All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Jmod extends Task
Creates a linkable .jmod file from a modular jar file, and optionally from other resource files such as native libraries and documents. Equivalent to the JDK's jmod tool.

Supported attributes:

Required, jmod file to create.
Where to locate files to be placed in the jmod file.
Where to locate dependencies.
Directories containing native commands to include in jmod.
Directories containing header files to include in jmod.
Directories containing user-editable configuration files to include in jmod.
Directories containing legal licenses and notices to include in jmod.
Directories containing native libraries to include in jmod.
Directories containing man pages to include in jmod.
Module version.
Main class of module.
The target platform for the jmod. A particular JDK's platform can be seen by running jmod describe $JDK_HOME/jmods/java.base.jmod | grep -i platform.
Regular expression for names of modules in the module path which depend on the jmod being created, and which should have hashes generated for them and included in the new jmod.
Boolean indicating whether the jmod should be one of the default resolved modules in an application. Default is true.
Whether to emit warnings when resolving modules which are not recommended for use. Comma-separated list of one of more of the following:
Warn if module is deprecated
Warn if module is deprecated for removal
Warn if module is an incubating (not yet official) module

Supported nested elements:

Path indicating where to locate files to be placed in the jmod file.
Path indicating where to locate dependencies.
Path of directories containing native commands to include in jmod.
Path of directories containing header files to include in jmod.
Path of directories containing user-editable configuration files to include in jmod.
Path of directories containing legal notices to include in jmod.
Path of directories containing native libraries to include in jmod.
Path of directories containing man pages to include in jmod.
Module version of jmod. Must have a required number attribute. May also have optional preRelease and build attributes.
Has one required attribute, reason. See moduleWarnings attribute above. This element may be specified multiple times.

destFile and classpath are required data.

  • Constructor Details

    • Jmod

      public Jmod()
  • Method Details

    • getDestFile

      public File getDestFile()
      Attribute containing the location of the jmod file to create.
      location of jmod file
      See Also:
    • setDestFile

      public void setDestFile(File file)
      Sets attribute containing the location of the jmod file to create. This value is required.
      file - location where jmod file will be created.
    • createClasspath

      public Path createClasspath()
      Adds an unconfigured <classpath> child element which can specify the files which will comprise the created jmod.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getClasspath

      public Path getClasspath()
      Attribute which specifies the files (usually modular .jar files) which will comprise the created jmod file.
      path of constituent files
      See Also:
    • setClasspath

      public void setClasspath(Path path)
      Sets attribute specifying the files that will comprise the created jmod file. Usually this contains a single modular .jar file.

      The classpath is required and must not be empty.

      path - path of files that will comprise jmod
      See Also:
    • setClasspathRef

      public void setClasspathRef(Reference ref)
      Sets classpath attribute from a path reference.
      ref - reference to path which will act as classpath
    • createModulePath

      public Path createModulePath()
      Creates a child <modulePath> element which can contain a path of directories containing modules upon which modules in the classpath depend.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getModulePath

      public Path getModulePath()
      Attribute containing path of directories which contain modules on which the created jmod's constituent modules depend.
      path of directories containing modules needed by classpath modules
      See Also:
    • setModulePath

      public void setModulePath(Path path)
      Sets attribute containing path of directories which contain modules on which the created jmod's constituent modules depend.
      path - path of directories containing modules needed by classpath modules
      See Also:
    • setModulePathRef

      public void setModulePathRef(Reference ref)
      Sets module path from a path reference.
      ref - reference to path which will act as module path
    • createCommandPath

      public Path createCommandPath()
      Creates a child element which can contain a list of directories containing native executable files to include in the created jmod.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getCommandPath

      public Path getCommandPath()
      Attribute containing path of directories which contain native executable files to include in the created jmod.
      list of directories containing native executables
      See Also:
    • setCommandPath

      public void setCommandPath(Path path)
      Sets attribute containing path of directories which contain native executable files to include in the created jmod.
      path - list of directories containing native executables
      See Also:
    • setCommandPathRef

      public void setCommandPathRef(Reference ref)
      Sets command path from a path reference.
      ref - reference to path which will act as command path
    • createConfigPath

      public Path createConfigPath()
      Creates a child element which can contain a list of directories containing user configuration files to include in the created jmod.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getConfigPath

      public Path getConfigPath()
      Attribute containing list of directories which contain user configuration files.
      list of directories containing user configuration files
      See Also:
    • setConfigPath

      public void setConfigPath(Path path)
      Sets attribute containing list of directories which contain user configuration files.
      path - list of directories containing user configuration files
      See Also:
    • setConfigPathRef

      public void setConfigPathRef(Reference ref)
      Sets configuration file path from a path reference.
      ref - reference to path which will act as configuration file path
    • createHeaderPath

      public Path createHeaderPath()
      Creates a child element which can contain a list of directories containing compile-time header files for third party use, to include in the created jmod.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getHeaderPath

      public Path getHeaderPath()
      Attribute containing a path of directories which hold compile-time header files for third party use, all of which will be included in the created jmod.
      path of directories containing header files
    • setHeaderPath

      public void setHeaderPath(Path path)
      Sets attribute containing a path of directories which hold compile-time header files for third party use, all of which will be included in the created jmod.
      path - path of directories containing header files
      See Also:
    • setHeaderPathRef

