16.8. Math Commands

"Doing the numbers"


Decompose an integer into prime factors.

 bash$ factor 27417
 27417: 3 13 19 37

Example 16-46. Generating prime numbers

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # primes2.sh
   4 #  Generating prime numbers the quick-and-easy way,
   5 #+ without resorting to fancy algorithms.
   7 CEILING=10000   # 1 to 10000
   8 PRIME=0
  11 is_prime ()
  12 {
  13   local factors
  14   factors=( $(factor $1) )  # Load output of `factor` into array.
  16 if [ -z "${factors[2]}" ]
  17 #  Third element of "factors" array:
  18 #+ ${factors[2]} is 2nd factor of argument.
  19 #  If it is blank, then there is no 2nd factor,
  20 #+ and the argument is therefore prime.
  21 then
  22   return $PRIME             # 0
  23 else
  24   return $E_NOTPRIME        # null
  25 fi
  26 }
  28 echo
  29 for n in $(seq $CEILING)
  30 do
  31   if is_prime $n
  32   then
  33     printf %5d $n
  34   fi   #    ^  Five positions per number suffices.
  35 done   #       For a higher $CEILING, adjust upward, as necessary.
  37 echo
  39 exit


Bash can't handle floating point calculations, and it lacks operators for certain important mathematical functions. Fortunately, bc gallops to the rescue.

Not just a versatile, arbitrary precision calculation utility, bc offers many of the facilities of a programming language. It has a syntax vaguely resembling C.

Since it is a fairly well-behaved UNIX utility, and may therefore be used in a pipe, bc comes in handy in scripts.

Here is a simple template for using bc to calculate a script variable. This uses command substitution.

 	      variable=$(echo "OPTIONS; OPERATIONS" | bc)

Example 16-47. Monthly Payment on a Mortgage

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # monthlypmt.sh: Calculates monthly payment on a mortgage.
   5 #  This is a modification of code in the
   6 #+ "mcalc" (mortgage calculator) package,
   7 #+ by Jeff Schmidt
   8 #+ and
   9 #+ Mendel Cooper (yours truly, the ABS Guide author).
  10 #   http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/apps/financial/mcalc-1.6.tar.gz
  12 echo
  13 echo "Given the principal, interest rate, and term of a mortgage,"
  14 echo "calculate the monthly payment."
  16 bottom=1.0
  18 echo
  19 echo -n "Enter principal (no commas) "
  20 read principal
  21 echo -n "Enter interest rate (percent) "  # If 12%, enter "12", not ".12".
  22 read interest_r
  23 echo -n "Enter term (months) "
  24 read term
  27  interest_r=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_r/100.0" | bc) # Convert to decimal.
  28                  #           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  Divide by 100. 
  29                  # "scale" determines how many decimal places.
  31  interest_rate=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_r/12 + 1.0" | bc)
  34  top=$(echo "scale=9; $principal*$interest_rate^$term" | bc)
  35           #           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  36           #           Standard formula for figuring interest.
  38  echo; echo "Please be patient. This may take a while."
  40  let "months = $term - 1"
  41 # ==================================================================== 
  42  for ((x=$months; x > 0; x--))
  43  do
  44    bot=$(echo "scale=9; $interest_rate^$x" | bc)
  45    bottom=$(echo "scale=9; $bottom+$bot" | bc)
  46 #  bottom = $(($bottom + $bot"))
  47  done
  48 # ==================================================================== 
  50 # -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  51 #  Rick Boivie pointed out a more efficient implementation
  52 #+ of the above loop, which decreases computation time by 2/3.
  54 # for ((x=1; x <= $months; x++))
  55 # do
  56 #   bottom=$(echo "scale=9; $bottom * $interest_rate + 1" | bc)
  57 # done
  60 #  And then he came up with an even more efficient alternative,
  61 #+ one that cuts down the run time by about 95%!
  63 # bottom=`{
  64 #     echo "scale=9; bottom=$bottom; interest_rate=$interest_rate"
  65 #     for ((x=1; x <= $months; x++))
  66 #     do
  67 #          echo 'bottom = bottom * interest_rate + 1'
  68 #     done
  69 #     echo 'bottom'
  70 #     } | bc`       # Embeds a 'for loop' within command substitution.
  71 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72 #  On the other hand, Frank Wang suggests:
  73 #  bottom=$(echo "scale=9; ($interest_rate^$term-1)/($interest_rate-1)" | bc)
  75 #  Because . . .
  76 #  The algorithm behind the loop
  77 #+ is actually a sum of geometric proportion series.
  78 #  The sum formula is e0(1-q^n)/(1-q),
  79 #+ where e0 is the first element and q=e(n+1)/e(n)
  80 #+ and n is the number of elements.
  81 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  84  # let "payment = $top/$bottom"
  85  payment=$(echo "scale=2; $top/$bottom" | bc)
  86  # Use two decimal places for dollars and cents.
  88  echo
  89  echo "monthly payment = \$$payment"  # Echo a dollar sign in front of amount.
  90  echo
  93  exit 0
  96  # Exercises:
  97  #   1) Filter input to permit commas in principal amount.
  98  #   2) Filter input to permit interest to be entered as percent or decimal.
  99  #   3) If you are really ambitious,
 100  #+     expand this script to print complete amortization tables.

