module Asciidoctor::Converter
A module for defining converters that are used to convert {AbstractNode} objects in a parsed AsciiDoc document to an output (aka backend) format such as HTML or DocBook.
A {Converter} is typically instantiated each time an AsciiDoc document is processed (i.e., parsed and converted). Implementing a custom converter entails:
Including the {Converter} module in a converter class and implementing the {Converter#convert} method or extending the {Converter::Base Base} class and implementing the dispatch methods that map to each node.
Optionally registering the converter with one or more backend names statically using the
DSL method contributed by the {Converter::Config Config} module.
class TextConverter include Asciidoctor::Converter register_for 'text' def initialize *args super outfilesuffix '.txt' end def convert node, transform = node.node_name, opts = nil case transform when 'document', 'section' [node.title, node.content].join %(\n\n) when 'paragraph' ( ?\n, ' ') << ?\n else (transform.start_with? 'inline_') ? node.text : node.content end end end puts Asciidoctor.convert_file 'sample.adoc', backend: :text, safe: :safe class Html5Converter < (Asciidoctor::Converter.for 'html5') register_for 'html5' def convert_paragraph node %(<p>#{node.content}</p>) end end puts Asciidoctor.convert_file 'sample.adoc', safe: :safe
Public: The String
backend name that this converter is handling.
Public Class Methods
Public: Derive backend traits (basebackend, filetype, outfilesuffix, htmlsyntax) from the given backend.
backend - the String
backend from which to derive the traits basebackend - the String
basebackend to use in favor of deriving one from the backend (optional, default: nil)
Returns the backend traits for the given backend as a [Hash].
# File lib/asciidoctor/converter.rb, line 91 def self.derive_backend_traits backend, basebackend = nil return {} unless backend if (outfilesuffix = DEFAULT_EXTENSIONS[(basebackend ||= backend.sub TrailingDigitsRx, '')]) filetype = outfilesuffix.slice 1, outfilesuffix.length else outfilesuffix = %(.#{filetype = basebackend}) end filetype == 'html' ? { basebackend: basebackend, filetype: filetype, htmlsyntax: 'html', outfilesuffix: outfilesuffix } : { basebackend: basebackend, filetype: filetype, outfilesuffix: outfilesuffix } end
Public: Creates a new instance of this {Converter}.
backend - The String
backend name (aka format) to which this converter converts. opts - An options Hash
(optional, default: {})
Returns a new [Converter] instance.
# File lib/asciidoctor/converter.rb, line 56 def initialize backend, opts = {} @backend = backend end
Public Instance Methods
Public: Converts an {AbstractNode} using the given transform.
This method must be implemented by a concrete converter class.
node - The concrete instance of AbstractNode
to convert. transform - An optional String
transform that hints at which transformation should be applied to this node. If a
transform is not given, the transform is often derived from the value of the {AbstractNode#node_name} property. (optional, default: nil)
opts - An optional Hash
of options hints about how to convert the node. (optional, default: nil)
Returns the [String] result.
# File lib/asciidoctor/converter.rb, line 71 def convert node, transform = nil, opts = nil raise ::NotImplementedError, %(#{self.class} (backend: #{@backend}) must implement the ##{__method__} method) end
Public: Reports whether the current converter is able to convert this node (by its transform name). Used by the {CompositeConverter} to select which converter to use to handle a given node. Returns true by default.
transform - the String
name of the node transformation (typically the node name).
Returns a [Boolean] indicating whether this converter can handle the specified transform.
# File lib/asciidoctor/converter.rb, line 81 def handles? transform true end