Annex K (informative) Language-Defined Aspects and Attributes 1/3 {AI05-0229-1} This annex summarizes the definitions given elsewhere of the language-defined aspects and attributes. Some aspects have corresponding attributes, as noted. K.1 Language-Defined Aspects 1/3 {AI05-0229-1} {AI05-0299-1} This subclause summarizes the definitions given elsewhere of the language-defined aspects. Aspects are properties of entities that can be specified by the Ada program; unless otherwise specified below, aspects can be specified using an aspect_specification. 2/3 Address Machine address of an entity. See 13.3. 3/3 Alignment (object) Alignment of an object. See 13.3. 4/3 Alignment (subtype) Alignment of a subtype. See 13.3. 5/4 All_Calls_Remote All indirect or dispatching remote subprogram calls and all direct remote subprogram calls should use the Partition Communication Subsystem. See E.2.3. 6/3 Asynchronous Remote procedure calls are asynchronous; the caller continues without waiting for the call to return. See E.4.1. 7/3 Atomic Declare that a type, object, or component is atomic. See C.6. 8/3 Atomic_Components Declare that the components of an array type or object are atomic. See C.6. 9/3 Attach_Handler Protected procedure is attached to an interrupt. See C.3.1. 10/3 Bit_Order Order of bit numbering in a record_representation_clause. See 13.5.3. 11/3 Coding Internal representation of enumeration literals. Specified by an enumeration_representation_clause, not by an aspect_specification. See 13.4. 12/3 Component_Size Size in bits of a component of an array type. See 13.3. 13/3 Constant_Indexing Defines function(s) to implement user-defined indexed_components. See 4.1.6. 14/3 Convention Calling convention or other convention used for interfacing to other languages. See B.1. 15/3 CPU Processor on which a given task should run. See D.16. 16/3 Default_Component_Value Default value for the components of an array-of-scalar subtype. See 3.6. 17/3 Default_Iterator Default iterator to be used in for loops. See 5.5.1. 18/3 Default_Storage_Pool Default storage pool for a generic instance. See 13.11.3. 19/3 Default_Value Default value for a scalar subtype. See 3.5. 19.1/4 Discard_Names Requests a reduction in storage for names associated with an entity. See C.5. 20/3 Dispatching_Domain Domain (group of processors) on which a given task should run. See D.16.1. 21/3 Dynamic_Predicate Condition that must hold true for objects of a given subtype; the subtype is not static. See 3.2.4. 22/3 Elaborate_Body A given package must have a body, and that body is elaborated immediately after the declaration. See 10.2.1. 22.1/4 Exclusive_Functions Specifies mutual exclusion behavior of protected functions in a protected type. See 9.5.1. 23/3 Export Entity is exported to another language. See B.1. 24/3 External_Name Name used to identify an imported or exported entity. See B.1. 25/3 External_Tag Unique identifier for a tagged type in streams. See 13.3. 26/3 Implicit_Dereference Mechanism for user-defined implicit .all. See 4.1.5. 27/3 Import Entity is imported from another language. See B.1. 28/3 Independent Declare that a type, object, or component is independently addressable. See C.6. 29/3 Independent_Components Declare that the components of an array or record type, or an array object, are independently addressable. See C.6. 30/3 Inline For efficiency, Inline calls are requested for a subprogram. See 6.3.2. 31/3 Input Function to read a value from a stream for a given type, including any bounds and discriminants. See 13.13.2. 31.1/4 Input'Class Function to read a value from a stream for a the class-wide type associated with a given type, including any bounds and discriminants. See 13.13.2. 32/3 Interrupt_Handler Protected procedure may be attached to interrupts. See C.3.1. 33/3 Interrupt_Priority Priority of a task object or type, or priority of a protected object or type; the priority is in the interrupt range. See D.1. 34/3 Iterator_Element Element type to be used for user-defined iterators. See 5.5.1. 35/3 Layout (record) Layout of record components. Specified by a record_representation_clause, not by an aspect_specification. See 13.5.1. 36/3 Link_Name Linker symbol used to identify an imported or exported entity. See B.1. 37/3 Machine_Radix Radix (2 or 10) that is used to represent a decimal fixed point type. See F.1. 38/3 No_Return A procedure will not return normally. See 6.5.1. 39/3 Output Procedure to write a value to a stream for a given type, including any bounds and discriminants. See 13.13.2. 39.1/4 Output'Class Procedure to write a value to a stream for a the class-wide type associated with a given type, including any bounds and discriminants. See 13.13.2. 40/3 Pack Minimize storage when laying out records and arrays. See 13.2. 41/3 Post Postcondition; a condition that must hold true after a call. See 6.1.1. 42/3 Post'Class Postcondition inherited on type derivation. See 6.1.1. 43/3 Pre Precondition; a condition that must hold true before a call. See 6.1.1. 44/3 Pre'Class Precondition inherited on type derivation. See 6.1.1. 44.1/4 Predicate_Failure Action to be performed when a predicate check fails. See 3.2.4. 45/3 Preelaborate Code execution during elaboration is avoided for a given package. See 10.2.1. 46/3 Priority Priority of a task object or type, or priority of a protected object or type; the priority is not in the interrupt range. See D.1. 47/3 Pure Side effects are avoided in the subprograms of a given package. See 10.2.1. 48/3 Read Procedure to read a value from a stream for a given type. See 13.13.2. 48.1/4 Read'Class Procedure to read a value from a stream for the class-wide type associated with a given type. See 13.13.2. 49/3 Record layout See Layout. See 13.5.1. 50/3 Relative_Deadline Task parameter used in Earliest Deadline First Dispatching. See D.2.6. 51/3 Remote_Call_Interface Subprograms in a given package may be used in remote procedure calls. See E.2.3. 52/3 Remote_Types Types in a given package may be used in remote procedure calls. See E.2.2. 53/3 Shared_Passive A given package is used to represent shared memory in a distributed system. See E.2.1. 54/3 Size (object) Size in bits of an object. See 13.3. 55/3 Size (subtype) Size in bits of a subtype. See 13.3. 