class Asciidoctor::Extensions::Postprocessor

Public: Postprocessors are run after the document is converted, but before it is written to the output stream.

Asciidoctor passes a reference to the converted String to the {Processor#process} method of each registered Postprocessor. The Preprocessor modifies the String as necessary and returns the String replacement.

The markup format in the String is determined by the backend used to convert the Document. The backend and be looked up using the backend method on the Document object, as well as various backend-related document attributes.

TIP: Postprocessors can also be used to relocate assets needed by the published document.

Postprocessor implementations must extend Postprocessor.



Public Instance Methods

process(document, output) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 430
def process document, output
  raise ::NotImplementedError, %(#{Postprocessor} subclass #{self.class} must implement the ##{__method__} method)