Example 16-48. Base Conversion

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 ###########################################################################
   3 # Shellscript:	base.sh - print number to different bases (Bourne Shell)
   4 # Author     :	Heiner Steven (heiner.steven@odn.de)
   5 # Date       :	07-03-95
   6 # Category   :	Desktop
   7 # $Id: base.sh,v 1.2 2000/02/06 19:55:35 heiner Exp $
   8 # ==> Above line is RCS ID info.
   9 ###########################################################################
  10 # Description
  11 #
  12 # Changes
  13 # 21-03-95 stv	fixed error occuring with 0xb as input (0.2)
  14 ###########################################################################
  16 # ==> Used in ABS Guide with the script author's permission.
  17 # ==> Comments added by ABS Guide author.
  19 NOARGS=85
  20 PN=`basename "$0"`			       # Program name
  21 VER=`echo '$Revision: 1.2 $' | cut -d' ' -f2`  # ==> VER=1.2
  23 Usage () {
  24     echo "$PN - print number to different bases, $VER (stv '95)
  25 usage: $PN [number ...]
  27 If no number is given, the numbers are read from standard input.
  28 A number may be
  29     binary (base 2)		starting with 0b (i.e. 0b1100)
  30     octal (base 8)		starting with 0  (i.e. 014)
  31     hexadecimal (base 16)	starting with 0x (i.e. 0xc)
  32     decimal			otherwise (i.e. 12)" >&2
  33     exit $NOARGS 
  34 }   # ==> Prints usage message.
  36 Msg () {
  37     for i   # ==> in [list] missing. Why?
  38     do echo "$PN: $i" >&2
  39     done
  40 }
  42 Fatal () { Msg "$@"; exit 66; }
  44 PrintBases () {
  45     # Determine base of the number
  46     for i      # ==> in [list] missing...
  47     do         # ==> so operates on command-line arg(s).
  48 	case "$i" in
  49 	    0b*)		ibase=2;;	# binary
  50 	    0x*|[a-f]*|[A-F]*)	ibase=16;;	# hexadecimal
  51 	    0*)			ibase=8;;	# octal
  52 	    [1-9]*)		ibase=10;;	# decimal
  53 	    *)
  54 		Msg "illegal number $i - ignored"
  55 		continue;;
  56 	esac
  58 	# Remove prefix, convert hex digits to uppercase (bc needs this).
  59 	number=`echo "$i" | sed -e 's:^0[bBxX]::' | tr '[a-f]' '[A-F]'`
  60 	# ==> Uses ":" as sed separator, rather than "/".
  62 	# Convert number to decimal
  63 	dec=`echo "ibase=$ibase; $number" | bc`  # ==> 'bc' is calculator utility.
  64 	case "$dec" in
  65 	    [0-9]*)	;;			 # number ok
  66 	    *)		continue;;		 # error: ignore
  67 	esac
  69 	# Print all conversions in one line.
  70 	# ==> 'here document' feeds command list to 'bc'.
  71 	echo `bc <<!
  72 	    obase=16; "hex="; $dec
  73 	    obase=10; "dec="; $dec
  74 	    obase=8;  "oct="; $dec
  75 	    obase=2;  "bin="; $dec
  76 !
  77     ` | sed -e 's: :	:g'
  79     done
  80 }
  82 while [ $# -gt 0 ]
  83 # ==>  Is a "while loop" really necessary here,
  84 # ==>+ since all the cases either break out of the loop
  85 # ==>+ or terminate the script.
  86 # ==> (Above comment by Paulo Marcel Coelho Aragao.)
  87 do
  88     case "$1" in
  89 	--)     shift; break;;
  90 	-h)     Usage;;                 # ==> Help message.
  91 	-*)     Usage;;
  92          *)     break;;                 # First number
  93     esac   # ==> Error checking for illegal input might be appropriate.
  94     shift
  95 done
  97 if [ $# -gt 0 ]
  98 then
  99     PrintBases "$@"
 100 else					# Read from stdin.
 101     while read line
 102     do
 103 	PrintBases $line
 104     done
 105 fi
 108 exit