56/3 Small Scale factor for a fixed point type. See 3.5.10. 57/3 Static_Predicate Condition that must hold true for objects of a given subtype; the subtype may be static. See 3.2.4. 58/3 Storage_Pool Pool of memory from which new will allocate for a given access type. See 13.11. 59/3 Storage_Size (access) Sets memory size for allocations for an access type. See 13.11. 60/3 Storage_Size (task) Size in storage elements reserved for a task type or single task object. See 13.3. 61/3 Stream_Size Size in bits used to represent elementary objects in a stream. See 13.13.2. 62/3 Synchronization Defines whether a given primitive operation of a synchronized interface must be implemented by an entry or protected procedure. See 9.5. 63/3 Type_Invariant A condition that must hold true for all objects of a type. See 7.3.2. 64/3 Type_Invariant'Class A condition that must hold true for all objects in a class of types. See 7.3.2. 65/3 Unchecked_Union Type is used to interface to a C union type. See B.3.3. 66/3 Variable_Indexing Defines function(s) to implement user-defined indexed_components. See 4.1.6. 67/3 Volatile Declare that a type, object, or component is volatile. See C.6. 68/3 Volatile_Components Declare that the components of an array type or object are volatile. See C.6. 69/3 Write Procedure to write a value to a stream for a given type. See 13.13.2. 69.1/4 Write'Class Procedure to write a value to a stream for a the class-wide type associated with a given type. See 13.13.2. K.2 Language-Defined Attributes 1/3 {AI05-0229-1} {AI05-0299-1} This subclause summarizes the definitions given elsewhere of the language-defined attributes. Attributes are properties of entities that can be queried by an Ada program. 2 P'Access For a prefix P that denotes a subprogram: 3 P'Access yields an access value that designates the subprogram denoted by P. The type of P'Access is an access-to-subprogram type (S), as determined by the expected type. See 3.10.2. 4 X'Access For a prefix X that denotes an aliased view of an object: 5 X'Access yields an access value that designates the object denoted by X. The type of X'Access is an access-to-object type, as determined by the expected type. The expected type shall be a general access type. See 3.10.2. 6/1 X'Address For a prefix X that denotes an object, program unit, or label: 7 Denotes the address of the first of the storage elements allocated to X. For a program unit or label, this value refers to the machine code associated with the corresponding body or statement. The value of this attribute is of type System.Address. See 13.3. 8 S'Adjacent For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 9 S'Adjacent denotes a function with the following specification: 10 function S'Adjacent (X, Towards : T) return T 11 If Towards = X, the function yields X; otherwise, it yields the machine number of the type T adjacent to X in the direction of Towards, if that machine number exists. If the result would be outside the base range of S, Constraint_Error is raised. When T'Signed_Zeros is True, a zero result has the sign of X. When Towards is zero, its sign has no bearing on the result. See A.5.3. 12 S'Aft For every fixed point subtype S: 13 S'Aft yields the number of decimal digits needed after the decimal point to accommodate the delta of the subtype S, unless the delta of the subtype S is greater than 0.1, in which case the attribute yields the value one. (S'Aft is the smallest positive integer N for which (10**N)*S'Delta is greater than or equal to one.) The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 3.5.10. 13.1/2 S'Alignment For every subtype S: 13.2/2 The value of this attribute is of type universal_integer, and nonnegative. 13.3/2 For an object X of subtype S, if S'Alignment is not zero, then X'Alignment is a nonzero integral multiple of S'Alignment unless specified otherwise by a representation item. See 13.3. 14/1 X'Alignment For a prefix X that denotes an object: 15/2 The value of this attribute is of type universal_integer, and nonnegative; zero means that the object is not necessarily aligned on a storage element boundary. If X'Alignment is not zero, then X is aligned on a storage unit boundary and X'Address is an integral multiple of X'Alignment (that is, the Address modulo the Alignment is zero). 16/2 This paragraph was deleted. See 13.3. 17 S'Base For every scalar subtype S: 18 S'Base denotes an unconstrained subtype of the type of S. This unconstrained subtype is called the base subtype of the type. See 3.5. 19 S'Bit_Order For every specific record subtype S: 20 Denotes the bit ordering for the type of S. The value of this attribute is of type System.Bit_Order. See 13.5.3. 21/1 P'Body_Version For a prefix P that statically denotes a program unit: 22 Yields a value of the predefined type String that identifies the version of the compilation unit that contains the body (but not any subunits) of the program unit. See E.3. 23 T'Callable For a prefix T that is of a task type (after any implicit dereference): 24 Yields the value True when the task denoted by T is callable, and False otherwise; See 9.9. 25 E'Caller For a prefix E that denotes an entry_declaration: 26/3 Yields a value of the type Task_Id that identifies the task whose call is now being serviced. Use of this attribute is allowed only inside an accept_statement, or entry_body after the entry_barrier, corresponding to the entry_declaration denoted by E. See C.7.1. 27 S'Ceiling For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 28 S'Ceiling denotes a function with the following specification: 29 function S'Ceiling (X : T) return T 30 The function yields the value Ceiling(X), i.e., the smallest (most negative) integral value greater than or equal to X. When X is zero, the result has the sign of X; a zero result otherwise has a negative sign when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 31 S'Class For every subtype S of a tagged type T (specific or class-wide): 32 S'Class denotes a subtype of the class-wide type (called T'Class in this International Standard) for the class rooted at T (or if S already denotes a class-wide subtype, then S'Class is the same as S). 33 S'Class is unconstrained. However, if S is constrained, then the values of S'Class are only those that when converted to the type T belong to S. See 3.9. 