G.3 Vector and Matrix Manipulation
Types and operations for the manipulation of real vectors and matrices
are provided in Generic_Real_Arrays, which is defined in
Types and operations for the manipulation of complex vectors and matrices
are provided in Generic_Complex_Arrays, which is defined in
Both of these library units are generic children of the predefined package
Numerics (see
A.5). Nongeneric equivalents
of these packages for each of the predefined floating point types are
also provided as children of Numerics.
Discussion: Vector and matrix manipulation
is defined in the Numerics Annex, rather than in the core, because it
is considered to be a specialized need of (some) numeric applications.
These packages provide facilities that are similar
to and replace those found in ISO/IEC 13813:1998 Information technology
— Programming languages — Generic packages of real and complex
type declarations and basic operations for Ada (including vector and
matrix types). (The other facilities provided by that Standard were
already provided in Ada 95.) In addition to the main facilities of that
Standard, these packages also include subprograms for the solution of
linear equations, matrix inversion, determinants, and the determination
of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices and Hermitian
Extensions to Ada 95
extensions to Ada 95}
This clause is new.
It just provides an introduction to the following subclauses.