An alternate method of invoking bc involves using a here document embedded within a command substitution block. This is especially appropriate when a script needs to pass a list of options and commands to bc.

   1 variable=`bc << LIMIT_STRING
   2 options
   3 statements
   4 operations
   6 `
   8 ...or...
  11 variable=$(bc << LIMIT_STRING
  12 options
  13 statements
  14 operations
  16 )

Example 16-49. Invoking bc using a here document

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # Invoking 'bc' using command substitution
   3 # in combination with a 'here document'.
   6 var1=`bc << EOF
   7 18.33 * 19.78
   8 EOF
   9 `
  10 echo $var1       # 362.56
  13 #  $( ... ) notation also works.
  14 v1=23.53
  15 v2=17.881
  16 v3=83.501
  17 v4=171.63
  19 var2=$(bc << EOF
  20 scale = 4
  21 a = ( $v1 + $v2 )
  22 b = ( $v3 * $v4 )
  23 a * b + 15.35
  24 EOF
  25 )
  26 echo $var2       # 593487.8452
  29 var3=$(bc -l << EOF
  30 scale = 9
  31 s ( 1.7 )
  32 EOF
  33 )
  34 # Returns the sine of 1.7 radians.
  35 # The "-l" option calls the 'bc' math library.
  36 echo $var3       # .991664810
  39 # Now, try it in a function...
  40 hypotenuse ()    # Calculate hypotenuse of a right triangle.
  41 {                # c = sqrt( a^2 + b^2 )
  42 hyp=$(bc -l << EOF
  43 scale = 9
  44 sqrt ( $1 * $1 + $2 * $2 )
  45 EOF
  46 )
  47 # Can't directly return floating point values from a Bash function.
  48 # But, can echo-and-capture:
  49 echo "$hyp"
  50 }
  52 hyp=$(hypotenuse 3.68 7.31)
  53 echo "hypotenuse = $hyp"    # 8.184039344
  56 exit 0