34 S'Class For every subtype S of an untagged private type whose full view is tagged: 35 Denotes the class-wide subtype corresponding to the full view of S. This attribute is allowed only from the beginning of the private part in which the full view is declared, until the declaration of the full view. After the full view, the Class attribute of the full view can be used. See 7.3.1. 36/1 X'Component_Size For a prefix X that denotes an array subtype or array object (after any implicit dereference): 37 Denotes the size in bits of components of the type of X. The value of this attribute is of type universal_integer. See 13.3. 38 S'Compose For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 39 S'Compose denotes a function with the following specification: 40 function S'Compose (Fraction : T; Exponent : universal_integer) return T 41 Let v be the value Fraction · T'Machine_Radix(Exponent-k), where k is the normalized exponent of Fraction. If v is a machine number of the type T, or if |v| >= T'Model_Small, the function yields v; otherwise, it yields either one of the machine numbers of the type T adjacent to v. Constraint_Error is optionally raised if v is outside the base range of S. A zero result has the sign of Fraction when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 42 A'Constrained For a prefix A that is of a discriminated type (after any implicit dereference): 43/3 Yields the value True if A denotes a constant, a value, a tagged object, or a constrained variable, and False otherwise. See 3.7.2. 44 S'Copy_Sign For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 45 S'Copy_Sign denotes a function with the following specification: 46 function S'Copy_Sign (Value, Sign : T) return T 47 If the value of Value is nonzero, the function yields a result whose magnitude is that of Value and whose sign is that of Sign; otherwise, it yields the value zero. Constraint_Error is optionally raised if the result is outside the base range of S. A zero result has the sign of Sign when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 48 E'Count For a prefix E that denotes an entry of a task or protected unit: 49 Yields the number of calls presently queued on the entry E of the current instance of the unit. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 9.9. 50/1 S'Definite For a prefix S that denotes a formal indefinite subtype: 51/3 S'Definite yields True if the actual subtype corresponding to S is definite; otherwise, it yields False. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See 12.5.1. 52 S'Delta For every fixed point subtype S: 53 S'Delta denotes the delta of the fixed point subtype S. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_real. See 3.5.10. 54 S'Denorm For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 55 Yields the value True if every value expressible in the form ± mantissa · T'Machine_Radix(T'Machine_Emin) where mantissa is a nonzero T'Machine_Mantissa-digit fraction in the number base T'Machine_Radix, the first digit of which is zero, is a machine number (see 3.5.7) of the type T; yields the value False otherwise. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See A.5.3. 56 S'Digits For every floating point subtype S: 57 S'Digits denotes the requested decimal precision for the subtype S. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 3.5.8. 58 S'Digits For every decimal fixed point subtype S: 59 S'Digits denotes the digits of the decimal fixed point subtype S, which corresponds to the number of decimal digits that are representable in objects of the subtype. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 3.5.10. 60 S'Exponent For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 61 S'Exponent denotes a function with the following specification: 62 function S'Exponent (X : T) return universal_integer 63 The function yields the normalized exponent of X. See A.5.3. 64 S'External_Tag For every subtype S of a tagged type T (specific or class-wide): 65 S'External_Tag denotes an external string representation for S'Tag; it is of the predefined type String. External_Tag may be specified for a specific tagged type via an attribute_definition_clause; the expression of such a clause shall be static. The default external tag representation is implementation defined. See 13.13.2. See 13.3. 66/1 A'First For a prefix A that is of an array type (after any implicit dereference), or denotes a constrained array subtype: 67 A'First denotes the lower bound of the first index range; its type is the corresponding index type. See 3.6.2. 68 S'First For every scalar subtype S: 69 S'First denotes the lower bound of the range of S. The value of this attribute is of the type of S. See 3.5. 70/1 A'First(N) For a prefix A that is of an array type (after any implicit dereference), or denotes a constrained array subtype: 71 A'First(N) denotes the lower bound of the N-th index range; its type is the corresponding index type. See 3.6.2. 72 R.C'First_Bit For a component C of a composite, non-array object R: 73/2 If the nondefault bit ordering applies to the composite type, and if a component_clause specifies the placement of C, denotes the value given for the first_bit of the component_clause; otherwise, denotes the offset, from the start of the first of the storage elements occupied by C, of the first bit occupied by C. This offset is measured in bits. The first bit of a storage element is numbered zero. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 13.5.2. 73.1/4 S'First_Valid For every static discrete subtype S for which there exists at least one value belonging to S that satisfies the predicates of S: 73.2/4 S'First_Valid denotes the smallest value that belongs to S and satisfies the predicates of S. The value of this attribute is of the type of S. See 3.5.5. 74 S'Floor For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 75 S'Floor denotes a function with the following specification: 76 function S'Floor (X : T) return T 77 The function yields the value Floor(X), i.e., the largest (most positive) integral value less than or equal to X. When X is zero, the result has the sign of X; a zero result otherwise has a positive sign. See A.5.3. 