      public void setHeaderPathRef(Reference ref)
      Sets header path from a path reference.
      ref - reference to path which will act as header path
    • createLegalPath

      public Path createLegalPath()
      Creates a child element which can contain a list of directories containing license files to include in the created jmod.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getLegalPath

      public Path getLegalPath()
      Attribute containing list of directories which hold license files to include in the created jmod.
      path containing directories which hold license files
    • setLegalPath

      public void setLegalPath(Path path)
      Sets attribute containing list of directories which hold license files to include in the created jmod.
      path - path containing directories which hold license files
      See Also:
    • setLegalPathRef

      public void setLegalPathRef(Reference ref)
      Sets legal licenses path from a path reference.
      ref - reference to path which will act as legal path
    • createNativeLibPath

      public Path createNativeLibPath()
      Creates a child element which can contain a list of directories containing native libraries to include in the created jmod.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getNativeLibPath

      public Path getNativeLibPath()
      Attribute containing list of directories which hold native libraries to include in the created jmod.
      path of directories containing native libraries
    • setNativeLibPath

      public void setNativeLibPath(Path path)
      Sets attribute containing list of directories which hold native libraries to include in the created jmod.
      path - path of directories containing native libraries
      See Also:
    • setNativeLibPathRef

      public void setNativeLibPathRef(Reference ref)
      Sets native library path from a path reference.
      ref - reference to path which will act as native library path
    • createManPath

      public Path createManPath()
      Creates a child element which can contain a list of directories containing man pages (program manuals, typically in troff format) to include in the created jmod.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getManPath

      public Path getManPath()
      Attribute containing list of directories containing man pages to include in created jmod. Man pages are textual program manuals, typically in troff format.
      path containing directories which hold man pages to include in jmod
    • setManPath

      public void setManPath(Path path)
      Sets attribute containing list of directories containing man pages to include in created jmod. Man pages are textual program manuals, typically in troff format.
      path - path containing directories which hold man pages to include in jmod
      See Also:
    • setManPathRef

      public void setManPathRef(Reference ref)
      Sets man pages path from a path reference.
      ref - reference to path which will act as module path
    • createVersion

      public ModuleVersion createVersion()
      Creates an uninitialized child element representing the version of the module represented by the created jmod.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Attribute which specifies a module version for created jmod.
      module version for created jmod
    • setVersion

      public void setVersion(String version)
      Sets the module version for the created jmod.
      version - module version of created jmod
      See Also:
    • getMainClass

      public String getMainClass()
      Attribute containing the class that acts as the executable entry point of the created jmod.
      fully-qualified name of jmod's main class
    • setMainClass

      public void setMainClass(String className)
      Sets attribute containing the class that acts as the executable entry point of the created jmod.
      className - fully-qualified name of jmod's main class
    • getPlatform

      public String getPlatform()
      Attribute containing the platform for which the jmod will be built. Platform values are defined in the java.base.jmod of JDKs, and usually take the form OS-architecture. If unset, current platform is used.
      OS and architecture for which jmod will be built, or null
    • setPlatform

      public void setPlatform(String platform)
      Sets attribute containing the platform for which the jmod will be built. Platform values are defined in the java.base.jmod of JDKs, and usually take the form OS-architecture. If unset, current platform is used.

      A JDK's platform can be viewed with a command like: jmod describe $JDK_HOME/jmods/java.base.jmod | grep -i platform. o *

      platform - platform for which jmod will be created, or null
    • getHashModulesPattern

      public String getHashModulesPattern()
      Attribute containing a regular expression which specifies which of the modules that depend on the jmod being created should have hashes generated and added to the jmod.
      regex specifying which dependent modules should have their generated hashes included
    • setHashModulesPattern

      public void setHashModulesPattern(String pattern)
      Sets attribute containing a regular expression which specifies which of the modules that depend on the jmod being created should have hashes generated and added to the jmod.
      pattern - regex specifying which dependent modules should have their generated hashes included
    • getResolveByDefault

      public boolean getResolveByDefault()
      Attribute indicating whether the created jmod should be visible in a module path, even when not specified explicitly. True by default.
      whether jmod should be visible in module paths
    • setResolveByDefault

      public void setResolveByDefault(boolean resolve)
      Sets attribute indicating whether the created jmod should be visible in a module path, even when not specified explicitly. True by default.
      resolve - whether jmod should be visible in module paths
    • createModuleWarning

      public Jmod.ResolutionWarningSpec createModuleWarning()
      Creates a child element which can specify the circumstances under which jmod creation emits warnings.
      new, unconfigured child element
      See Also:
    • setModuleWarnings

      public void setModuleWarnings(String warningList)
      Sets attribute containing a comma-separated list of reasons for jmod creation to emit warnings. Valid values in list are: deprecated, leaving, incubating.
      warningList - list containing one or more of the above values, separated by commas
      See Also:
    • execute

      public void execute() throws BuildException
      Creates a jmod file according to this task's properties and child elements.
      execute in class Task
      BuildException - if destFile is not set
      BuildException - if classpath is not set or is empty
      BuildException - if any path other than classpath refers to an existing file which is not a directory
      BuildException - if both version attribute and <version> child element are present
      BuildException - if hashModulesPattern is set, but module path is not defined