Example 16-50. Calculating PI

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # cannon.sh: Approximating PI by firing cannonballs.
   4 # Author: Mendel Cooper
   5 # License: Public Domain
   6 # Version 2.2, reldate 13oct08.
   8 # This is a very simple instance of a "Monte Carlo" simulation:
   9 #+ a mathematical model of a real-life event,
  10 #+ using pseudorandom numbers to emulate random chance.
  12 #  Consider a perfectly square plot of land, 10000 units on a side.
  13 #  This land has a perfectly circular lake in its center,
  14 #+ with a diameter of 10000 units.
  15 #  The plot is actually mostly water, except for land in the four corners.
  16 #  (Think of it as a square with an inscribed circle.)
  17 #
  18 #  We will fire iron cannonballs from an old-style cannon
  19 #+ at the square.
  20 #  All the shots impact somewhere on the square,
  21 #+ either in the lake or on the dry corners.
  22 #  Since the lake takes up most of the area,
  23 #+ most of the shots will SPLASH! into the water.
  24 #  Just a few shots will THUD! into solid ground
  25 #+ in the four corners of the square.
  26 #
  27 #  If we take enough random, unaimed shots at the square,
  28 #+ Then the ratio of SPLASHES to total shots will approximate
  29 #+ the value of PI/4.
  30 #
  31 #  The simplified explanation is that the cannon is actually
  32 #+ shooting only at the upper right-hand quadrant of the square,
  33 #+ i.e., Quadrant I of the Cartesian coordinate plane.
  34 #
  35 #
  36 #  Theoretically, the more shots taken, the better the fit.
  37 #  However, a shell script, as opposed to a compiled language
  38 #+ with floating-point math built in, requires some compromises.
  39 #  This decreases the accuracy of the simulation.
  42 DIMENSION=10000  # Length of each side of the plot.
  43                  # Also sets ceiling for random integers generated.
  45 MAXSHOTS=1000    # Fire this many shots.
  46                  # 10000 or more would be better, but would take too long.
  47 PMULTIPLIER=4.0  # Scaling factor.
  49 declare -r M_PI=3.141592654
  50                  # Actual 9-place value of PI, for comparison purposes.
  52 get_random ()
  53 {
  54 SEED=$(head -n 1 /dev/urandom | od -N 1 | awk '{ print $2 }')
  55 RANDOM=$SEED                                  #  From "seeding-random.sh"
  56                                               #+ example script.
  57 let "rnum = $RANDOM % $DIMENSION"             #  Range less than 10000.
  58 echo $rnum
  59 }
  61 distance=        # Declare global variable.
  62 hypotenuse ()    # Calculate hypotenuse of a right triangle.
  63 {                # From "alt-bc.sh" example.
  64 distance=$(bc -l << EOF
  65 scale = 0
  66 sqrt ( $1 * $1 + $2 * $2 )
  67 EOF
  68 )
  69 #  Setting "scale" to zero rounds down result to integer value,
  70 #+ a necessary compromise in this script.
  71 #  It decreases the accuracy of this simulation.
  72 }
  75 # ==========================================================
  76 # main() {
  77 # "Main" code block, mimicking a C-language main() function.
  79 # Initialize variables.
  80 shots=0
  81 splashes=0
  82 thuds=0
  83 Pi=0
  84 error=0
  86 while [ "$shots" -lt  "$MAXSHOTS" ]           # Main loop.
  87 do
  89   xCoord=$(get_random)                        # Get random X and Y coords.
  90   yCoord=$(get_random)
  91   hypotenuse $xCoord $yCoord                  #  Hypotenuse of
  92                                               #+ right-triangle = distance.
  93   ((shots++))
  95   printf "#%4d   " $shots
  96   printf "Xc = %4d  " $xCoord
  97   printf "Yc = %4d  " $yCoord
  98   printf "Distance = %5d  " $distance         #   Distance from
  99                                               #+  center of lake
 100                                               #+  -- the "origin" --
 101                                               #+  coordinate (0,0).
 103   if [ "$distance" -le "$DIMENSION" ]
 104   then
 105     echo -n "SPLASH!  "
 106     ((splashes++))
 107   else
 108     echo -n "THUD!    "
 109     ((thuds++))
 110   fi
 112   Pi=$(echo "scale=9; $PMULTIPLIER*$splashes/$shots" | bc)
 113   # Multiply ratio by 4.0.
 114   echo -n "PI ~ $Pi"
 115   echo
 117 done
 119 echo
 120 echo "After $shots shots, PI looks like approximately   $Pi"
 121 #  Tends to run a bit high,
 122 #+ possibly due to round-off error and imperfect randomness of $RANDOM.
 123 #  But still usually within plus-or-minus 5% . . .
 124 #+ a pretty fair rough approximation.
 125 error=$(echo "scale=9; $Pi - $M_PI" | bc)
 126 pct_error=$(echo "scale=2; 100.0 * $error / $M_PI" | bc)
 127 echo -n "Deviation from mathematical value of PI =        $error"
 128 echo " ($pct_error% error)"
 129 echo
 131 # End of "main" code block.
 132 # }
 133 # ==========================================================
 135 exit 0
 137 #  One might well wonder whether a shell script is appropriate for
 138 #+ an application as complex and computation-intensive as a simulation.
 139 #
 140 #  There are at least two justifications.
 141 #  1) As a proof of concept: to show it can be done.
 142 #  2) To prototype and test the algorithms before rewriting
 143 #+    it in a compiled high-level language.

See also Example A-37.


The dc (desk calculator) utility is stack-oriented and uses RPN (Reverse Polish Notation). Like bc, it has much of the power of a programming language.

Similar to the procedure with bc, echo a command-string to dc.

   1 echo "[Printing a string ... ]P" | dc
   2 # The P command prints the string between the preceding brackets.
   4 # And now for some simple arithmetic.
   5 echo "7 8 * p" | dc     # 56
   6 #  Pushes 7, then 8 onto the stack,
   7 #+ multiplies ("*" operator), then prints the result ("p" operator).