78 S'Fore For every fixed point subtype S: 79 S'Fore yields the minimum number of characters needed before the decimal point for the decimal representation of any value of the subtype S, assuming that the representation does not include an exponent, but includes a one-character prefix that is either a minus sign or a space. (This minimum number does not include superfluous zeros or underlines, and is at least 2.) The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 3.5.10. 80 S'Fraction For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 81 S'Fraction denotes a function with the following specification: 82 function S'Fraction (X : T) return T 83 The function yields the value X · T'Machine_Radix(-k), where k is the normalized exponent of X. A zero result, which can only occur when X is zero, has the sign of X. See A.5.3. 83.1/3 X'Has_Same_Storage For a prefix X that denotes an object: 83.2/4 X'Has_Same_Storage denotes a function with the following specification: 83.3/3 function X'Has_Same_Storage (Arg : any_type) return Boolean 83.4/4 The actual parameter shall be a name that denotes an object. The object denoted by the actual parameter can be of any type. This function evaluates the names of the objects involved. It returns True if the representation of the object denoted by the actual parameter occupies exactly the same bits as the representation of the object denoted by X and the objects occupy at least one bit; otherwise, it returns False. See 13.3. 84/1 E'Identity For a prefix E that denotes an exception: 85 E'Identity returns the unique identity of the exception. The type of this attribute is Exception_Id. See 11.4.1. 86 T'Identity For a prefix T that is of a task type (after any implicit dereference): 87 Yields a value of the type Task_Id that identifies the task denoted by T. See C.7.1. 88 S'Image For every scalar subtype S: 89 S'Image denotes a function with the following specification: 90 function S'Image(Arg : S'Base) return String 91/3 The function returns an image of the value of Arg as a String. See 3.5. 91.1/4 X'Image For a prefix X that denotes an object of a scalar type (after any implicit dereference): 91.2/4 X'Image denotes the result of calling function S'Image with Arg being X, where S is the nominal subtype of X. See 3.5. 92 S'Class'Input For every subtype S'Class of a class-wide type T'Class: 93 S'Class'Input denotes a function with the following specification: 94/2 function S'Class'Input( Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T'Class 95/3 First reads the external tag from Stream and determines the corresponding internal tag (by calling Tags.Descendant_Tag(String'Input(Stream), S'Tag) which might raise Tag_Error - see 3.9) and then dispatches to the subprogram denoted by the Input attribute of the specific type identified by the internal tag; returns that result. If the specific type identified by the internal tag is abstract, Constraint_Error is raised. See 13.13.2. 96 S'Input For every subtype S of a specific type T: 97 S'Input denotes a function with the following specification: 98/2 function S'Input( Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class) return T 99 S'Input reads and returns one value from Stream, using any bounds or discriminants written by a corresponding S'Output to determine how much to read. See 13.13.2. 100/1 A'Last For a prefix A that is of an array type (after any implicit dereference), or denotes a constrained array subtype: 101 A'Last denotes the upper bound of the first index range; its type is the corresponding index type. See 3.6.2. 102 S'Last For every scalar subtype S: 103 S'Last denotes the upper bound of the range of S. The value of this attribute is of the type of S. See 3.5. 104/1 A'Last(N) For a prefix A that is of an array type (after any implicit dereference), or denotes a constrained array subtype: 105 A'Last(N) denotes the upper bound of the N-th index range; its type is the corresponding index type. See 3.6.2. 106 R.C'Last_Bit For a component C of a composite, non-array object R: 107/2 If the nondefault bit ordering applies to the composite type, and if a component_clause specifies the placement of C, denotes the value given for the last_bit of the component_clause; otherwise, denotes the offset, from the start of the first of the storage elements occupied by C, of the last bit occupied by C. This offset is measured in bits. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 13.5.2. 107.1/4 S'Last_Valid For every static discrete subtype S for which there exists at least one value belonging to S that satisfies the predicates of S: 107.2/4 S'Last_Valid denotes the largest value that belongs to S and satisfies the predicates of S. The value of this attribute is of the type of S. See 3.5.5. 108 S'Leading_Part For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 109 S'Leading_Part denotes a function with the following specification: 110 function S'Leading_Part (X : T; Radix_Digits : universal_integer) return T 111 Let v be the value T'Machine_Radix(k-Radix_Digits), where k is the normalized exponent of X. The function yields the value 112 * Floor(X/v) · v, when X is nonnegative and Radix_Digits is positive; 113 * Ceiling(X/v) · v, when X is negative and Radix_Digits is positive. 114 Constraint_Error is raised when Radix_Digits is zero or negative. A zero result, which can only occur when X is zero, has the sign of X. See A.5.3. 115/1 A'Length For a prefix A that is of an array type (after any implicit dereference), or denotes a constrained array subtype: 116 A'Length denotes the number of values of the first index range (zero for a null range); its type is universal_integer. See 3.6.2. 117/1 A'Length(N) For a prefix A that is of an array type (after any implicit dereference), or denotes a constrained array subtype: 118 A'Length(N) denotes the number of values of the N-th index range (zero for a null range); its type is universal_integer. See 3.6.2. 