#!/bin/bash # dialog.sh: Using 'gdialog' widgets. # Must have 'gdialog' installed on your system to run this script. # Or, you can replace all instance of 'gdialog' below with 'kdialog' ... # Version 1.1 (corrected 04/05/05) # This script was inspired by the following article. # "Scripting for X Productivity," by Marco Fioretti, # LINUX JOURNAL, Issue 113, September 2003, pp. 86-9. # Thank you, all you good people at LJ. # Input error in dialog box. E_INPUT=85 # Dimensions of display, input widgets. HEIGHT=50 WIDTH=60 # Output file name (constructed out of script name). OUTFILE=$0.output # Display this script in a text widget. gdialog --title "Displaying: $0" --textbox $0 $HEIGHT $WIDTH # Now, we'll try saving input in a file. echo -n "VARIABLE=" > $OUTFILE gdialog --title "User Input" --inputbox "Enter variable, please:" \ $HEIGHT $WIDTH 2>> $OUTFILE if [ "$?" -eq 0 ] # It's good practice to check exit status. then echo "Executed \"dialog box\" without errors." else echo "Error(s) in \"dialog box\" execution." # Or, clicked on "Cancel", instead of "OK" button. rm $OUTFILE exit $E_INPUT fi # Now, we'll retrieve and display the saved variable. . $OUTFILE # 'Source' the saved file. echo "The variable input in the \"input box\" was: "$VARIABLE"" rm $OUTFILE # Clean up by removing the temp file. # Some applications may need to retain this file. exit $? # Exercise: Rewrite this script using the 'zenity' widget set.