Most persons avoid dc, because of its non-intuitive input and rather cryptic operators. Yet, it has its uses.

Example 16-51. Converting a decimal number to hexadecimal

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # hexconvert.sh: Convert a decimal number to hexadecimal.
   4 E_NOARGS=85 # Command-line arg missing.
   5 BASE=16     # Hexadecimal.
   7 if [ -z "$1" ]
   8 then        # Need a command-line argument.
   9   echo "Usage: $0 number"
  10   exit $E_NOARGS
  11 fi          # Exercise: add argument validity checking.
  14 hexcvt ()
  15 {
  16 if [ -z "$1" ]
  17 then
  18   echo 0
  19   return    # "Return" 0 if no arg passed to function.
  20 fi
  22 echo ""$1" "$BASE" o p" | dc
  23 #                  o    sets radix (numerical base) of output.
  24 #                    p  prints the top of stack.
  25 # For other options: 'man dc' ...
  26 return
  27 }
  29 hexcvt "$1"
  31 exit

Studying the info page for dc is a painful path to understanding its intricacies. There seems to be a small, select group of dc wizards who delight in showing off their mastery of this powerful, but arcane utility.

 bash$ echo "16i[q]sa[ln0=aln100%Pln100/snlbx]sbA0D68736142snlbxq" | dc

   1 dc <<< 10k5v1+2/p # 1.6180339887
   2 #  ^^^            Feed operations to dc using a Here String.
   3 #      ^^^        Pushes 10 and sets that as the precision (10k).
   4 #         ^^      Pushes 5 and takes its square root
   5 #                 (5v, v = square root).
   6 #           ^^    Pushes 1 and adds it to the running total (1+).
   7 #             ^^  Pushes 2 and divides the running total by that (2/).
   8 #               ^ Pops and prints the result (p)
   9 #  The result is  1.6180339887 ...
  10 #  ... which happens to be the Pythagorean Golden Ratio, to 10 places.

Example 16-52. Factoring

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # factr.sh: Factor a number
   4 MIN=2       # Will not work for number smaller than this.
   5 E_NOARGS=85
   6 E_TOOSMALL=86
   8 if [ -z $1 ]
   9 then
  10   echo "Usage: $0 number"
  11   exit $E_NOARGS
  12 fi
  14 if [ "$1" -lt "$MIN" ]
  15 then
  16   echo "Number to factor must be $MIN or greater."
  17   exit $E_TOOSMALL
  18 fi  
  20 # Exercise: Add type checking (to reject non-integer arg).
  22 echo "Factors of $1:"
  23 # -------------------------------------------------------
  24 echo  "$1[p]s2[lip/dli%0=1dvsr]s12sid2%0=13sidvsr[dli%0=\
  25 1lrli2+dsi!>.]ds.xd1<2" | dc
  26 # -------------------------------------------------------
  27 #  Above code written by Michel Charpentier <charpov@cs.unh.edu>
  28 #  (as a one-liner, here broken into two lines for display purposes).
  29 #  Used in ABS Guide with permission (thanks!).
  31  exit
  33  # $ sh factr.sh 270138
  34  # 2
  35  # 3
  36  # 11
  37  # 4093


Yet another way of doing floating point math in a script is using awk's built-in math functions in a shell wrapper.

Example 16-53. Calculating the hypotenuse of a triangle

   1 #!/bin/bash
   2 # hypotenuse.sh: Returns the "hypotenuse" of a right triangle.
   3 #                (square root of sum of squares of the "legs")
   5 ARGS=2                # Script needs sides of triangle passed.
   6 E_BADARGS=85          # Wrong number of arguments.
   8 if [ $# -ne "$ARGS" ] # Test number of arguments to script.
   9 then
  10   echo "Usage: `basename $0` side_1 side_2"
  11   exit $E_BADARGS
  12 fi
  15 AWKSCRIPT=' { printf( "%3.7f\n", sqrt($1*$1 + $2*$2) ) } '
  16 #             command(s) / parameters passed to awk
  19 # Now, pipe the parameters to awk.
  20     echo -n "Hypotenuse of $1 and $2 = "
  21     echo $1 $2 | awk "$AWKSCRIPT"
  22 #   ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  23 # An echo-and-pipe is an easy way of passing shell parameters to awk.
  25 exit
  27 # Exercise: Rewrite this script using 'bc' rather than awk.
  28 #           Which method is more intuitive?