119 S'Machine For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 120 S'Machine denotes a function with the following specification: 121 function S'Machine (X : T) return T 122 If X is a machine number of the type T, the function yields X; otherwise, it yields the value obtained by rounding or truncating X to either one of the adjacent machine numbers of the type T. Constraint_Error is raised if rounding or truncating X to the precision of the machine numbers results in a value outside the base range of S. A zero result has the sign of X when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 123 S'Machine_Emax For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 124 Yields the largest (most positive) value of exponent such that every value expressible in the canonical form (for the type T), having a mantissa of T'Machine_Mantissa digits, is a machine number (see 3.5.7) of the type T. This attribute yields a value of the type universal_integer. See A.5.3. 125 S'Machine_Emin For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 126 Yields the smallest (most negative) value of exponent such that every value expressible in the canonical form (for the type T), having a mantissa of T'Machine_Mantissa digits, is a machine number (see 3.5.7) of the type T. This attribute yields a value of the type universal_integer. See A.5.3. 127 S'Machine_Mantissa For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 128 Yields the largest value of p such that every value expressible in the canonical form (for the type T), having a p-digit mantissa and an exponent between T'Machine_Emin and T'Machine_Emax, is a machine number (see 3.5.7) of the type T. This attribute yields a value of the type universal_integer. See A.5.3. 129 S'Machine_Overflows For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 130 Yields the value True if overflow and divide-by-zero are detected and reported by raising Constraint_Error for every predefined operation that yields a result of the type T; yields the value False otherwise. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See A.5.3. 131 S'Machine_Overflows For every subtype S of a fixed point type T: 132 Yields the value True if overflow and divide-by-zero are detected and reported by raising Constraint_Error for every predefined operation that yields a result of the type T; yields the value False otherwise. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See A.5.4. 133 S'Machine_Radix For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 134 Yields the radix of the hardware representation of the type T. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See A.5.3. 135 S'Machine_Radix For every subtype S of a fixed point type T: 136 Yields the radix of the hardware representation of the type T. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See A.5.4. 136.1/2 S'Machine_Rounding For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 136.2/2 S'Machine_Rounding denotes a function with the following specification: 136.3/2 function S'Machine_Rounding (X : T) return T 136.4/2 The function yields the integral value nearest to X. If X lies exactly halfway between two integers, one of those integers is returned, but which of them is returned is unspecified. A zero result has the sign of X when S'Signed_Zeros is True. This function provides access to the rounding behavior which is most efficient on the target processor. See A.5.3. 137 S'Machine_Rounds For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 138 Yields the value True if rounding is performed on inexact results of every predefined operation that yields a result of the type T; yields the value False otherwise. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See A.5.3. 139 S'Machine_Rounds For every subtype S of a fixed point type T: 140 Yields the value True if rounding is performed on inexact results of every predefined operation that yields a result of the type T; yields the value False otherwise. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See A.5.4. 141 S'Max For every scalar subtype S: 142 S'Max denotes a function with the following specification: 143 function S'Max(Left, Right : S'Base) return S'Base 144 The function returns the greater of the values of the two parameters. See 3.5. 144.1/3 S'Max_Alignment_For_Allocation For every subtype S: 144.2/3 Denotes the maximum value for Alignment that could be requested by the implementation via Allocate for an access type whose designated subtype is S. The value of this attribute is of type universal_integer. See 13.11.1. 145 S'Max_Size_In_Storage_Elements For every subtype S: 146/3 Denotes the maximum value for Size_In_Storage_Elements that could be requested by the implementation via Allocate for an access type whose designated subtype is S. The value of this attribute is of type universal_integer. See 13.11.1. 147 S'Min For every scalar subtype S: 148 S'Min denotes a function with the following specification: 149 function S'Min(Left, Right : S'Base) return S'Base 150 The function returns the lesser of the values of the two parameters. See 3.5. 150.1/2 S'Mod For every modular subtype S: 150.2/2 S'Mod denotes a function with the following specification: 150.3/2 function S'Mod (Arg : universal_integer) return S'Base 150.4/2 This function returns Arg mod S'Modulus, as a value of the type of S. See 3.5.4. 151 S'Model For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 152 S'Model denotes a function with the following specification: 153 function S'Model (X : T) return T 154 If the Numerics Annex is not supported, the meaning of this attribute is implementation defined; see G.2.2 for the definition that applies to implementations supporting the Numerics Annex. See A.5.3. 155 S'Model_Emin For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 156 If the Numerics Annex is not supported, this attribute yields an implementation defined value that is greater than or equal to the value of T'Machine_Emin. See G.2.2 for further requirements that apply to implementations supporting the Numerics Annex. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See A.5.3. 157 S'Model_Epsilon For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 158 Yields the value T'Machine_Radix(1 - T'Model_Mantissa). The value of this attribute is of the type universal_real. See A.5.3. 159 S'Model_Mantissa For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 160 If the Numerics Annex is not supported, this attribute yields an implementation defined value that is greater than or equal to Ceiling(d · log(10) / log(T'Machine_Radix)) + 1, where d is the requested decimal precision of T, and less than or equal to the value of T'Machine_Mantissa. See G.2.2 for further requirements that apply to implementations supporting the Numerics Annex. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See A.5.3. 161 S'Model_Small For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 162 Yields the value T'Machine_Radix(T'Model_Emin - 1). The value of this attribute is of the type universal_real. See A.5.3. 163 S'Modulus For every modular subtype S: 164 S'Modulus yields the modulus of the type of S, as a value of the type universal_integer. See 3.5.4. 164.1/3 X'Old For a prefix X that denotes an object of a nonlimited type: 164.2/4 Each X'Old in a postcondition expression that is enabled denotes a constant that is implicitly declared at the beginning of the subprogram body, entry body, or accept statement. See 6.1.1. 165 S'Class'Output For every subtype S'Class of a class-wide type T'Class: 166 S'Class'Output denotes a procedure with the following specification: 167/2 procedure S'Class'Output( Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : in T'Class) 168/2 First writes the external tag of Item to Stream (by calling String'Output(Stream, Tags.External_Tag(Item'Tag)) - see 3.9) and then dispatches to the subprogram denoted by the Output attribute of the specific type identified by the tag. Tag_Error is raised if the tag of Item identifies a type declared at an accessibility level deeper than that of S. See 13.13.2. 169 S'Output For every subtype S of a specific type T: 170 S'Output denotes a procedure with the following specification: 171/2 procedure S'Output( Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : in T) 172 S'Output writes the value of Item to Stream, including any bounds or discriminants. See 13.13.2. 172.1/3 X'Overlaps_Storage For a prefix X that denotes an object: 172.2/3 X'Overlaps_Storage denotes a function with the following specification: 172.3/3 function X'Overlaps_Storage (Arg : any_type) return Boolean 172.4/3 The actual parameter shall be a name that denotes an object. The object denoted by the actual parameter can be of any type. This function evaluates the names of the objects involved and returns True if the representation of the object denoted by the actual parameter shares at least one bit with the representation of the object denoted by X; otherwise, it returns False. See 13.3. 173/1 D'Partition_Id For a prefix D that denotes a library-level declaration, excepting a declaration of or within a declared-pure library unit: 174 Denotes a value of the type universal_integer that identifies the partition in which D was elaborated. If D denotes the declaration of a remote call interface library unit (see E.2.3) the given partition is the one where the body of D was elaborated. See E.1. 175 S'Pos For every discrete subtype S: 176 S'Pos denotes a function with the following specification: 177 function S'Pos(Arg : S'Base) return universal_integer 178 This function returns the position number of the value of Arg, as a value of type universal_integer. See 3.5.5. 179 R.C'Position For a component C of a composite, non-array object R: 180/2 If the nondefault bit ordering applies to the composite type, and if a component_clause specifies the placement of C, denotes the value given for the position of the component_clause; otherwise, denotes the same value as R.C'Address - R'Address. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 13.5.2. 181 S'Pred For every scalar subtype S: 182 S'Pred denotes a function with the following specification: 183 function S'Pred(Arg : S'Base) return S'Base 184 For an enumeration type, the function returns the value whose position number is one less than that of the value of Arg; Constraint_Error is raised if there is no such value of the type. For an integer type, the function returns the result of subtracting one from the value of Arg. For a fixed point type, the function returns the result of subtracting small from the value of Arg. For a floating point type, the function returns the machine number (as defined in 3.5.7) immediately below the value of Arg; Constraint_Error is raised if there is no such machine number. See 3.5. 184.1/2 P'Priority For a prefix P that denotes a protected object: 184.2/2 Denotes a non-aliased component of the protected object P. This component is of type System.Any_Priority and its value is the priority of P. P'Priority denotes a variable if and only if P denotes a variable. A reference to this attribute shall appear only within the body of P. See D.5.2. 185/1 A'Range For a prefix A that is of an array type (after any implicit dereference), or denotes a constrained array subtype: 186 A'Range is equivalent to the range A'First .. A'Last, except that the prefix A is only evaluated once. See 3.6.2. 187 S'Range For every scalar subtype S: 188 S'Range is equivalent to the range S'First .. S'Last. See 3.5. 189/1 A'Range(N) For a prefix A that is of an array type (after any implicit dereference), or denotes a constrained array subtype: 190 A'Range(N) is equivalent to the range A'First(N) .. A'Last(N), except that the prefix A is only evaluated once. See 3.6.2. 191 S'Class'Read For every subtype S'Class of a class-wide type T'Class: 192 S'Class'Read denotes a procedure with the following specification: 193/2 procedure S'Class'Read( Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T'Class) 194 Dispatches to the subprogram denoted by the Read attribute of the specific type identified by the tag of Item. See 13.13.2. 195 S'Read For every subtype S of a specific type T: 196 S'Read denotes a procedure with the following specification: 197/2 procedure S'Read( Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : out T) 198 S'Read reads the value of Item from Stream. See 13.13.2. 