class Asciidoctor::Extensions::InlineMacroProcessor

Public: InlineMacroProcessors are used to handle block macros that have a custom name.

InlineMacroProcessor implementations must extend InlineMacroProcessor.



Public Instance Methods

regexp() click to toggle source

Lookup the regexp option, resolving it first if necessary. Once this method is called, the regexp is considered frozen.

# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 632
def regexp
  @config[:regexp] ||= resolve_regexp @name.to_s, @config[:format]
resolve_regexp(name, format) click to toggle source
# File lib/asciidoctor/extensions.rb, line 636
def resolve_regexp name, format
  raise ::ArgumentError, %(invalid name for inline macro: #{name}) unless MacroNameRx.match? name
  @@rx_cache[[name, format]] ||= /\\?#{name}:#{format == :short ? '(){0}' : '(\S+?)'}\[(|#{CC_ANY}*?[^\\])\]/