#!/bin/bash # quote-fetch.sh: Download a stock quote. E_NOPARAMS=86 if [ -z "$1" ] # Must specify a stock (symbol) to fetch. then echo "Usage: `basename $0` stock-symbol" exit $E_NOPARAMS fi stock_symbol=$1 file_suffix=.html # Fetches an HTML file, so name it appropriately. URL='http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=' # Yahoo finance board, with stock query suffix. # ----------------------------------------------------------- wget -O ${stock_symbol}${file_suffix} "${URL}${stock_symbol}" # ----------------------------------------------------------- # To look up stuff on http://search.yahoo.com: # ----------------------------------------------------------- # URL="http://search.yahoo.com/search?fr=ush-news&p=${query}" # wget -O "$savefilename" "${URL}" # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Saves a list of relevant URLs. exit $? # Exercises: # --------- # # 1) Add a test to ensure the user running the script is on-line. # (Hint: parse the output of 'ps -ax' for "ppp" or "connect." # # 2) Modify this script to fetch the local weather report, #+ taking the user's zip code as an argument.