199 S'Remainder For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 200 S'Remainder denotes a function with the following specification: 201 function S'Remainder (X, Y : T) return T 202 For nonzero Y, let v be the value X - n · Y, where n is the integer nearest to the exact value of X/Y; if |n - X/Y| = 1/2, then n is chosen to be even. If v is a machine number of the type T, the function yields v; otherwise, it yields zero. Constraint_Error is raised if Y is zero. A zero result has the sign of X when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 202.1/3 F'Result For a prefix F that denotes a function declaration: 202.2/3 Within a postcondition expression for function F, denotes the result object of the function. The type of this attribute is that of the function result except within a Post'Class postcondition expression for a function with a controlling result or with a controlling access result. For a controlling result, the type of the attribute is T'Class, where T is the function result type. For a controlling access result, the type of the attribute is an anonymous access type whose designated type is T'Class, where T is the designated type of the function result type. See 6.1.1. 203 S'Round For every decimal fixed point subtype S: 204 S'Round denotes a function with the following specification: 205 function S'Round(X : universal_real) return S'Base 206 The function returns the value obtained by rounding X (away from 0, if X is midway between two values of the type of S). See 3.5.10. 207 S'Rounding For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 208 S'Rounding denotes a function with the following specification: 209 function S'Rounding (X : T) return T 210 The function yields the integral value nearest to X, rounding away from zero if X lies exactly halfway between two integers. A zero result has the sign of X when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 211 S'Safe_First For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 212 Yields the lower bound of the safe range (see 3.5.7) of the type T. If the Numerics Annex is not supported, the value of this attribute is implementation defined; see G.2.2 for the definition that applies to implementations supporting the Numerics Annex. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_real. See A.5.3. 213 S'Safe_Last For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 214 Yields the upper bound of the safe range (see 3.5.7) of the type T. If the Numerics Annex is not supported, the value of this attribute is implementation defined; see G.2.2 for the definition that applies to implementations supporting the Numerics Annex. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_real. See A.5.3. 215 S'Scale For every decimal fixed point subtype S: 216 S'Scale denotes the scale of the subtype S, defined as the value N such that S'Delta = 10.0**(-N). The scale indicates the position of the point relative to the rightmost significant digits of values of subtype S. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 3.5.10. 217 S'Scaling For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 218 S'Scaling denotes a function with the following specification: 219 function S'Scaling (X : T; Adjustment : universal_integer) return T 220 Let v be the value X · T'Machine_Radix(Adjustment). If v is a machine number of the type T, or if |v| >= T'Model_Small, the function yields v; otherwise, it yields either one of the machine numbers of the type T adjacent to v. Constraint_Error is optionally raised if v is outside the base range of S. A zero result has the sign of X when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 221 S'Signed_Zeros For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 222 Yields the value True if the hardware representation for the type T has the capability of representing both positively and negatively signed zeros, these being generated and used by the predefined operations of the type T as specified in IEC 559:1989; yields the value False otherwise. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See A.5.3. 223 S'Size For every subtype S: 224 If S is definite, denotes the size (in bits) that the implementation would choose for the following objects of subtype S: 225 * A record component of subtype S when the record type is packed. 226 * The formal parameter of an instance of Unchecked_Conversion that converts from subtype S to some other subtype. 227 If S is indefinite, the meaning is implementation defined. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 13.3. 228/1 X'Size For a prefix X that denotes an object: 229 Denotes the size in bits of the representation of the object. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. See 13.3. 230 S'Small For every fixed point subtype S: 231 S'Small denotes the small of the type of S. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_real. See 3.5.10. 232 S'Storage_Pool For every access-to-object subtype S: 233 Denotes the storage pool of the type of S. The type of this attribute is Root_Storage_Pool'Class. See 13.11. 234 S'Storage_Size For every access-to-object subtype S: 235 Yields the result of calling Storage_Size(S'Storage_Pool), which is intended to be a measure of the number of storage elements reserved for the pool. The type of this attribute is universal_integer. See 13.11. 236/1 T'Storage_Size For a prefix T that denotes a task object (after any implicit dereference): 237 Denotes the number of storage elements reserved for the task. The value of this attribute is of the type universal_integer. The Storage_Size includes the size of the task's stack, if any. The language does not specify whether or not it includes other storage associated with the task (such as the "task control block" used by some implementations.) See 13.3. 237.1/2 S'Stream_Size For every subtype S of an elementary type T: 237.2/3 Denotes the number of bits read from or written to a stream by the default implementations of S'Read and S'Write. Hence, the number of stream elements required per item of elementary type T is: 237.3/2 T'Stream_Size / Ada.Streams.Stream_Element'Size 237.4/2 The value of this attribute is of type universal_integer and is a multiple of Stream_Element'Size. See 13.13.2. 238 S'Succ For every scalar subtype S: 239 S'Succ denotes a function with the following specification: 240 function S'Succ(Arg : S'Base) return S'Base 241 For an enumeration type, the function returns the value whose position number is one more than that of the value of Arg; Constraint_Error is raised if there is no such value of the type. For an integer type, the function returns the result of adding one to the value of Arg. For a fixed point type, the function returns the result of adding small to the value of Arg. For a floating point type, the function returns the machine number (as defined in 3.5.7) immediately above the value of Arg; Constraint_Error is raised if there is no such machine number. See 3.5. 