#!/bin/bash # mail-format.sh (ver. 1.1): Format e-mail messages. # Gets rid of carets, tabs, and also folds excessively long lines. # ================================================================= # Standard Check for Script Argument(s) ARGS=1 E_BADARGS=85 E_NOFILE=86 if [ $# -ne $ARGS ] # Correct number of arguments passed to script? then echo "Usage: `basename $0` filename" exit $E_BADARGS fi if [ -f "$1" ] # Check if file exists. then file_name=$1 else echo "File \"$1\" does not exist." exit $E_NOFILE fi # ----------------------------------------------------------------- MAXWIDTH=70 # Width to fold excessively long lines to. # ================================= # A variable can hold a sed script. # It's a useful technique. sedscript='s/^>// s/^ *>// s/^ *// s/ *//' # ================================= # Delete carets and tabs at beginning of lines, #+ then fold lines to $MAXWIDTH characters. sed "$sedscript" $1 | fold -s --width=$MAXWIDTH # -s option to "fold" #+ breaks lines at whitespace, if possible. # This script was inspired by an article in a well-known trade journal #+ extolling a 164K MS Windows utility with similar functionality. # # An nice set of text processing utilities and an efficient #+ scripting language provide an alternative to the bloated executables #+ of a clunky operating system. exit $?