positional_attributes - an Array of attribute names to map positional arguments to (optional, default: false)
:sub_attributes - enables attribute substitution on the attrlist argument (optional, default: false)

Returns a Hash of parsed attributes

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 229
def parse_attributes block, attrlist, opts = {}
  return {} if attrlist ? attrlist.empty? : true
  attrlist = block.sub_attributes attrlist if opts[:sub_attributes] && (attrlist.include? ATTR_REF_HEAD)
  ( attrlist).parse opts[:positional_attributes] || []
parse_content(parent, content, attributes = nil) click to toggle source

Public: Parses blocks in the content and attaches the block to the parent.

Returns The parent node into which the blocks are parsed.

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 214
def parse_content parent, content, attributes = nil
  reader = Reader === content ? content : ( content)
  Parser.parse_blocks reader, parent, attributes
process(*args) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 89
def process *args
  raise ::NotImplementedError, %(#{Processor} subclass #{self.class} must implement the ##{__method__} method)
update_config(config) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 85
def update_config config
  @config.update config