242 S'Tag For every subtype S of a tagged type T (specific or class-wide): 243 S'Tag denotes the tag of the type T (or if T is class-wide, the tag of the root type of the corresponding class). The value of this attribute is of type Tag. See 3.9. 244 X'Tag For a prefix X that is of a class-wide tagged type (after any implicit dereference): 245 X'Tag denotes the tag of X. The value of this attribute is of type Tag. See 3.9. 246 T'Terminated For a prefix T that is of a task type (after any implicit dereference): 247 Yields the value True if the task denoted by T is terminated, and False otherwise. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See 9.9. 248 S'Truncation For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 249 S'Truncation denotes a function with the following specification: 250 function S'Truncation (X : T) return T 251 The function yields the value Ceiling(X) when X is negative, and Floor(X) otherwise. A zero result has the sign of X when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 252 S'Unbiased_Rounding For every subtype S of a floating point type T: 253 S'Unbiased_Rounding denotes a function with the following specification: 254 function S'Unbiased_Rounding (X : T) return T 255 The function yields the integral value nearest to X, rounding toward the even integer if X lies exactly halfway between two integers. A zero result has the sign of X when S'Signed_Zeros is True. See A.5.3. 256 X'Unchecked_Access For a prefix X that denotes an aliased view of an object: 257 All rules and semantics that apply to X'Access (see 3.10.2) apply also to X'Unchecked_Access, except that, for the purposes of accessibility rules and checks, it is as if X were declared immediately within a library package. See 13.10. 258 S'Val For every discrete subtype S: 259 S'Val denotes a function with the following specification: 260 function S'Val(Arg : universal_integer) return S'Base 261 This function returns a value of the type of S whose position number equals the value of Arg. See 3.5.5. 262 X'Valid For a prefix X that denotes a scalar object (after any implicit dereference): 263/4 Yields True if and only if the object denoted by X is normal, has a valid representation, and then, if the preceding conditions hold, the value of X also satisfies the predicates of the nominal subtype of X. The value of this attribute is of the predefined type Boolean. See 13.9.2. 264 S'Value For every scalar subtype S: 265 S'Value denotes a function with the following specification: 266 function S'Value(Arg : String) return S'Base 267 This function returns a value given an image of the value as a String, ignoring any leading or trailing spaces. See 3.5. 268/1 P'Version For a prefix P that statically denotes a program unit: 269 Yields a value of the predefined type String that identifies the version of the compilation unit that contains the declaration of the program unit. See E.3. 270 S'Wide_Image For every scalar subtype S: 271 S'Wide_Image denotes a function with the following specification: 272 function S'Wide_Image(Arg : S'Base) return Wide_String 273/3 The function returns an image of the value of Arg as a Wide_String. See 3.5. 273.1/4 X'Wide_Image For a prefix X that denotes an object of a scalar type (after any implicit dereference): 273.2/4 X'Wide_Image denotes the result of calling function S'Wide_Image with Arg being X, where S is the nominal subtype of X. See 3.5. 274 S'Wide_Value For every scalar subtype S: 275 S'Wide_Value denotes a function with the following specification: 276 function S'Wide_Value(Arg : Wide_String) return S'Base 277 This function returns a value given an image of the value as a Wide_String, ignoring any leading or trailing spaces. See 3.5. 277.1/2 S'Wide_Wide_Image For every scalar subtype S: 277.2/2 S'Wide_Wide_Image denotes a function with the following specification: 277.3/2 function S'Wide_Wide_Image(Arg : S'Base) return Wide_Wide_String 277.4/2 The function returns an image of the value of Arg, that is, a sequence of characters representing the value in display form. See 3.5. 277.5/4 X'Wide_Wide_Image For a prefix X that denotes an object of a scalar type (after any implicit dereference): 277.6/4 X'Wide_Wide_Image denotes the result of calling function S'Wide_Wide_Image with Arg being X, where S is the nominal subtype of X. See 3.5. 277.7/2 S'Wide_Wide_Value For every scalar subtype S: 277.8/2 S'Wide_Wide_Value denotes a function with the following specification: 277.9/2 function S'Wide_Wide_Value(Arg : Wide_Wide_String) return S'Base 277.10/2 This function returns a value given an image of the value as a Wide_Wide_String, ignoring any leading or trailing spaces. See 3.5. 277.11/2 S'Wide_Wide_Width For every scalar subtype S: 277.12/2 S'Wide_Wide_Width denotes the maximum length of a Wide_Wide_String returned by S'Wide_Wide_Image over all values of the subtype S. It denotes zero for a subtype that has a null range. Its type is universal_integer. See 3.5. 278 S'Wide_Width For every scalar subtype S: 279 S'Wide_Width denotes the maximum length of a Wide_String returned by S'Wide_Image over all values of the subtype S. It denotes zero for a subtype that has a null range. Its type is universal_integer. See 3.5. 280 S'Width For every scalar subtype S: 281 S'Width denotes the maximum length of a String returned by S'Image over all values of the subtype S. It denotes zero for a subtype that has a null range. Its type is universal_integer. See 3.5. 282 S'Class'Write For every subtype S'Class of a class-wide type T'Class: 283 S'Class'Write denotes a procedure with the following specification: 284/2 procedure S'Class'Write( Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : in T'Class) 285 Dispatches to the subprogram denoted by the Write attribute of the specific type identified by the tag of Item. See 13.13.2. 286 S'Write For every subtype S of a specific type T: 287 S'Write denotes a procedure with the following specification: 288/2 procedure S'Write( Stream : not null access Ada.Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class; Item : in T) 289 S'Write writes the value of Item to Stream. See 13.13.2.